02x04 - The Meeting

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x04 - The Meeting

Post by bunniefuu »


Have you ever
seen such hairy pigs?

Now, for all you all that
are new to Hazzard County

folks here tend to
be very individualistic.

Like if there ain't no road
going to where they're going

they'll make one.

Especially if it's the
Dukes doing the going.

We told Cooter,
we have to test out

these new shocks
before we bought 'em.

I can't figure out any better
way than this, can you?

I'm sure the shocks can take it.

I just ain't sure
my kidneys can.

I love it. I love it. I
got 'em. I got 'em.

Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff Cletus.

'This is your leader
and superior officer'

'Sheriff Rosco
P. Coltrane here.'

I have just caught the
Duke boys going a half mile

over the speed limit
with my new radar g*n.

Sounds like, maybe their...
speedometer is out of whack

and they don't know.
I'll give 'em a warning?

Cletus, listen. I don't care if
you're Boss Hogg's cousin.

If you don't make this
arrest and you goof up

I'm gonna have your
tail for an ugly throw rug.

You got that, boy?

Yes, sir. I hope so.

Please tell me that's
a fire truck behind us.

Alright. That's a
fire truck behind us.

'But Rosco's drivin' it.'

I don't know why he's chasing
us. We're only going .

Knowing Rosco, he'll figure out
some excuse after he catches us.

Ain't no way I'm
gonna let him do that.

Hang on.

- Hang on.
- Alright.

Those hicks really know
how to tool their wheels.

Yeah, local fuzz
ain't bad either.

- Yeah.
- This is Mother.

The boys want the
word on a meeting place.


We put that out over
the air and it'll make

the St. Valentine's Day m*ssacre
look like Sunday school picnic.

We'll get in touch when the boss
works somethin' out with Curly.

Guess who, Curly?

Money... manicure... garlic.

Black Jack Bender!

- So it is.
- Curly Hogg.

I ain't seen you...

Since you was running
shyin' to Chicago

and I was picking
it up for the..

- Syndicate.
- Organization.

Sure are a sight for
these tired old eyes.


Don't it just warm
your heart to see folks

of different cultures
hit it off so good?

Lot of cement overcoats under
the bridge since then, Curly?

You ain't still in that
business, are you?

You're kidding. That kind of
stuff went out with Capone.


Right now, I'm as
legit as you are.

I wish you could put it a mite
more reassuring than that.

I thought you're
tryin' to lose Rosco.

Luke, fish gotta take the
bait before we can reel him in.


- Looks like he's okay.
- Hit it.


So, I turned over a new leaf.

Even took English
lessons at college.

Remember, how I didn't
use to talk so good?

Now I'm what you
might call the purveyor

of recreational paraphernalia
to the younger generation.

- It's a toy business.
- Oh, toy business?

'Sounds right peaceful,
compared to the old days.'

Ever hear of...
industrial spies?


They're trying to steal
my new toy design.

Well, I'll be..

So, that's why me and
my associates would give..

Ten grand for a meeting
place that'd be safe for hours.

To work out the design.

How about the Hogg Hotel?

All I gotta do is evict Widow
Stargrass from her suite.

It's too public.

Then, how about
Hogg's Incognito Motel?

Everybody registers
under the name of Smith.

- Too private.
- Alright, there is one spot.

We try to keep people in.

There's no reason it
won't work the other way.

I'm talking about the
Hazzard County jail.

You know, Curly, you lost
your hair, but not your brains.

- Ten grand.
- Ah-ha!

Get the other half when
the meeting is over.

Providing there is no
outside interference.

Black Jack, for this kinda
money I'd keep out the army

the navy, the marine corps,
the air force and the boy scouts.

Not to mention, the
Hazzard County Commission

of Animal Regulation.

- Dog catcher?
- That's right.

- You?
- Me.

Where's your phone?

Uh, payphone's right over there.

Young lady, uh..

I was wondering if you
could change this here bill.

I need coins to call my aged
mother. Keeps her happy.

- I got my tips here.
- Thanks, honey.

Keep the change.

Mister, you just
gave me bucks!

Sorry, I never carry
anything smaller.

Hello, Mother. This is
B.J., your ever-loving son.

'Tell the boys to head out for
a hick county called Hazzard.'

