02x03 - The Americanization of Machiko - August 4, 1953

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Quantum Leap" Aired: March 26, 1989 – May 5, 1993.*
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Former scientist Sam is trapped in time due to an experiment gone awry, leaping into different bodies each week.
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02x03 - The Americanization of Machiko - August 4, 1953

Post by bunniefuu »

Traveling through time is a lot like
leaping out of the frying pan...

and into the fire.

Sometimes it goes
from bad to worse.

Then again, sometimes I get the
satisfaction of a job well done.

Unfortunately, as soon as one job
ends, another one begins.

- And until I get my bearings,
- Come on, sailor boy, move.

- I always feel a little lost at sea.
- Let's go. Hey!


Oh, my God. I'm Popeye.

Most people would be completely
disoriented by stepping off a bus...

and not knowing where,
much less who, they were.

But leaping into the unknown
had given me a detective's instincts.

I'd leaped back as
Charles Lee Mackenzie,

Aviation Machinists Mate,
Second Class, U.S. Navy.

Japanese yen and the sea bag told me
he was shipping home from the Far East.

And home appeared to be...

Oak Creek, Ohio, August 4, 1953.


Charlie! Welcome home.

- Dad?
- It's good to see you.

Don't they feed you in the navy?
You're as thin as a cornstalk.

Throw that thing in there.


You remember that old gal, Lois
Thurman, who lived half mile east of us?

Well, her... her old man
stopped coming around,

and so she finally
just gave it all up...

and she moved
out west to Arizona.

I think she retired.
Last I heard, she retired.

She's out there living
with the jackrabbits.

She was a good ol' gal.
I liked her. Do you remember her?

It wasn't exactly Indiana, but this
leap made me feel like I was going home.

Maybe because
there was something about Henry...

His smile, his laugh.

Something reminded me
of my own dad.

You remember her?
She's had two calves.

She's calved twice
since you been in the navy.

She was a good ol'Jersey heifer.

Sandy? Sandy...

Howdy, ma'am.

What the hell...

Pardon me, ma'am.

My name is Machiko Mackenzie.

What are you doing
here in Oak Creek?

I try to find a husband...

To find my husband.

You lost your husband?

Yeah, well...

Yeah, you just come on.
Go with me.

You make the best lemonade
in Maddox County, Lenore.

Well, save some for Charlie.
I'm out of lemons.

Hey, you know that big
surprise Charlie wrote you about?


Well, I bet that he's finally
gonna ask me to marry him.

Huh. I think he'd have
wrote you about that.

Well, he's just lucky
that I waited.

The way I heard it,
you didn't exactly wait, Naomi.

What I meant, Lenore,

is wait to get married.

I don't know if getting married would
be the best thing for Charlie right now.

Naomi, where did you
get these flowers?

- Alongside the road. Why?
- Honestly. They're filled with bugs.

You're supposed to
shake them off before you...

- Oh, he's home!
- Charlie!

Oh, Charlie!

Charlie! Charlie! Charlie.

- Oh, I can't believe you're home!
- Mom?

Oh, I can't believe
it's been two years.

Oh, look at you!
You look so different.

Well, yeah,
I-I know what you mean.

Well, aren't you even
gonna say hello?

- Hmm?
- Uh, hi.

Oh, you can do
better than that, Charlie.

Aren't you gonna tell me
how good I look?

You haven't changed a bit.

I'm a brunette now, Charlie.

It's so hot. I thought we'd sit outside.
I made some lemonade.

Now, Naomi, you let Charlie
sit a few minutes.

- Okay.
- Henry, take his things upstairs.

Oh, gosh. No, that's okay.
I'll get it, Dad.

Your father
will take care of it.

Uh, it's all right.
Uh, I've got it.

It's so good to have you home.

Now you sit down
and have some lemonade.

And I'm gonna
get you some brownies.

Mm, alone at last.

Naomi, wanna come
help me in the kitchen?

Bye, Charles.

Come on!

I've always loved
a farm in the summer.

The smell of corn,
wheat rustling in the breeze.

The sounds of calves
mooing after their mothers.

- It always takes me home.
- Personally, I'd rather be in Vegas.

