02x16 - Mime Control, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x16 - Mime Control, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh!

No one shall have
the millennium puzzle but me.

If I control all
the millennium items,

I will control
power unimaginable.

Ever since yugi first
put that puzzle together,

Everyone has been trying
to get their hands on it.

Something tells me this time,
we're in more danger than ever!

[Evil laughter]

There it is!
The winged dragon of ra!

That's makes two.

One more egyptian god card,
and I'll be unstoppable.

In the meantime,
I'll use the quiet one to
crush yugi-moto in a duel

And bring his millennium puzzle
to me.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: who's da man!?

Danks ta weevil,

I'm only
two locator cards
away from da finals!

That was some seriously
impressive dueling
back there joey.

You sent that cheater
running outta battle city

Like a roach
from a spray can!

Danks tristan.

I guess I was da star
of da show today
wasn't i?

Da crowd dug me....

I crushed weevil...

What a duel, hah!?

Plus I got dat termite's
rarest card.

The insect queen!

And you totally
deserve it, joey.

Think about it...

So far you've outsmarted
two top duelists

And both of 'em
turned out to be
major cheaters.

Yeah, why do I attract
these freaks?!

It's good practice joey.

Dueling espa roba and weevil
prepared you for anything.

You're on your way to becoming
an experienced duelist!

Yeah, you're right!

Eat yer heart out yugi!

I just hope yugi's safe,
wherever he is.

All right!

Let's get goin' you guys.

We still gotta find yugi
and joey needs
another challenge.


man, do my friends rock!

I never coulda gotten dis far
wit out 'em.

I just wish yugi
coulda seen me squash weevil
right outta da tournament!

Tea: where do you think
yugi is anyway?

he can't be too far.

We'll find 'im.

Marik: follow them my hunter,
we'll need them all soon.


The time has come
for my arrival.

Everything seems to be in place.

But before I step foot
in battle city

I have one more task to complete
and then if all goes as planned

The power of the pharaoh
will be mine.

Master marik.

Is it time?

The quiet one waits.


I shall control his mind
and eliminate yugi
once and for all.

And then...

I'll take that puzzle.

this dude hasn't moved
in like three hours.

Second man:
duh, he's a mime genius.

He stands there all quiet

And we're supposed to
be impressed.

I don't get it guys.

Is he pretending
to be a statue
or something?

Earth ta mime dude...

Is anyone home
in that bald head
'a yers?

Hello, are you gonna move
or what!?

Marik: awaken my mind-sl*ve!

Was it something
that I said!?

now locate yugi moto!


That was like
pretty weird.

I'll use one of my two egyptian
god cards to devastate him.

Yugi: marik keeps
talking about wanting
the "power of the pharaoh."

But you are the pharaoh.

If you really had all
this power inside you

Don't ya think
we'd know about it?

I guess you must
if you saved the world.

B'what happened?

It's all still unclear.

Well we know that marik's
family's been protecting
your tomb for years

And for some reason
he got this crazy idea

That he deserved
to be the pharaoh
instead of you.

And I'm gonna do
everything I can

To help make sure
that marik doesn't
get away with it!

As long as he can't
defeat us in a duel

He can't take the
millennium puzzle
or your hidden powers.

Destiny brought
this puzzle to me

And even though I didn't know it
when I first put it together,

I was meant to have it

And now you and I
are bonded forever.

And no matter what, I'm going to
help you save the world just
like you did in the past.

You may have
done it alone
five thousand years ago

But now you've got me
by your side.

And not only that but we've also
got our friends behind us...

And with this kinda support
you'll never lose.

Thank you, yugi.

Your friendship means
a great deal to me.

Together we're gonna
find out about your past

And put a stop
to marik's plan.

I just hope
I'm strong enough
to hold my own.

You've already proven
your strength, yugi.

Your courage and determination
are as great as I've ever seen.

I've said it before...

You have the heart
of a pharaoh.

I sense a darkness


I don't see anyone.

Show yourself.

Strings: yugi!

Yugi: who are you!?

Prepare to duel...

And lose your puzzle.



And soon you
and the entire world
will be calling me pharaoh!

Ha ha ha!

Meet my mind sl*ve, strings:
the quiet one.

And thanks to the power
of my millennium rod,
he shall defeat you.


We'll meet soon enough,

Until then, why should I waste
my time when I can duel you
through my mind-puppets?

Battling with the power
of my millennium rod

Is no different than you
using your puzzle to duel.


That's not true.

You force your servants
to do your dirty work

By taking control
of their minds
against their will.

I duel with respect,
and honor.

And I will do
what is necessary
to claim that puzzle.

To do that you'll have
to defeat me marik,

And break the heart
of the cards...

And I can assure you
that won't happen.

We'll just see how you fare
against an egyptian god card!

You call yourself
a pharaoh!?

You don't even know
how to use your power!

So destiny has chosen me
to take the power of
the pharaoh away from you...

