01x19 - The Grace of Wrath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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01x19 - The Grace of Wrath

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

If I'm so invaluable to you,
then compensate me for it.

Not this again.

Either I get my
raise or I'm gone.

Okay, all right. All right.

Cost of living from the firm,

The rest can be out
of my own pocket.

Dr. Rothberg called in dead.

Passed away six months ago.

I'm taking over for him. Open.


I'm a very passionate
woman, victor.

When I give, I like to
give all of myself.

What are you doing?

I think I missed a piece.


Oh, no. No, no, no.

Jocelyn, it's okay. It's okay.

You don't want any... Do you?

We the jury sentence
the defendant to death.

You gone, lady! You dead meat!

Dead meat!

I'm putting two uniforms on you.

They'll walk you to
and from your car

And they'll park outside
your place at night.

That's not enough.

The man's in custody, michael.

Well, his g*ng friends aren't.

Grace, let me ask you
something. You got a g*n?

I have never even fired a g*n.

Drop the g*n!

Oh, no.

I'm ready.

Good. Then we can get started.

This is... The stallone.

For sexual appeal
with staying power

That you don't have to
worry about growing out of

Or looking ridiculous
in, this is the.

Aren't people
gonna know it's a wig?


Look, it's always
going to be a shock.

That's because you still
think of yourself as being bald.

You see, the first thing to do

Is stop thinking of
yourself as bald.

That might be a little hard.

I started losing my
hair when I was 19.

Hair replacement is a
change of life, mr. Brachman.

Some men are ready for it.

And some men are not.

That was a little extreme.

Maybe something more subtle.

If it's subtlety
you're after, try this.

We call it "the
chairman of the board."

We can match your
hair color exactly.

I just don't wanna
get laughed at.

Mr. Brachman, a man
of hair has credibility,

Dignity, substance.

It is the bald man
who gets laughed at.

How's grace doing, michael?

Well, there wasn't
any bone damage.

The doctor says the
scar will be really small.

How's she feeling?

She feels okay, I guess.

Where is douglas?

I wanna get this
meeting started.

I saw him earlier this morning.

Well, I've got a
full schedule today.

Well, I'll see
what's keeping him.

Shall we get started?

Shacter versus shacter.

Our guy's not a fighter.

Right now it looks like he wants
to fall to a much weaker hand.

Well, that's too bad.

Can't you do something to
get his blood going a little?

Yeah, I may have just the thing.

People versus hersch.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, this is a dead bang
loser if ever I saw one.

Police, with air-tight warrants,

Find six sky-high
marijuana plants

Growing in israel
hersch's backyard.

The guy's 80 years old.

Now, I could plead him out

On a misdemeanor
possession in a minute,

But this guy wants
to go to trial.

Victor, I'm afraid our
hands our tied on this one.

Israel hersch's son is
our client, jacob hersch.

Hersch builders.

One of the largest real
estate developers in l.a.

Yeah, well, hersch elder
likes to smoke reefer,

And he wants a jury trial

So that he can explain
all the reasons why.

Well, the chances are
that even if you lose,

The old man won't do any time.

Fine. You can be the one to tell
hersch younger if you're wrong.

Stenheiser versus whooton.

Um, dr. Whooton
still wants to settle,

But the insurance
carrier says no,

And I can't say
that I blame them,

Considering how
well the trial is going.

Becoming one of golden
state casualty's gunslingers

Is an enviable
position to be in, anne.

Mucho future business.

Let's keep them happy.

That's it. We have
a busy day today.

That's it.




Douglas, I have to talk to you.

You've gotta give
it longer than this

Before you decide
it isn't working.

Before I decide
what isn't working?

Your marriage.

It's only been two months
since you and sheila reconciled.

Things are a little bit delicate

For you to be playing
around on the side.

I'm not playing
around on the side.

Douglas, come on.

Everyone knows that
when a guy gets a rug,

He's got a tootsie
waiting in the wings.

I hate to go against
popular wisdom, arnie,

But I assure you,

There's no tootsie
and there's no wings.


Yes. Seriously.

So why the landscaping?

I'll tell you why.

