02x03 - The Rustlers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x03 - The Rustlers

Post by bunniefuu »


Now, you'd think just
lookin' at Bo and Luke

that they ain't got
a care in the world

this lovely morning
at Hazzard County.

And they don't.

Can't say the same for Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane though.

Rosco just keeps
waking up in the morning

on the wrong side of the bed.

Mainly 'cause his bed
don't have no good side.

Not till that day comes
when he can catch

the Duke boys with somethin'.

What makes you think the
Dukes are up to something, sheriff?

You can tell the
way they're driving.

Doesn't that tell you something?

It's no different
than they ever do.

Heck! They even
drive to church that way.

Enos, they sure as heck are
not driving an old choir practice.

They got mesh in that car,
and that means one thing.

It means that they're
making moonshine.

And this time I'm gonna
catch 'em right in the act.

O-oh, I love it. I just love it.

Right here.

Now, this is fine. This
is good. Shut her down.

- 'Well, good morning.'
- 'Hey, Burl.'

Why we gotta haul,
feed around in this thing

when we got a perfectly
good pickup truck?

Hey, Burl.

- How are you?
- Alright.

Brought your feed.

Hey, man, I appreciate you
guys hauling this up here.

I owe y'all.

Well, let's see. Would
three beers be too steep?

Oh, howdy, Uncle Jesse.

- Bo, Luke.
- Hey, Sherry Tolliver.

- Good to see you again.
- Yeah.

- Ah, we heard about, uh..
- My marriage?

Well, it didn't work out
with the hill of beans.

Well, you know what they say.

"At first you don't succeed,
you could always.."


Uh, Burl, you said besides
bringing the feed out

you had something
you wanted to show us.

On the phone you
called it, "A miracle."

That it is. And your eyes are
gonna... bug outta your head..

Like the little..

Like the little boy who
swallowed the bull frog.

'Come on, and I'll..'

I'll show you.

All they're doing is talkin',
sheriff. Just plain talkin'.

Enos, they're not just talking.
That's called conspiracy.

That can get 'em
from two to five years.

I'll just bet my bag of marbles

they've got a steal in
Tolliver's barn down there.

Come on, we'll get
a little closer look.

- Well, you comin'?
- Oh, yes.

Come on. Enos, around the tree.

Oh, you dipstick!

Coming, sheriff.

- Here's the miracle.
- Wow..

Possum on a gumbush, sheriff!

That ain't no steal. That
there is a young horse.

Enos, I'll possum up your
gumbush, if you don't hush.

'Em Duke boys have gotta
be up to something low down.

And I'm gonna find out what.

Is he a beauty!

And fast, too.

Yeah, I've been raising...
horses now for a long time.

And breeding some
of the scrappiest stock

in Hazzard County.

Well, no..

No question about that, Jesse

but... this time, I
got all for lucky.

Me and Burl want Manases
in the big race this year.

You mean the
Hazzard County Fair?

With Mrs. J.D.
Hogg's Stakes Race?

Yeah, Bo, old Boss Hogg, he
gives away ten thousand dollars

every year to the winner.

Boy, with that kind of money,
I could pay off all my bills.

And-and-and leave
this old world the same..

The same, the same
way that I came in.

Dead even.

Burl, you know the entry
fee is $ for that race.

Yeah, where you're
gonna get that kind of cash?

Jesse, and boys.

Twenty years I've sweat

and dreamed of owning... a
horse like old Manases here.

- And if I don't get your help..
- Dream is gone.

That's right, and all
that-that's left is the sweat.

Get on him, and give him a try.

If you don't think Manases
ain't something, forget it.


Yeah, you got something
to time him with?

Not on me.

We could use the General and
run him against the speedometer.

- That'd give us some idea.
- Well, why not?

- Go get your car.
- Alright.

- Follow me.
- Well, what are we waiting for?


Now, here is the
starting gate, okay?

And way up down to
that elm is a sign post

'and that is exactly
a quarter of a mile.'

It's all yours, fellas.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

- Ready, Bo?
- Yes, sir.




I knew General Lee's
gonna win, sheriff.

Well, Boss is gonna
give me a bonus

when he finds out about this.


