06x09 - Thanksgiving Cruise: The Best of Friends/Too Many Dads/Love Will Find a Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x09 - Thanksgiving Cruise: The Best of Friends/Too Many Dads/Love Will Find a Way

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "love

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's sweetest
reward, let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

[Theme music]

You know, this is our
sixth Thanksgiving together?

Ah, see how time flies
when you're having fun?


I think we're pretty lucky.

Six years ago, we were thrown
together completely by chance.

And not only did we
get along, but here

we are, the best of friends.

Well said, Adam.

I think, as a group, we have a
great deal to be thankful for.

I'll second that.

Do you remember the
first day we all met?

I sure do.

Oh, I remember that.

You know, I could
not believe that you

were the ship's doctor.

Too young, huh?

Oh, no.

It's just when you see a
grown guy in a sailor suit

chasing a big buxom
blonde on a passageway,

the word "doctor" is not what
comes immediately to mind.


You know, gopher, i'm
getting a little tired

of your woman-chasing jokes.

It's no joke.

Honestly, I saw you chasing
this woman down a passageway.

And, doc, I got to tell
you, she did not look sick.

- You know what's sick, gopher?


You're sick.

What did I say?


This is a funny way to
start our Thanksgiving.

[Theme music]

Excuse me, when do we
get to puerto vallarto?

That's puerto vallarta.


Hello, I'm Roger Lewis.

And this is bj.

Well, how do you
do, bj, Mr. Lewis.


I'm captain stubing.

And this is my daughter Vicki.

Hi, how do you do?

How do you do?

Hi, bj.

How do you do?

But when we do get to puerto--


Bj: When we do get
there, me and my dad

are going to open up a
restaurant, bj's cafe.

As you can see, I'll
be back in the kitchen.

And bj will be doing
all the talking.


But I'll be making the best
barbecue sauce in the world,

my mom's secret recipe.

Oh, is your mom going to
meet you in puerto vallarta?

Um, we lost my wife in an
auto accident a year ago.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Captain stubing: Well, you two
look like a winning team to me.

We look forward to
dining at bj's cafe.

You better make your
reservations ahead of time

if you want a good table.

We know the boss.


See, you're on the aloha deck.

You can go right through that.

But it's nice having you with
us for our Thanksgiving cruise.

- Ok.
- Bye.

[Theme music]

Dad, come on, let's
check out our cabin.

Bj, are you sure you want
to go through with this?


But maybe we should've taken
a plane to get away faster.

I know.

But I was afraid bill would
be checking the airport.

I just hope I'm doing
the right thing.

You are, dad.

You are.

You're right.

Come on, let's get
so far away bill

burgess will never find us.

Hi, I'm Elaine Hamilton.

Hello, welcome aboard
our Thanksgiving cruise.

I'm Julie McCoy,
your cruise director.

Have my parents checked in
yet, buck and Hanna Hamilton?

Well, I'll see.

No, they haven't arrived yet.

But when they do arrive,
they're in cabin

on the promenade deck.


I hope their plane isn't late.

They're flying in from Denver.

No, I think they'll be here.

I had a vision.

- A vision?
- Mm-hmm.

I had a vision of
those two people's eyes

lighting up the
minute they saw you.

There's my little girl.

Oh, mom, dad, oh.

Oh, Elaine, my darling.

Oh, I'm so glad
you're both here.

Well, it's not
every day that we

get to meet our only
daughter's only fiance.

Where is that fellow, anyhow?

Oh, Arthur had to finish
grading some exam papers.

He should be along shortly.

Oh, I can't wait to meet him.

Is he really as handsome
as his pictures?

Well, mom, dad, there's
something I want to tell

you before you meet Arthur.

It's just that--

Hanna: I know, dear.

He's not like any
other man you ever met.


Oh, that's right, mom.

buck: Oh, don't worry, honey.

If he's half as nice as your old
man, he's good enough for me.

- Buck.
- [Laughter]

Buck: Besides, now,
I'll have somebody

to give me some competition
at the tennis court.