- 'Meet me at the courthouse.'
- Boss, it makes 'em nervous.

I don't care if it does
make 'em nervous

considering their
current legal status.

Just tell 'em to get the
lead up and be there.

'Right, boss.'

- See you in jail, Curly.
- Yeah, alright.

How can a fella like
that be so polite to me

and so rude to his mother?

Drive me to the county jail.

And no wisecracks.

Seeing as how that river is too
shallow for even Rosco to drown

I figure, Cletus ought to be
pulling him out right about now.

Well, great, that'll
give us a clear shot

at testing out these new shocks.

Ain't you got us into
enough trouble for one day?

Look, Luke, I promise
you. Just one more jump.

If you don't get this fixed fast

the others are gonna get
to the jail before we do.

Sorry, boss. Can't figure
why the engine clogged out.

And you majored
in auto mechanics

in a federal pen.

Not very bright.

Alright, hang on, cousin.

If they can take this,
they can take anything.

What're you talking?
Shocks or kidneys?

- 'Yee-haw!'
- Duck.

All that crazy stunts.

You dang near took the hat
off that one with the briefcase.

I'm telling you, dang
near only counts

in horseshoes and hand grenades.

We better go back there
and apologize. Come on.


What do you guys think
you're doing? I gotta...

I'll give you a $ to drive
me to the jailhouse post-haste.

That's only about ten miles.
Sure, mister. We'll take that.

Wait a minute.

A bucks for
five minutes work?

Well, that'd be like
high.. A highway robbery.

Then one of you drives
and the other stays here

'and helps these two
mechanical geniuses fix the car.'

Well, you put it like that,
mister, you got yourself a deal.

Yeah, well, maybe it's the
carburetor or something.

Excuse me.

I don't like the way
this day is starting.

I don't like it at all.

A car with doors
that won't open.

Easy. Very easy.

Hey, look. Here
comes another $ . .

Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Well, step right inside, sir.

Door at the end
of the little path.

And on behalf of Hazzard
County, I wanna welcome you

to the toy capital of the world.

Hold it, punk. You're
wilting my boutonniere.

Watch this.

'I ain't never seen
Cooter jump like that'

'just 'cause Boss whistled.'

'Cause you ain't never seen Boss

pay $ . just to
polish and garage

his out of state
limos before either.

Come on. Come on. Move that.

Alright, come on. Come on.

Yeah! Oh! He-he.

Hogg's the name.
Jefferson Davis Hogg.

But you can call me Boss.

The other way around,
fatso. You call me boss.

- Here, take care of that.
- What? Oh, ah-h!

Well, he sure
ain't very friendly.

You can't hardly blame him for
not wanting to shake Boss' hand.

That's just good hygiene.

Say, I know you
from the old days.

You always flipping a
coin, huh? Just like that.

- 'You're using a dollar now.'
- Inflation, shorty.

'Yeah, I know what you mean.'

Toy convention.

- Hey, y'all.
- Huh?

Look here.

I don't think these guys
are going rabbit hunting.

I don't know about
y'all, but I don't think

'em city boys come to
Hazzard to hunt possums.

So after Cooter
found all 'em g*ns

we decided to check
the rest of the limos too.

'What'd you find?'

Uncle Jesse, let me
put it to you this way.

If the south had
that much a*tillery

we'd have never lost Atlanta.

I don't like the sound of it.

Them kinda g*ns is illegal,
a lot of people could get hurt.

Friends, neighbors, even
some folks we don't care about.

For the good of Hazzard
County, we better find out

'what them dudes is up to.'

Since we can't trust the
sheriff, I guess it's up to us.

What do you mean,
us? You coming too?

What do you think?


Ain't that nice?

We just don't see many families
having fun together nowadays.

Y'all know why we're here.

The organization we built
with our own sweat and blood

has fallen into unfriendly hands

specifically those
of our own sons.

My own kids won't let
me go near the docks.

What are you talking about?

I ain't allowed into my own
horse parlors. I ain't even...

They even got
lookouts to turn me back

if I want to get
into Atlantic City..

Me, who invented the six
slot machine Jackpot Parlay.

- You know what?
- What?

- You're a genius.
- I know.

Time we teach them
young punks a lesson.

We gave 'em the gambling,
loan sharking, the black market

'the broads and the booze.'