That horse was flying. We
were doing forty miles an hour.

'And in-in-in a
track to talk about'

is two... furlongs in
nineteen seconds.

Nineteen seconds!

You gonna put
in with us, or not?

Well, I don't know.

Uncle Jesse, the
General could do

without the new rear end
for another couple of weeks.

And that spare tire..

This baldy will still get
us to Cooter's just fine.

Yes, sir.

Well, howdy, partner.

- Oh, Luke.
- Ooh.

Manases, we're
going to the fair.


Now, Boss Hogg is
close to his money.

Some say he sleeps with it

and some say he
has his underwear

knitted outta ten dollar bills.

But either way, he ain't
about to give up any of it.

So instead of gamblin'
on the Lulu Hogg Stakes

he's buying himself
a guaranteed winner.


'Uh-huh. Uh-huh.'

You quit uh-huh-ing me, J.D.

Now, this time you
better be hot damn sure.

Lulu, honey pot,
of course I'm sure.

'You can just get your pretty
self ready to have your picture'

'took in the winner circle.'

- You buying that winnin' horse?
- Yeah, I am, sugar plum.

I'm buying him right this second

from a man who's in
my office, right now.

'Your winnin' horse.'

'In your Mrs. J.D.
Hogg's Stakes Race.'


Put that woman
in the winners circle

and somebody will
slap a saddle on her.

Now, then, Mr. Dunlap

how much did you say that
was again for that horse?

Uh, $ , sir.

big ones.


Well, for a great horse,
Mr. Hogg. A sure winner.

He better be.

Boss, listen.

I got somethin' to tell ya,
but you ain't gonna like it.

You're gonna run
for sheriff again?

Rosco, I'm in the
middle of big business.

I'm buying me a winning race
horse off of Mr. Dunlap here.

No. Boss, no you ain't.

'Cause I just saw
the winning race horse

out at the Tolliver place.

Rosco, you wouldn't know a
race horse from a paddlefish.

Well, if that was a paddlefish

I just saw him paddle a quarter
mile in nineteen seconds flat.

Mr. Dunlap, you wouldn't mind
coming back a while, would you?

The sheriff here, why,
he went out in the hot sun

without his hat, and I think he's
having a nervous breakdown.

Why, not at all, gentlemen.

I understand.

But, Boss.

I hope you're
feeling better, sheriff.

'Well, I'm sure he'll recover.'

'I'm sure he will.'


'You better.'

What's goin' on?

'Now, now, now, let
me get this straight.'

You seen Burl Tolliver's
horse, a real horse

do a quarter mile in
nineteen seconds?

Well, Boss, I ain't
lied to you in months.

That ain't possible.

Ah, let me see, let me see.

Tolliver, Tolliver, Tolliver..

Burl Tolliver.

Ha, just as I thought.

Why, I hold a mortgage
on that horse farm of his

and that dead bead ain't
paid me a penny in years.

What Boss don't know,
Mr. Dunlap and his buddy here

are in the business of
getting horses for nothing.

That is when nobody's lookin'.

They call themselves,
"Travelling Horse Traders"

but "Travelling Horse
Thieves" is the way I'd put it.

- Where we goin'?
- To see us that horse.

If he's really that fast, I
know a Mr. Harvey Halsey

in Memphis, who'll
pay a top dollar for him.

Boss Hogg and the sheriff.

What do they want?

I don't know, but when
you see J.D. smilin' like that

you keep one
hand on your wallet.

Well, how do, Burl?


Afternoon, Mr. Hogg.

What can I do for you, Boss?

'Oh, nothing to
really speak of.'

Whoa, whoa, Manases.


Well, I got the thing
hooked up here.

Manases. Easy, boy. Stay.

Come on, boy. It's okay.


Look at that horse go.

Well, they say there's a
right way and a wrong way

to hold on to a horse,
when it's just standing still

but this way, your guess
is just as good as mine.

Don't go away, you hear?


- He got her.
- Whoa!

'sh**t, Bo. I'm
glad to see you.'

Are you okay?

Does okay include being scared?

Oh, what a horse!

When do we take him?