I was standing in a
video rental store

In westwood the other night,

Looking at the titles,

When I overheard the clerk

Direct a customer to
where I was standing,

By saying, "go over
there, by the old, bald guy."

Oh, god.

The old bald guy?

I'm 41 years old, arnie.

Pete rose broke ty cobb's record

When he was older than I am.

George blanda played
professional football

For seven years
beyond the age I am now.

Being bald is like
wearing bifocals.

You always look
like somebody's uncle.

Boy, that must be
real hard on you.

Give it another few years,

I guarantee it'll be
every bit as hard on you.

What... What are
you talking about?

Your hairline. It's only
headed in one direction,

And that's back.

My hair has always been thin.

I'm not talking
about thin, arnie.

I'm talking about bald.

Skinhead, chrome dome.

Take a look. Because that's
what you have to look forward to.

What are you now? 36? 37?

I had some hair then too.

Enough to play with, at least.

First of all, I have a lot
of time before this goes.

You see this? This is core hair.

It is resistant to thinning.

Second of all, by
the time it does go,

Assuming that it does,

They're gonna have a cure.

From what I've read,

They're very, very
close to a breakthrough.

Even now.

Forget it, arnie.

When it goes, it's gone.

That's true, isn't it.

It's true. Believe
me, it's true.

Well, I guess the
best I can hope for

Is by then I'll be married.

Got a minute?

Sure. Come on in.


No, not particularly.

No? Then you're made of
much sterner stuff than me.

How is that?

Well, if I'd been
through what you did,

I would take a little
while to recover.

That's all.

Being grazed by a b*llet

Isn't a whole lot
to recover from.

Passing that close
to death is, though.

Guess what? We pass
that close to death

Every day of our lives.

You take the freeway
into work, bruce?

Ride in elevators,
live near a fault line?

All right, if you're
fine, you're fine.

I'm fine.

I just want you to know

If you wanna take
some time off, you can.

A vacation? Oh, no, no, no, no.

I'd rather tend to the duties
of the office, thank you.

Your choice.

The only time I will need off

Is to testify at kevin rollins'
juvenile court hearing.

I know.

I'm going down there with you.

Now that's really not necessary.

If it's all the same to you,

I think I'll go anyway.

The prosecution has seen fit

To ridicule and belittle
mr. Hersch's claim

That his personal philosophy,

Combining elements
of rastafarianism

And hasidic judaism require
the smoking of marijuana.

I'll concede that
he is by no means

Your run of the mill
beverly hills homeowner.

I'll even concede
that he's an eccentric

Who likes to sit by the pool,

Reading scriptures
and smoking pot.

But is his behavior
so threatening to us

That we have to put him in jail?

That strikes me as
being more than extreme.

More than inappropriate.

It strikes me as a betrayal

Of one of the principles on
which this country was founded,

Which affords to each of us

The fundamental
right to be left alone.

Now, the prosecution
will ask you

That you look to the law,

And this you must do.

But I ask of you

That you look to
your hearts as well.

Thank you.

Will you describe for us

What happened to you on the
afternoon of february the 10th?

I was walking down the corridor

On the fourth floor of
the criminal courts building,

When an individual fired
at me with a handgun,

Striking me in the right arm.

Can you tell us if you see
that individual in this room?

I can. He's seated
right over there.

Had you ever seen him prior
to the day of the sh**ting?

I saw him at the
walter buckner trial,

In which I was the
prosecuting attorney, yes.

I have no further
questions, your honor.

Thank you, miss van owen.

You may step down.

Thank you.

Mr. Norman, may I have your
closing remarks, please.

Just sit up, okay?

Your honor, kevin
rollins might be a bad boy,

But he's still a boy.

He never intended to
m*rder miss van owen.

He wanted to frighten her.

He winged her in the arm.

She looks none the worse for it.

And I think now we have to look
at his action for what it was...

A rite of passage.

Oh, please.

I'm only suggesting that
whatever action is taken

Not be unduly harsh.

After all, the role
of juvenile court

Is corrective, not penal,

Despite mr. Kindle's insistence

On venting some
personal sense of rage.

