08x07 - Confrontation with the Demon King! It's Your Turn, Gohan!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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08x07 - Confrontation with the Demon King! It's Your Turn, Gohan!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"A Wicked Heart Discovered!! Dabura's Great Idea" So, Gohan, show us your power! What!? Aah, Dabura! You get serious! At this degree, we can't even call it a fight! I- incredible! Very well The real me is over here! Die!! Ah, damn! That's one down Oh, ow, ow! I dropped my guard! He's lying in wait for me, huh? There you are! Gohan! Even powered up, that's still the best you've got, is it? Just what you'd expect from the King of the Demon Realm of Darkness.

He really is on a different level from Puipui or Yakon.

Dammit! I got careless there, but it won't happen this time! No, no, Gohan! You can't keep up that monotonous style of attack! He'll read your next move! It's no use.

He's completely forgotten his intuition for fighting.

We're not done yet! Why, that rotten Here I come! Look out! You'll be turned to stone! That was close, that was close! Satan! Satan! Satan! Goten! Trunks! Goten! Goten! Ah, Mommy! Have you been a good girl? Yeah! No.

18, what on Earth happened? How could you lose to a guy like that? Are you malfunctioning somewhere? W- what's with that attitude!? And here someone's going out of their way to worry about her! Hey, hey! What is it, Goten? What's a Majin? Ah, come on! You don't even know that, yet you're in such a fuss over wanting to see one? Yeah! So, you know then, Trunks-kun? Well, I of course! A Majin is Yeah? Yeah? A Majin is Yeah? Yeah? It's see What's a Majin? Ah, well, that is.


anyhow, it's this utterly incredible guy! You'll be so surprised when you see him, Goten! Wow! I'm sure looking forward to that! Probably Yeah, let's hurry, Goten! Y- yeah! Dabura's a lot stronger than we thought, ain't he? Hmph! Even so, he's not an opponent that can't be beaten! He's pathetic! He was stronger when he was just a kid! What are we going to do with him? Gohan really has been skipping out on his training, huh!? This is getting on my nerves.

Where are you looking? You're mine! What? Has he really done it this time? Dammit, what are you doing, Dabura!? You've got to do more and more, greater damage! O- once Majin Boo returns, those guys won't matter! Gohan! What!? Dammit, this is irritating! All right, I'm going to put an end to this! No you don't Vegeta! Let him do this! It's not exactly like he's completely losing there! All this playing around isn't important! I want to put and end to this so I can hurry and settle my score with you! That's the whole reason I went to all the trouble of going to that ridiculous tournament! If it doesn't look like he's going to make any more progress, I'll end this in an instant! Babidi-sama, please return us to the spaceship immediately! I have made a quite grand discovery! Grand discovery? It will mean the revival of Majin Boo W- what!? Is this true, Dabura? Quite possibly.

Just bring you back, right? Yes.

Papparapa! W- what!? Huh? We're back! W- what's this? H- hey! Are you running away from me? Run away? Indeed not.

I do not need to bother myself with fighting.

I've found just the right warrior for all of you.

Wait! Just the right warrior? What does he mean? What is the meaning of this, Dabura? There really is a great discovery, isn't there? Yes.

I trust you didn't just get frightened by those humans and come running back here, right? Dabura, King of the Demon Realm is afraid of nothing.

Well then, that's fine.

So then, hurry and tell me this great discovery! There is one among them that has a very strong wickedness within his heart.

With that degree of evil in his heart, we can sufficiently draw him over to our side.

I- I get it! We don't even have to fight them, we can turn them on each other and just take in their energy! If we do that Majin Boo will be revived! Bravo! Bravo, Dabura! Dabura has discovered the evil in Vegeta's heart.

A critical clash between Saiyans is approaching!
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