04x27 - Too Late to Do Anything!? The Ultimate Weapons to k*ll Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x27 - Too Late to Do Anything!? The Ultimate Weapons to k*ll Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

"Too Late to Do Anything!?

The Ultimate Weapons to k*ll Goku" Damn, are we too late?

Out of the way, you jackasses! You must not! We should get out of here right now! Wait until Son Goku-san is back on his feet! After that- That won't be necessary! A scarf around the neck of a young man with long black hair.

That's No.



18 is a cute female type.

Trunks, they're just as you described, unmistakably so, right?


Those two are No.

17 and No.


You must not be deceived by their outward appearance.

They really are quite terrifying.

Those are the friends of Son Goku that I told you about.

Do not take them lightly.

They destroyed No.

19, and came very close to k*lling me, too.



You made one of those?


You don't say.

Then you had that one reconstruct the professor himself into this Artificial Human?

Are you guys the energy-absorption type?

That's right.

How come with the newer model, you went back to the old energy-absorption style?

I wonder if it's because the eternal-energy models had too much power, and were out of your control.


No wonder you got so b*at up! Out of his control?

None of that matters now.

Take care of them immediately! Quit your tiresome drivel! We'll deal with them when we feel like it.

W- what did you say! Damn you.

If only I had my controller No.


This one's another eternal-energy type, right?

But there must be something different from our variety, isn't there?

It's a bit larger, for one.

I wonder what else is different.

Don't touch that, No.

18! Don't you touch! Don't touch! N- No 16 now! I don't know that one! What does this mean?

Sounds interesting.

Should we start it up, No.


No! Stop! Do you want to destroy the world as we know it!?


Destroy the world as we know it?

H- how can that be?

Hey, while these guys are arguing, maybe we ought to run.

Be my guest.

Except for myself, I doubt anyone else can handle them.


16 is a botched test unit I worked my experiments out on.

Do not start it up! Stop! Don't touch it! A lady does not wish to be touched with such familiarity! For being a botched unit, you've sure let it sit here a long time.

Everything up until No.

15 seems to have been disposed of.

I was planning on rebuilding it before long.

At any rate, do not activate it! If you do, it could cost all of us our heads! It could cost all of us our heads?

Even though according to this data, my power is higher?

T- that's right! I don't care.

Activate it, No.


How dare you defy me at every turn! You're just like No.

16! You're a failed unit! You just keep doing as you wish.

I'm going to shut you down! I broke your override controller.

I'll just rebuild it! Haven't you understood a single word I've said!?

Don't push that switch! N- No.

17 W- why you What's this?

I'm the one who made you! You damned piece of junk! How could he?

That was his father, who created him! M- me?

Why just me?

Stop being such a sore loser and go! Easy for you to say, but for just me to have my luck run out Sooner or later, we'll all meet this fate.

They just k*ll anyone they don't care for, no matter who they maybe, huh?

Just like the Saiyans.

Even their parents and children.

It's you Earthlings alone who are the strange ones for thinking differently.

Well, press the switch.

No you don't! I won't Iet you add any more Artificial Humans! You crazy idiot! If you're going to do that, say something before hand, all right?

Stupid jackass! Your actions are worthless! What do you mean, worthless?

Take a look overthere.

A blast at that level was nothing but a useless waste of energy.

You better open it soon.

The pipes and cords are disconnected and all.

This is why kids are thought of as foolish.

S- she opened it! Don't tell me there's going to be one more of them?

So that's No.


Sure enough, he looks awfully strong! He's unknown! I've never seen this one.

Yo, No.


This is the first time we've seen you up and around.

How do you feel being out after so many years?

Doctor Gero was against re-activating you.

He said it might cost all of us our heads if we did.

We'd like to know what he meant by that.

Any thoughts?

Do you just not want to say?

Perhaps you're just a man of few words.

No matter.

Shall we go?

Where to?

It's obvious, isn't it?

Son Goku's place.

You were originally created to k*ll Son Goku, weren't you?

That's right.

Dear me, he's finally opened his mouth for us.

Your responses are just as afforded by the input Doctor Gero gave you.

It was rude for him to consider you a failure.

Much as it irritates me to do as Doctor Gero says, we Artificial Humans need some kind of target to start out with.

All right, let's go.

N- no way! T- they're going! Thank goodness! What do they plan on doing?

Where are they headed?

Looks like they don't plan on rampaging through Metro North.

Their direction is different.