Come on, hotshot,
let's get settled.

All right.

I'm going to wait for Arthur.

I'll join you shortly.

All right.

Has that young fellow
realized how lucky he is?


[Cruise horn]

[Theme music]

Did Elaine seem a
little nervous to you

when we came aboard?

Well, it's only natural to be
nervous when you're introducing

your fiance to your parents.

Remember what my
father put you through?


How could I forget?

We were married
three months before I

knew he was kidding
about "no hanky-panky

with his little girl."


Hanna: Bad luck, hurting himself
just before his vacation.

Mom, dad, I'd like
you to meet Arthur.

Oh, I'm so
pleased to meet you.

Arthur, sure
pleasure to meet you.

Now, don't get up, son.

What a shame.

What happened?

I-- I had a
skateboard accident.

Hey, you're getting a little
old for that, aren't you?

Yeah, well, it
happened when I was .

[Somber music]

Why don't I get a round
of Tequila sunrises.

Oh, no, Mr. Hamilton,
please, let me.

Hanna: No, no, no, no.

You-- you sit.

I mean, you stay.

I mean, uh--

Arthur: It's no trouble
really, Mrs. Hamilton.

Excuse me, could we get four
Tequila sunrises, please,

when you get the chance?

Sure, I think that
can be arranged, yeah.

So how's your
trip from Denver?

I'm sorry?

Your trip from Denver?



I just get crazy sitting in
the little seats for two hours.


[clears throat]

I almost didn't make
the ship myself.

Couldn't find a parking place.

Parking place?

You drove to the ship?


Yeah, I have a four Wheeler.

I wanted to take it up the
ramp, because it was so steep,

but they wouldn't--

a little joke there.

It's very little, obviously.

Well, why don't-- why
don't I check on those--

those drinks.

They never put enough
Tequila in them.

Excuse me.

Let me help you.

Excuse us, please.

Why didn't she tell us
about him before he got here?

It's probably not easy
for her to talk about.

Well, if it's not easy
for her to talk about,

it certainly won't be
easy for her to live with.

Elaine, I can't believe
you didn't tell them.

Arthur, please,
don't be angry.

You just don't know my parents.

This is all new to them.

The closest they've ever been
to anyone in a wheelchair

is an "Ironside" rerun.

But, honey, I'm used to
people's first reactions.

Poor cr*pple.

I had to get over
that a long time ago.

I just want them
to get over it too.

Honey, I tried to tell them.

But I just couldn't
find the right words.

They're only three
words, "he's a paraplegic."

Arthur, there are three
other words, "I love you."

[Music playing]

Get off, you little monster.


Oh, captain.


When do you think we'll be
getting to puerto vallarta?

That is our next
stop, isn't it?

Well, no.

We stop at Ensenada first.

Why do we have to stop there?

It's just a silly habit
the captain got into.


Oh, by the way, Mr.
Lewis, bj, this is

our ship's doctor Adam bricker.
- Hello.

- How do you do?
- How are you?

- Hi, nice to meet you.

You'll have to excuse bj.

He's really anxious to
get to puerto vallarta

and open our restaurant.

I understand.

Bringing up a child
by myself, i'm

beginning to understand
a lot of things

I never understood before.


Well, enjoy yourself.

We will.

All right.


Dad, I thought it
was our next stop.

Don't worry, bj.

We're going to get there ok.

I promise you.

I hope so.

I always feel safe
when I'm with you.

Oh, yeah?

I'm gonna get you now.

No, you're not.

Hi, Isaac.

Hi, doc.

Bye, Isaac.

Bye, doc.


I see you and doc haven't
buried the hatchet yet, huh?

When he apologizes
for calling me sick,

I will consider making up.


Go for it.

You insulted him first.

Excuse me, I did
not insult him.

I told him the truth.

Gopher, we've been friends
for about six years, right?


Isaac: Can I say something
to you as a friend?

Maybe doc is a little
sensitive about all

those lady-chasing stories.

Even if you are right,
it's Thanksgiving.

