02x08 - A Ghost for Scotland Yard

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures of Superman". Aired: September 19, 1952 – April 28, 1958.*
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Beloved series based on comic book characters and concepts that Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created in 1938 where Superman battles crooks, gangsters, and other villains in the fictional city of Metropolis while masquerading "off duty" as Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent.
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02x08 - A Ghost for Scotland Yard

Post by bunniefuu »


than a speeding b*llet.

More powerful than a locomotive.

Able to leap tall buildings
at a single bound.

MAN 1: Look! Up in the
sky! MAN 2: It's a bird!

WOMAN: It's a plane!
MAN 3: It's Superman!

NARRATOR: Yes, it's Superman,

strange visitor
from another planet,

who came to Earth
with powers and abilities

far beyond those of mortal men.

Superman, who can change
the course of mighty rivers,

bend steel in his bare hands,

and who, disguised
as Clark Kent,

mild-mannered reporter for a
great metropolitan newspaper,

fights a never-ending battle

for truth, justice and
the American way.

And now, another
exciting episode

in the Adventures of Superman!




Mr. Kent?

Yes, Jimmy?


You think that's wise?


Whistling "Yankee Doodle"?

Is that any way to
improve our relations

with our British cousins?

Golly, I didn't think of that.

Ha-ha, I think
they'll forgive you.

You get my magazine?

No, sir, they didn't
have one in the lobby.

I tried a couple of
other places, but no.

What about the stand
across the street?


Come here.

Right there.


And I happen to know they
have at least a dozen copies

of the magazine I want.

Oh, how can you tell that?

That place is five floors
down and across the street.

Nobody could see that far.

Well, anyway, I'm
sure they have one.

So, how about going
down for a look-see.

Hey, our traveler's checks.

The ones we left
behind in Sweden.

How did they get here?

I, uh, arranged to
have them flown in.


Yes, you know,
like in an airplane?

Or, like in Superman,
for example?


All right. I'll go look and see
if I can find your magazine.



Here, watch your step,
now. Watch your step.

Thank you.

The world's the same all
over, now, ain't it, Yank.

You came all the
way over to London

just to get yourself
run over in the traffic.

How'd you know I
was an American?

Oh, let's say I'm

You know, the word means,
sees the future, sees the past?

I can read your mind.
I can tell your fortune.

I can speak to your ghost.

Heh, that's what
it is, governor.

Clairvoyant, that's the ticket.

Just like the Great
Baffling Brockhurst, here.

Him and me are
as like as two peas.

That's funny.

What, me taking
you for American? Ha!

Supposing that I
admit the truth is...

No, no. No.

I mean, that, uh, you should
mention this Brockhurst guy.

He's the reason I ran
across from the hotel.

Mr. Kent, he's a friend of mine,

noticed you had a
magazine on Brockhurst.

Oh, yeah. Here.
Here we are, governor.

One and six.

Here. This is it, sir. Wait.

Here. Here we are, ha-ha.

Here we are.

Hey, what's your honest opinion,

you think he will
reappear, or won't he?


Well, Brockhurst's ghost.

You know, his ghost.
Brockhurst's ghost.

His what?

Well, he's been dead for
five years now, ain't he?

I guess I'd better
read this article.

I'm afraid I don't know
much about Brockhurst.


Mr. Kent and me just
got back from Sweden.


We went there to cover a
story for the Daily Planet.

We're on our way home now.

We're gonna take an
airplane back in the morning...

to Metropolis.


Ain't that something, now?

He was the greatest
magician in the world, he was.

But he always said, his
greatest stunt would be

to make his own ghost reappear

after he'd been dead five years.

Oh, tha-that's impossible.

There aren't any
such thing as ghosts.

There ain't what?

Now, let me tell you
something, Yank.

You're going back
to Metropolis, huh?

Well, I've got as much faith
in the good old English ghost

as you have in that there,
uh, Superman of yours.

Oh, but Superman is real.

Ah, Superman...

I'm telling you, if Brockhurst
ever shows up in this afterlife

he'll have a ghost that'll
make your Superman

turn pale and shaky.

And I'm warning you,
he'll be real, all right.

But Lois, that's ridiculous.

You tell the Chief I
don't believe in ghosts.

Clark, Mr. White knows
you were planning

to come home tomorrow.

But this just means staying
over in England another day or two

to see this friend of his and
get the story on Brockhurst.

Besides, think how Jimmy
would enjoy staying over.

Of course, and so would I.