It's Goku! Aren't they headed toward Goku's home?

You see?

Doctor Gero's goal was to k*ll Goku for vanquishing the Red Ribbon Army! Yeah, but I can't believe they'd follow Doctor Gero's orders.

None of that matters! I am right here! They utterly ignored me.

Are they trying to say I'm beneath their notice?

They dare to make light of me.

You can't pursue them! Just for a while Please wait for just a little while! You mean until Kakarrot recovers from his illness?


You mean Goku-san?

That's right.

If we don't include Goku-san's power and all fight together, we absolutely cannot win! You're laboring under the wrong impression.

It's not the Artificial Humans who I hate the most.

It's Kakarrot! I'll defeat them myself, and I don't need Kakarrot's help to do it.

Then when it's all over, I will finally defeat Kakarrot.

Now that you know, move it! That's senseless! Going after them yourself is like going willingly to your own death! Please, wait just a little while longer! Hey! Are you okay?

G- go after him! We can't let him go off on his own until Goku-san has recovered! Please stop him! Gohan and Bulma-san are headed to Goku's home.

They'll be overtaken soon! This is bad.

My mother and the others are in danger! Let's go after them! Unbelievable.

Usin'-my scarf as some kinda makeshift diaper! This ain't never comin' out.

Yajirobe, do you have anything else I can use to bundle him up?

You think I'd give you anythin' else?

But Trunks-chan might catch cold! Just relax! We all know Trunks'll grow up as big's he is with no trouble.

Oh, I guess you're right Trunks-chan, it'll take more than this to chill you, huh?

Great, great! Ooh, great! Ooh, great, great! Bulma-san If it's okay, I'd like to hurry up a bit.


I'm sure you're worried about Son-kun's condition.

Let's go.

I wonder if Father is doing better yet.

Once Goku-sa is better, he'll be sure to say "I'm hungry Chichi, ain't we got nothin' to eat?

" So I'm rollin' up my sleeves an' cookin' him more good stuff than he could ever eat.

Goku, your medicine! Goku-sa?

Goku-sa Goku is not going to die of any illness.

He won't allow it to happen.

We need him to defend us and the rest of the earth from the Artificial Humans! Looks like the medicine is taking effect, and he's resting easier.

You really think so?


you know what?

They said this illness was viral in nature, So I'm going to take some of this, and you should take a little too, Chichi-san.

Leaving that matter aside, what is Gohan-chan up to?


He hasn't come back yet, has he?

Maybe he's off playing somewhere.

Curse you! What's so great about Kakarrot?

I've become a Super Saiyan too.

All other conditions being equal, I, Vegeta-sama, the Saiyan prince, am far above his level! I'm going to show them my true power! No.

17, why are we landing?

Let's take out time and enjoy ourselves as we go.

There's no reason to hurry.

Are we walking then?

Let's go by car.

Before long, an automobile should pass by.

We'll go in that.

You boys sure do like this pointless stuff Is that a leftover human trait of yours?

You understand, don't you, No.


You were constructed from a human male, weren't you?


I was constructed from nothing.

You aren't human-based?

He's fundamentally different from us.

That's strange.

If Doctor Gero had the technical skills to build an Artificial Human from nothing, why did he go back in the direction of building them from a human base?

Yo! I didn't expect to find you dallying around here like this.

What's this?

There's a different kind of air about you than you had earlier.

It's not just the air, pal I want you to tell me where you think you guys are headed.

Son Goku's place.

We're going to k*ll him.

So we were right.

You won't be able to make it there.

That's because I'm going to put you all away.

Is that funny?

Laugh all you want while you still can.

Saiyans are so overly sure of themselves.

Son Goku seems to be the same way.

Because of that pride, the more unprepared they are, the sooner they die.

You spout that ridiculous blather quite well for a puppet! I'll smash you to bits! Which one of you is first?

The kid?

The woman?

The big dunce?

Or perhaps you'd rather I take all three of you on at once!?

You're overdoing it.

What was that!?


16, I want to see your power.

You go ahead.

I decline.

Looks like that one has at least figured out my ability.

He's a strange one.

Says he declines.

You should have kept your place.

Very well.

I'll do it.

Let me warn you now, I won't be pulling any punches just because you're a woman.

Then again, you're an Artificial Human.

You aren't a woman, are you?

The time is upon us when the Artificial Human No.

What kind of fight will unfold between her and the Super Saiyan Vegeta?
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