03x37 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x37 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 6

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Now my blue-eyes white dragons
will destroy all three
of your monsters.

Annihilate his
dark magician first!

Not so fast, kaiba!

Activate trap!

Fine! But you'll never escape
my other two att*cks!

Beta the magnet warrior is gone
and your red-eyes is next!!

Time for red-eyes
to fight back!

Destroy his blue-eyes
white dragon

With inferno fire blast!

You may have
saved yourself for now

But this duel's far
from done!

I have a long way to go!

But as long
as I have faith

In the heart
of the cards
and in my friends,

I know I can win this!

Wake up, man!

Yugi's in trouble
and he needs
your help now, joey!

Your move, your move,
your move, your move, your move.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

Serenity: come on,
big brother.

say something.

It's us, man!

What s goin' on?

Is dis a hospital?

Did someone get hurt?

Yeah, joey, someone was
knocked unconscious!

Wait a sec!
Did I pass out?

Is dat why everyone's
so happy to see me?

Oh, joey!

Hey. Awww, serenity.

Joey! I'm so glad
you're awake!

Me too.

Me three!
You scared us!

This is impossible!
You can't be awake!

Someone in your
condition could never
recover this fast!

Don't ever pull this again,
you hear me!?

I mean, you had the girls
really worried.

Of course I knew
you'd make it all along.

Tristan? Oh, wait!

I think I rememba!
I was duelin'!

It was me
against marik!

And I was fightin'
ta save mai!

But why is she
still sleepin'?

Mai! Wake up!

Come on!

Your mind's supposed
ta be back from
da shadow realm!

I was sure
dat defeating marik
would save ya!

I did defeat marik,
didn't i? Didn't i?

Joey: please, just give it
ta me straight, guys!

I rememba.
I had dat weirdo beat!

Serenity: um, actually,

Joey, I'm afraid
you lost. Marik won.

There's no way!
I know I won!

I summoned gearfried
the iron night
and crushed him!

Please, joey!
Just listen!

You guys were playing
a shadow game.

And you almost won,

But marik was
wearing you down

By draining your energy.

But then, with your
last bit of strength

You were able
to summon a monster

Strong enough
to beat marik.

But before you had
a chance to call out
your attack,

You passed out.

I don t believe dis.
Dat psycho actually
beat me?

I gave it
my all, mai.

I'm sorry. I tried.

But dis thing is far
from over!

Man, on radio:
this is rescue copter one.

We are descending
upon kaiba corp island

To transport
the critical patient.

Kaiba: sorry, yugi!

But you're still
at a huge disadvantage
in this duel!

Yugi: really?

It looks to me like we
both have two monsters
on the field.

but my two blue-eyes

Are more powerful
than either of
your creatures!

Now I'll place
two cards facedown!

Your move, yugi.

With these cards in place,

Yugi will never escape!

Kaiba's definitely up
to something. But what!?

We've got a long way
to go, kaiba!

This magic card could
come in handy later,
but for now

I have his two blue-eyes
white dragons
to worry about!

They could do
some serious damage

So I have to protect
my life points!

I'll place this

And then I ll switch
my red-eyes black dragon
into defense mode!

Not quite!

I activate my trap card!

No! Not that trap!

It returns
my red-eyes back
to attack mode!

It's worse than that!

As long as my final attack
orders trap card is in play,

Every monster on the field
stays in attack mode!

And next, we each choose
any three cards we want

In order to form a new deck

And the rest of our deck goes
to the card graveyard!

Our whole deck!?

That means this duel
comes to an end
in three more turns!

These three cards
are more than enough
to ensure my victory!

In a few short moments
I'll crush yugi

And reclaim
my number one status!

Now then

You may as well give up
and accept defeat now, yugi,

Because my strategy
is unstoppable!

I can only choose
three of these cards
to hold on to

And everything else
goes away!

My fate depends
on this choice!

Where is yugi?

Did his duel start yet!?

Yes he's dueling
against kaiba right now!

What?! Well den I gotta get
up there and help him out!

Don't, joey!

Tea, it's no use tryn'
ta talk me out of it.
He needs me!

Joey, wait!

Hey! Get back in bed,
right now!

Kaiba corp emergency squad!

We're here to transport
the patient! Where is he!?

Right here.

Huh? Him?

Well he was in
critical condition
a minute ago!

Don't be lyin', doc!
Five minutes ago!
I'm doin' fine now!

I'm in da best shape
a my career, doc!

Just look at these pythons!

You listen to me!

It's too dangerous
for you to leave now!

You still need
an examination!

Maybe later.

Come on, you guys!


Don't go!


Joey, you should
stay back here.

Please just listen
to what the doctor

Stop worryin' will ya?
Can't ya see I'm all right now?

