05x09 - The Gekiretsu Kodan That Split the Heavens!! Piccolo vs. Artificial Human No. 17

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x09 - The Gekiretsu Kodan That Split the Heavens!! Piccolo vs. Artificial Human No. 17

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Gekiretsu Kodan that Split the Heavens!! Piccolo vs.

Artificial Human No.

17" Unless you say something, I'll k*ll you for sure this time.

Got it? It won't be as easy as it was last time.

It taxes my comprehension why you would fight a battle you can't win.

Are you buying time? Or is it that you're just a fool!? So, if you're going to bring it, bring it! Will you alone be the one fighting, No.

17? Of course! Someone the likes of you naturally won't even be a match for me.

Yes! If I have only one opponent, something just might come of this! If I can defeat either No.

17 or No.

18, I can prevent Cell from becoming his perfect form! Here we are so far away, and yet it's as if he's raising his Ki right before our eyes! A- awesome! To think it was this high! No.

This isn't anything! Piccolo merged with Kami-sama can raise his Ki much, much higher! This is just the beginning.

I- is that true? K- Kami-sama! It's started! The one who's fighting is Piccolo! Could his opponent be that Cell guy? No, I can't feel his opponent's Ki.

It's probably the Artificial Humans! It can't be! Piccolo-san will be k*lled! There ain't no use in going! Our levels differ too much right now! Do you want to weigh him down!? Very soon, Vegeta and Trunks will come out all powered up! Wait until then, it'll be all right! Besides which, Piccolo has become a master like you couldn't believe! Right! Kami-sama and Piccolo are not easily beaten.

Not yet, Vegeta? Was it impossible to go beyond Super Saiyan after all? How can this be? That's not Piccolo! What!? A- annoying pest! You're not getting away! What!? Dear me Impossible! With my speed It's impossible! Get cocky with me, will you? My gentle, good little boy, Fortune smiles on you Hey, he's finally fallen asleep.

Really? That's good.

So, how's your shutdown device coming along? Ah, there's still a lot of hard work! According to these plans, there are several dozen shutdown sensors all wired in here, and unless you cut them all off at the same time, it'll be meaningless.

You don't say.

Even if I can create all the code it takes for the shutdown, I still have to input it on all the frequencies for each circuit.

It's making me feel faint.

Of all the-! What kind of thing has Doctor Gero created here!? There, there, there! There, there, there! I want to cry too! Brace yourself, you oversized-scumbag! Take this! How about this!? He repelled it! This certainly is much better than before! It's quite entertaining of you, isn't it!? He's half-playing.

He really is disingenuous, isn't he, No.

16? W- who the hell has the upper hand here? Is it Piccolo? Or is it the Artificial Humans? Hey, it has to be Piccolo! Can anyone overcome such ferocious power!? I'm not so sure.

Since we can't sense his opponent's power, we'd better not get caught up in the excitement! Yeah, the Artificial Humans don't dissipate Ki, after all What's the matter? Finished already? Really! Enough, already! No.

17, hurry up and put him away! Or shall I take over!? Don't be ridiculous! You expect me to switch with you during the part I enjoy most!? You're the same way too, I bet.

I suppose so.

This isn't it at all.

This isn't yet my power, the greatest in history! It isn't? Well, let me see it! This again? It's no use, no matter how many times you do it! You disappoint me! Did you really think such a technique would work against me?? Where the hell are you aiming!? There's nowhere left for you to run! This is as far as the greatest in history goes! Go to hell! W- what is it!? A B- Barrier!? Too bad.

That's a pity, isn't it? Ha! I'm still just getting started! Let's change locations.

Someone has destroyed the island, after all.

You have to take better care of nature! This intense Ki is that of Piccolo, combined with Kami.

The opponent he would be fighting at such a high power must be It could only be No.

17 and the others! I've found you! This is good timing!! I'm saved! I'm coming now! You just wait! My power is already even greater than yours! At last, Cell realizes where No.

17 and the others are! The situation deteriorates even further!
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