02x38 - Awakening of Evil, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x38 - Awakening of Evil, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Orion: you've lost
all your monsters,

And now you're down
to life points.

One more attack,
and it's over.

Your scheme
ends here!

Reveal jinzo!

his life points


Way to go!

I play my swords
of revealing light!

I sacrifice
my battle warrior

In order to summon
the legendary fisherman!

play the card I added
to your deck right now!

You have no idea
what I've just done

By securing this
all-powerful card

Within my ancient

Joey: now...
My insect queen!

Joey was able to summon
every rare monster

He won in the tournament
all at once!

You can't win...
Once I play this!

Cup of sealed soul!!

Then I reveal
my facedown card

Seal of serket!

When these two magic cards
are played along with
temple of the kings...

They are able to awaken
a great creature
from its ancient slumber,

A being like none
you've ever seen before!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

Joey: you don't
scare me!!

I'll find a way

To crush your oversized
scorpion, marik!

Odion: that would be
quite an achievement,

my mystical beast serket

Is more powerful than
all of your monsters,
mr. Wheeler.

The only question is,

"Which is the first one
it should devour?"

And it's pointless
for you to try and stop
my ancient creature

Because there's not
a card in your deck

Powerful enough
to do it.

There must be someway
he can fight back.

Don't ask me.

Hey, yugi...

My brother can still
win this, right?

Yes. Even though marik
has the upper hand,

Joey can still
beat him.

He just needs to find
the weakness of marik's
mystical beast

Before it wipes out
the rest of his
life points.

What about the card
locked inside the ark,

The winged dragon
of ra?

Yami-yugi: yes, that's marik's
egyptian god card.

Yugi: joey needs to get
marik's life points

Down to zero before
marik plays thatcard!

Otherwise, joey won't
stand a chance!

Odion, thinking:
master marik,

Why did you place
your egyptian god card
in mydeck?

Marik, thinking:
if we're going to
deceive these fools

Into believing
youare me,

You must duel
as I would, odion.

Of course...
The winged dragon of ra
in yourdeck

Is only a copy
of the original.

I couldn't risk losing
the most powerful

Egyptian god card
in creation,

So I had the rare
hunters reproduce
counterfeit cards.

These forgeries
are exact duplicates

Of the original
winged dragon of ra

And equally
as powerful.

The rare hunters
tested each sample

Until we got it
just right.

Of course, when you're
dealing with a creature
of such power,

Things can get



Marik, thinking:
needless to say,

Many of my obedient servants had
"difficulties" with these cards,

For not everyone can control

The incredible power
of an egyptian god monster.

Eventually, I realized that only
individuals who possess

A certain connection
to the ancient scriptures

Can successfully use
an egyptian god card,

And I have no doubt, odion,

That youwill be successful
when you play it.

Odion, thinking:
thank you, master marik,

But I'm sure I can
finish this duel

that chance.

now, mr. Wheeler!

It's time for you
to make your final move

Before my mystical beast
annihilates you,

And thanks to my swords
of revealing light...

You still can't attack.

You're goin' down!
So here goes.

I play...

aw, man!

A polymerization

That's no help now.

I gotta find
some way to take out
his mystical beast

Before it knocks me
outta da finals!!

I'll keep
all my monsters
in defense mode

And take my chances.

What's his
strategy, mai?

Right now,
all he can do

Is buy himself
a little time.

A desperate move.

And now...
Say goodbye!

My beast can't
be stopped.

So feel his
ancient fury!

Attack his jinzo now!


My mystical beast
not only destroys
the monsters it att*cks...

It also absorbstheir power,
making it even stronger!

It can't be!

Oh, but it can,

And now half of jinzo's
attack power

Is added to my beast!

N' dat
wasn't the only
side effect!

It's bigger
and uglier, too!

If it continues destroying
joey's monsters...

That means...

Marik's monster's
attack strength

Will just continue
to increase...

'Til it's too late.

Uh, doesn't
scare me!

A'right. Well,
it looks like
I gotta pass.

So just go!

I will! The pleasure
is all mine!

Now mystical beast,
attack his insect queen!


by absorbing the power
of your queen,

My creature grows
even stronger!

There's no stopping me,
mr. Wheeler!

You're finished!

Joey, hang
in there!

Yeah! This joker
has nothing on you!

Odion: farewell!

My brother...
I can't watch!

It's just too much!

Serenity, come back!
Don't leave me now!

I need you.

I can't get
through dis duel
without ya here!

You're my
biggest inspiration,

Do you
mean that?


Where do you think
I get all my courage from?

From you!
You're my family!

So you gotta stay here
and cheer me on.

It's the only way
I can win dis ding!

Serenity: you got it,
big brother!

ah, yes...

I've known comfort
like that.

Family can chase away
the shadows of fear...

Like a light from above.

I was only an infant,

But I can still remember
that cold, dark night

When I felt the light
for the first time...

There, there, you
poor sweet thing.

Odion: she gave me
shelter from the cold

And brought me into her home
deep below the desert sands...

