02x11 - The Master of Magicians, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x11 - The Master of Magicians, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Boy: I know you won,

But you can't
change the rules.

It's not fair.

"It's not fair!"

That's loser talk,

This card
is worthless!

B-b-but battle
city rules state

That you only get
my one rarest card
if you win.

Yeah? Well, I'm
making my own rules!

Now, give me
the two rarest cards

In your dueling deck
and fast!

Two cards?
Come on.

Give 'em up!

[Whistle blows]


Dueling foul!

Huh? Hey,
beat it, junior.

You're talking

To the official

For the battle city

I will settle any and all
dueling disputes.

And when it comes
to the rules,

What I say goes.

Do I make
myself clear?

I'll keep that in mind.
Now, get lost!

If you want to stay
in this tournament,

You're gonna have
to do what I say!

Or what?

Kaiba: or you'll have
to deal with me.

What did you say?

Hey, bro!

S-seto kaiba!

When you speak
to my brother that way,

You dishonor me

And the battle city

And besides,

I have very little
patience for bullies.

What's your problem?

It's time you learned
to show some respect.


Whoa, amazing!

What's up with all
these rare cards?

I challenge you
to a duel here and now,

With one condition:

You must use
these rare cards

To boost the dueling power
of your pathetic deck.

you're sure about this?

With all these rare cards
and my skill,

There's no way I'll lose.

Watch out, kaiba.

You're setting
yourself up for a fall!



It's time to duel!


I just need to play
a single card

To teach you
a lesson you
won't forget!

I summon obelisk
the tormentor!

Attack now!

No! No!


I've never seen a card
that powerful.

Now I'll use
my egyptian god card

On a real opponent.

Let's find yugi.


Heh! Now
who's the loser?

Kaiba, thinking: no one messes
with my little brother,

Especially with
an egyptian god card

In my deck.

If my plan worked,

The other two cards
should be here in battle city.

I just need to find out where
so I can win them.

When I get hold of all
of these unstoppable

Egyptian god monsters,

Not even yugi will
be able to defeat me.

Once again, I'll be
the number-one duelist
in the world!



So, obelisk the tormentor
has been played?


Moments ago
in battle city, marik.

And we've identified
the card's owner.

Seto kaiba.

Heh heh heh!

Of course.

How did you
know, sir?

It's quite simple.

Ishizu conspires
against me.

She gave kaiba
that card to stop me.

Now we're both
after the cards.

I should have
known ishizu

Was behind
this whole tournament.

She's been trying
to stand in my way

Ever since I decided
to take what is rightfully mine.

now open the lid,
my servant.


Unlock the safe.


There it is!

The winged dragon of ra!

That makes two.

One more egyptian god card,

And I'll be unstoppable!

Don't take another step!



My millennium necklace
warned me

You would betray me,
and indeed you have.

, Years ago,
our family swore

To protect
the pharaoh's tomb

Until his return.

Who knew that
the greatest threat

Would come
from one of our own?

Why should I
protect him?

I'm claiming what
should have been mine

From the very
beginning, sister!

Soon, instead of
guarding the pharaoh,

I'll inherit
his strength!

My destiny lies
in the cards...

The egyptian god

If you want to carry out
this madness,

You're going to have to
find the last card.

I'm warning you!

You'd use
your millennium rod

On your own flesh
and blood, marik?

If you continue
to stand in my way,

Then yes, I'll have to.

[Thinking] hmm!

I know my sister

Gave the third
egyptian god card
to seto kaiba.

She used
her millennium necklace

To foresee the events
of battle city.

Ishizu knew if she gave
obelisk the tormentor
to kaiba,

He'd throw a tournament
out of greed

To obtain the other
egyptian god cards.

But kaiba has little

Of their true strength,

And once I have
them all,

The power of the pharaoh
will be mine!


First I'll need
to weaken the pharaoh,

Prepare him
for the day I take
my ultimate prize.

Heh heh heh!

Sir, shall I order
a team of rare hunters

To pay kaiba
a little visit?

no. Leave kaiba
to his games.

I have a more
important task
to tend to first.

Dispatch arkana
to take down yugi moto!

Yes, sir.

Tristan: ok, serenity.
I'll see you later.


I'm gonna go down

And see how yugi
and joey are doing. Bye.


Tristan, will you
promise me something?


Will you take me

To the battle city

On the day that I get
my bandages removed?

