06x02 - 100% Ratings!! The Cell Games Call Forth Death with an Exclusive Live Broadcast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x02 - 100% Ratings!! The Cell Games Call Forth Death with an Exclusive Live Broadcast

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh? Hmm? That's odd I don't get this Apparently, your construction is completely different from these human-based Artificial Humans.

I am completely machine based, and was built from nothing.

Which would mean this won't serve as any reference, huh? Then, you cannot repair me? Hey, don't you worry.

Once Bulma gets back, we'll manage something.

Bulma knows more about you guys than I do.

This cake truly is tasty! Isn't it, though? There's still plenty more, so partake of as much as you like! I'll take that huge choco creme one this time! Hey, I had my eye on that one! Me first! The early bird gets the worm, you know! Nyah! That goes for me too! Enough! Stop poking around, you're getting everything dirty! - I- I really have to separate Gohan-chan from the likes of them soon! - Hey now, this is mine here! Oh, my! I'm so pleased that you're enjoying eating it so much! I still have plenty more, if you like - Hey, that's mine! - I called this one already! Good grief, Oolong and the others are so easygoing right now.

Yeah - Stop it! Old guys like you shouldn't have so many sweets! - You just shut up! Damn.

What is Cell dallying around for? If you're going to show up, then hurry and show up! Trunks, he really told you he'd let us know the details via television? Yes, I'm sure of it.

Yamcha-sama! Puar, once Cell appears on the TV, let me know.

I'm going outside to work out.

Right, Yamcha-sama! There are only nine more days until Cell holds his tournament.

I can't let even a second go by wasted.

That's the way it is, all right.

Yamcha-san, let me come with you.

Thank you, Krillin.

Not at all! In a tournament where there are rules, there won't be any dying.

It's been a while since I could show off what I've got! Lately, I haven't been called on for anything, after all.

And you guys won't be called on this time either.

As long as I'm there, it will be enough.

I'm not going to allow Kakarotto, or anyone else to get in my way! You've got a big mouth for someone who got beaten to a pulp by Cell, don't you? What was that? Once I go train in the Room of Spirit and Time another day, I'll settle everything! There won't be any place for scum like you! Scum, you say? I call you scum only because you are scum.

Dad! Trunks! Trunks! Trunks! Trunks! What's this, you're alive and kicking, aren't you? I heard from Piccolo that you'd gotten away without being k*lled, but I came flying back, worried that you'd been terribly hurt! I'm quite sorry about that.

Indeed! You shouldn't worry your mother like that! I'm sorry for making you worry so.

Mom H- hey, now! Let go! C- come on, now! Let go! Trunks can't bear to tear himself away from Trunks! Come on! My, is that boy also named Trunks-chan? What a coincidence! Come on, let me go, Trunks! Come on, let me go.

Come on Where are you doing the programs that are being broadcast all over the Earth? O- on the top floor, S- Studio B Thanks, miss.

Yamcha-sama slipped on Krillin-san's smooth head! Krillin! You can use that head against Cell, too! Yamcha-san, please don't make fun of me like that! Still, that head of yours is quite slick.

You could have that slipperiness as a secret technique! M- maybe I'll go over to Cell's side! Here comes! What are those two doing? Are they going to be able to beat Cell like that? This is tops! Pafu-pafu, pafu-pafu! You are the biggest dirty old man! This is the program he likes the most.

It sure is! A-wiggle-waggle! That's nice, nice, nice! Cell! Yamcha-sama! It's Cell! Cell showed up! Miserable Cell! And now, up next, world news.

W- who are you!? What are you doing? Is this the top floor, Studio B? T- that's right.

C- call the guard! I will go beyond! I will go beyond Super Saiyajin! Gohan!? Gohan! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Mother, what are you doing here? I don't need a reason to be here! How long are you plannin' on stayin' in here without doin' any studyin'!? But, Mother You're goin' to be a great scholar in the future! But if you do nothin' but trainin', then instead of bein' a scholar, you're goin' to become a delinquent like Piccolo! Mother, Piccolo-san isn't a delinquent Delinquent! Delinquent! Absolutely he's a delinquent! Delinquent! Piccolo's a delinquent!! Sorry, Gohan I had stopped her, but she forced her way in.

Goku-sa! Goku-sa!! I get it.

He's hidin' somewhere, huh? You haven't even been makin' Gohan-chan do a little bit of studyin', and now you're feelin' guilty and won't come out, huh? Goku-sa? Cell, is it!? M- Mother Piccolo-san! Gohan Gohan Gohan! What's wrong? Get a hold of yourself! Mother! Piccolo-san! Mother! Piccolo-san! Did you have some kind of bad dream? Dream? It's down quite a bit.

You had an incredibly high fever, and for the last two days, you've done nothing but sleep! Sorry.

It ain't something to apologize for.

Lately we've had nothing but continuous harsh training, so it couldn't be helped.

Okay, get some more sleep now.

And then, once I get up, there's more training, right? Of course there is! Training is strict business! You don't like it? Don't be silly.

This time for sure, I have to protect Mother and Piccolo-san from that Cell guy Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the world.

Now, for just a moment, I have decided to intrude into your television.

As it happens, I have brought wonderful news for you ladies and gentlemen, as you enjoy living your lives in peace.

News that will allow you to live out your days filled with even more fun, and even more thrills.

My name is Cell.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm certain you are well aware of the incidents where many people have been wiped out by a monster every day.

I am that monster, having evolved and transformed.

For contributing so much life energy to me then, I thank you.

You may be at ease.

I no longer have the need for such life energy.

I have decided to hold a martial arts tournament, called the Cell Games.

The location will be due northwest of the metropolis, at 28-KS-5.

I have prepared a ring there.

It will be different from the Tenkaichi Tournament, in that if the warriors representing you, ladies and gentlemen, are to lose, then the next warrior will take their place.

This gives you the advantage.

Even as great as I am, if I go through too many matches, I may become tired, after all.

The rules will be just about the same as in the Tenkaichi Tournament.

If you concede, or if any part of your body touches outside the ring, you lose.

And, although it is my intent to hold back, if you are k*lled, it too constitutes a loss.

In the event that all representative warriors are defeated by me What? I have decided to k*ll every last person in the world.

I will gaze upon the looks of terror on your faces, acting thoroughly, sparing not a single one of you.

That rotten Cell! And with that, I would like many of you who are sure of your strength to come participate.

If you don't want things to end up like this, that is.

And so, I will be looking forward to this.

T- that guy is despicable! H- he said he would k*ll every person in the world! What power! I was too hopeful, thinking that we wouldn't get k*lled because of the rules.

Yamcha-sama! Who could possibly fight against a guy like that? Even Vegeta and Trunks were no good against him! And as for Goku Are you going somewhere, Vegeta? I don't care how many Earthlings may die, but I won't be content if I don't k*ll that scumbag.

I'll go as well! Trunks, before you go, I'll cut your hair for you.

It must be a nuisance, right? Thank you for your trouble.

Cell's announcement quickly spreads terror throughout the world.

Further, it is clear to everyone's eyes that, in a peaceful world, he is a foe that the weakened military and police forces are powerless against.

The people had forgotten that long ago, there was a small boy who fought against Piccolo Daimao.

What's more, the people were unaware that there was a warrior who fought against Vegeta and the Saiyajins, as well as Freeza Unaware of the existence of Son Goku.
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