Just as soon as
we get back to camp

and get our horse
trailer. Come on.

Now, Burl. You got me all wrong.

I don't wanna buy your horse.

- What's his name again?
- Manases.

- But you were saying...
- No, no, no.

What I meant was, I want to
see Manases in a time trial.

A real time trial,
on a real track.

You'll see him at Mrs.
J.D. Hogg's Stake Race.

As I was saying, if this
time trial proves out good

well then, I'll not only
forgive your mortgage

with back interest,
penalties, etcetera

but I'll pay for your
entry fee for the race

and I'll even give you
a piece of my bets.

How about that, huh?

We'll all end up fat and happy.

But, Boss, you're already..

I don't like it.

I don't like it, either. And
I don't even know why.

I'll tell you what I don't like.

This here Manases
is a valuable animal.

And what, with this
here run down place

why, anything could
happen to the critter.

Now, I'll tell you what
I'd be willing to do.

I'd be willing to take him
over to my place, right now.

Where he'd be well
protected under lock and key.

Your lock and your
key? No way, J.D.

Alright, then let's stable him
at the Dukes place, tonight.

'I mean, I can see they
sure care good about him'

and then tomorrow, we'll
have that real time trial.

That ought to settle
all our doubts, won't it?

Not really.

Well, where Manases is
concerned I'd trust them Dukes.

- Don't you, Burl?
- Yeah, yes, sure.

- Sherry?
- Sure.


Well, our place it is.

Rosco, I'm gonna get me that
fantastic horse Manases for free

and in return for a
certain amount of dignity

I'm gonna nail them Duke
boys right into State Prison.

How you gonna do that, Boss?

Tomorrow morning first thing

we are gonna pull the
old bait and switch act

starring my cousin Cletus.

Here is Cousin Cletus.

So, this being the next morning

it don't take much to
realize that old Bo and Luke

best keep their eyes open.

- That's Cletus.
- He's crazy.

- Or drunk.
- Or both.

Looks like we're in for a
real country head-on, don't it?

I don't know why Boss
asked me to do these things.

I don't know nothing
about high-h-h expl*sives!

What do you suppose
caused him to do that?

- Let's make sure he's alright.
- Yeah.

Y'all are watching
Boss Hogg's version

of the old bait and switch.

Bait the Dukes
with a distraction

while Rosco switches horses.

Oh, boy.

Cletus, you done that
before, are you alright?

Oh. Yeah, yeah.

Come, come on.

I'm sorry about what
happened back there.

Well, you always use
both lanes when you drive?

Oh, no, not usually.

Neither does my car, but
all of a sudden the steering

just went out, and I was
along for the ride, you know?

Cletus, you sure we can't
give you a lift back into town?

No. No, thanks. I better
stay here with my fire.

- I mean, my car.
- Well, alright.

- We'll CB ahead for help.
- Okay.

- We better fly, Bo.
- Yeah.

- Take it easy, Cletus.
- Thank y'all.


I want you to take this
horse over to Kitrich Mine

and take real good care of him.

I'm gonna catch myself
a couple of rustlers.

I just plain hate
being the Boss' cousin.

'Now, listen here,
J.D. You hear?'

'My life is just nothing,
but aggravation with you.'


Now, Lulu, honey pot.

You disappoint me this time,
and you'll wish you hadn't.

Now, you hear me?

'I told you before'

'you definitely are
gonna get a winner.'

Which is more than I
got when I married her.

I have had nothing, but
aggravation as I told you.

Now, you remember what
happened with the Rolls Royce.

It was melted down into
a little bitty cube of metal.

And then that mink coat,
remember what happened to that?

It was nothing but possum.

When I went out in the rain

it stunk up the whole
Hazzard County.

Hey, here they come.

Mm. Here, Alex. You
listen to her for a while.

Manases give you any problem?

No, Burl, but you do owe
us a half a bushels of carrots.

- Manassas ate that much?
- No, Luke and I did.

'Burl, this ain't Manases.'

That's right. It ain't Manases.

- It's not the same horse.
- Are you sure?

Why, I've been
peddlin' 'em all my life.