Vegas? Al, how can you say that?
Look around you.

I did look around. I'm glad I'm a hologram.
I almost stepped in it.

You're hopeless.
Just tell me what I'm here to do.

Well, all we know is that you...
er, Charlie...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- That's your name, Charlie.

You got hooked by
Naomi, and you have a miserable marriage.

So Ziggy figures you're
here to keep Charlie

from tying the knot with
the bottled brunette.

Who, come to think of it,
would fit in perfect in Vegas.

- That's it?
- Yeah.

It's a piece of cake.
Ziggy figures, uh, 97%.

Course, there's always that
three percent margin of error.

Hey, Charlie. Looks like you
put a few pounds on there.

- What in the world?
- Mrs. Mackenzie.

- Mr. Mackenzie.
- Oh, what can we do for you, Herman?

Well, I found this lady
wandering on Main Street,

and she claims
that she's married to your son.

Uh-oh, Sam.
Trouble in River City.

Well, I never heard
of such a thing.

Herman, is this
your idea of a joke?

No, ma'am. She says
she's Mrs. Charlie Mackenzie.

Uh, jump in anytime
you feel like it, Sam.

Don't blame me.
Blame Ziggy.


Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie?

I am most honored to meet
the family of my husband.


We didn't go back
far enough, Sam.

Mrs. Mackenzie,
for you, dozo.

Thank you.
No, thank you.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing's wrong.

It's just that I already have
a bathrobe.

There's plenty wrong.
They never accepted her.

She had to go back to Japan, alone and
heartbroken, and she never remarried.

Mr. Mackenzie,
I would be honored to wash your feet.

Oh, come again?

That's an ancient ritual
in parts of Japan, Sam.

When the daughter-in-law
meets the father-in-law,

she washes his feet and then dries
it with her hair. Kind of a...

It's a Japanese custom.

Oh, well, uh...

- I suppose if it's a custom.
- Henry!

We're not in Japan.

Well, I reckon you kids
must be pretty tuckered out.

Charlie, where'd you learn
to speak that gibberish?

You speak seven modern languages
and four dead ones, Sam.

The boy has been in Japan
for the last two years, Lenore.

We got your old room
all fixed up.

They can't stay
in the same room together.

Uh, just till Reverend Felcher
gets you married proper.

Um, until we get
married again...

in America,

it would be better
to honor my parents' wishes.

- Nicely done, Sam.
- She can have the summer porch.

The spare room will do fine.
That's Eileen's room.

It's not a shrine.
But that's Eileen's room.

Who is Eileen?

Charlie's sister.

She died over a year ago.

Such news saddens my heart.

Well, come on, Mach...

- Machiko.
- Yeah, Machiko.

Come on, Machiko.
Come see some bare-butt sh*ts...

I've got of Charlie
when he was a baby.

Charlie, how could you?

- How could I what, Mom?
- What?

You just waltz in here
with that Japanese bride...

and expect me to take her in?

How could you do this to me?

I wasn't thinking of it
as doing something to you.

That woman will never
be part of my family.

Do you hear me?

Good morning.

Did something spill?

Oh, no.
I clean kitchen floor.

My kitchen floor's clean enough
for anybody that wears shoes.


Rice? I wanted to
help make breakfast.

We don't eat rice
for breakfast in America.

And I don't need any help.
Thank you.

Mother, look what Charlie
brought us back from Japan.

Mm-mmm. It smells much better
than that stuff we drink in bags.

What's wrong?
American tea isn't good enough for you?

Where's Machiko?
Outside, pouting.

- There's something strange about Charlie.
- Strange?

He's... different.

Well, he's a man now.

No, it's something else.

The look in his eyes.

A mother can tell.

She did it to him.

What's the matter?


It's the shoes, isn't it?
It's worse than peeling onions.

Come on. What?

I try to please your mother.

I cook rice, clean floor.

Do smelly shoes to show respect.

But I'm afraid
she very angry with me.

She's not angry.
She's just...

This is all
a big change for her.

She's just not used to it yet.

You know what?
You're gonna have to change too.

You're not a servant.
You're my wife.

But is wife's duty to serve
her husband and his family?