Now, why don't you
be the bigger man

and apologize first before
this thing gets out of hand?

No way.

Well, you know, it's
like my old grandfather

used to say about friendship.

He used to say, Isaac--

Isaac, why is it that
every time there's a problem,

you always come up
with one of your


Who was your old grandfather?

Sigmund Freud?


He was just an
average, everyday kind

of a guy with a whole lot
of common sense, which

you don't have this much of.

Oh, is that so?

Well, thank you
this much, friend.

You're welcome
this much, ex-friend.


[Theme music]

Julie (on speaker): Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to Ensenada.

Boarding of
southbound passengers

will begin in
approximately minutes.

While you're here,
enjoy a moonlight

stroll to one of Ensenada's
many fine restaurants.

Or, for your convenience, join
us for a late-sitting dinner

in the coral dining room.

We sail at o'clock.

Well, there it is.


How do you like it so far?

Bj: Looks great.



Do they have little
league in Mexico?


Only problem is little
league bullfighting.


Just kidding.


Uh, hi, excuse me.

I'm looking for a Roger
Lewis and a kid named bj.

Gopher: Oh, gee,
I don't know what

their cabin number is offhand.

But if you go into
the purser's lobby,

I'm sure they'll give it to you.

Thanks, mm-hm.

Well, listen, hey, if
you want me to page them,

I can do that and tell
them you're here, mister--

Bill burgess.

No, thanks.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

Ok, have a nice evening.


It's a surprise all right.

Come on.


Come in.

[Gasping] Elaine,
you look beautiful.

Of course she does.

She takes after you.

Listen, I'm sorry I didn't
tell you about Arthur.

Well, it might have
made the introductions

a bit [clears throat] smoother.

Well, he looks
like a very nice guy.

Dad, he's so positive about
everything, just like you.

Elaine, look, you
and Arthur together--

Elaine, you join Arthur.

We'll meet you in
the dining room.

Well, don't be long.

We'll have a big
dinner to celebrate.

Celebrate what?

- What are we going to do?
- Don't worry.

I'll think of something.

Oh, doc.

Hi, you two headed for dinner?

The dining room--

oh, well, no.

In fact, bj hasn't been
feeling well, have you bj?

Oh, yeah.


Oh, I mean, no.

My stomach hurts.

Well, I'll have a look at you.

Come on inside.


Right this way, bj.

Come on.

That's it.

Hop right up here.


Almost ready.

Well, don't feel warm.

Now, what kind of
pains are they, bj?

Dull or sharp?

Dull and sharp, ugh.

Dr. Bricker: I see.

And when did they start?

I don't know.

But they're getting worse.

What do you think
it is, doctor?

Well, I don't know.

All right, take off your
jacket and your shirt,

and I'll have a look at you.

Maybe you should keep him here
anyway, doctor, just in case.

I'll stay with him.

[Theme music]

Have doc and gopher
ironed things out yet?

Are you kidding?

Gopher's too stupid to
apologize to anyone.

Now, Isaac, don't
tell me that you

and gopher have had words too.

No, as usual,
gopher's had them all.

Hey, Isaac, what do you
hear from your grandfather?



Isaac, please, we've already got
one argument to straighten out.


Now, here's what I
think you should do.

Isaac: Hold it, Julie.

Don't start with that
mommy routine of yours, ok.

What's that supposed to mean?

Isaac: Nothing.

It's just that
any time any of us

have any kind of
disagreement at all,

you step in with that
great big smile of yours

and start talking to us
as if we're two years old.

Well, when people
behave like two-year-olds,

that's the way I treat them.


Save it for the passengers.

Ok, mommy?


Hey, Isaac--



Hi, Julie.





Evening, sir.


I hope this is good.

I am starving.

Well, don't hold back.

Food comes with the job.


Good evening.


Nice dining with you, sir.

You just started.


Believe me, sir.

I've had quite enough
for one evening.

Gopher, will you talk to--

Adam, will you do something?

Merrill, please.

I'm sorry I'm late.

But I was in my
examining room with bj.


Nothing serious, is it?