No, you're not!

You were just
in really bad
shape, joey!

And all of us
were worried sick
about you!

And now you're gonna
stand there and pretend
that everything's fine?

It's just so many people
have been hurt

Because of
this tournament,
that's all.

Trust me. I know.

But I have to go
and be there for yugi!

Sorry, guys!

But, joey!

Look, I know I had ya
all scared

But I came back
for a reason! Get it?

I made a promise to yugi
when dis whole ding started!

I said I'd help him defeat marik
and save the world!

He does need you.
He told me. Oh!

I joined this tournament
to save mankind.

And joey vowed to help me.
Please understand.

Dis is about more
than just my pride, tea.

It's about bein' true
to my promise, see?

Not only would I be
lettin' yugi down,

I d be lettin' down
every single person
on earth, tea!

If marik wins this tournament,
he'll have enough power

To cause some major damage

And there's no way
we can let dat happen!
Got it!?

So I'm afraid my mind's
made up, guys!

I'm goin' out there now!

I understand.


Well, don't just
stand there, go!!

Right! Take care of mai,

Ok and be careful
out there!

Hey! Come back
here now!

Sorry for all this!

Wait up, joey!

Well, here we go!

I need
a new career.

Now, I can only keep
three cards.

I just wish I knew
which three cards
kaiba chose.

I need to figure out
his strategy

In order to come up
with a way to stop him!

Let's see.

If I were kaiba,
what would I do?

He's got two
blue-eyes white dragons
on the field!

So I bet he'll want
to bring his third one

Back from
the graveyard!

For that he'll need
monster reborn!

Then he'll probably
want to fuse them
all together

To form blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!

And for that he'll need
a polymerization card!

But who knows if that's
really his plan.

Oh well,
I have to do something,

So I'll pick
these three cards.

And I'll hope
for the best!

It's all up
to destiny, now!

It's your move, kaiba!

It took you long enough!

Don't you realize
that it doesn't matter

What cards you're holding?

This duel belongs to me!
Now stand back! Ready?!

'Cause it's time for
the fun part. Enjoy!

I play the magic card,
monster reborn!

I knew it!

I take it you're aware
of which monster

I'm planning to bring back
from my card graveyard.

My blue-eyes white dragon!

Now I have three!

Next I'll activate this!

If he already had
on the field,

Then what's in his deck?

Now I shall fuse
my three dragons together!

Ha ha ha ha!

Say hello to my blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!

Nothing you do can stop
my three-headed beast!

He's right!
That's kaiba's
strongest monster

And I have nothing
on the field
that can beat it!!

I better think
of something fast!

Look closely!
For this is the creature

That will strip you
of everything you have
once and for all!

Kaiba: I have you exactly
where I want you--

Trembling in fear
before my blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!

Yugi, I've played out
this exact moment in my mind

Over and over
and over again!

And now here we are

At the top of
my duel tower face to face!

And all you have
to hang on to is some rock

From , years ago.

But you're right.
This duel is about the past.

That's true.

I know!

But it's not about
some ancient battle

You think we fought
in another life,

Because you saw
a picture on a stone!

When I say this duel is
about the past

I mean it's about burying
the past for good!

Yugi, once I defeat you

And go on to win this tournament
I'll be number one, not you!

I've heard.

Yes but there's more.

I'll also be closing
the book on my past

So I can concentrate
on my future!

You see, ever since I was
dropped off at the orphanage

As a child, I've had
to fend for myself!

I had to toughen up
to protect mokuba.

Then we were adopted
by a tyrant known
as gozaburo kaiba!

He taught me to crush
my enemies and trust no one,

But nothing I ever did
satisfied him!

So using the ruthless business
techniques he taught me,

I outsmarted him
and took over his company!

Now kaiba corp belongs to me!

And he's long gone.

But that's still
not good enough for me!

There's one conquest
I need to fulfill!

And that's where
you come in, yugi!

So listen! I'm the best
at everything that I do!

But when it comes to being
the best at duel monsters
you are in my way!

So once I beat you
I can forget the past for good!

That's why I'm here!

I never knew seto felt
so strongly about our past.

I know things weren't easy
back then,

But we did have each other.

I guess that wasn't
good enough for him.

He wants to forget

Including the person
he used to be.

But I liked seto back then.
He actually used to smile.

Now he wants to get rid
of that smile forever!

Seto needs to realize
that reaching the top

Doesn't have to mean
being miserable!

Face it, yugi,
your reign is over!

You never cease
to amaze me.



Are you astounded by
my superior dueling
skills, yugi?

Not quite!

It's your complete

And your lust
for power that I find
so puzzling, kaiba!

Why's that?

It holds you back!
That's why!

You'll never defeat me

With a heart full
of hatred and mistrust!