To coin a phrase, "What
the godfathers giveth.."

"Godfathers can taketh away."


I've come to see my boyfriend

Deputy Sheriff Cletus Hawk.

Sorry, honey, he's
out to breakfast.

But it's almost noon.

So? He's a big eater.

Wait a minute.

In that case

we'll just have a few
words with Sheriff Coltrane.

Gramps, if you don't get
your foot out of the door

it'll wind up in a plastic cast.

Well, it's out.

- They don't want nobody in.
- Uh-huh.

I guess, we're just gonna
have to change their minds.

How you planning on doing that?

Looks like one of us is gonna
have to get himself arrested.

Boss, you know what bothered me?

Not only did Bo Duke try to
drown me but when I got back

to my office, I couldn't even
get in and change my uniform.

Well, keep your shirt on.
Get it? Keep your shirt on.

Rosco, I rented out
your office, the jailhouse

and everything else
there for the next hours.

- You, Boss, you-you..
- Hey, hey!

What're you trying
to do, you numbskull?

- Electrocute us both?
- Oh, I-I'm sorry about that.

B-Boss, did I hear you right?
You rented out my office?

Now, why would
you do a thing like it?

Well, I did it for
a thing like this.


That's % of a $ , bill.

That's a cute little devil.

- Uh..
- Mm.

I'll just plug that in there...

And I'm gonna split
that with you, fifty-fifty.

You mean to tell me, you're
gonna split fifty-fifty with me?

I love it. I love it.

That's right. I'm
gonna give you %

of % of my %
when I get the other %

of that $ , bill on..

- One condition.
- One condition.

For the next hours,
there ain't gonna be

no arrests in Hazzard County.

No arrest.

Whatever they do,
whoever they are..

Nobody's gonna
be put in that jail.

Ain't going to put 'em in there.

- Nobody.
- Nobody. Not even the Dukes?

- Especially them Dukes.
- Especially them Dukes.

That's right. And Rosco,
if you let them Dukes

upset the apple
cart one more time

you will wind up..

- The night rent-a-cop.
- The night rent-a-cop

at Shorty's all-night rib shack.

- And pool hole.
- And pool hole.

You missed a
little spot, it's here.


Bo, here he comes.

Daisy, what do you got for a
very nervous and upset stomach?

Why, sure, Rosco. Let me
serve you up some pig's feet.

What do you mean you
ain't paying? It's your turn.

That's what I said, I ain't
gonna pay for them beers.

That's how you shucked and
jived me into paying the last time.

Wait a minute, are
you calling me a liar?

Yeah, you're damn
right, I'm calling you a liar.

Luke! Listen, Luke.

- Rosco, he started it.
- I don't care who started it.

That's right, Rosco. I started
it and I'm gonna finish it.

Well, listen. Now, listen.

If that don't do it,
ain't nothing will.

Rosco, look, I'm a
peaceful old man.

But it wouldn't hurt
my feelings one bit

if you was to throw them
two in jail... post-haste.

Mm-hm, go on.

Oh, you..

Alright. Alright. You
know what I'm gonna do?

- I'm gonna...
- Forget the whole thing.

Forget the whole thing.

Now, there's nothing
else you can do.

Uh, you see, for next
hours, that jail is being fumigated.

So, there's no use
arresting anybody

if you ain't got a
place to put 'em.

'Oh, which reminds me,
uh, Daisy, look sharp now.'

Set some tables up and
deliver a dozen catfish

'and Champagne
lunches to the jailhouse'

'for that fumigating crew.'

And charge the whole mess to me.

Okay, Boss.

I don't know about you boys

but when Boss Hogg starts
giving away something for free

I smell a rat.

Yeah, we smell it
too, but we just can't

figure out how to
get into that jailhouse.

Hey, that ought
to be easy enough.

Seeing as how Boss
was kind enough

to supply us with the answer.

What do you mean?

Twelve catfish and
Champagne dinners.

Coming right up.

Hi. Got your lunch here, sugar.

You two just stand
aside and me and Cooter

is gonna wheel it right in.

Thanks for the company,
we can handle it.

Catfish! This thing's heavy!

Well, there's never
been anything light

about Hazzard County cooking.


I don't like this one bit.