No, as a matter
of fact, I can't

find anything wrong with him.

But his father asked
me to let him rest

in my waiting room for a while.

Maybe they're just
playing it safe.

Dr. Bricker: Maybe.

But safe from what?


Not bad, not bad.

Well, I thought you'd
enjoy the wine, Mr. Hamilton.

It's a chardonnay I discovered
last summer in France.

You've been to France?

Do you travel a lot?

Well, not as much
as I'd like to.

Well, I guess it must
be pretty hard for you.

Arthur: Yeah, you
better believe it.

On a teacher's salary,
it's difficult.

But I feel travel is
a necessary luxury.

It opens new paths to the soul.

[Exhaling] That's very poetic.

What do you expect
from the world's

greatest English teacher?

Arthur: No, I'm only poetic when
a certain chemistry teacher's

chemistry is working on me.

[Theme music]

[Party music]

- Excuse me.
- Yes.

- Are you the captain?
- Yes, good evening.

What can I do for you?
- Good evening.

Hi, I'm bill burgess.

I'm looking for a Mr. Roger
Lewis and a boy named bj.

Oh, yes.

Are they still in
your office, doctor?



Is bj sick?
- Why?

Are you a friend of theirs?
- I'm more than a friend.

I'm the boy's father.


I thought Mr. Lewis
was his father.

I have the feeling I
understand the reason

for the boy's stomach ache.

Well, what do you hear?


Hope the problem's
in your ears.


[Phone ringing]

I'll get it, dad.

No, no, no, don't.

You don't anyone
to know we're here.

[Phone ringing]

No answer.

I'd feel better if I
checked it out now.

I better go with you.

Don't worry, bj.

When we get to puerto
vallarta, we'll leave the ship.

And then we'll be safe.

Hey, dad, why don't we sneak
off the ship now in Ensenada?

This is still Mexico, right?


And the sooner we get
out of here, the better.

Let's go.

Hello, son.

I've come to take you home.

[Theme music]

Roger: He's not going anywhere.

He's staying right here.

Bj is my son.

And I'm here to take
him home with me.

I don't want to go.

Where were you when
your son needed a father?


Yeah, you left me
when I was a baby.

Well, I'm here now.

And I'm your father.

But I raised him.

You haven't seen him five
times in the last years.

Gentlemen, please.

All this arguing won't
accomplish anything.

Whether bj returns
to his father or stays

with the man who raised him
is the decision for the courts

to make.

Bill: I'm glad to
hear you say that,

captain, because the courts
already have decided.

I have a court
order here awarding

me legal custody of bill Jr.

Mr. Lewis, I think
you should see this.

I know about that, captain.

But it takes more
than a piece of paper

to make somebody a parent.

I'm afraid I can't allow bj
to disembark with you in Mexico.

Technically, it might be
considered kidnapping.


I've taken care of bj
since he was in a playpen.

Yeah, if he hadn't married
my mom, I never would have

had a father.

I'm sorry, bj, Mr. Lewis, a
court order is a court order.

I won't go.

Come on now, bj.

No, daddy, don't
let him take me.

I know how hard
this is for you.

Here we go.

Come on, we'll talk it over.

Dad, don't.

Dad, help.
- Captain.

Dad, don't let him take me.

Dad, dad, dad, no.


I'm afraid my hands are tied.

I wish there was
something we could do.

There isn't.

[Theme music]

Julie (on speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

we have weighed
anchor and are sailing

from Ensenada to our next
port of call, puerto vallarta.

Mr. Hamilton.

I hope you don't mind.

The door was unlocked.

No, that's not true.

The fact of the
matter is, I told

the steward this was my cabin.

And he-- he let me in.

Well, why not?

We're almost family, right?

Arthur, I want to talk
seriously about Elaine

and about Elaine's future.

Hm, well, as Elaine's
future husband,

I suppose that also
includes me, right?

Yes, well, you see,
Elaine is my only child.

She's my baby.

And I've always wanted the
best of everything for her.

So far, we agree totally.