But not to do a feature

on anything that probably
won't happen, anyway.

That dead magician
isn't gonna show up

as a ghost or anything
else, and you know it.

All right, Clark, but
the Chief doesn't.

What do you mean?

Mr. White got a letter from
his friend, Sir Arthur Mcready.

He owns some theatres there.

He used to put on the Great
Brockhurst shows, his manager.

Lois, I know all that.

Brockhurst hated him.

Brockhurst hated everyone.

Brockhurst threatened
everyone, too.

Doesn't mean he can
do anything about it.

Sir Arthur wrote that,
before Brockhurst died,

he threatened to k*ll him.

Well, Sir Arthur is so
convinced that this Brockhurst

can do anything, that he's even
afraid his ghost might k*ll him.

I mean it.

Sir Arthur wrote the
Chief to say goodbye,

just in case anything happened.

That does it.

So, Jimmy and I are
to spend all of our time

some place in the
country, wherever it may be,

interviewing an eccentric
old man who happens

to believe in ghosts.

Well, I...

Oh, okay. Tell the
Chief we'll do it, but...

Well, goodbye.



Did you hear that, mum?

Someone at the
door, Betty. That's all.

No need to get jumpy.

You go to your
room. I'll answer it.

Inspector Farrington?
Is that you?

No, my name is Clark Kent.


Good evening. This is
my friend, Jimmy Olsen.

Oh, yes. You're the American
who telephoned this afternoon.

That's right. May we come in?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Thank you.

I'm Mabel Mcready,
Sir Arthur's sister.

How do you do? We just want
to see Sir Arthur for a moment.

Perhaps a few questions...

No, no, you can't.
He's not here.

But didn't he say
over the telephone

that he was gonna give...

Thank you very much.

I-I'm really dreadfully sorry,
but-but it's just impossible.

He's not here.

Perhaps, he may never be here.

Miss Mcready,
You seem to believe

that something may have
happened to Sir Arthur.

What is it?

Oh, how should I know?

My opinion never matters.

Well, when did he
leave? Where'd he go?

Toward Lemon Raegis.

He's just left. It-it's
down the coast.

Oh, and he drives
so horribly, too.

Oh, I see. He's a
bad driver, is he?

Well, I shouldn't
worry if I were you.

You see, we work for a very
old and dear friend of Sir Arthur's.

Perhaps you remember him?

Yes, yes, Perry White, I know.

But really, there's nothing
you can do to help, thank you.

That's why I've sent
for Inspector Farrington.


Inspector Farrington
of Scotland Yard.

Oh. Well, won't you
come and sit down.

Well, thank you very much.

I feel he's the only
one who might help.

At least, he won't
be afraid of him.

Jeepers, that's
Brockhurst, isn't it?

Five years, we've been happy.

Five years that spiteful
soul's been dead.

Left us alone.

What does Brockhurst have to do

with your brother's
not being here?

Well, he's the one
who summoned Arthur.


On the telephone.

You mean to tell me
that you actually believe

that a man who's
dead for so many years

could talk to you on the phone?

Mr. Kent, I'm so frightened,
I don't know what I believe.

But there was a
voice on the telephone,

and Arthur talked to it.

And, when he hung up,
he was pale as a sheet.

Because he said
the voice was his.

And, unless he drove down
the coast road where he was,

something horrible would
happen to this house.

To me, to poor Betty and...

all of us.

Miss Mcready, please, sit down.

Why would Brockhurst want
to harm you or Sir Arthur?

I mean, assuming a
ghost could hurt anybody.

If you believe in ghosts.

Brockhurst was insane.

He always claimed that
Arthur's theatres had cheated him.

But it's not true.

Well, never mind that
now. I'm going after him.

What? But how can you?

Never mind. I'll try
and find him somehow.

Mr. Kent!



Oh, don't cry, Miss Mcready.
Oh, he's gonna be all right.

Y-you mustn't worry.

I don't...

Really, don't cry.
You'll be all right.


MAN: Sir Arthur.

Sir Arthur.

Do you remember
this place, Sir Arthur?

This is the place

where I was k*lled, remember?

A lorry struck me
down, remember?

Brockhurst, where are you?

It's not very nice to die all
alone out on the road at night,

Sir Arthur.

Be quiet, I didn't k*ll you.

I didn't do anything to you.

Leave us alone.

You never believed I
would come back, did you?

Where are you?

No one ever believed
my magic could be real,

did they?