To raise me
as if I were her own.

All was peaceful until the day
I discovered my family's secret.

Man: for generations,
our clan has served
the great pharaoh

By guarding
his ancient tomb,

But now our destiny
is in jeopardy.

Who will watch over
the millennium rod
and necklace

If we have
no children?

For , years,

We've waited
in the darkness for
the pharaoh's return.

We cannot
fail him now!

Woman: but we have odion.

Hecan carry on
our legacy.

Why don't you give him
the tomb keeper's

I already told you.

Odion is notour
flesh and blood.

He's our only hope...

It was fate that brought
him to us on that day.

Please initiate odion
by his th birthday.

She's beautiful!

And her name
shall be ishizu.

Finally after
all these years,
a child of our own.

All we need now
is a boy.

my dear odion...

You know I've always
thought of you
as my son...

But you
cannot assume
the family legacy

Until you've been
through the tomb
keeper's initiation,

And you shall
receive this sacred rite
on your th birthday.

How will this
change me?

You will bear
the ancient scriptures,
my child.

You'll see.

That is, if you
still wantto become
a tomb keeper.

Of course!

Mother, does this mean
that I'll be exactly
like you and father?

Yes, dear.

You will truly
be our son.

[Baby crying]

Mother: look, dear!
It's a boy!

Hold him, dear!

A true heir!

We shall call him marik!

Come, my son.

Mother, are you
all right?

Just tired...

Promise me you'll
always watch out

For your brother
and sister.

I promise, mother!!


Someday youshall receive
the tomb keeper's initiation

As a lasting reminder
of your destiny, my son!

Odion: our roles were defined.

Hewas the chosen one.

I was his protector.

I'll get the ball,
big brother!

Here it is!


Odion: oh, no! Marik!


Help! It bit me!

Father: you've disappointed
me again, odion!

And that is unacceptable!

You vowed to us that you
would protect marik,

And now look
at him, odion!

He's my family's

I'm sorry, master!

Sorry's not enough!

Marik's my flesh
and blood!

Hemust carry on
my legacy!

Don't you dare
leave marik's side

Until his fever
has passed
and he is well!

I command you!

I'm sorry.

It was all my fault,
big brother...

Don't let your father
hear you say that!

Forget him.

You will always
be my big brother,

Thank you.

I'll never
let you down again,
master marik.

Please forgive me!

I promise to always
protect you!

Odion: so marikdevoted his life
to the ancient scriptures,

And idevoted mylife to him.

Your dinner.

I'm not hungry.

But you need to eat.

At least
have some soup.

I said,i'm not hungry!

What is it?

I'm sorry, odion.

Soon I'll receive
the tomb keeper's


Then it will be
myjob to wait here

For the pharaoh
to return...

I'll be stuck
down here the rest
of my life.


Why did ihave
to be born the son
of a tomb keeper?

Once I have
the initiation,

There's no escaping
my future...

Just thinking about it
terrifies me.


I know that I was born
into this tradition,

That it's my destiny,

But why?

Why do ihave to give up
so much for this pharaoh?

It isn't fair!

Let me do it.

Your family
saved me.

Now I can repay them
by saving you

From a life
of darkness inside
the pharaoh's tomb.



I'd be honored.

I shall ask for
your father's consent
right now.

Father: my family's
sacred duty

Can only be passed
to a true heir.

I will not
break tradition!

I know I'm not
your realson...

But master marik
is too frightened

To go through
with the initiation.

I can't bear
to see him this way.

Let mefulfill
the family's destiny
and protect the tomb.

I'll devote mylife...

So master marik
can be free.

My son will receive
the initiation
as planned,

And you'll speak
no more of this!

Odion: I'll never forget
when they took marik away.

Help, odion!

I don't wanna be
a tomb keeper!

Aah! Please help me!

Odion! Stop them!

Marik: my life
has changed forever.

Yes, you're
a tomb keeper now.

Go! Arrgh!


I'm sorry...
I feel so alone.

Why should ihave
to pledge my life
to some pharaoh!?!

As you know, I'm
forbidden to join
this clan, so i...

Go on...

So I performed
my ownritual.

I hope this mark
proves my loyalty
to your family, sir.

You're not alone.

Odion: ever since that day,
marik was different.

It was as if that initiation
infused him with an evil force.

Over the years, his evil side
grew stronger.

Marik, thinking:
odion, you fool!

What are you
waiting for!?

Finish off
joey wheeler

So we can move on to
our realopponents.

We must defeat
yugi and kaiba

So I can win their
egyptian god cards

And obtain the power
of the pharaoh!

c'mon, joey!

Don't quit now!

You can do it!

Here I come!

Odion: surrender!

You're helpless against
my mystical beast serket!

No matter
what you draw,

It will nevermatch
the power of my
ancient creature!

And once I destroy
yourfinal monster,

I'll wipe out the rest
of your life points!

Joey: I'm still
in dis, marik!

huh? Aw, great.

How'm I supposed
to beat dat ding

Wit useless
magic cards?!

I'll leave
my fisherman
in defense mode

And sit tight.

