02x02 - "The Mystery Duelist, Part 2"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x02 - "The Mystery Duelist, Part 2"

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh!...

In order to tell
your future,

I must hold
a personal item.

I see that
this millennium item
now belongs...

To me!

My millennium puzzle!

Come back here!

No one shall have
the millennium puzzle

But me.

And I'll track it down
with my millennium ring.

I know
you're in here!

Heh heh heh!

You and I
are going to duel!

And the winner gets to keep
your millennium item.

Our bond is weak.

You'll have to
fight him alone.

Meet mechanical chaser

And ground attacker

there's only
one player I know

Whose deck is filled
with machine cards.

show yourself,
bandit keith!

[As marik]
I'm not bandit keith.

I only speak through him

Since he's become
my mind-controlled sl*ve.

You're finished,
little yugi.

Behold the instrument
of your destruction--

Zera the mant!

Zera, attack now!



He will fall against
my superior monsters,

And the millennium puzzle
will be in my control!

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

I've got to
figure out a way

To take control
of this duel

And win back my
millennium puzzle.

I just wish
I didn't have to
do it all alone.

I sure could
use my friends
right about now.

Make your move, yugi.
It's all over anyway.


You're just prolonging
your defeat.

It's quite pathetic,

Stare at your deck
all you want.

There's not a card
in there

That can take on
my all-powerful
zera the mant.

This duel is over!

the koumori dragon.

Oh, he's right. It's
not strong enough
to attack zera.

I play my monster
in defense mode!

It's your move!

Ha! I knew it.
His deck is weak.

Just like a rodent in the grasp
of a rattlesnake,

Little yugi
doesn't stand a chance.

He may have beaten bandit keith
in duelist kingdom,

But he'll find
that dueling me

Will be a much more
difficult challenge!

First I play

In attack mode.


And for my next

I place this card

I'll unleash its wrath
when the time is right.

And now,
last but not least...

Stop defense!

It forces the card
you played in defense mode

To switch to attack mode.


My koumori dragon!

...is revealed,
and since it's now
in attack mode,

I can destroy it.

Zera the mant,
jagged claw attack!


The end is near,
little yugi.


And with it will come
a new beginning--my beginning--

For soon,
I will be the keeper

Of that millennium puzzle.


there's no way

I'm letting this

Get his hands
on my puzzle.

this duel's
not over...

Whoever you are.

I'll never give up!

I'm placing
a monster

In defense mode!

Your feeble defenses
bore me.


Seiyaryu, attack
with razor flare blast!

I'll also place
more cards on the field...

And switch zera the mant
to defense mode.


This move will become
clear to you
soon enough.

ah, now, this
is more like it.

this card face-down,

Then dark magician
in defense mode.

And finally,
I play magical hats
to hide him.

Now you'll
have to find
my dark magician

In order
to attack him.

Hmm. I should have
seen that coming.

Oh, wait. I did.

So I'll play
magic jammer!

Sorry, yugi, but once
I sacrifice a card
from my hand,

Magic jammer
allows me to disable
your magic card.

Say good-bye
to your magical hats

And hello
to your dark magician.

Oh, no!
My dark magician's

And now I'll play this.

It's a magic card called
curse of fiend, yugi.

It forces both
of our monsters on the field

To switch from
whatever mode they're in
to the opposite.

So therefore all monsters
in attack mode

Go into defense mode

And vice versa.

Since I put zera
in defense mode before,

It switches
to attack mode now!

And so does
your dark magician!

Zera, attack now!


Nice try,
but now I activate
mirror force!

It reflects
zera's attack
right back at you!

Ha! I'll block
your reflection

With a little
solemn judgment.

No way!
How did you block

My mirror force

Solemn judgment
is another of my rare
and powerful cards.

I have to give up half
of my life points
to use it,

But in exchange,
I'm allowed to remove

The last card
my opponent played.

Your mirror force
is shattered!


It may have cost me

Life points,

But that's
a small price to pay

Because now,
little yugi,

I'm one attack away

From winning your puzzle.

I know the millennium puzzle

Is beyond those doors,

But my ring is sensing
stronger mystical energies

Than it's ever
sensed before--

Dark energies
from the shadow realm.

I'm getting closer.
I can feel it.

What's this?

A dueling arena?

They're battling
for the millennium puzzle.

ok. Come on, deck.