And then destroy you!

That ancient power is
not yours to take marik.

You tell 'im!

No way he's gettin'
his hands on your power!

I just did.



Make your move.

Ishizu: the wheels of fate
are in motion.

Now marik faces yami.

And although my brother marik
follows the path of evil,
he can be saved.

There is good inside him.

But in order for his good side
to shine...

My brother must fail
in his quest to obtain
the power of the pharaoh.


so my ring has led me
to the museum.

It senses another millennium
item inside.

You must continue to show me
the way to this item my ring.

Soon all seven
will belong to me.


The mystical millennium energies
are growing stronger.

I must be getting closer
to the source.


The millennium item I seek
is in here.

What's this!?

The force is gone.

The pharaoh's tablets are here.

It's been quite a long time
since I've laid my eyes
on these stone carvings.

But I am sure...

Once I obtain the seven
millennium items I can unlock
the shadow magic it depicts.

This spirit, has some knowledge
of the ancient scriptures,
but doesn't know all.

For my brother...

Seeks a power
far more dangerous!

You cannot stop me.

You'd use
your millennium rod

On your own flesh
and blood, marik?

If you continue to stand
in my way sister...

Then yes.

You leave me no choice.

The pharaoh's power
isn't yours!


only my brother's failure
can save him.

He must not succeed
or the entire world
will be in jeopardy.

The true pharaoh is
the only one who can stop him.

[Thinking] once I am victorious,
the millennium puzzle will be
around my neck at last.

Then I can focus
on stripping kaiba
of the third egyptian god card.

Once I possess all three
I'll combine their strength...

And in accordance with
the ancient scriptures,

I'll drain the power
of the pharaoh himself!

Nothing can stop me!

Battle city - and the world -
will tremble at my feet!

Your plan will never
work, marik.

I'm afraid
it already has.

I've drawn you into a duel
you can't possibly win!

It's all over for you,

Alright, marik...

No more talk!

Prepare to be destroyed
by the force of my
egyptian god card!

I've heard enough!

Let's duel!

You and your
mind-sl*ve will never
win my puzzle, marik!

I disagree.

And now...

I set one card facedown!

And play this monster
in attack mode.

Meet humanoid slime!

This is the beginning
of the end for you, pharaoh.

So make your move
and prepare to lose

You will fail!


Since he played
a really weak monster

I bet he wants
me to attack it!

Then he'll use
his face down card
to destroy my monster.

Well there's no way
I'm gonna let 'im
get a way with it!

I also set
one card facedown.

And then I'll summon
a monster known as gazelle

The king of mythical beasts
in attack mode!

A stronger beast
than yours!

Yes your monster
is almost twice
as strong as mine.

But, don't be so confident
that your gazelle
will prevail.

It takes more than strength
to win a duel.

I'm well aware of that.

Then you won't
be surprised...

When my humanoid slime
annihilates your monster!

I'd like to see you
try that marik.

Very well.

I summon...

Worm drake.

Now watch what happens
when I activate
my magic card!

Time for polymerization!

I'll use it to fuse humanoid
slime and worm drake together
into a diabolical new monster!

Behold my new w*apon...

Humanoid worm drake!

Its attack points
are more than enough
to destroy your gazelle

As well as a portion
of your life points!

When you fuse
two monsters together

You must wait one turn
before you can attack!

So you've left yourself
wide open, marik.

That's of no concern
to me.

Rules are meant
to be manipulated.

And my facedown card
will take care of
that task for me.

I've simply
outsmarted you pharaoh!

Let's see!

Just as you wish!

Reveal face down card!

The quick attack magic card!

You can attack now!

Very perceptive.

Quick attack allows my monster
to attack in the same turn
it was formed!

You've underestimated me
as a duelist...

And for that
you must pay a price

So watch as
I destroy your monster

And move one step closer
to relieving you of your
millennium puzzle forever!

I'm afraid you're no match
for me, pharaoh!

Now watch, as my
humanoid worm att*cks!

Destroy his gazelle,
my beast!

Hold on, marik!

Activate de-fusion!

Turning your one monster
into two again!

So you knew my plan
at the start.

Yes. As soon as you
played a monster

As weak as
humanoid slime
in attack mode

I knew then and there
that you were luring me
to attack it, marik.

And I thought
you fell for it.

That's exactly what
I wanted you to think

But it was really I
who was luring you to use
your hidden magic card

So that
I could reverse it!

I was hoping for
a far more challenging
duel from you...

But you've only
disappointed me.

This duel's far from over.

You'll never win
my millennium puzzle

If you continue dueling
like that!

It seems you're as smart
as they say you are.

But that last turn
was only a test.

I will not be denied my victory
or your puzzle!

You will if you keep
making amateur moves.

You shall witness my true skills
in due time.

And once I defeat you,
I'll become pharaoh and banish
you to the shadow realm!