Your honor, if I am taking
all of this personally,

It is because there is a hallway

Full of rollins' brothers
out there that forces me to.

Kevin rollins obtained a g*n,

Loaded it with amm*nit*on,

Stalked miss van owen,

And shot at her point blank.

Now, what was his intent
if not to commit m*rder?

If not to have her
life extinguished

Right then and there?

A few inches more is
all it would have taken,

And the sheet that covered her

As she was taken
from that courthouse

Would have been all
the way up over her eyes.

Now, if this was
a rite of passage,

What was it a passage to?

A more effective
w*apon? Truer aim?

Mr. Norman has asked that the
sentence not be unduly harsh,

But the reality of
juvenile sentencing

Is that regardless of
what this court does,

Kevin rollins will
walk in two years.

Now, I think we
owe grace van owen

A lot better than that.

Because a miracle prevented
his b*llet from piercing her heart,

She did not die on
that marble floor.

And I hope that same miracle

Doesn't serve to grant
rollins the impunity

That lets him try again.

All right, gentlemen.

I'm prepared to
issue my findings.

Based on the evidence
presented here,

I find kevin rollins

To have committed the
acts charged in the petition,

Namely as*ault
with intent to m*rder

And carrying a concealed
w*apon without a permit.

I find mr. Rollins to
be a ward of this court.

Pending the probation
department report,

Further hearings
on the disposition

Is set for friday.

Don't worry.

Come on, son. Let's go.

I don't have the file
for my next case.

Could you get it for me?


Inhale and sweep
your arms out and up.

Exhale as the palms
come together.

I know it's early, people,

But our bodies are
ready to inhale and lift

And slowly extend your torso

Over your left leg.

Reach, use your stomach muscles.

Now relax and let the
weight of your body

Open up your torso.

Now slowly turn
onto your left side,

Take your right arm,
let it reach way over.

And stretch.

Okay. Now slowly turn.

Place your chest
back onto your thigh.

And relax and breathe.

Now put your palms on
either side of your leg,

And slowly lift your body up.

How's the ankle?

A little sore.

And the ego?

Hey, it's shannon. Remember me?

I tried to do something
about my predicament,

And all I've managed
is to humiliate myself.

Well, what exactly
is your predicament?

Being bald, getting older.

Let's face it.

It's not an encouraging picture.

Well, short of dying,

There's not much you can
do about getting older,

And as for being bald,

I don't see why you have
to do anything at all?

Take a good look at me, shannon.

Am I the sort of man women
would be attracted to?

I think I've proved
that already, haven't i?

You did, didn't you?

Looks have never been what's
most important to me, douglas.

I see people's
bodies every day...

Tall, short, skinny,
fat, blonde, dark...

- Bald.
- Bald.

I'm a whole lot more interested
in the way a person is inside

Than outside.

And, believe me, your
outsides aren't bad.

Would you ever
consider the possibility

Of entering into
another liaison?


You're more involved with
your wife than you think you are.

And I'm involved with
someone else now.

Seriously involved?

Well, we'll see.

He's a really sweet guy,

We have a lot of fun together,

And I'm happy.

Well, I'm glad.

Oh, here he is now.

Douglas. I'd like
you to meet axel.

Leon, first, and it
pains me to do this,

I have to confirm
your worst fears.

Your wife is having an affair.

A private investigator
brought back photographs.

May I see them?

I don't think that
you really want to.

I feel I at least
have to look at them.

- It's richard.
- You know the guy?

He's the cabinet-maker who
did the work on our kitchen.

I really like him too.

It's funny.

Do you suspect
that the two of them

Have been tapping
into any funds?

No, richard's not a money guy.

He's an artist.

You should see the cabinet
work he did in our kitchen.

Leaving him out of it then,

At least we're agreed
that nancy's a little bit less

Than the most worthy
object of your largesse.

Arnie, all I wanted
to be was fair with her

Before I saw the pictures.

Having seen them hasn't
really changed that.

Leon, what you have been
proposing isn't being fair.

It's being a chump.

Your holdings in
the gerhardt fund

Were yours before
you ever married,

And there's no reason
on god's green earth

They should be hers
after she's abandoned you,

Any more than the house should.