I believe in you.
I know you'll come
through for me.


I'm placing a magic
card face-down...

And a monster
in defense mode!

Now, let's see
what you've got.

You'll regret
those words,
little yugi.

You may have gotten
this far,

But my patience
is growing thin.

It's time to end this duel

And claim the power
that is mine.

You'll never get
my millennium

Guess again.

to the doomed.

Whoa! That's one
of the rarest magic
cards in the game!

Very perceptive, yugi.

Tribute to the doomed
is one of my personal

It allows me
to annihilate

Any monster you have
on the field.

Better think again.

It can't be!

It is!
The living arrow,

Which takes
any magic attack
aimed at me

And fires it
right back at you.

No! Zera!


It appears the shadow magic
energies I detect

Are within
yugi's opponent.

Bandit keith
is just a puppet

Under the control
of an evil master.

Well, this puppet show
is over,

For I alone shall possess
the millennium puzzle.


Sever the strings
that bind this man.

Free his mind
from the shadow realm.


Marik: what happened?

My millennium spell over keith
has been broken.

But how? Only another
millennium item

Can sever a connection
so strong.

[Normal voice]
unh...where am i?

And what on earth
am I wearing?

It looks like your
so-called unbeatable
zera the mant card

Is ancient history!

Now it's time for me
to win this duel
once and for all

And take back
my millennium puzzle!

Yugi muto?
What are you doing here?


Bandit keith!
You're back!

Keith, your resistance
is pathetic.

You belong to me now,

So pick up those cards
and win me that puzzle,

Like a good mind sl*ve.

There's someone
inside my head!

Shut up and duel!



Go away!

Bandit keith,
who is it

That's trying
to control
your mind?

I must regain my power
over this fool.

Whoever's weakening
my control

Must also be after
the millennium puzzle.

No! Stop!
Leave me alone!


I will not allow
someone else

To take what should be
rightfully mine!

[As marik]
unh! I'm back!

Before I lose
complete control,

I've got to destroy it.

If I can't have
this puzzle, no one can!

No! Keith, wait!



Yugi: my puzzle!



Now no one else
shall take my prize.

[Normal voice]
aah! Stop! Go away!

[As marik]
ahh! I'm back again.

That's quite enough
of that.

[Normal voice]

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Unh!

Where'd you
come from?

Hi, yugi. Tea told me
what happened.


Oh, my. Keith
certainly did a number

On your millennium puzzle,
didn't he?

Well, better shattered
than stolen, I suppose.

Yeah. I guess
you're right.

It took me forever
to put it together
the first time,

But at least I have
a chance to try.

Who knows? Since I
did it once already,

Maybe this time,
it'll be easier.

hmm. And once
you've completed it,

I'll be there
to take it away.

But in order to make sure
that no one stands
in my way again,

I'll need to...manipulate
a piece of the puzzle.

Yugi, you're
such a naive fool.

You have no idea
of the ancient powers

The puzzle contains

Magical powers that,
when combined

With the other
millennium items,

Are so incredible,

Whoever possesses them
shall rule the world--

Powers that will soon
belong to me,

Once I collect all
of the items one by one.

My millennium ring
will track them down

So I can unlock
the mystical energies

That were imprisoned
in these objects

Long ago in the age
of the shadow games.

Heh heh heh!

The pharaoh
and his loyal minions

Thought they could banish
the power forever

By dividing it up
among the millennium items

And hiding them away.

But the time has come

For me to claim them
all for myself,

And the millennium puzzle
is no exception.

Ring, transfer a portion
of my spirit into this
piece of the puzzle

So that I may be forever
near its ultimate power.

Heh heh heh!

Unbeknownst to yugi,

A part of me
will be infused
within the puzzle.

From this one piece,

I'll be able to explore
the inner chambers

Of its mystic
millennium components

And, one day soon,
claim them for myself.

yugi, you missed
this one piece.

Oh, thanks a lot,

The last thing
I need

Is to lose a piece
of the millennium

yes. I know.

You can't complete it
without them all.

Thanks again.
You totally
saved the day.


Whoa! Unh...

You ok?

Yes. Fine.
I've got to get
back to school.

I'll be right
behind you, bakura,

As soon as I unhook
my chain.


Rise, you worthless


It seems the duel
is not yet done.

You could still
win the match

And claim
my millennium prize.

Unh! Stop!

Stop talking to me!