It's not a duty. It's a choice.
You're in America now.

I see your mother
do everything for Henry-san.

Yeah, well, um...

Henry worked very hard
for a long time.

- Now he's retired. And...
- Oh.

I think all men in Japan
must be retired.

No. What I mean is,

in this country,

the woman can decide for
herself what she wants to do...

or what she wants to be,
just like a man.

She has what we call
"equal rights."

You mean, in States,
man and woman "same-u, same-u"?

Same-u, same-u.
The man can take care of the house.

The woman can have a job.

- You big joker, you.
- No, it's true.

- Now, Charlie-san,
- Hmm.

- Give to me our wallet.
- What for?

If a wife have equal right,

then husband's money
is wife's money too, ne?

Uh, well, yeah.

If I'm American, I want to have
American dress, like Naomi-san.


I could use a
couple new shirts. Um...

You wanna drive into town?

You teach me to drive a car?

Charlie-san, yes, please.

Watch the road. Okay.

- And we go faster. Hmm?
- Faster?

You're already in second.

Okay, now, now,
slip it into third.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

That's good. That's...
That's great. That's just fine.

Turn right. Turn right here.
Th-That's it.

- Right.
- There you go. Okay.

Don't let it stall.

Why did you do that?

Such beautiful flowers.

Is it all right for us to
take some home to your mother?

Uh, yeah.
I think she'd like that. Ahh.

Good brakes, ne?

Must be made in Japan.

Why are you looking
at them like that?

Far away, all daisies are alike.

they make beautiful garden.

But if you look close, you can see
a little difference in each one,

and remember its beauty
a whole lifetime.

Americanizing Machiko seemed like
the best way to help Lenore accept her,

but she had an inner beauty,
uniquely Japanese,

that I hoped she would
never have to lose

in order to blend in with
all the other daisies.

Is... Is that an old
Japanese custom?

No. I shake bugs off.

Oh, I'll drive.
L-Let me drive.

Machiko, in America,

the wife walks next to the
husband, not behind him.

What's your problem?

You forget how to speak English?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Charlie, it's good to have you home.
Don't worry about old Rusty there.

He's still fighting World w*r II.

Hey, come on inside. I got a new shipment.
Latest fashions. Come on.

W-Well, we'll think
of these as training heels.

We'll have you in pumps
by New Year's.

- Thanks for the ride, Pastor.
- Why, no problem at all.

And we sure appreciate all your
help with the church picnic.

Do you think Charlie and his wife will
feel well enough to be there tomorrow?

Oh, no. Uh,
that Japanese food they brought back

with them has them both
flat on their back.

Oh, I love it
when you're angry, Charlie.

What are you doing here?

Well, I haven't really
welcomed you home yet, have I?

Oh, Charlie,
remember in high school...

when we used to
crawl under the bleachers?

- I'm married now.
- I know.

But it's not your fault. You were far away
from home. Cut off from your own kind.

- Look. You don't understand.
- I do.

Charlie, you made a mistake, and now
you're trying to do the right thing.

Oh, Charlie,
you make me so crazy.

Oh, touch me, Charlie.

Touch me everywhere.

Taking a little time-out
for a roll in the hay, Sam?

This is not what it looks like.

Charlie, you don't have to
pretend with me.

When I think of all the times you
tried to make me feel like a sleaze.


Do you know if little Machiko came in
here right now, it would break her heart.

- Charlie.
- Can't you see that she cornered me?

Yes! But there's a way out.

- Look. Just...
- Daddy knows a lawyer.

- Let me up.
- No.

- Oh, yeah. Yes.
- Naomi, listen to me.

- Yes!
- I'm... I'm married now.

Sam, cut to the chase, will you? Tell her
to put an egg in her shoe and beat it.

Stop it, Naomi.

Uh, Sam, uh,
I think we got a problem here.

Naomi, I'm just trying to say that
I think we should just go down...

Yeah. Really?

And forget that the
whole thing every happened.


I see your daughter-in-law
is up and on her feet.


- Machiko.
- Naomi!

- Reverend Felcher.
- Oh!

Oh, boy.

Then I climbed up
to help Charlie get unstuck,

but we both fell off,
and that's how my shirt came undone.