To battle city?

Yeah. It's really
important to me

That the first sight
I see

Is my brother joey

It would be
my honor.


Catch you later.

Tea: that was
an awesome duel, joey.


I'm impressed
by how much

Your dueling skills
have improved.

Thanks a lot,

Well, we're off
to find yugi.

Ok. Later.

Good luck!

Yugi: I'm glad joey
let us hang on

To his red eyes
black dragon.

That's his favorite card.

And now that we have it,

It's like his heart's
in our deck.

No matter where we are,
joey will be with us.

And if we have
to face marik

And his army
of rare hunters,

We're going to need
all the support we can get.

I just hope that joey
can survive the tournament

Without his red eyes.

He can.

Joey is a great duelist,

And he seems to get better
with every duel he fights.

He just has to keep
believing in himself.

Yeah, joey has come
a really long way

Since his first duel.

And he just
defeated espa roba

Without needing
his red eyes.

Maybe weneed
joey's card

To help save
the world from evil.


speaking of evil,

How will we know where
marik will strike next?

We still don't even know
what he looks like!


Who are you?


Hello, yugi. We've
been looking for you.

Hmm? Who's "we"?

You'll find out
if you walk that way.

Steps forward
and into that tent.

My master is waiting
for you inside.

It's in your best
interest to go.


Still no sign
of yugi.


There he is,
right there!



I'm getting
too old for this!


There's no one here.

Magic show?


Enter here, yugi.

My master's waiting.

Where'd he go?


There he is!


It's almost like
he's in a trance!

Both: yugi!


He's trapped
in there!

Oh, yugi!

Yugi, where are you?

Oh, no,
he's gone!

that's weird.



The tournament
surveillance system

Just lost track
of yugi moto!

He's disappeared!

He's disappeared?


Make sure
the satellite link
is working, now.


yugi's duel disc sends out
a constant i.d. Signal,

So wherever he is,

His signal's being
blocked somehow.

But I'll find him.

Where am i?


Computer: hacking
into battle city database.

Duelist profile
for yugi moto.

Dueling level:

Rarest card:
dark magician.

My dark magician!


I've been waiting
for you.

You are not worthy
of having me
in your deck,

So prepare to lose me

You're not the only
duelist with my power

In their deck, yugi,

And you're certainly
not the best.

It's time that you met

The true master
of the dark magician!


All right. Enough
of these tricks.


Welcome, yugi moto.

I am the illusionist
known as arkana,

And soon
your favorite card

Will be dueling for me!


Only a true master
of illusion

Deserves to hold
a dark magician.

You will never understand
its full potential.

That is enough,

Sorry, yugi.

I know it must be hard

To think
of your favorite card

In another
duelist's deck.

Well, I challenge you
to a duel!

The winner will
take the loser's
dark magician!

And I accept.

You must know
that when a duelist
builds his deck,

He chooses
his favorites

From many different
types of cards.

But sometimes a card
can choose a duelist.

The two are connected,

And the duelist can tap
into the card's true power

Because each is bound
by the heart of the cards!

And the dark magician
has chosen me.

He has never
let me down,

And I place
my complete trust
in my dark magician.

So it's true.

The great yugi moto
never backs down
from a challenge.

Very impressive,

But this room's
a little cramped,

Don't you think?

I know of a special
duel ring close by.

Follow me.

Arkana: hurry.

It's almost
curtain time.

I have special orders
from my superiors

To make this
a real spectacle.


What do you mean,

You have orders
from your superiors?

Just who is it that you're
working for, arkana?

Relax and enjoy
the show.

Forget who's backstage.

Just worry about me.


Yugi, thinking:
could this deranged showman
be working for marik?

If he is, then there
could be much more

At stake here than
just my dark magician.

Arkana: ta-da!

Beyond that door
lies my dueling ring!

I had it specially made
for this match.

Ha ha ha!

It's almost time
to raise the curtain

And start the show.

I hope you enjoy
a good matinee, yugi.

You'll notice we're
completely alone.

There are no screaming fans
and no cameras.

Yes, it's
the perfect setting

For a private performance
with so much on the line.

We'll duel according
to battle city tournament rules,

But thanks
to our location,

Not even kaiba
knows we're here.


Let's shuffle our decks

And let the show
begin, shall we?

I'm watching you.