Ha! You're just trying
to distract me

Because you're scared
of losing!

Why don't I let
my actions speak for me?

Reveal facedown card!

My double spell
magic card!

Oh no! Not double spell!

That's right!

This card duplicates
the effects

Of every magic card
you used on your
last turn, kaiba!

That includes
monster reborn
and polymerization!

So first I'll bring
buster blader back
from the graveyard!

Now I'll use

Fusing my dark magician
with my buster blader!!!

Fuse whatever you want,
my ultimate dragon is
still stronger!

Your magic card
didn't help you at all!

You're wrong, kaiba!

For my new
fusion monster
carries with it

Every one
of buster blader's
special abilities!

That means
its attack strength

By points
for every dragon
on the field!

That includes
your blue-eyes
ultimate dragon

As well as my
red-eyes black dragon!

Now behold the power
of dark paladin

The ultimate
magical swordsman!

Ha. Good move, yugi,
but not good enough.

Sorry. Look closer!

What's your point,

Your monster
may be powerful

But it's still
attack points
weaker than mine!

We shall see! My move!

All right, I'm
depending on this card
to win the duel!

I hope it works.
'Cause at this point,

It's my only chance
for victory!

I'll place one card
facedown and end
my turn!

This is where
it all ends, yugi!

Ha ha ha ha!

Now then, it's time to put
an end to my past for good!

As soon as I win this
I can finally move on!

How foolish!

It's our past
that makes us
who we are today!


You must remember
what happened before

So you can learn
from your past.

You can't ignore
where you came from.

Don't you know
it's our history

That shapes
our future, kaiba!

Save it, yugi!

It's time to move on,
not look back!

The past is over!

And nothing you say
will change my mind, yugi!

I need to take you
down, now!

Only then will I attain
true greatness!

Yugi: your duel tower
stands here

Surrounded by rubble
and destruction.

And to me it represents
your heart.

A strong object
surrounded by anger
and hatred.

And as long
as you're fueled by hate

You can never
defeat me, kaiba!

Don't you realize my inner rage
pushes me forward!?

And that's what I'll use
to crush you!

If that's the case
then go ahead

And direct all
of your hatred
towards me.

And strike me down
with your rage!

Very well.

But I assure you
you will live to regret
those words, yugi!

Blue-eyes ultimate dragon
prepare for attack!

This is it.

If I don't stop
his dragon's attack,
this duel is over!

I hafta believe
in my friends
and trust in myself.

If I truly am destined
to face marik...

Then there's no way
kaiba will win this!

My faith in the heart
of the cards

Will overpower
his hatred any day!

Nothing can stand
in the way of
my destiny!

Now my dragon attack!!!

Now I activate
the facedown card,
magic formula!

How pathetic!

I activate absorb spell!

This magic card will absorb
the power of magic formula!

Therefore the attack points
you just added to
your dark paladin

Will be transferred
to my ultimate dragon!

His blue-eyes
ultimate dragon is
completely unstoppable!

Ha ha ha ha!

Now you're history!
Along with your red-eyes!

And dark paladin
the ultimate magical swordsman!


it's over!


Tea: yugi!

This doesn't
look good!


I win!

Yugi: I wouldn't be
so sure of that.

Remember, I still have
one facedown card left!

Kaiba, you're done!

You lie!

As you will soon see

I've been destined
to defeat you
for , years!


My blue-eyes ultimate dragon
cannot be stopped, yugi!!

I'm afraid you're wrong.

But I'll let my card
speak for itself!

So I play this!

My de-fusion card!

This magic card
splits up

Your blue-eyes
ultimate dragon

Into the three
original dragons
you fused to form it,

Thus stopping
your attack!

No! I need my ultimate dragon
to win the duel!

This can't be happening!

Now, kaiba,

You have three dragons
on the field
instead of one!

And since my dark
paladin receives

Attack points
for every dragon
on the field

He's now the strongest
monster in play!

Now, it's time
for my final move!

Just go!

With pleasure, kaiba!
All right.

The card in my hand
will conquer
the darkness

That now surrounds
your heart!

So I play
my final magic card!

Diffusion wave-motion!

You're finished!

All I have to do
is give up ,
life points,

And this magic card
will enhance

The attacking
capabilities of
my dark paladin!

Now my monster
can attack

All three
of your blue-eyes
white dragons at once!

His dark paladin has
enough power

To wipe out my dragons
and my life points!

This duel is over!

Yugi! I will not be defeated
at my own tournament!

Kaiba, you're too late.

Dark paladin, attack!


You lose, kaiba!

[All chuckling]

I told you your hatred
and your lust for power
would never prevail!!

I did it!

But my toughest battle
is still ahead

When I face marik
in the final duel!
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