The relentless power
of my egyptian god card

Will deliver me your puzzle
and assure your destruction!

Prepare to face a force
the likes of which you
have never seen!

Your puzzle and your power
will soon be mine!

Only if you win.

[Thinking] buster blader's
too powerful to waste
on his weak monsters.

But I'm sure it'll come
in handy when marik plays
something more powerful,

So I'll hold it
'til the time is right.

Now I'll dispose
of your weak monsters!

I play
beta the magnet warrior
in attack mode!

Destroy his worm drake

And next my gazelle
will attack!

his humanoid slime

With your claw
of destruction!

The difference in
their attack strengths

Means you lose
one thousand
life points!

Now marik!

You have no monsters
left to protect you!

Very impressive dueling.

But I'm just testing out
your strengths and weaknesses

So that I can ultimately
destroy you and take away
all that you possess!

It's time for round two
and this duel is about
to get interesting!

Are you ready!?

The card I now hold
is like nothing you've
ever seen before.

It is a creature
that simply cannot be destroyed.

It's a shapeless being made
completely of plasma
with no solid mass

Making it
utterly indestructible

And the perfect defense
against enemy attack.

So prepare to experience
revival jam in defense mode!

Just try to attack!

You will fail...

I tell you!

It looks weak to me,

It looks weak does it?

Well take a look at this!

It's my jam
breeding machine!

... And it begins
the countdown to
your destruction!

What's it do?

Think of it as
a monster-creating machine,

Breathing life into
a new plasma creature
every turn!

And this machine will
continue to provide me with
more and more plasma beasts

Called...slime tokens!

Your plan's obvious.

You're going to produce
plasma monsters

Until you have enough
to sacrifice and summon
your egyptian god card.

Very impressive, pharaoh!

Too bad you can't stop me!

Once my breeding machine
creates three slime tokens,

I'll be able
to summon the monster
that will bring about

Your ultimate destruction -
my egyptian god card!

And then your millennium puzzle
will belong to me, forever!

Sorry marik, but
as long as I believe in
the heart of the cards,

Your plan
will never work!

So prepare to lose.

my buster blader!

Now's the perfect time
to summon him.

I need to wipe out
marik's life points

Before his breeding machine
creates more monsters!

And now I'll sacrifice
my two monsters
on the field...

... To summon
this creature!

My all-powerful
buster blader!

My expert swordsman has
the power to wipe out
your revival jam

And more than half
of your life points!

Your monster's attack strength
is quite impressive pharaoh,

But it's still useless
against my revival jam.

We'll see!

Now, my sword-wielding

Destroy his revival jam!

Your monster's
been splattered!

Has it?

What's happening?


You're surprised?

I told you my revival jam
employed the perfect defense.

Even the most powerful sword
cannot destroy
my plasma monster.

It will always
reform itself.

So I can't attack!?

You can,
it just won't work!

So revival jam will protect
my life points

While my breeding machine
continues to create monsters
for my ultimate sacrifice!

But I need to find
another way to wipe out
his life points...

And fast!

Your dueling days
are almost over.

Soon my breeding machine
will have created enough
monsters to sacrifice.

Then comes
your worst nightmare!

My egyptian god card!

Here's the first!

my jam breeding machine!

There's slime token
number one!

I'll also set one card
face down.

Only two turns left!

Then you'll meet your doom!

Soon, that puzzle's mine.

I may not
be able to stop
your breeding machine,

But your plan
has one tragic flaw,

The rules state
you need to sacrifice
three slime tokens

To summon your one
egyptian god card.

But what happens
if I destroy them

You see,
your slime tokens
are defenseless

Against the
superior attack power
of my buster blader...

I can take them out
with no resistance,
and more importantly...

Each time buster blader
destroys one of your
slime tokens

You'll lose over
life points because
they're so feeble.

So according to
my calculations...

... In two turns
you'll be defeated!

Now, buster blader,
attack his slime token!

Or don't!

Reveal face down card!

The continuous trap card,
jam defender!

That can't be!

Revival jam shielded
your monster!

Exactly and as long
as revival jam stays
in defense mode

The jam defender card
forces it to absorb
all of your att*cks

Which means every one of
your att*cks will be blocked!

You see, I knew you'd
attack my slime tokens

In a desperate attempt
to stop me from summoning
my egyptian god card!

So I protected them with
an indestructible force!

The end is near!

Now...another beast
to sacrifice.

Meet slime
token number two!

I've got to stop this!

I'm afraid there's only
one turn left, pharaoh!

Then I'll summon
my egyptian god card
to destroy you!

But just to be safe...

I think I'll play
this magic card!

Nightmare's steel cage

To make sure
you can't attack me
for the next two turns.

It's not that you'll
be around that long.

Now all you can do
is watch

While I summon the most powerful
force you've ever seen
to annihilate you!

[Thinking] soon
the millennium puzzle
and the pharaoh's power

Will be mine, forever!

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