13x04 - Zangetsu Becomes an Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x04 - Zangetsu Becomes an Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

A man named Muramasa causes all of the Zanpakuto

to take physical form and att*ck.

Unable to use their Shikai, the Soul Reapers are overpowered.

The Zanpakuto deliver a serious blow to

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads in a single night and leave.

The Seireitei is now in a confused, critical state.

Meanwhile, Rukia walks through the Seireitei alone

in search of Byakuya, who has gone missing,

when Sodenoshirayuki appears before her once again.


You will now be free.


That was some show.

Who the hell are you?!

I am a


Hey there, what are you doing?

Do you see anything interesting?

That's none of your business.

What's with the attitude?!

That's really unpleasant.

Are you ignoring us?

Don't bother.

There's no point in fighting.

Our enemies are over there.


They won't get away next time.

I'm going to get back at that annoying bastard.

You ™re right.

This time, I get to k*ll the guy who calls me by a weird name.

Yeah. Let's teach them a lesson.

You're a Zanpakuto?!

That's right.

Sodenoshirayuki leave this to me.

You retreat for now.

Thank you.


Where are you going, Ichigo Kurosaki?

How do you know my name?

That is not important.

What?! What are you up to?

My goal is to release the Zanpakuto from the Soul Reapers.

That's all.

I get it

You're the one behind all this!

In that case, tell me how Rukia can get her Zanpakuto back!

Ichigo Kurosaki, what is a Zanpakuto?


Zanpakuto are souls that are born within the hearts of Soul Reapers.

They share the same power as their Soul Reaper

and exist alongside their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers find the power of

the Zanpakuto hidden within their souls.

They converse with their Zanpakuto, come to an understanding

and are able to draw from their power by learning their name.

A few chosen Soul Reapers can gain even more powerful Bankai,

by manifesting an incarnation of their Zanpakuto and controlling it.

You and the captains have done this.

But living alongside Soul Reapers

is not the only way for a Zanpakuto to live.

What do you mean?

I ™m saying that a Zanpakuto has its own will.

A Zanpakuto ™s will?

Yes. Zanpakuto are not a part of a Soul Reaper.

We are separate souls.

Our existence is equal to that of Soul Reapers.

Do you find that unbelievable?

That is proof of how arrogant you Soul Reapers are.

That's not true.

This is the reason why I exist.

I can understand the Zanpakuto ™s will.

I can talk to their souls.

And I can give physical forms to those who share the same goals.


Zanpakuto who answer my call become

separated from their Soul Reapers and appear in this world.

That is the power given to me.

Why would the Zanpakuto respond to you?

It is the will of Zanpakuto who have been oppressed.


I have never thought of Sodenoshirayuki as an inferior.


That is just your own one-sided opinion.

As you can see, Sodenoshirayuki has responded to my call.

Stop pushing yourself.

Your have served your purpose.

What do you mean?

Do you really think that you were able to

escape to the World of the Living on your own?


I want to release all Zanpakuto from their Soul Reapers.

No exceptions.

In order to do that, I needed you, Ichigo Kurosaki, to come here.

You let Rukia go on purpose?

Welcome to my world.


It's all right. You rest here.

I won't let you get away with this!

Let's move away from here.

Do whatever you like.



Where is he?!

Put away your sword.

Damn it!

It's useless.

What is this?!

Damn it!

What the hell did you do?!

You bastard!

Hear my voice.

Follow your instincts and release your soul.

Discard your fear. Look ahead. Go forth. Don't stop.

If you turn back, you'll grow old. If you're hesitant, you'll die.

Come. Your name is Zangetsu!

What happened?


Zangetsu Why are you here?

Old Man Zangetsu! What's the meaning of this?!

Answer me!

Weren't we of one mind and body?!

Damn it!

You can still move?

It's over now.

Old Man

Are you serious?

Damn it!


Captain Unohana!

What's wrong, Isane?

Ma'am! I have a report from Squad Twelve.

Zanpakuto have become separate entities?


What does that mean?

This is the conclusion that Master Mayuri has come to

after testing this phenomenon on his own body.

Could you give us the details?


It seems the Zanpakuto's soul really has left my body.

Interesting. Truly interesting.

Master Mayuri, aren't Zanpakuto and Soul Reapers

different manifestations of the same soul?

Normally, that is the case.

But now they have become entirely separate entities.

Is such a thing possible...?

That's why this is interesting.

You're so worthless. Don't act as if you understand!

But how was this made possible?

The situation is much worse than I had imagined.

Umm May I ask a question?

Since they're separate entities, what'll happen if we defeat

one of the Zanpakuto manifestations in battle?

I don't know.

Would we lose our Zanpakuto forever?

It is possible.

But I cannot say for certain because

we don't have enough data.


I understand.

Let's leave this to Captain Kurotsuchi.

Umm One more thing.

Master Mayuri has a request for you, Captain Unohana.

What is it?

He wants you to provide him with data on the Soul Reapers who are

receiving treatment from Squad Four so that he can analyze it.

Certainly. I will have it all sent to you.


He wants to gather data on you, as well.

Does he want Captain Unohana to go all the way to

the Department of Research and Development?

Yes. He said he needed data on captains.

Very well.


It's all right, Isane.

But Umm

But for Captain Kurotsuchi to be personally inspecting your body

is so invasive.

We're in a race against time, Isane.

Yes, ma'am.

In return, I want you to report to us any new findings.


Yes, ma'am.


Large-scale combat has been confirmed in the Seireitei!

The Spiritual Pressures at the scene belong to

Rukia Kuchiki of Squad Thirteen

and Substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki!

What's this?

Who the hell are you?

Aren't you Ichigo Kurosaki?

That's the other soul that lives within him.

Other soul?



Instant regeneration ?

This Spiritual Pressure

As I suspected...

What's this?

I won't give it to you I won't give it to you

I'm not giving this body to you.

Don't do things without my permission!


Zan ge

This man

Why, Old Man Zangetsu?!

I'm bored with your internal world.

It's all buildings. There's no greenery.

I want to see forests.

I want to see the grandeur of nature.

I'll make a garden for you


How come the Women ™s Soul Reaper Association

gets to go to the beach?!

We should also take a vacation at the beach!!

We're going to have a summer adventure!

That's right! Me too

Me too!

It ™s settled! We're going to the beach too!

But the paperwork is tedious.

I'll do something about that!

Let's do it, Chairman!

“ All right! “ All right!


What did we do to deserve this?
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