If they ain't out of
there in minutes

I'm gonna load up for
bear and go in and get 'em.

In the meantime,
we got work to do

so, we better just go
ahead with the plan.

This thing's heavy.

Before we cut up that
lunch, how about we finish

cutting up the numbers racket?

I'll take the south east,
working out of Miami.

Oh, that's great. While you're
on a beach pickin' up a suntan

I'm in Chicago up
to my ears in icicles.

We'll call you when
we're ready to eat.

You want hot? I'll give you hot.

Give me your numbers in Chicago,
I'll give you my loan sharking

'in Vegas and you got hot.'

As long as he doesn't
muscle in on my slot machines.

Last joker who tried
that is still in the bottom

of Lake Mead...
stuffed with nickels.

Well, genius.

This time, I really
stuck my foot in it.

Mafia Summit Meeting.

Let's amscray.

Hands, don't fail me now.

Ha-ha. Well, hi, fellas. It
sure is nice to see y'all again.

'A little coffee after lunch?'

Rogers, find that scruffy
rube that runs the garage.

We need a car to take
these boys for a little ride.

You don't have to go to all
that trouble, we'll just walk out.

After what you
two heard? No way.

What my colleague means is,
uh, you shouldn't have butted in.

Just when I was
beginning to like you.

Now, wait a minute,
mister. I-I like you too

but couldn't we
just shake hands?

There ain't been a
handshake invented that means

what that kiss does, hayseed.

Cousin, he just gave
us the kiss of death.

Now, what do you think
about folks that mix up

kissing and k*lling?

- 'Okay, let's get rid of 'em.'
- 'Alright, move 'em out.'

Come on, let's go. Move it out.

Let's move it, move it, move it.

- Come on, you guys.
- Come on, you, let's move.

- That's right.
- Yeah, yeah.

Keep going. Keep
going. Come on, now.

Let's just take it easy, guys.

We don't want any
innocent by-standers

getting hurt, now, do we?

Come on, get in the car.

Hey! Where's it going?

Alright, Daisy! Way to go, babe!


I gotta drop back their package.

That broad in the red car.
She must've picked them up.

You follow 'em.
I'll get the others.

Well, they bought it.

As soon as 'em boys figure
out we ain't in General Lee

the FBI ought to be on
'em just like bees to honey.

That's providing we can get to
a phone before they get to us.

Come on.

There they go!

Move it, move it!

'Let's go, let's go!'

Come on, come on.
They went this way.

- Where'd they go?
- Where'd they go?

- Up?
- Up.

Alright, they've
gotta be around.

You guys, to the right.
You come with me.

Cooter's gonna be mad at
us for breaking his window.

Hey, we're in a state of
siege. All's fair in love and w*r.

- Come on.
- Right.

Hello, Maybell. Give
me the FBI in Atlanta.

Sure thing, Luke... dear.

I want every road
out of this burg cut off

till we find out where
the local stool pigeons

are nested... and pop 'em.

Eh, just hold on there,
Black Jack, old friend.

Not that I'm exactly in
love with 'em Duke boys

but I don't intend to stand
here and see 'em roughed at.

In that case,
stubby, you better sit.

- Hey, Boss.
- Dah!

- Boss.
- Oh!

Listen, I don't..

You really think those guys

are into toy
manufacturing business?

- No, ding-ding.
- No.

When I rented out
the jailhouse to 'em

I thought they was as
honest as you and me.

Hold your tongue.

What do you suppose
is keeping the FBI?

I don't know.

Let's give her a
buzz to remind her

she was supposed
to call us back.

It's too late for that now.

That was the phone
company office.

Oh, Lord!

Get the cord.

Are you alright, Maybell?

It's just that everything
happened so fast.

Those city men
came in there and...

Blew up the switchboard to
make sure, rest of the country

wouldn't know what was
happening here in Hazzard.

What're we gonna do now?
Send out a carrier pigeon?

The only chance we
got of staying alive

is to get to the FBI before
Bender and his mob gets to us.

- 'Trying to get the General?'
- Yeah.

Yee-haw! Atlanta, here we come.

I'm afraid you got it
backwards, cousin.

We're heading
the wrong direction.

Oh, I ain't. Not if you
consider what's behind us.

Black Jack from Poker One.

We just spotted those pigeons
at Oak Bridge on highway .