And our family's always had
a great love for the outdoors,

particularly Elaine.

I mean, swimming,
horseback riding,

skiing, mountain climbing,
everything, physical fitness.


What kind of life could you
two possibly have together?

Well, I think we could
have a good life together.

And with your blessing,
we could have a great one.

You're a very fine young man.

I know you've-- you've
lived through a great deal.

As I said before, as
far as Elaine goes,

I've always wanted--

--the best.

Arthur, you're handicapped.

No, you're handicapped
by the way you think.

I'm just trying to do
what's best for Elaine.

Well, So am I.

No, don't think of now.

Don't think of the present.

Think of years from
now, years from now.

Do you really think
it's fair of you

to expect Elaine
to play nursemaid

for the rest of her life?

I'm sorry.

I didn't say that well.

I didn't mean to be so blunt.

But, please, think
of what I've said.

You know, it's not as if I've
never thought of it before.

I've thought about
it many times before.

Please, think about it again.

You're a very fine young man.

And I know you'll do what's
best for Elaine, for everybody.

[Theme music]

Hey, come on, kiddo, load up.

Party's free.

I'm not hungry.

If you're going to actually
pass up all of these goodies,

you're not bill burgess, Jr.

That's right, I'm not
bill burgess, Jr. I'm bj.


Look, son, I know
you're mad at me

because I've changed your plans.

But I'm your father.

And I'm doing
what's best for you.

You mean like you did when
you ran out on mom and me?

I didn't run out on you.

Your mother and I
weren't getting along,

and so we both agreed it
was time for me to leave.

Well, what about me?

You hardly ever came to see me.

I knew your mother would
take good care of you.

Ok, I know I haven't
been a very good father.

But with your mother
gone, why don't you

give your old man a chance
to make it up to you, huh?

Come on, bj, give me a break.

We'll have fun.

I'll take you to ballgames.

We'll go fishing.

I hate that stuff.

Well, what if I teach you
how to play trumpet, like I do?

I hate music.

Well, what do you like?


I like Roger.

[Somber music]

Oh, hi there.

Morning, sweetheart.

Aren't you going to breakfast?

Yeah, in a minute.

I just have to
finish this chart.

Oh, what kind of
a chart is that?

It's a who's still talking
to who on the crew chart.


Let's see, Isaac isn't
talking to Julie.

And gopher isn't talking to doc.

I know.

They're all acting ridiculously.

I feel like I'm the captain
of the ship of fools.


Isaac isn't talking to gopher.

And Julie isn't
talking to Isaac.

That's enough, Vicki.

Doc isn't talking to gopher.

But he's still talking
to Julie and Isaac.

I said, that's enough.

And Isaac is talking to doc.

But he isn't talking
to Julie and gopher.

Vicki, enough.

[Somber music]


Not us.

Hey, you call that a kiss?



Oh, good morning, sweetheart.

Did you see that buffet?

If that's just breakfast, can
you imagine what Thanksgiving

dinner is going to be like?

Come on.

I'm not very hungry right now.

Is anything wrong?

Elaine, I've got
something to tell you.

My gosh, this sounds serious.

If you tell me you've
got a wife in acapulco--

look, it's serious.

Elaine, I've come to
depend on you a great deal.

I've come to
depend on you too.

Yeah, but it's not the same.

I've been doing a lot of
thinking on this cruise and i--

maybe we're getting
dependence mixed up with love.

It's close enough.

Arthur: But it's not right.

Marriage isn't like that.

That's why I think our getting
married would be a big mistake.

A mistake?

How can you say that?

We've been happy.

We're happy right now.

But what about
years from now?

We'll be years happier.

Elaine, we just--

we just can't do this.

I'm sorry.

I don't believe this.

Can you honestly tell
me you don't love me?

I can't.

Don't you see?

I'm doing this
because I love you

and because I want to
do what's best for you.

[Somber music]

[Theme music]

Some Thanksgiving this
is going to be, huh.

Well, at least it'll be quiet.

Hardly anybody's talking.


Can't you and gopher
smooth things over?