You see, I knew there had to be
a simple explanation.

And what was she doing running
around here half naked?

Don't ask me.
I'm just as shocked as y'all are.

Ha! The only thing that'd shock
her would be a cattle prod.

Well, Charles?

- Uh, well...
- Sam, I was stationed in Japan.

And I know in those remote areas,
the women, when they worked in the fields,

they take their top off
all the time in the summer.

- In Japan, when it's hot,
- It was hot. No problem.

In fields, it's okay for women
to work that way.

She... She didn't realize that...
That... that it would offend anyone.

Well, live and learn.

You tell her we're not offended, Charlie.
It's forgotten.

We wanna see the whole family
at the picnic.

We'll all be there.
Thanks, Earl.

Take care, Betty.

Well, excitement's over.
Let's have supper. I'm starved.

How can you even think about
your stomach at a time like this?

I have never been
so humiliated in my life.

And as far as that picnic is
concerned, you can just go without me.

- Oh, Judas Priest.
- I will not be gawked at.

Nobody's gonna
gawk at you, Lenore.

- Like nobody gawked at Eileen?
- Is that what this is about?

I'm not going to the picnic tomorrow.
And that's that.

And they say only Orientals
have to save face.


Naomi, please, just...

Stay away from me.

Do you love her?

Well, we're married, aren't we?

But do you love her?

Just read my lips: Charlie
Mackenzie loves Machiko.

Can I show you something?

Remember this, Charlie?


You've been gone a long time.

You got lonely. I understand that.
I got lonely too.

But you're home now, Charlie.

With my wife.

You just can't
throw me away, Charlie.

Not after waiting two years.
Not after what I did for Eileen.

What's Eileen
have to do with this?

Who do you think stood by her
when she got knocked up?

Everybody else was laughing at her,
and I was her friend.

She would have driven off that bridge a lot
sooner than she did if it wasn't for me.

Eileen committed su1c1de.

Sheriff says it was an accident,
but I think she just wanted to...

- check out.
- Oh, God.

Charlie, Charlie,
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

Naomi, look.

I appreciate
what you did for Eileen.

But I'm married, and...

- what we had is over.
- No, Charlie.

- Naomi. Naomi!
- No!

It's over.

All right. Fine.

Then, um...

I guess that, um,

all that's left for me to do now
is to be your friend.



I look American.
Oh, yes, very American.

Now, remember what I told you.
When you first meet someone,

be sure to compliment them
just the way I said, okay?

- Aso. Thank you, Naomi-san.
- Ah, don't mention it, honey.

You are going to make
a real lasting impression.

Ah, well, um, I know that you already
know the reverend and his wife.

This is Mr. and Mrs. Ellis.
This is Mrs. Charlie Mackenzie.

- Mr. Ellis is our mayor.
- Well, pleased to meet you.

on your prosperity.

You and your wife
are very, very fat.

I-I'm sure in Japan...

the customs are quite different
than they are here.

Well, Machiko, I guess
we'd better be going now.

Well, I never!

Naomi-san, you lied to me
about American custom.

Now, why would I do that?

I think you are
not very nice person.

Charlie-san, take me home.

Why? Did Naomi do this?

- I have shamed you.
- No, Machiko.

You could never shame me.

I told Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
they are fat.

Well, they...
They are kinda big.

I insult your friends.
No one here will ever like me.

I like you.

But you are my husband.

I'm a little biased.

My dad is crazy about you.
Now, that's two of us.

But your mother,
I feel she will never like me.

Well, you're just gonna
have to give her a little time.

She'll come around.


That's my pretty girl.
You like baseball?

k*ll the ump!

Hey, you understand baseball.

Play ball!

Come on now.

All right.



You okay?

You okay? Rusty, he used to play
Triple-A ball before the w*r.

Takes the game real serious.

You know something, Sam.

I would have given him a pop
on the lip, 'cause he deserves it.

What's the point?

Well, it would have
made me feel better.

All right.

Let's tag one.

- Hey!
- Beanball! That was a beanball, ump!

Easy, Rusty.
This isn't pro ball.

- What's the matter with you?
- He's throwing at my man's head.

