05x12 - One Final Remaining Hope... No. 16, the Wordless Warrior, Takes Action!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x12 - One Final Remaining Hope... No. 16, the Wordless Warrior, Takes Action!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"One Final Remaining Hope No.

16, the Wordless Warrior, Takes Action!!" I can't wait any longer! I don't want to wait! Father, I'm going! W- why? I thought I told you to wait! But at this rate, everyone will become casualties of Cell! Gohan, what your dad says right.

Popo-san If go now, cannot defeat Cell.

Only increase casualties by one.

Even so- even so, it's better than just waiting around here Iooking on as everyone else gets k*lled! You Saiyans only hope left in world to defeat Cell.

If waste this important life, Kami-sama- no, Piccolo angry! Look! Vegeta, get out here, quick! Even having merged with Kami, he was still no match for me, all powered-up! Sorry to keep you waiting.

You will cease all your useless resistance.

Since you're going to be absorbed anyway, there are to be no pained feelings.

I will be taking you very shortly! If you're coming at me, then come on! Useless resistance, you say!? I won't be had so easily! You monstrous punk! You expect me to let you absorb me!? This is bad! The difference in their power is too great! Trunks! You must not touch this! This is something very important, after all! Oops, this isn't any good.

You mustn't cry, Trunks! Trunks, let's say "Hello" and talk on this, okay? It'll be fun! So, I wonder who will answer.

Will it be that dirty old man Turtle Hermit? Or will it be that shaven-headed Kuririn? Hi! This is Bulma! Is anyone there? Oh, Bulma? See, they answered! Bulma, can you see Kuririn from there? Huh? Kuririn? I don't see him.

No, huh? Kuririn is actually headed towards you.

Oh, really? That way I can hand over the controller sooner, which works for me! Yeah.

In any case, we're on the verge of a real fix.

If we don't stop No.

17 and the others soon, then once they're absorbed by Cell, it'll be the end of everything! That's true.

I'll be careful so I don't miss seeing Kuririn! Okay, Trunks, we're going to hyper-speed! What's wrong? I thought you weren't going to be had so easily, right? This is why I told you to cease your useless resistance.

It certainly appears that I'd be better off running away.

Yeah, that's right.

Escape by yourself.

If you and No.

17 are both absorbed, that's when the end comes.

For the world, that is.

What are you going to do? I'm going to destroy Cell.

The time for me to fight has come, even before encountering Son Goku.

What are you doing, No.

16!? Stop! You'll be k*lled! You guys are good folks.

You didn't take the lives of either humans or animals for the fun of it.

I enjoyed travelling together with you.

What does he think he's doing? Is he thinking of fighting with Cell? Looks as though you don't even have the power to get up.

Isn't it about time you let me absorb you? L- let me go, you ugly monstrous freak! Just looking at that squashed bug-looking face of yours makes me want to puke! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Babble all you want! You're about to become one with this "monstrous freak.

" Dammit! And now I will have you.

Damn you, monster! So, another reckless fool appears, huh? What are you doing, No.

16? Don't tell me you intend to fight? There is no other way.

A- are you planning on getting yourself destroyed? By my calculations, Cell and I both possess about equal power.

What!? H- he's fighting blow-for-blow with Cell! Hmph! How simple! So, shall I absorb you then? Y- you're Damn, you're completely robot!? Oh, your speed is really something.

Well, how about this? My tail isn't just there for the purpose of absorbing things! Goodbye! H- he did it! Now you will no longer be able to absorb No.

17 and No.


He's really gotten him for us! What a pity, huh? I have Piccolo's cells incorporated within me.

I can regenerate myself, at least to an extent such as this! At last, No.

16 displays his unassailable power! However, does Cell's power rise above even his? Hurry, Vegeta and Trunks!
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