Burl, Sherry, whatever
is happened here

you gotta believe that me and Bo

didn't have
nothing to do with it.

Well, what's goin' on?

I'm not sure.

But if J.D. Hogg's
involved, it ain't legit.

Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Burl, you're claiming that
this critter ain't Manases?

Well, I would know
Manases anywhere.

Just like a mama
would... know her baby.

There's just got to be a
logical explanation for all this.

Are you sure you never let
this horse out of your sight?

No, sir, Uncle
Jesse, not even once.

Yes, we did, Bo.

We stopped at Pine Creek
Road for Cletus'...accident.

Rosco, you got any
report today on an accident

on Pine Creek Road?

sh**t, no.

How about you?

I'm sorry, fellas.

Me neither, sheriff.

Yeah, well, that figures.

Burl, these Duke boys

have pulled the old
horse switch on you.

You know, I think
it's just about time

that I called a certain buyer in
Memphis and make us a deal.

You're gonna sell a horse
you ain't even got yet?

Why not?

I've been doing it all my life.

Come on.

We know the Duke boys
wouldn't do anything to hurt

Burl and me.

Or Manases.

Looks to me like a
clear case of rustling.

J.D., you know these boys
wouldn't do a thing like that.

They just couldn't.

Couldn't, couldn't? Did!

Rosco, arrest them
in the name of the law.

You know it's
getting, so you'd think

Rosco by this time
would've had handcuffs

made with the boys names on 'em.

Things look bad, but
they could get worse.

And probably will.

Cuff 'em, at least you can
do that. Can't you, dipstick?


Alright, Enos. Cuff 'em.

Hey, hey, what'd you do?

What is this?

- Enos, Rosco.
- Freeze!

You just come
back with those keys.


Well, it's business as
usual for the Duke boys.

No sooner that they
tried to help a friend

and they find themselves
hip high in trouble.

Cousin, I'm afraid, Boss
really took us for a ride this time.

Yeah, well, he's
getting better with age.

Yeah, so is Rosco.

No kiddin'.

If we plan to find that
horse sometime this year

we gonna have to do
it without our escort.


Now, watch this.

Ooh, mornin', widow Baxley.

Nice day, ain't it?

Well, cousin, what's
your great idea this time?

Ah, we best take it on home.

It's gonna take a team
effort to find Manases.

Uh, Boss Hogg, this is
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

Boss, them Duke boys
done give me the slip.

Along with a petticoat
and a pair of long johns.

- 'Over.'
- You, numbskull.

You couldn't catch a
cold in a flu epidemic.

Now, you listen,
and listen good.

I still got myself attached
to your dipstick deputy

and he can't find a
key yet that works.

Not even a hair pin.

You get right over here, as
soon as you do that other job

I told you about.

- 'Over.'
- Ah, what's that?

Making sure my little pet,
you know what, is well fed.

So you get some hay to
him and feed him pronto.

Out, you know where.

Over and out.

That's a big - , little buddy.

I found the key, Mr. Hogg.

Well, take the cuffs
off, then, lame brain.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

I didn't know you
like pets, Mr. Hogg.


What kind is it?

A Bengal Tiger.

Oh, they're cute.

'Well, it's $ , ,
Mr. Halsey.'

'Not a penny less.'

When you'll see this beauty
run, you'll understand the price.

Why, you've got
yourself a horse, sir.

Uh, we'll have him down
there in two days, no more.

Yes, sir. See you then.

Just great.

You better know somethin'
more about finding this horse

than I do.

I don't have to find him.

Someone else will do
that little chore for us.

Well, that maybe true, Luke.

But according to Cooter here..

You two boys ain't in as
much trouble with Burl Tolliver

as you think you are.

- Why not, Cooter?
- Well, I talked to old Burl.

He knows good and well
that y'all didn't swipe his horse

and he ain't gonna
press no charges.

Why, that's the best
news we've had today.

- Whoo!
- Well, not really.

You know as well as I do,
that Rosco and J.D. Hogg

arenot gonna rest until
they get you two boys

charged with
rustlin' or somethin'.

I got me a hunch

that Boss has got Manases hid
around here, somewhere close.

That's what I think, too.