Well, how about you and Isaac?

Hey, I asked you first.

Besides, gopher
didn't mean any harm

about you chasing that girl.


It was just being
sentimental, remembering

that day we first all met.

Yeah, I remember that day too.

I especially remember you.


Really, pretty Julie.

You have matured
a lot since then.

You mean, I've gotten older.

No, I mean matured, more
confident, more in command.

Thank you.

Now, you're a woman.

Then, you were a little girl.

Even your hair was
different, remember?

You had those cute little bangs.

It was Fuller on the sides.

They're much darker,
brown, in fact.

Don't you like it now?

Yeah, I like this color too.

Maybe it could be a little--



It's nice.

Maybe it could
be a little what?


I like it.

Doc, if you have
any complaints,

let's hear them, huh.

I don't have any
complaints, honest.

If I had any
complaints, it would

have been about that
brassy color you had once.

I didn't like that.


My hair has never
been brassy, doc.

It was blonde.


Well, brassy blondie then.

And green once.


Remember that?


That was a mistake.


I'm sorry you don't
like the color of my hair.

Julie, why wouldn't I
like the color of your hair?

I've liked it through
four colors already.


You just go chase some
blonde down a passageway, huh.


[Theme music]



I knew you wouldn't
leave me here.

Is bill in there?


Come on, we can
make a run for it.

I have to talk to you
about something, bj.

We can talk later.

Let's get out of here.

We're not going, bj.

That's what I came to tell you.

Whatever you and I
feel, you've got to go

and live with your father.

But you are my father.

No, I'm not.

What kind of a
father would sneak

his son out of the country?

No good father would teach
his son to break the law.

But don't you love me?

Of course I love you, bj.

I'll always love you.

And I'll come to visit
you every chance I get.

Yeah, sure.

That's what bill used to say.

[Somber music]


[Somber music]

Bj, I want you to be a good
boy and do what bill tells you,

all right?

All right.

Let's go back in there.

Roger, I heard what you said.

How can I thank you?

Just take good care of him.

[Somber music]

[Theme music]

Julie (on speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to glorious
puerto vallarta,

famous for its
palm-fringed beaches

and warm tropical breezes.

Have a pleasant stay.

[Theme music]

[Bar music]

Hey, doc, what will it be?

Well, just a cup of coffee and
a little conversation, Isaac.

You're the only one
still talking to me.

You know what you
need, doc, is one

of my Thanksgiving specials.

One part guava juice, one part
vodka, and two parts raki.


Yeah, that's a foreign drink.

And that's your
Thanksgiving special?

Yeah, raki comes from Turkey.


It comes from Turkey.


Hey, doc.

Where's your sense of humor?

It's here, Isaac.

But it only comes out when
it hears something funny.

Hey, listen,
don't get mad at me

just because you had
a fight with gopher.

Listen, if you want some
good advice about gopher--

please, Isaac.

Thank you, no advice, ok?

Spare me that.

Ok, consider yourself spared.

All I was going to say is that--

I know what
you're going to say.

I should make up with gopher.

And it was all my fault, right?

Look, doc, all i'm
going to say is--

you know, you two guys
always stick up for each other.

It's like dealing with
the bobbsey twins.

Well, excuse me.


Can I get a cup
of coffee, huh?

What do you say?

Sorry, the bar's closed.


All right.

I'll just get my own coffee.


And give yourself two aspirin.

And call yourself
in the morning,

because you'll be the
only one talking to you.


[Theme music]

Believe me, baby.

It'd be a big mistake.

It's probably the
best thing, for you.

Yeah, that's just
what Arthur said.

He said he was doing
the best thing for me.

Well, uh-- maybe--
maybe he's right.

Then tell me something.

If everyone else knows
what's best for me,

why is this the
worst day of my life?

I'm tired.

If you'll excuse me, I
think I'll say goodnight.

[Somber music]

I've never seen her
so upset, not even

when she lost out on that
teaching scholarship.

Buck, this time she's losing
more than a scholarship.

Well, I know, I know.