'They're headed south.'

That should put
'em just about there.

Yeah. It's just
where we want 'em.

- Let us know when you nail 'em.
- 'Will do, boss.'

Me rootin' for the Dukes.

I never thought I'd
live to see that day.

You might not just
live to see any day.

Ooh, ooh!

In case you hadn't thought,
Jenson's Bridge is still here.

Ain't no sweat, cousin

'cause I've jumped that
creek a dozen times.

But not with that limo right
where you usually land.

Them boys ain't kidding.

Don't ask me how
it's going to come out.

You're on your
own. I don't know.


You must be slipping.

You missed 'em
by a couple of feet.

Black Jack from Poker
One. You won't believe this.

They jumped a creek
and got past the two of us.

'What do we do now?'

Turn around. Cut off
highway at the county line.

Poker Two, do the
same on State .

Three and four, cut off
all the roads leading north.

Have I overlooked anything?

Nothing that I can think
of, Black Jack, old friend.

Except, he-he-he..

The other half of
this $ , bill.

You haven't changed a
bit, Curly. You're still all...

- Wallet.
- Eh.

Oh, he-he.

No, I-I just didn't want
you boys walk out of here

with a bad conscience
for welching.


Forget it. I didn't
say anything.

Cuz, I'm about fed
up with running away

from these guys.

You know, I guess
it's about time

for us to show 'em
just what we can do.

No, sir.

The way I see it, this ain't
just one of your everyday

Hazzard County
skirmishes against two..

Uh, local elements too
closely related to mention.

What are you talking about?

We're talking about your
Cousin Boss, you dipstick.

Oh-oh, well.

So, what we got
here is an all-out w*r

against outside forces.

Yeah. But that
ain't gonna be easy.

Considering they outnumber
us about two to one.

Yeah, that's even
if we count Daisy.

We better dang well count Daisy.

Especially since she's gonna
be the one firing the first shot.

- I am? How?
- Easy.

Just doing what comes naturally.

Hey! Hi, fellas.

Y'all are at my
favorite swimming hole.

Hope you don't mind
if I go skinny-dippin'.



'This water feels so
good on my bare body.'

'Where'd she go? What happened?'

'Ah! Eh!'

Howdy, boys. Mind
if I pass? Thank you.

Hey, ain't that the old coot

that tried to get in
the jail this morning?

Bo, Luke... brung
some grub for ya.


- 'Thanks for the tip, pops.'
- Alright, come on out.

We know you're in there.
Come out or we drag you out.

- Just come out.
- Come on, come on out.

You boys ain't quite got used
to this country living, have you?

'Hey! How're y'all doing?'

Tell me something.

Is it worth a couple of
hundred dollars to y'all

if I tell you where them
Duke boys is hiding?

Is it worth this to
you if you don't?

No. Well, I guess you just
can't win 'em all, can you?

They're in the
trunk of that car.



- Yeah!
- Ha-ha-ha.

- They're mean but they're dumb.
- Yeah.

So much for Luke's plan
to take care of the soldiers.

Now, it's Jesse's turn
to flush out the generals.

I don't like it, Jack.

We ain't been able to contact
the boys in over an hour.

Oh! Maybe that's them now.

Oh, sorry. We
gave at the office.


I appreciate you trying
to spare me the sight

of these skunks, but I
got a message for 'em.

Now, we got all your
boys. All eight of 'em.

And they're willing to
blow the whistle on you.

So... that's why we couldn't
reach the guys on the radio.

Okay, pops, so you
got our associates.

What do you want from us?

Well, long as you
got no army now..

Just give yourselves up

'and we'll see that
you get a fair trial..'

before we hang ya.

- Rosco.
- Oh, what? Huh?

Lock 'em up.

Ooh, uh, uh,
Jesse, I can't do that.

Y-you see, I-I need a warrant.

'I-I'll get the warrant
from Boss Hogg'

'before he gets out the door.'

Well, you're the justice.
Make out a warrant.

Me? Me? Jesse, I don't believe
you realize what you're asking.

Don't you realize
as long as these..

Hoodlums are free,
my boys are in danger?

Let's grab the old man.

Make his kids surrender.

Gentlemen, please.

Far be it from us to
harm a messenger

under the handkerchief of truce.