And we're sure not going to
find him sittin' around on our butts.

- Amen.
- No, sir.

Let's get huntin', y'all.

Now, this must be serious.
Nobody even got the watermelon.

We'll all keep in touch

on the emergency
frequency, alright?

'You got it.'

Uncle Jesse checked all the
old stables in Hazzard County.

Daisy checked the Bigelow
place at the old Parker Barn.

And Cooter checked the
ancient Choctaw Indian Caves.

The Choctaw's don't
live in 'em caves no more

but somethin' hairy
and hungry does... now.

And no question about it

finding a stolen horse
ain't gonna be easy.

Except for Rosco.

Now, he knows
where the horse is.

Nice horsey-horsey!

'Cause he put him there.

Brought you some dinner.

This is the best that the
Boss' money can buy.

Here you go. Make
yourself at home.

Take a slurp of
water if you get thirsty.

I'll be back later and
bring you some dessert.

Wished I'd had a
pony when I was a kid.

There's our money ticket.

But how'd you know
to follow the sheriff

instead of Boss Hogg?

Well, my daddy taught me

never follow the possum when
the dogs will lead you there.

- What?
- Get the van and the trailer.

Uncle Jesse, you
checked out that silo

on the old Sheridan place yet?

I sure did, and every other
place that looked big enough

to... hold a horse.

How about you two?


- Howdy, sheriff.
- Enos.

Here's your handcuffs.

Enos, never mind the handcuffs.

Just clean out the
back of my vehicle.

I got business with the Boss.

Sheriff, my goodness,
look at all that hay.

Looks like a scarecrow
has been riding back there.

Never mind what's been ridin'
back there. Just clean it out.

And your logbook don't
say where you been.

- You want me to fill that?
- No, Enos.

I don't want you to fill it out.

If I wanna go
out to Kitrich Mine

it ain't nobody's
business, but my own.

And especially
yours, you got that?

- Yes, sheriff.
- Alright.

Here's your handcuffs, sheriff.

Give me the
handcuffs, you dipstick.

- Hey, Enos.
- Hiya, Daisy.

What's all this hay doing in
the back of the sheriff's car?

Oh, it's none of my business

what he's doing with hay
out at the old Kitrich Mine.

Maybe, he's feedin' the tiger.


Well, I gotta run, hot cakes.

- Bye, Daisy.
- Bye.

Bye, Daisy.

- Enos.
- Argh!

Enos, Enos, watch what
you're doin', you dipstick.

What did Daisy Duke want?

She wondering why anybody
would wanna take hay

out to the old Kitrich Mine?

- Rosco, did you?
- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I swear, I didn't say a word
about Kitrich Mine, did I?

It must have slipped out.

Oh, you dang, cowbell.

If Daisy Duke knows,
then they'll all know.

Where's my car? We
got to get out there.

Uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke.

Y'all got your ears on? Come on.

Bo and Luke here,
Daisy. Come on.

Rosco, just delivered
a load of hay out

to the old Kitrich Mine, fellas.

Well, that's it.
That's got to be it.

That's some nice work, Daisy.
Now, you and Jesse head on home.

We'll take it from here.

But you better stay close
on the CB, just in case.

You boys be careful,
now, do you hear?

Easy, Cowan, we got a horse
back there, not a fire engine.


Watch it!

Dunno about you
friends and neighbors

but I gotta catch my
breath from all of this.

I'll see you in a bit.

Dunlap Horse Ranch. Does
that ring a bell with you?

No, but wish I had
time to stop and teach

them dudes some
driving etiquette.

Well, there was a horse here.

'Yeah, and it could
have been Manases.'

Well, if Boss brought that
horse here, and ain't here now..

Who you suppose took it?

- The Dunlap Horse Ranch!
- Horse ranch

Come on.

This here is an APB going
out to Daisy, Jesse, Cooter

and all the rest of
the elves in the forest.

We're looking for a blue
colored van with a horse trailer

saying "Dunlap Horse Ranch."

It should be heading
south on Route

heading towards Cedar Valley.

Listen, we'll look for it,
too, but if any y'all spot it

just keep your
eyes on it, alright?