Don't try any
sleight of hand,

Card tricks are strictly
for amateurs, yugi moto.

Just to be sure,
I'll cut your deck.

Of course.

You know, there
is an old saying

Among high-rollers
and card sharks:

"Always trust
your opponents,

But only after you've
cut their deck."


Here's another:

"Never trust
a masked man."

Ha! I'm offended.

Besides, you and I
are a lot alike.

We both play to win.

Of course, in this
duel performance,

You'll find there's
an extra down side
to losing.


Get ready!

The show--
I mean, duel--

Is about to begin!



We're both locked in,

Which means neither
of us can escape.

See, there's
an extra twist.

We're not just
playing for what's
inside your deck,

We're playing for
what's inside your mind!

What's that?


It's a dark energy
disc, yugi,

And I wouldn't get
too close.

One touch,
and your mind's banished
to the shadow realm!

Don't worry, yugi.

I'll explain the rules
to you before you lose.

See the numbers written
above the energy discs?

Those are life points.

The closer the number
gets to zero,

The closer the disc
gets to us!


And then you can say hello
to the shadow realm!

All right. Now look
down between you feet.

You'll see each of us
has a key box.

A key box?

Yes, and inside
is a key

To unlock the shackles
around your legs.

Your box displays
your opponent's life points

And will only open
if you win the duel!


Only then can you
save yourself!

You're insane!

Think of it
as a hope chest, really,

Because that key
is your only hope.


What kind of person
would toy with
someone's mind?

Are you some kind
of demented madman?

No. I'm a man
who's undefeated.

Not for long,


You've met
your match,

So get ready!

It's time for us
to duel, arkana!

The spotlight's on us.

It's showtime!

Then draw your cards!

As you wish, yugi.

there it is,
as expected--

My dark magician.

Won't yugi be surprised

When he sees
how easily I drew it?

Sure, card tricks
may be for amateurs,

But as a duelist,

Learning how to draw
any card anytime

Comes in very handy.

Yugi will never guess
that I've manipulated
my deck.

It's so simple.

All I had to do was trim
the edge of certain cards

To make them slightly
smaller than the rest.

And since I trimmed
my dark magician,

It showed up
right on top

When yugi cut my deck,

Exactly as I planned
it would.

Now yugi will learn
how dangerous it is

To play games
with a magician,

Especially when
the stakes are so high.


And now
I'll start this duel

By placing one card

And then...

I'll summon
alpa the magnet warrior

In defense mode!

brace yourself.

I'll summon my legion
the fiend jester,

Also in defense mode!

once I have another
monster on the field,

I'll sacrifice
them both to summon

My all-powerful
dark magician!

You won't be smiling
for long!

Yugi, thinking: to
defeat this trickster,

I'll have to think
like a trickster.

Here goes.

since I don't trust
your hand,

I'll play
this magic card.

Don't trust
my hand?

Take this!

Card destruction!

Not that!

My precious hand!

Both players must
discard their hands now.

That means you, arkana!

my plan is ruined!

I was ready to summon
my dark magician
and destroy him!


You've been
deceiving me
from the start.

I thoughtyou fixed
your first hand,

So rather than
take my chances

At falling victim
to another one
of your tricks,

I destroyed
both of our hands
so we can discard

Our old cards
and start over
with a clean slate.

Say farewell
to the cards in
your hand, arkana!

you'll pay for that

When I claim
your dark magician

And send you
to the shadow realm!

I wouldn't count
on that yet, arkana.

the facedown card!

Brain control!


This card lets
me control any
of your monsters,

Like fiend jester!

My monster!

Now I'll sacrifice
your fiend jester

And my
magnet warrior,

Which allows
me to summon
my ultimate monster.

Fear the power
of my dark magician!

When you believe
in the heart of
the cards, arkana,

You don't need
to cheat.

I'm wide open to an attack
by his dark magician!

You believe
in nothing

Except trickery
and winning
at all costs.

But now you'll
see what happens

When you have faith
in your cards,

Dark magician...

Show him
some real magic...


With a direct attack
on his life points!

You've already lost

More than half your
life points, arkana.

I'm still waiting

For this
grand magic show
you promised me.


The dark energy disc
is getting closer!

he may be on top now,

But he has no idea
of the tricks

That are up my sleeve!

That was just
the opening act, yugi!

Before this show's over,

Your mind will be trapped
in the shadow realm forever!


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