She'll find somebody else.

I mean, people can fall
in love more than one time

during a lifetime.

Did you?


Buck, tell me something.

If I had been in a wheelchair,
would you have married me?

Oh, Hanna.

That's an unfair question.

No, it isn't.

Think about it.

What you have married me?



I wonder if our parents
would have approved.

[Somber music]

Hi, goph.

Hi, Julie.

Do you believe the
way this Thanksgiving

cruise is turning out?

[Laughter] Yeah,
it's beginning to sound

like a bad movie, isn't it?

[Laughter] I
think you and I are

the only members of the cruise
still talking to each other.

Oh, I think that's because
you and I happen to have a very

open and honest relationship.

Based on a mutual respect
for each other's feelings.


I mean, I can say things to you.

And I know you are not going to
be offended or get into a snit,

unlike some others that we know.


And I feel the
same way about you.

I know that you accept
me for what I am.

Well, hey, who am
I to criticize you?

Let's face it, I certainly
have done some incredibly

immature things in my time.

Well, gopher, don't go
putting yourself down.

Personally, I've
always thought that one

of your most endearing
qualities was your constantly

childlike behavior.

[Troubling music]


Constantly childlike behavior?

I think that I have also
done some incredibly

mature things in my time too.

Don't you agree?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Sure, I do, like that time--

well, like--


Well, Julie, how
about the time we

were both on that
island, trapped

in a hurricane four years ago?

I'd say I was pretty
brave then, wouldn't you?

You were in a coma.



And thank you for
reminding me of that.

I appreciate the bluntness.

You're certainly not
a flatterer, Julie.

And I like that.


Thank you.

It's probably why
you're still single.


I am still single because
I choose to be single.


You are constantly childlike.

And you're constantly single.


Julie (on speaker): Attention,
ladies and gentlemen.

We will be leaving puerto
vallarta in minutes.

Gopher (on speaker): minutes.

Julie (on speaker): minutes.

Well, it's getting late.

I'll tell you what,
you get two choices.

You can either go
to bed now, or you

can have a hot fudge sundae.

I think I'll take the sundae.

That's my boy.


Where are you going?

I'm going home, bj.

But you can't go now.

If you're going to
live with your father,

you're going to have to
start getting used to it.

Please, can't you
stay until tomorrow?

I've never had
Thanksgiving without you.


[Somber music]

All right, bj.

Thanks, dad.

You're always there
when I need you.

[Theme music]


All right.

This won't take long.

I've heard an ugly
rumor that some of you

are considering not
joining the rest of us

for Thanksgiving dinner.

That's right, sir.

[Interposing voices]

If you want to act
like a bunch of children,

that's your business.

But running this
ship is my business.

And if you like it here,
you better make running

this ship your business too.

Am I understood?


Captain stubing: Quiet.

We-- and I mean, we, all of us--

have passengers
on this ship who

are trying to enjoy themselves.

So get your acts
together, all of you.

Put your petty
differences aside.

And be at that
Thanksgiving table.

In the meantime, I want
each and every one of you

to do your work expertly and as
you have in the past, happily.

So dismissed.

Captain I really
think that we--

I said, dismissed.

[Music playing]


[Theme music]


It's beautiful, isn't it?


That some Turkey, eh, dad?

Sure is, son.

Yes, son.


[Clears throat]

Where's dad?

I don't know.

He said he'd be here.


Oh, it's open.

Come in.

Oh, hi.

You come to wish me
a happy Thanksgiving?

[Sighing] Arthur, there
are two things all my friends

know about buck Hamilton.

One, is that I
adore my daughter.

The other, is that
I hate to apologize.

Both those things bring me here.

Well, Mr. Hamilton,
there's no need to apologize,

because you were right.

And as for adoring
your daughter,

that not only proves that
you're a good father,

but that you have good taste.


Yeah, well, may I sit down?


Elaine loves you.

Elaine is unhappy.

And when she's unhappy,
I am miserable.

Yeah, well,
she'll get over it.

That's what I thought.

We're both wrong.