We'll be talking to you later.

Alright! Alright!

- I'm not kidding.
- We ain't moving, Rosco.


You boys are
gonna get life for this.

- At least.
- What for this time?

- For rustling.
- Rustling, again?


Well, getting arrested
twice in the same day

for the same thing, rustling.

You kinda get the feeling
that you are in Texas.

Terrific, just when we are
about to cut out of this town.

I've been seen by
enough people in Hazzard.

I'll stay here with the horse.

You go and get the van
fixed and meet me back here.

And talk to no one. Get it?

Talk to no one. Got it.

Now, now, now,
Lulu, my little praline.

I promised you
the winning horse.

Promise, promise, promise.

You've been promising
me things all our married life.

You know I can't have my
picture took with no promise.

Now, you get me that
race horse. Do you hear?

You'll get it, sugar plum.

I've got to go now,
but you remember

'I've always kept
my word to you.'

Ha ha. That's a hot one.

Except what I said
at the wedding.

Alright, now, you boys

are you gonna tell me where
you hid that horse or what?

Rosco, we told you we
don't know where it is.

But we're ready to make a deal.

What kind of deal?

Well, we know who
really rustled that horse.

You gotta let us
out to find them

or else you stand to lose
a whole lot of money, Boss.

Do you expect me to
let you go and trust you

to bring me that horse?

Bulls breath!

Well, you need us, Boss.

You ain't gonna find
him and that horse

was took by some real operators.


You're the only
operators around here.

Bo, I told you we
should've took this thing

straight to Lulu.

I know, I was trying to
save Boss the trouble

of having to break the news
to Lulu that he don't have

'the winning horse.'

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

- You wouldn't.
- We would.

We're entitled
the one phone call.

We might as well
make it to Lulu.

- That's blackmail.
- That's right.

That horse did
disappear into the ozone.

And I was counting on making a
pile of money by betting on him.

You sure were.

The deadline for entering
a horse in that race

is o'clock this afternoon.

Alright, alright.

But if you boys don't
make that deadline..

You just gonna come right
back here and let yourselves

get arrested again, right?

- Deal?
- Deal.

I know I'll have to regret it.

Let 'em go, Rosco.

But, Boss, they ain't
gonna turn themselves in.

Rosco, you heard what
he said now. Let 'em go.

'We'll be right back, Rosco.'

- And no calls to Lulu.
- Scouts honor, Boss.

We promise.

If she learns the
truth, she'll punish me.

By moving into my bedroom.

Yeah, watch. You don't..

What do you think? How long?

Well, about an hour,
I gotta drain it out.

Clean all this red
clay and mud off it.

What you've been driving
up to Bronson Canyon?

- Uh, no. Why?
- I was just wondering.

I'll get right on it.

Okay, this machine sh**t
cold drinks over here?


Burl, you ain't lost your dream.

We'll get Manases
back. You'll see.

Burl, we Dukes
ain't horse people.

You gotta think hard.

You never heard of the
Dunlap Horse Ranch before?

Now, Burl, that's
what it said on the van.

Well, I thought I knew 'em all.
But I never heard of that one.

'Breaker, breaker, crazy
Cooter comin' at you.

The cousins Dukes home
on the Hazzard net? Come on.

Yeah, Bo here,
crazy C. Go ahead.

Y'all know that van you want
me to keep an eye out for?

- 'Yeah!'
- He just split outta here.

'I'd have called y'all
soon, but the dudes'

'stuck to me like tar.'

Cooter, does the van say
Dunlap Horse Ranch on it?

No, but it used to.

- Where is it headed?
- Hey, I don't know.

But from the red clay and
the mud all over the radiator

I'd figure that can
only be one place.

Bronson Canyon. Cooter,
we're gonna need your help.

Only if it's gonna be a fight.

You got it, crazy C. Meet
us at Pine Tree Crossing.

Burl, Sherry, head
down to fair grounds.

We might just be in
that horse race yet.

- Alright.
- Yaa-hoo!

In Hazzard County you can
be arrested for everything

with loud pipes.

Even if we do get
Manases, there is no way

we're gonna outrun them dude.