Put away them rods. All of you.

Tell your boys, we wanna
think it over, gramps.

Don't think too long, punk.

Oh, hey, thank you.
Thank you, Black Jack.

Jesse may be an old enemy

but he's an old friend too.

'Um, M-Mr. Bender.'

Now, I don't mean to
tell you your business

but you shouldn't
let old Jesse go.

His nephews are the only
ones that can testify against you.

You're right, Curly.
Your smokey is a dipstick.

Now, we're gonna borrow your car

so we can trail that old codger

right to the ones we're after.

Let's go.

Boss, what happens now?

Well, while Bender's
trailing old Jesse

we're going to be
trailing old Bender.

We gotta get those kids.
They heard everything we said.

'I'll take the wheel.'

Come on, Rosco. Take
your car and follow 'em.

- Boss?
- Yeah.

- You mind me asking a question?
- What?

- Whose side are we on?
- Whose do you think?

The winning side.

Whoever that is.

Let's go.

I can't look.

'Buckle up for safety.'

Rosco, would you... get on now.

I thought you could
drive better than this.

Boy, you're some driver.
What're you trying to do, k*ll us?



Blast it. He's going..

Yeah, we better hightail
before they catch sight of us.

Are you trying to
take us for a real ride?

Oh, shut up.

I wonder if those guys
know this is a traffic circle.

Well, Jesse does.
That's all that counts.

Now, believe it or not,
this here circle chase

is part of the Dukes' plan.

Whatever that is.

Step on it. We're losing him.

I'm doing now.

Oh, we ain't the only ones.


Forget those rubes.
Let's get the other rubes.

Dang city drivers, they made
me wreck my own patrol car.

Not to mention what
you did to this one.

- What?
- Look!

We done sprung a leak, ain't we?

You dimwit! Now, you
catch up with them fast.

Or the cost of repairs is
coming out of your pay.

- For the next years.
- Oh! I'm going.

That's them. Right in our
hands. Let's go get 'em.

Oh, Rosco, you dang
dodo-brain. You did it again.

It is a mess. Ain't it?

I guess, you're gonna
cancel my insurance now.

Because you can't
see at two feet.

- Well, I hit it, didn't I?
- I ought to hit you.

Come on, let's go.

Ha-ha-ha. What do you know.

We got the stoolies
right where we want 'em.

Now, look, mister.
Don't-don't sh**t us.

We'll, uh, we'll surrender.

W-we won't say
nothing if you let us go.

- Not a chance, sucker.
- Alright, we got 'em.

- Now what do we do with 'em?
- You know what I think?

- I think we ought to blast 'em.
- I say, no.

I say, put 'em in
cement and in the river.

Cement, cement, cement
went out years ago.

- Now. Now!
- What?

- Cut the rope now.
- Oh!


Black Jack, I beg of you.
Spare them innocent boys.

I'll put them in prison where
they'll never bother you again.

I'm afraid, you got it
all wrong, Cousin Boss.

Looks like it's gonna
be the other way around.

Well, I'll be sweet.

Well, Rosco.
You've done it again.

What? Oh!

- I did it, didn't I?
- Well, there you are.

Despite your driving left foot

we came out on the winning side.

Yeah, I've seen better
looking strings of catfish.

- Let's make a deal.
- 'I wanna talk to my lawyer.'

Hush! Now, you're
all under arrest.

Cletus, read 'em their rights.

Uh, y'all have the right to
remain silent. If you give up...

That's enough. You
know they're guilty.

You can tell by their
beady little eyes.

Don't you thr*aten me.

Southern hospitality!

Excuse me, can I help you there?

- Eh?
- Allow me.


Get on in that limousine here.

'Hey, Luke, you make sure
I get them handcuffs back.'

'W-will you get 'em in
there? Just get 'em in there.'

Excuse me, Rosco.


Naturally, Boss and
Rosco took all the credit

even though they
missed out on the cash.

Y'all don't spend it
all in oneplace, now.

Of course Rosco's % of %

of Boss' % of
that $ , bill

added up to nothing
more than %

of a massive confetti.

See y'all in church.

Daisy made sure Cletus
got a proper reward

for his part in the proceedings.

And that's how Bo and Luke
took the syndicate for a ride..

All the way to
the FBI in Atlanta.
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