Smart move,

But forfeiting this duel

Would have been
an even smartermove!

Zip it, marik!

You may look creepy,
but I'm not scared,

And there's absolutely
no way I'll lose!

My little sista can
finally see me duel...

And I'll make sure
she sees me win.

Is that so,
mr. Wheeler?

How very touching,

But nothing
can save you now.

Too bad...

He's made some
great comebacks...

But I think his streak
will finally end
here on this blimp.

He's definitely
come a long way

Since the last time
idueled 'im.

Oh, well.

He did the best
that he could.

Wait, mai...
Look at joey's eyes.

Your turn.

You're right!

They burn with a fire
that I've never seen
in him before.

It's like he knows
he's going to win.

But how?

I can't think of a move
that can save him!

Yami-yugi: what matters
is what joey feels
in his heart, mai.

His determination
to beat marik
is very strong,

And so...

Joey believes
he's going to win
this duel,

Even though
the likelihood

Of his victory
over marik is
extremely small.

He vowed to
help me put an end
to marik's scheme,

And he's keeping
his promise.

But how's joey gonna
stop this guy?

If he trusts himself
and the heart
of the cards,

He'll find a way.

let's go marik!

If you're so confident
you'll win dis,

Den make your move,

Very well, then.

Stand back
as my mystical beast

Swallows your last
line of defense!

Your legendary fisherman
is gone!

But don't worry.
Its power won't be wasted.

It will be absorbed
by my mystical beast!

sorry, mako.

I didn't mean
to turn your card into
a fish-stick dinner!

It's your last turn
before I destroy you,

So good luck.

You'll need it!

Looks like I pass.

So make
your big move.

This is it...

Poor joey...

He fought well...

Only marik fought
even better.

looks like
I won't get to see

Marik's egyptian
god card, after all.

after this attack,

Yugi's little friend
will be finished!

You've served me
well, odion.

I'm not gonna lose.


Can't explain
how I know...

But I got
dis strange feelin'

That I'm gonna
win dis duel.

It's kinda like
a voice inside my head.

So go ahead and take
your best shot, marik.

Odion: oh, I will!

And as soon as
my mystical beast
att*cks your life points,

It's over!

It's time to lose now.

So say goodbye
to the finals!

Before you make your
final attack and try
to win dis duel,

I got somethin'
I wanna say to you.

I'll never
forget when you
controlled my mind

And forced me to
hurt my best friend
in dat crazy duel.

Now! It's time to destroy you
with my hinotamamagic card!

Aah! Aah!

You didn't have
the courage to face
yugi yourself,

So you made me
do your dirty work

While you hid
like a coward!

I'm facing you now,
aren't i?

And look at the score.

I'm destroying you
in a duel face-to-face!

Well...it's funny
you bring dat up.

See, eva since
we started dis duel,

I've had a weird
feelin' about you.

I can't put
my finger on it,

But you don't seem
like da same guy dat
controlled my mind.

Dat marik's
a regula slime-ball...

But you played
a really fair duel,

And it was one
'a da toughest ones
I eva fought!

Just like I got
a little voice
deep inside me

Dat tells me there's
no way I'm gonna lose...

I also got a voice
dat tells me

You're not
da rotten snake dat
took over my brain

And forced me
to duel yugi!

And I'm sure of it!

You're notmarik!

I always trust what
I feel in my gut...

And now it's tellin me
two dings...

You're not who you're
pretendin' ta be...

And you won't win!




Wheeler's insane!

Of course that duelist
is marik!

Yugi: I'm with joey.

His opponent doesn't
seem like the madman

Who's been trying to steal
my millennium puzzle,

And I don't sense the same evil
around him, either.

But if he's not marik,
then who could he be!?

So where's the real
snake in the grass?!

Yugi: could it be...


[Thinking] no!

If I'm exposed, my entire plan
will be ruined.

In addition to yugi's puzzle
and egyptian god card,

I also need kaiba's card,

Obelisk the tormentor!

And I need to learn
kaiba's rolein this
ancient struggle

Before my secret identity
is known!

Odion: enough of this!

Only the realmarik

Wields the power
of the millennium rod!

Think of that
before you listen

To those senseless voices
inside of you, mr. Wheeler!

Now then, it's time
for me to finish this duel!

Mystical beast serket,
attack his life points

And end this duel

This duel is over.

This is it, guys.


Marik, thinking:
wait, odion!

Stop your attack!

Tea: hey, it stopped!

What's da deal?
He's not attackin'!

Duke: shouldn't joey
be a scorpion snack
right about now?

[Thinking] I held back my attack
as you requested, master marik.

But why!?

I want you
to destroy him

With the egyptian
god card!

Play the winged
dragon of ra!

It's the only way
to convince everyone
that youare me!

My true identity
must be kept a secret

If I am
to gain the power
of the pharaoh!

But it's
too dangerous, master!


Don't make me remove
the winged dragon of ra
from the sacred ark!

Play that egyptian god
card nowso that I may
rule as pharaoh!

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