But now they'll
believe, won't they?

Have you ever talked to
a ghost before, Sir Arthur?

No, no. It's not true!


Here I am, Sir Arthur.

Here I am.



You've no idea what a relief
it is you're here, inspector.

You must feel chilly
after your long drive.

I'll get you some tea.

Thank you very much.
That'll be delightful.

Well, well, laddie. No
news of Sir Arthur, eh?

No, sir. And, by this
time, Mr. Kent's been gone

almost half an hour, too.

Well, well, that's not so
very long. Patience, patience.

You didn't see anybody outside,
when you came in, did ya?

Outside? Oh,
driving up, you mean.

No, no. I came the other way.

That coast road is
absolutely hopeless.



Sir Arthur Mcready's residence.

Are you there?

What happened?

Spell of nothing, I should say.

You mean, there wasn't
anybody on that line?



Oh, the operator probably
got the wrong number.

There's always a
logical explanation

to everything, you know.

No need to get the wind up.

Oh, sure. It's just that all this
talk about ghosts makes you...

Oh, I know, I know. Nervous
chatter from the women, eh?

Well, Scotland Yard's here now,
laddie. You and I are grown men.

No such thing as
ghosts. Simple as that.

That's what I say.


Nervous old fellow,
Sir Arthur, you know.

Always was,
just like his sister.

He was forever messing about
with magicians and mediums

and palmists, or some such rot.

But even the newspapers and magazines
say that Brockhurst might reappear.

Oh, makes a good
story, you know.

Yellow journalism. Publicity.

Kind of thing that
blighty used to thrive on

when he was alive.

And, by the way, if it'll
make you feel any better,

I was there when
they buried him.

And to a good
depth, too, you know.

He was run over and
k*lled on the coast road

by a recklessly
driven lorry, poor chap.

Though I can't say I
feel very sorry for him.

Why not?

What sort of a man
was Brockhurst, anyway?

Well, he was a wonderful
magician, none better.

But you know, laddie, the
Yard had its troubles with him.

I suppose, next to Sir Arthur,

I was the man that
Brockhurst hated most.


Ah, perhaps,
that's your Mr. Kent.


Are you there?

Speak louder, will you?


Huh? Oh, really?

I beg your pardon?

Of course, I remember.

Do you mind repeating
what you just said?

Are you all right, Arthur?

Yes, my dear.

I'm sure he'll be all right.

Careful now, dear.

It was a frightful experience.

I know.

Mr. Kent. Hm?

Come here.

Inspector, they're back!

They're all right!

Quiet, please.

Yes, yes, but wait.
Can't you tell me...?

haven't much time, Inspector.

I just wanted to make
certain you know who I am.

Yes, but what... what
you just said was that, uh...

Yes, the same words I
spoke to you once before,

when we had
that little difficulty

over the Persian parrot swindle.

There was no one
there but you and me,

as I'm sure you'll remember.

Perhaps, it will help
you to believe that I am,


who I am.

Eh, inspector?

But it's... it's not
possible. It's not possible.




Happened years ago.

Why, I remember the exact words.


No one else could possibly know.

There was no one
there but he and I.

It isn't true.

But it must be true.

It proves it, don't you think?

Oh, sorry. Doesn't make sense.

You're Kent, I suppose.

That's right.

Well, I... I've been
talking to a ghost.

Now, wait just a minute.

Brockhurst. Even his
voice, just the same.

In fact, he said he'd
show up for me, later on.

Well, I'm sorry, inspector,
but I don't believe

in ghosts that use telephones.

Oh, excuse me.


Hello? Hello, operator?

Uh, is there any way I can
check on a telephone call

that just came through here?

Oh, I mean, do you
have any records?

Do you go through
a switchboard, or...?


Oh, I see.

She says no one has used that
line for the past several hours.

No one's called
that number, even.


I saw him! I saw
him at the window!

Well, you don't look like
much of a ghost to me.

Good heavens.

Evening, inspector.

I didn't do nothin'.

Just tryin' to see
Sir Arthur, that's all.

I didn't want to
run into you, sir.

I shouldn't wonder.

I nearly got this man jailed

for manslaughter five years ago.

I couldn't quite
make the case stick.

It wasn't my fault.

It really wasn't.

Let me go, will ya?

Five years ago, this man,
Rocker, was driving a lorry

down on the coast road.

He struck a man and k*lled him.

A man by the name of Brockhurst.

Well, it's getting to be
a small world, isn't it?