Unh! Where are you?
Show yourself!

Obey me and duel!

Yugi: keith!
Stop! No!

[Keith grunting]

[Joey and tristan and tea

Joey: yugi!

Tristan: yugi!

Where are you,

This is ridiculous,

Yeah. Someone's
playing us for suckers.

These arrows are like a...

Giant maze.


Check it out!

there's smoke!




Someone may need
our help.

Yugi: oh, no! I've got
to get my puzzle down

And get out of here!



It's no use. The chain's
just too strong.

And this fire
is spreading really fast!

I can't get
out those windows.

It could be
all over for me...

And for the spirit
of the puzzle!

Yugi: help me!

in there!

Don't worry!
We're here to help you!

We got to get them
out of danger.

We'll try to get in.
You call - - .

I'm on it!

Be careful, you guys!

[Joey and tristan panting]

Ow! Unh!


Yugi: come on. Fit. Fit!

I've got to finish
the puzzle.

I'm the only one who
knows how to solve it.

My time's running out,

And this fire is getting bigger
by the second!

Focus! If I solve
the puzzle,

I save the spirit.

Even if I don't make it out,
at least he will.

Come on!

Ok. On .



Both: !


! Unh!


Just a few more.

I think I've almost
got it figured out.

Joey: tristan, you were
knocking that door
like a girl scout.


This time, hard!

Both: unh!

Anyone here?


Heads up!

This place is haunted!


Tristan, did we just
rescue bandit keith?

Ha! No way.

Forget him. Let's
make sure no one
else is in trouble.

Right, joey.

[Both panting]

Anyone in there?

Look! Yugi!

Yugi, what
are you doing?

Let's go!

I can't leave yet, guys!

I've got to finish
putting together
the millennium puzzle!

All this smoke's
gone to his brain.

This should do it.

Yes! Finished!


Whoa. Heat...dizzy...

Yugi, you ok?

Come on! We got
to get out
of here fast!


Can't leave without...
My puzzle.

All right.

Let's do this,

[Joey straining]

You go grab
yugi's deck.

Tristan! Joey!
Can you hear me?

Joey, I got
yugi's deck.

Any luck with
that puzzle?

Afraid not. Unh...

Man, why'd he hook it
to such a thick chain?

Guys, hurry!

The fire! It's spreading!

Oh, it's no use, bud.

We got to go!

We...can't leave yet.

Yugi, it's time
to take off!

He won't budge,
not without the puzzle.

We're just going
to have to find a way
to break this chain.

But how?

This pole.

[Joey and tristan grunting]

Unh! That thing's
not coming out.

There's got to be a--

Oh! Tristan, I got it.

Put the rod in the hole,
and we'll both pull.


Ok. On .


[Both straining]


[Firefighters shouting]

Oh, please, hurry up!

My friends are in there!

[Joey and tristan panting]

Oh! Yugi!

Don't you worry, tea.

He's safe and sound now.

And that millennium puzzle
of his is, too.

not for nothing, old pal,

But let me tell you,
you and me--

We're heroes.

Well, the puzzle
is safe and sound.

and by the way,
so are you, yuge.

Yeah. How can I ever
thank you guys for saving
my life back there?

You put yourselves
in danger

To make sure
I would be ok.

You're the greatest friends
a guy ever had.

Joey: that's
what buds are for,

Right, pal?

Yeah. It's
a good thing
I spotted him.

And what about me?

to my brilliant idea,

We were able
to pry your puzzle
off the wall.

Yeah, brilliant.

stick the pole
into the hole,

And then we'll
pull on it
really hard."

Say what?!

Say nothing!
You heard me!

Knock it off, guys,

Or I won't share
my hospital food
with you.

We'll be good.

The important thing
is that we're all safe

And back together.

that's right.

till the end.

You ok, tea?
You seem kind of quiet.

Yeah. I'm fine, guys.
It's been a long day.

I'll take
the sandwich.

what about me?

You can have
the jell-o.

I'm glad those three
are back to normal,

But I'm not.

I mean, someone's after
yugi's millennium puzzle,

And because of that,
I almost lost him today.

Ever since yugi first
put that puzzle together

And bonded
with the spirit inside,

Everyone's been trying
to get their hands on it.

But something tells me,
this time,

We're in more danger
than ever.

And I know
we haven't seen the last

Of whoever it is
that's after yugi.

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