She really hasn't abandoned me.

She betrayed you.
She cuckolded you.

Leon, take a look at where
those photographs were taken.

She didn't even have the decency
to sneak off and go to a motel.

They were taken
right in your home,

The home you provided her with,

The home she's trying
to snag for her very own.

I probably have to bear
some of the blame in all of this.


I may not have been as
attentive as I could have been

To some of her needs.

I think the demands
of making a living

Tended to crowd
other things out.

It's all kind of ironic, though,

Since the main reason I
had for selling the business

Was because I wanted to
spend more time with nancy.

With all due respect, leon,

I don't think she was exactly
starved for companionship.

There was obviously
something I wasn't giving her.

Leon, you don't owe her
your own impoverishment.

She is not entitled
to be rewarded

For her faithlessness
with riches.

I really don't
wanna get into it.

Things can really get
out of hand if you let them.

Now, I'd rather we
settle this whole business

As quietly as possible.

I'll live with it.

Easier than I will.

Can I stamp your parking
ticket, mr. Shacter?

Oh. Yeah, thank you.

I appreciate it.

It's all right.

I guess arnie's annoyed with me.

Arnie just likes to get the best
possible results for a client.

That's all.

I know I should be mad at her.

I just feel like I'm better off

Putting it all behind me.

I, uh...

I know this is none
of my business,

And please tell me to
butt out if you want me to,

But I think sometimes

It's dangerous not to get angry.

I don't wanna sound like I've
got it all figured out or anything,

But if you think
you've been wronged,

You have to speak up.

You have to do something
to set things right.

What about forgive and forget?

You can't forgive someone
whom you've never blamed.

Oh, I don't say nancy's
right for what she did.

I'm not telling you
what you should feel.

If what your wife's done doesn't
make you mad, that's all right.

You know, people react
to things differently.

All I'm saying is that...

Is that if it does,

You shouldn't be
afraid to express it.

I hope I'm not
out of line, but...

Would you consider having
dinner with me tonight?

All rise.

Be seated.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

We find the defendant,
israel hersch,


So say you all?

So say us all.

The defendant's
bail is continued.

Sentencing is set for march 5th.

Well, I'll tell you, mr. Hersch,

It was a tough case to win.

"The poet is a
prince of the clouds,

"Haunting the tempest
and laughing at the archer,

Exiled on earth among
the shouting people."

Counselor, in my father's house

Are many mansions.

Mr. Sifuentes?

May I speak to you a moment?


I'm sorry about the verdict.

Oh, well, it was your call.

Well, after the
judge's instructions,

We just felt we
didn't have any choice.

But it sounds like the judge

Isn't going to give
him any time, though.

Well, we'll see.

Look, I don't know
exactly how to say this,

But you made what could
have been a dull couple of days

Really very interesting.

You made me think of things I
wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

And I just want to tell
you, it's appreciated.

Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.

I've always been
fascinated by lawyers.

I think it's watching the way
they stake out a court room

Or... Or watching them
cross-examine a witness.

Oh, it looks more
glamorous than it actually is.


Um, look, I don't suppose

That since the random
chance of jury duty

Has sort of thrown
us together...

Um, would you perhaps consider
having a bite of lunch together?

- Would you?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'd consider that.


I want you to know

I'm not in the habit
of asking men out.

I wouldn't imagine
that you would have to.

Thank you. That's
really very nice.

So what made
you do it this time?

I guess it was
watching you work.

Sometimes I think I'd like
to go to law school myself.

Really? Think you'd
want to be a lawyer?

Oh, I don't know.

The way you cross-examine
that police officer,

Boring in again and again
until you expose them

And then going
in for the k*ll...

I can tell you really
enjoy your work.

Yeah, I do. I really do.

Most of the time, anyway.

Well, I think that's important.

I like being around people
who enjoy their work.

Let me ask you something.

Um, how would you feel
about going out sometime?

As in date?

I think I'd like that, victor.

I've read the report on kevin rollins
from the probation department,

And it presents far
from a pretty picture.

An arrest record that you would
expect from a career criminal,

Twice kevin's age.