I mean, not even I can
drive a horse trailer that fast.

Sure you can.

Ain't no law says the horse
has to be inside, is there?

No, it ain't.

'Four hundred and fifty.'

Sixty, seventy, eighty,
ninety-five, hundred.

Hard earned dollar.

Thank you, Mr. Hogg.
And there's your receipt.

Oh, where's your entry?

Well, my entry is
slightly delayed.

It's delayed.

Now, you do realize that
if your horse doesn't arrive

to register by o'clock,
you forfeit this money.

I realize that, sir.

I just wish you
wouldn't remind me.

Oh, Burl, if anything
happens to Manases

I don't know what I'll do.

Oh, honey, don't fret.

Bo and Luke are going
to be here with Manases.

You'll see.

- Right, Jesse?
- Sure, Burl. They'll be here.

We still got two hours
before registration.

I ain't worried.

Cooter. You're
right. That's them.

Looks like they're
breaking camp.

How's that hunk of hemp coming?

- Oh, hi-yo, silver.
- Great.

Well, let's get booking.

- Alright, you know what to do?
- Got you covered.

Okay, let's do it.

Well, you got the
next one, cousin.

There ain't gonna be a next one.

- Put him down.
- Rosco, don't sh**t!

Strike one!

Strike two!

Strike three, you're out.

Come on down, Cooter.

Come on.

That's supposed to be you.

- You all set?
- Yeah.

'They're waking up, let's go.'

Come on, Manases. Come on.


Now, pounding down.

Looks like one to me.

Come on.

Manases, you and me got a
o'clock registration to make.

I'll warm you up on the way.

Come on, come on.

It's : , Mr. Tolliver.

I hope your horse is
here before o'clock.

Manases is going to
be here. Don't worry.

They're probably any minute now.

Oh, my goodness!

All these things
make me so nervous.

Yeah, me too.

I sure hope that horse
gets here on time.

The thought of losing
all that entry fee money

just affected my appetite.

Well, I could help you...

Aah, Rosco, I only brought
a couple of these here fish.

Next time, bring
your own picnic stand.

- Don't let him get away.
- I won't.

Can't go too fast
pulling a trailer.

Still looks like one to me.

Never mind them. We
got to get that trailer.

We been had.

There was no other way to
get that horse out of camp.

Except ride him.

Turn around, take off
to those fields over there.

They're going where
I think they're going.

We can still stop. Come on.

Cooter, tell you what,
why don't you cut through

Dobrow south .


Boy, only..

Only eight... minutes to go.

Now, just hold on. They'll
be along. I know those boys.

- Y'all got to believe.
- I'll try.

Mmm, something's
comin', Rosco. You hear?

Sounds like a car.

No, Boss, that's just
my stomach growling.

It always does that when
I'm on the verge of starvation.

- Oh.
- Ooh-h!

There. There.

We got company.

Yeah, look good and don't worry.
You meet us at the fair grounds.

- You got two minutes.
- Okay. Hup.


I know, Sam, I know.

One minute.

A whole lot can
happen in a minute.

Well, I hope so.

Well, that's it. Let's go home.


It's Luke.

That's him.

Luke's got the critter.

I always did like that boy.

Hold it.

It's cops. Let's
get out of here.

Alright, freeze.

Freeze. No, don't
freeze. Get out of that car.

Get out, alright, get out.

Ten seconds.

- He made it.
- Yahoo!

Whoa, whoa, Manases.

I'm so proud of you, cousin.

Steward, Steward.

I have the pleasure
to present my..

Our entry.

- The great horse, Manases.
- Yeah.

Yup, you made it.

Dunlap with the rest
of his horse thieves

got five years in State Prison.

Next Saturday, Manases
won the Lulu Hogg Stakes

by five lengths.

And Lulu Hogg lost the chance
to be there when she come down

with the gout from
eating pig knuckles.

Burl Tolliver

won enough money to
pay off his... mortgages

to Boss.

Rosco almost lost his head
and his job when he admitted

to Boss that he forgot to
place Boss's bets on Manases.

Someone once said
that nice guys finish last.

Well, not always.

Not in Hazzard County.
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