I don't think we were.

I don't think you
were wrong when

you told me that it would be a
very difficult life for Elaine.

And I think I was right
when I told her we shouldn't

go through with the marriage.

Do you really believe that?


You-- you finally showed me that
I was telling myself too many


You know what I think, Arthur?

What's that?

I think you're telling
yourself a lot of lies, now.

[Somber music]

[Glass clinking]

When I was a boy, every year
at the Thanksgiving table,

my father would ask each person
to give a reason, any reason,

why he or she was thankful.

I think we should
adopt that this year.

Now, who would like
to speak first?

[Clears throat] Captain?

I'd like to say something.

Of course, please.


Uh, this is an extra
special Thanksgiving for me,

because it's the first time
I spend it with my son bj.

I guess I have a lot
to be thankful for,

most of all for
Roger Lewis for being

there when I wasn't
and for helping

turn bj into such a good kid.

Roger, you know like I do that
a boy needs his dad, a dad

he loves and that loves him.

And that's why I've
decided that I want

you and bj to stay together.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

I'm thankful, too, because
now I have two fathers.


Mother, look.

[Sweet music]

Folks, I know that Christmas
is a time for giving gifts.

But I love my
little girl so much

that I figured i'd
bring her a very

special gift for Thanksgiving.

Sorry, we didn't have time
to get me a gift-wrapped.

[Laughter] I like you
just the way you are,

in a plain brown wrapper.



Well, would anyone
else like to speak?


Yes, gopher.


Well, I'd like to say that
after my father passed away,

my mother came on this cruise.

And, I guess, I was mad at
her or something, because i--

I thought she was
having too good a time.

And she wasn't mourning him.

And then Isaac made
me realize that she

was just putting on
a front, because she

didn't want me to feel sad.

And I just want to say that
I'm thankful to my friend

Isaac for doing that.

And I'm very thankful
to all of you

for the help that you've given
me whenever I've needed it

and for being my
friends, hours a day.

How about that time you all
stood by me when that passenger

wanted to have me fired?

I'll remember that if I lived
to be a million years old.

Remember the time my--

my uncle came on the cruise?

And I thought he
stole all that money.

And I was really upset.

And all of you stood by me.

Turned out, he didn't.

I was just really grateful
for your friendship

and for helping me through that.

Thank you.

And the way you
all stood by me

in Australia, who
supported me through one

of the unhappiest
times in my life.

Thank you.

Oh, doc, remember the time
you had me jailed in curacao?



I'll never forgive
you for that.


Well, doctor, how about
showing us a surgical skill

on this Turkey?

We're starved.





Just white meat.

And I'll always be
thankful to your father

for coming up with this idea
when you were a little boy.

I have a little
surprise for you.

It wasn't my father who
came up with the idea.

It was your father,
about five minutes ago.



[Happy music]

A lot of stuffing for me.

[Music playing]

Thanks for sailing with us.

Thank you, Julie.

It's been super all the way.

Oh, good.

I hope you all
enjoyed your cruise.

Oh, it's been the
best time of my life.

It's been a great trip.

I came aboard with a
wife and a daughter.

And I'm leaving with a
wife, a daughter, and a son.

Guess where we're
going on our honeymoon.


Mountain climbing.

Well, it's going to
be a little difficult

getting up the mountain.

But it's going to be
fun coming back down.



I'll get you for that.




- Yes.
- Guess what.


We're going to open bj's
cafe after all, in Los Angeles.

Save me a table opening night.

Save a table for us too.

We want you all
there on opening night.

All of you.

I'll be there, bj.

And this time, you can
really count on me.

- Well, thank you.
- Bye- bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.




Thanks for sailing with us.

Well, this is one
Thanksgiving we'll all remember.

As it was written, "all's
well that ends well."

Thanks to gopher.

He sure got the ball rolling.

That took a big man to
do what you did, gopher.

Hey, that's my buddy.

Well, let's just
call it my Thanksgiving

gift to all of you.

Now, let me tell you what
I want for Christmas.


[Theme music]
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