Possession of a
controlled substance

With intent to distribute.

Illegal possession of firearms.

Armed robbery.

He's been expelled from school

For assaulting a teacher
with a studded belt.

Home life is certainly
not encouraging.

Father abandoned mother,
mother on methadone maintenance.

Kevin, do you have
anything to say?

I got nothing to say to you.

You realize that I'm
about to send you away.

So what? My boys is everywhere.

You think I'm scared to
get sent up someplace?

No, kevin. I don't think that
you're scared of anything.

I'm not scared of
anything you can do to me.

That's for damn sure.

Can you tell us why
you did what you did?

She messed with my man.

Do you understand
that it was her job

To prosecute mr. Buckner

Because he was accused
of k*lling someone?

She did her job, I did my job,

Now you do your job.

All right, kevin.
I will do my job.

I commit you to the jurisdiction

Of the california
youth authority

Until the age of 24.

It is my profound hope
that something or someone

Intervenes between now and then

To open your eyes
to the possibility

Of being something
other than a criminal.

If not for your benefit,
then for all of ours.

It's all the same to me.

Let's go.

You know, I had a pretty
terrific time tonight.

I had a pretty
terrific time myself.

- Really?
- Really.

It's funny, because
this is the sort of thing

I'm normally not very good at.

You're doing pretty
good so far in my book.

Let's face it, roxanne,
I'm not a suave guy.

I think you can trust me

To draw my own conclusions.

You know, the best part of my
coming to mackenzie-brachman

Is that I've gotten to meet you.

I guess being a secretary
there has its benefits as well.

So what do I do now?

You kiss me goodnight.

Can I call you sometime
so we can go out again?

You sure can.

How about tomorrow night?




Yeah, no problem. I'll tell 'em.

Uh-huh. Thanks.

Your body guard's
gonna be five minutes late.



How the hell is this bozo
supposed to protect me

If he can't even negotiate
morning rush hour?

Hey, don't k*ll the messenger.

Sorry. But this whole
thing is ridiculous.

Well, let's hope so.

I don't need a body guard.

Well, you probably don't.

But a uniform presence
can't hurt for a few more days.

It's an invasion of
my privacy, michael.

I don't like it.

Yeah? Well, a 13-year-old
wacko with a .38

Is also an invasion
of your privacy.

Grace, I'm a little concerned

That you're not more
worried about this.

Michael, if they can get to the
president of the united states,

They can sure as hell get to me.

I refuse to worry about
something I can't control.

To hell with this. I'm going.

No, you're not.

Oh, yeah? Watch me.

Grace, you are
behaving like a child.

If I am, it's because everyone
is treating me like one.

Why are we fighting about this?

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Look, if you won't
worry about yourself,

At least do this for me, okay?

Okay, daddy.

There's my girl.

If I'm good, do you
take me to disneyland?

How about one of those water-bed
motels on ventura boulevard?


That's good too.


There he is. Gotta go.

Have a reasonably pleasant day.

Yeah. Thanks.

And, um...

Don't forget about
the sleazy motel.

Uh, reservations for three.


Arnie, for the most part,

I think you're being quite fair.

But by the same token, I
think nancy's also being fair.

The new york apartment

Is something she's
grown attached to.

She's giving that up.

It was never hers to give up.

That apartment is
leon's separate property.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

I don't wanna argue that now.

The point is to require
nancy to pick up the taxes,

Utilities, and insurance
on the palisades house

Just because she's occupying it

Strikes me as most unjust.

What was her contribution
to the acquisition of that house

That she's gonna be occupying?

I hope you're not just
talking dollars and cents here.

Look, I feel like we're
moving backwards.

Leon, I thought you said you wanted
me to have the house, didn't you?

You're getting the house.

Well, how long do you
think I'm gonna keep it

If I have to pay for its upkeep?

It is a practical
consideration, leon.

If she can't afford the
maintenance on the house,

She can sell the house.

She can take the money and
buy a house she can afford.

Oh, wait a minute.

I'm operating here
under the assumption

That there's at least some
recognition on leon's part

That this house holds a
very special sentimental place

In nancy's heart.