Now, just what did you
want to see Sir Arthur about?

Take it easy, will ya.

It sounds kind of crazy.

But I was scared, see?

And that's when the
voice on the telephone

told me to come here.

I didn't think it was
right to disobey a ghost.

Bring him inside, Kent.

I didn't only hear
him, I saw him.

No one ever knew
Brockhurst well.

But I did, better than most.

I believe ya, governor.

It was he.

Just floating out
there in the sky.

That's how he'd do it.

You've been upset, Sir Arthur.

Well, if anybody could
come back from the dead,

he certainly could.

Most wonderful
magician what ever lived,

that's what I say.

I've had enough to
contend with from you.

Get out of here, and stay
out of the neighborhood.

All right, governor.

But I can't say I've ever had
a very, very happy time here,

I can say that.

Allow me.

Thank you, governor.

Good night, Mr. Rocker.

Ha! Good night.

Holy cow, Mr. Kent...

Now, take it easy, Jimmy.

After all, Brockhurst was
a magician, wasn't he?

Magicians do things
with tricks, don't they?

Yeah, but floating in the sky...

Now, I didn't see
anything unusual out there,

where Sir Arthur
almost had his accident.

Of course, I was
trying to help him.

And it did look like he
was having a heart attack.

But now, I don't think
there's anytime to lose.

I'm going to take another look.

Still, a ghost never
hurts anybody, does he?

Then why has he collected
all the people he hated?

What do you think's going
to happen here, Jimmy?



I'm sorry. Did I scare you?

What do you want?

I was thinkin'. Maybe somebody
right in this house phoned...

I mean, what I'm looking for is
an extension of the telephone

in the sitting room. What?

Another phone on the same line.

Well, there isn't any.

Unless, in the
carriage house, maybe.

It hasn't been used in years.
It's all closed and boarded up.

Out there.

There may be another
telephone there.

Thank you.


Who is it?

Who are you?

Where are you?

You're not afraid, are you?

Only fools and babies
believe in ghosts.

Too bad you interfered.

You and your friend.

I was arranging such a
nice homecoming for them.

All the people I hated.

All the people who
made it impossible

for me to go on living.

They'd have put me
in jail if I had lived.

Did you know that?

Nobody ever hurt you! Nobody!

People never understood me.

I wouldn't let them.

I was the greatest
magician in the world.

You're crazy!

"Crazy," am I?

I'll show you.

So, that's the
point, Sir Arthur.

We're doing everything
that we possibly can.

I understand.

JIMMY: Mr. Kent, help!

Mr. Kent?

Don't move.

Laddie, laddie!
What's the trouble?

Open up, there.
Come on, open up.

Excuse me, inspector.

Jim. Jim, where are you?

Stay where you are.

I have a g*n at his back.

Brockhurst! Oh!

Yes, Sir Arthur, the
Great Brockhurst.

Or his ghost.

You're no ghost, Brockhurst.

Any more than that picture
you projected on the clouds

for Sir Arthur's benefit.

Very clever.

It's too bad that none
of you will live to prove

that the Great Brockhurst
did not really return

from the grave.

You should have held
Rocker when you had him.

Rocker! You were Rocker!

You forget I was the
greatest illusionist of all time.

Don't come any closer.

You're all here.

All of you.

For the first time, you see
me as I've always been.

No tricks, no beard.

I even k*lled a man with a lorry

and made you think
I was the dead man.

And, now, I'm
going to k*ll you all.

Every one of you.

I'll blow you
higher than the sky.

Me, the Great Brockhurst.

Five seconds after
I throw this switch,

the fuse will detonate
the expl*sive.

I don't mind really dying now.

Because I'm going
to take you all with me.

We'll all be real
ghosts together.


You know, I still can't
figure out how Superman

knew we needed him
all the way over here.

It's been in all the papers.

Hey, hold up a minute, Yank.


Hey, what a bad
steer I gave you.

Fizzled out like a Roman candle.

Nothing but a
blooming faker, he was.

Just a ghost for Scotland Yard.

Well, now, I told
you there weren't

any such thing as ghosts.

Oh, Jimmy, we'd better hurry.

Yeah, we've gotta
be gettin' to the airport.

Here, half a minute, now.

I can't have you Yanks going
home empty handed, ya know.

Here, just in from
the States. Read that.

Oh, cab! Cab!

Thank you. I'll be seeing you.

It's on the house.
Good luck, Yanks!

Hey, happy flying!

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