- Play ball.
- You got a problem there, ump.

You're all right, Charlie. You're all
right. Get 'em. Get 'em. Let's go.

All right, Sam.
Just make contact now.

Sam, lean into this one.
The first two were inside.

This is gonna be on the outside.

Bongo! All right!
Go for it!

Sam, look out!

- What is your problem?
- I hate Japs!

No, Charlie-san, please.
No fight, please!

Sam, pop him one for me.
Pop him right in the lip.

Give him a fat lip.

Jerk, he deserves it.

Machiko, you go inside.
I'll go help with the animals.

You all right?

Come help me with the stock.

Get them hens.
Come on. Come on.

Don't just stand there.
Get down in the storage cellar.

Yes, Mrs. Mackenzie.

Hello? Delores?

What's the matter?

I can't talk to you right now.
There's a storm coming in.

She said what?


- Why do you do that?
- Mrs. Mackenzie?

- That.
- It is a custom to show respect.

Respect? What do you know of respect?
Telling people how fat they are.

Please, Mrs. Mackenzie.
It was a mistake.

- I'm sick of your mistakes.
- I beg your forgiveness.

- You can beg till hell freezes over.
- Please, Mrs. Mackenzie.

Don't touch me! Don't talk to me!
Don't even look at me!

Come on. Get in.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

- Where's Machiko?
- I don't know.

- She's not still upstairs, is she?
- No.

- Well, where is she?
- She went out.

- Out? What do you mean out?
- God knows what these people do.

She's probably running naked in the wind.
Charlie! Where are you going?

- After my wife.
- Come back down here!

- Henry, do something!
- You've already done it!

Please let me out.

Not too talkative, are you?

Well, maybe that's why
Charlie married you, huh?


- Al!
- Rusty's got her.

- Where?
- At his place.

Go back. Go the other way at
the intersection. Hurry up!

Hey, you ever see that movie
called The Best Years of Our Lives?

Must not have hit
Tokyo yet, huh?

Well, see, there's this guy in the
picture, an American, and he goes overseas.

And he comes back after he gets
both of his arms blown off.

Cut off at the elbows.


I'm that guy.

I spent four years
rotting away in the Pacific,

when I should have been here
playing ball.

You see, I had an arm.

Yankees wanted me. The Orioles,
the Indians. They all wanted me.

I had a curve, a sinker.

Fastball that would
vanish across the plate.

But, you see, I came back.

And they were gone.

Just like one of you Japs
cut it off.

You know what it's like
to lose an arm?

Hey, where you going?

Come on.


Stay inside.

Come here! Come on!

Sam! Sam!
Machiko's been hurt!

I think she might be dying!
Sam, hurry up!

Is she all right?

Yeah, I think so. Uh...

We won't be sure
for a couple more hours.

We've been praying for her.

Have you?

I'm a Christian.

Then show it.

Walk into that room and let Machiko know
that you care whether she lives or dies.

- I can't.
- Why not?

I won't do for her
what I couldn't do for Eileen.

I wanted to forgive her.

My baby.
Everybody snickering.

I forgave her in my heart, Charlie,

but I just...

couldn't get myself
to say it to her face.

And when I did, it was too late.

They brought her here
after the accident,

to this room.

I told her that I didn't care
what other folks thought.

That she was my baby and I was
gonna love her no matter what.

She didn't hear me.

Machiko can hear you, Mom.

I can't do for her
what I couldn't do for Eileen.

Some people can never forgive.

Not even themselves.

Oh, boy.

You know, uh,
I just love weddings.

And maybe it's because
I've done it... five times.

- Al, I'm sweating here.
- You didn't the first time.

- I'm married?
- Just kidding.

Al, look. If I don't leap out of here soon,
I'm gonna get married in the eyes of...

Don't worry about it. You'll leap out
of here as soon as Lenore comes around.

- You think she ever will?
- Of course. They always do.

Uh, after the birth
of the first kid.

I'm sorry, Charlie.
I had hoped your mama-san would come.

- Me too.
- Turn and face me, please.

Dearly beloved,
we are gathered together...

to join this man and this
woman in holy matrimony.

Sayonara, Sam.
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