This was the marital home.

I can't believe that you
would see me lose that house.

After all I went through
with that renovation?

Who picked out
stenciled floor patterns?

Who went through custom
mixing wall colors for six weeks?

Or meeting with the
architect or the contractors?

Did you?

Your accountant might
have signed the checks,

But I put my heart and
soul into that house.

Oh, I know you put a
great deal into that house.

And not just your
heart and soul, either.

And just what is that
supposed to mean?

What it means is that adultery,

Like a spiral staircase,

Adds to the cost
of construction,

And my costs have
become too much to bear.

Now I've been sitting
here and listening to you,

And you know something?

You're not getting the house.

What we're going to
do is sell the house,

And then split the proceeds

After I first get back

Whatever separate
property I sunk into it.

Leon, I'm going into shock.

What are you telling me now?

I thought that we were gonna
behave like human beings in this.

That's just what I'm doing.

You know, I'm sentimental
about that house too.

I remember when we
found it together.

I remember going out
with you to buy furniture.

And that certainly
was your house.

I wouldn't deny it for a minute.

But it was also mine.

And you betrayed me there.

You gave yourself
to another man,

And you did it in my bed.

Now, if I could burn
that house, I would.

Until it was ashes
on the ground.

And then I'd salt the earth
so nothing could grow.

Arnie, you'll handle the
rest of the settlement.

If there are any problems,

We all know where
the courthouse is.

Excuse me.

- Leon.
- Hi.

Are you all right?

I feel good.

You should. You showed
a lot of strength in there.

You gave it to me.

Oh, I think you
had it all along.

We're on for tonight, right?


Oh, god. Excuse me, douglas.

I'm sorry.

It's all right, stuart.

If I'm gonna wear this,
I have to get used to it.

I can't be terrorized by the
thought of people knowing.

Sounds sensible.

Stuart, let me
ask you a question.


Do you think this looks foolish?

No, I definitely do not
think it looks foolish.

Would you wear one?

No. No, I wouldn't.

You'd go bald instead?

Yeah, I don't think there's any
great shame in being bald, douglas.

There's certainly no great
advantage to it, either.

Yeah, well, I guess I just take
those things as they come, you know.

But you don't
think I look foolish?

I think the only thing
that looks foolish

Is acting a way that
makes you uncomfortable.

Being bald adds ten
years to your age.

And worrying about it
takes ten years off your life.

Douglas, we're
all getting older.

It's the way god
planned it, you know.

Aye yi yi yi.

Well, what's the
good word, victor?

Mike. Well, the good word is
that I have a date tomorrow night

That I think at long last
might finally lead to something.

Oh, yeah? Who is she?

She was serving
on the hersch jury.

Systems analyst.

She likes chinese food,
going to the movies,

Dancing, and roller skating
in venice on the weekends.

Oh. Sounds like a
playmate of the month.

Well, I'll tell you, she
is, uh, good looking.

But I think the thing
I like most about her

Is that she seems to be a
real girl next door type.

I guess what I'm
looking for most

Is just a little companionship.

Companionship is
tough to find, victor.

Mm-hmm. You found it.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did.

Where did you
used to take gracie?

Let's see.

Le chardonnay was the scene

Of some of our first dates.

Oh, I heard about
that. It's nice, huh?

It's real pretty.

I'll make a reservation.

I think we are
going to hit it off.

Well, I called 'em,

And they're booked solid
for the next six weekends.

Well, let's go someplace else.

It doesn't really matter.

I don't care if we go to encino

As long as we get away.


Can I have a little ketchup?


Thank you.

Is that all you're gonna eat?

That's it.

Boy, it really is a
man's world, isn't it?

I trust you're gonna
explain that remark.

A woman can never let up.

How will she look in pants?

How will she look in a skirt?

How will she
look if, god forbid,

She has to go to the beach.

She peers into the mirror,

Looking for any signs that
she might be growing older.

Agonizing over everything,

From the profile of her chin
to the diameter of her ankles.

But a man can just scarf
down his french fries,

Put his hands in his pockets,

And stroll out the door.

I don't buy it, anne.

Men can be just as obsessed
with their inadequacies,

Or, pardon me, their
imagined inadequacies,

As women.

You don't think I've had
a few anxious moments

Looking at this
face in the mirror?

- You, stuart?
- Yeah.

You seem to me to be
more at ease with yourself

Than anyone I know.

Nobody's that way.

But I figure by 40, a man
has the face he deserves.

I just hope by the time I'm 40

You'll be as happy with my face

As you are with your own?

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not.

I may even be 50 one day.

I just hope you're 50 with me.

And 60. And 70.

Ann, the things I love about you

Don't go away with age.

You'll be just as able
to make me laugh then

As you are now, right?

And calm me down
or get me excited.

And drive me crazy.

That's why I love you.

Not because of the
way you look in pants.

You don't like the
way I look in pants?

Can we look at a
dessert menu, please?

Hi, conrad.


What can I do for you?

Uh, I wanted to see if we
can't do a little housecleaning.

Starting, say, with leshack.

Ah, otherwise known as fat dave.

I'm not saying he's a saint.

But it's a shaky wrap.

The cops searched
the trunk of his car.

Now, maybe they
had probable cause.

Maybe they didn't.

It's a question mark.

What are you looking for?

Felonious as*ault
to misdemeanor,

as*ault burglary to trespassing.

Now, given the facts, I don't
think I'm being all that out of line.

- See...
- Okay.

You agree?

I just said "okay," didn't i?


That wasn't so painful, was it?

Is that it?

Well, since I'm
catching on a good day,

What about alma rodriguez?

Now, we knock it
down to petty theft

So that with credit
for time served

She gets released on probation.

What do you say?



Thank you.


Great scott,
douglas. You're bald.

I think a lot of men look
much better without hair.

Yeah, like who?

Sean connery, robert duvall,

John glenn, y.a. Tittle.

When it comes right down to it,

Hair is a little iffy.

I mean, castrati
never lost their hair.


You know, with the high voices.

People generally
associate baldness

With a high testosterone count.

At least that's
what women tell me.

Well, no woman has
ever told me that, arnie.

Mike, you got a
full head of hair.

They don't wanna hurt you.

Yeah. Pick me up at 8:00.

I'll see you then. Bye.

That wouldn't be 8:00 this evening
you're referring to, would it?

Yeah, it would. Why?

Well, I was hoping that
we could knock out

The romani separation
agreement tonight.

Oh, I can't tonight, arnie.

I've got plans.

Anyone I know?

Leon shacter.

Come into my office
for a minute, roxanne.

Rox, what are we talking about

Vis a vis you and leon?

Is this a dinner
with friendly chat,

Warm, supportive conversation

Leading to a
spontaneous sexual fling,

Or are we into deep
eyeball gazing here?

Arnie, I'll let you know.

Rox, close the door.

Look, leon is a sweet guy.

I'm well aware of that.

But what I want
you to be aware of

Is that he's also in a
state of flux, emotionally,

And that deserves some caution.

Rox, you are the textbook
transitional woman,

And I just don't wanna
see your heart broken

When leon's ready to move on.


Guys like that, they're an
absolute bundle of need.

They have a yawning
void in their own lives

Which they want for
you to step in and fill.

Look, rox, I'm not
trying to knock leon.

It's just that I don't wanna
see you expend yourself

On someone who's gonna
be a chronic dependent.

That's all.

Arnie, I don't see
leon that way.

I see him as a... A
sweet, considerate man,

Who I am very much
interested in spending time with.

I disagree with
your opinion of him,

But if what you say
proves to be right,

I'll deal with it
when the time comes.

You wanted to see me, bruce?

Come on in, grace.

Sit down.


No, thanks.

- How you feeling?
- Oh, bruce.

- I'm asking you.
- And I'm telling you.

I'm fine.

So thank you for your concern,

And, um, I'd like to
get back to work.

I know you would.

But I can't let you.

Whether you care
to admit it or not,

That punk's b*llet
wounded more than your arm.

It got to you. And
it got to you deep.

Isn't psychoanalysis a little
outside your area of expertise?

Yes, it is.

But running the
da's office isn't.

And I've got some real problems

With your performance, lady.

Such as?

You're cutting deals

Like a general
amnesty was declared.

I can't allow that to continue.

That's a lot of crap.

Don't tell me
it's a lot of crap.

You knocked eleven felonies
down to misdemeanors last week.

You dropped the charges
on two cases altogether.

Both were solid arrests.

I thought I had some
discretion around here.

I thought I was supposed
to use my judgment.

Is this judgment or fear?

Now you've got defense lawyers

Lining up to get
into your office,

Because the word is
out that you're g*n shy.

I can't allow this
office to roll over

Because you're scared to death

To set foot in a court room.

If I do that, rollins
will have taken down

A good deal more
than grace van owen.

Until further notice,
you're on the desk.

Rollins didn't take
me down, bruce.

You're doing it.

I don't deserve this.

It isn't a punishment.

The hell it isn't.

I have clocked as
many hours in here

As anyone else, both before
and after the sh**ting.

In return, I get
second-guessed and humiliated.

You've lost your strength.

I want it back.

It feels like the only
thing I've lost... Is my job.

- Hey.
- Hi.

I was just on my
way to pick you up.

Well, I got done with work early

And I called your secretary
to find out where you'd be.

Oh, I was really hoping
I'd get another chance

To watch you work.

Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

It was just filing a motion.

So we have the whole
courtroom to ourselves.

Yeah. Our reservations
aren't until 7:30,

So I thought maybe we can
go for a drive or something.

Actually, you know what
would really be interesting?


I'd like to see what it's
like to be cross-examined.

What do you mean?

Well, I'll be the defendant,

And I want you
to interrogate me.

I wanna see if you can
strip away my composure.

I don't know.

Oh, come on.

Come on.

Let's say I stand accused of...

Oh, I don't know. Prostitution.

I don't understand.

You, uh, you want me to
make this up as I go along?

Oh, come on. You
know what to do.

You were standing on the
corner of hollywood and ivar

At about 3:00 a.m.

Isn't that true?

Yeah, I go there sometimes.

Describe what you were wearing.

Satin shorts, lurex tights.

Seven-inch heels.

And a t*nk top that said,

"So many men, so little time."

Come on.

Come on

Isn't it a fact that you
approached a certain car

That had stopped
for a light on ivar?

I might have.

And didn't you offer

To perform various sexual
acts in return for money?

Oh, my god.

You're calling me a whore.


In front of all these people,
you're calling me a whore.

You're saying I
performed sexual acts

On men whose names
I didn't even know.

- Gwen.
- Dozens of men each day.

What did I do to them?

Say it out loud.
Say it out loud.

Violate me, victor.

Violate me until they
throw me down into that cell

And the jailer locks the door.

Treat me like the
whore that I am.

Oh, I forgot. You're
not like the rest.

You won't be slobbering
over me in the car later,

After you've bought
me a quick meal.

Romance is a lie, jerk!

I put six years
into that office,

And it doesn't
count for a thing.

I could've been making three
times the money I'm making now,

But instead I've got close
to nothing in the bank.

And I get sandbagged
at work for my trouble.

And you really think
that's what rogoff's doing?

Yeah, I do.

You have an alternate
interpretation you wanna give me?


I think he sees that you were
shaken, and he's trying to help.

Do me a favor, cusack.

Don't you start wringing
your hands over me.

I've had it up to here

With all this
paternalistic clucking.

That kid turned that corridor
into a w*r zone, gracie.

Getting shot is not nothing.

Now, wait a minute.

I'm the one who got shot.

Don't you tell me what
it is and what it isn't.

I don't need a nurse maid.

I don't need for you
to be sitting there,

Staring at me like I was
some orphan at christmastime.

I got hit by a b*llet. Okay.

That's what happened.

The doctor treated the wound.

The whole thing will be healed
with another week and a half.

My life doesn't have
to change one bit.

Do you understand
that? Not one bit!

I do not need a shrink. I
do not need a vacation.

I do not need to eat.

I do not need to break down.

- No!
- Grace. Grace.


Michael, I'm so scared.

I'm so scared.
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