04x01 - Terrible Happenings in Heaven!! Garlic Jr. to Become Kami!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x01 - Terrible Happenings in Heaven!! Garlic Jr. to Become Kami!?

Post by bunniefuu »

"Terrible Happenings in Heaven!


Garlic Jr!

to Become Kami!


" There's some!



Quite a hault here,Gohan!


Until Father comes back, it's up to me bring home dinner every day!

Good for you!

Even so,this is a lot of fun!

Kuririn-san, why don't you try it too?

Nah, I, uh!




This river is full of fish!

Let's do this together, Kuririn-san!

Now, hold,on, Gohan!

That's not why I'm here!

Oh, you'll get your clothes all wet, huh?

No, that isn't it!



Kuririn-san, what a great car!

You bought that?

Well, yeah, it's not much!

Why not?

We haven't done anything in a while!

I'll hang around with you a bit!



Aren't you done with your errand yet?

Sorry, sorry!

I'm coming now!

Kuririn-san, who is that?

Well, she's sort of, you know!

Maron is tired of waiting!

Sorry 'bout that!

Who is that little boy?

This is Son Goku's son, Gohan!

Her name is Maron-chan!

Son Goku-san?

Didn't I just tell you about him?

Son Goku, the master martial artist!

I wonder if you have!

Anyway, this little boy is sure cute!

Little one, how old are you?

Five years old!

You know what, Gohan-chan?

Your big brother and big sister here are on their way to a date at the Kame something-or-other House!

And so, we can't play with you for a little while!

Sorry, okay?


What are you!




Oh, Kurin-chan, don't tell me you're jealous of this little boy?

That's not it, but still!



Well then, one for Kurin-chan, too!

Anyways, Gohan!



Everyone's getting together at the Kame House to visit, since it's been so long!

Why don't you come too?

Sure, I'll go!

But I have to check with Mother!



Oh, yeah!

Your mom sure is fussy about these kinds of things!

Well, if she does let you, come on by!

Everyone will be waiting for you 'kay!

See you!

That other person must be Kuririn-san's!




What do you know, Kuririn-san finally found a girlfriend!

Father will be so surprised when he comes back!

As strong as you are now, are you still advancing your training?


What business do you have with me?

You haven't changed at all, Piccolo!

The reason I have appeared here is because I'm thinking of having you come sit on the Throne of Kami!

What's this?

My limbs are growing heavy!

You should be able to serve as the Earth's Kami!

Both in strength and mind, you are the only one there is who can take my place!

I have no interest in the Throne of Kami!

Why don't you take a look around you?

The Demon Clan has been becoming activelately!

It maybe just a bad omen, Or something may already be happenning!

In anycase, you should get ready for them, don't you think?




Someone there!

That will be enough!

You're Garlic Jr!

It's been some time, Mister Popo!

Why are you here?

You are child of Garlic, who competed against Kami-sama and Kami's throne!

But you supposed be sealed in own created Dead Zone!

That's right!

If it hadn't been for Son Goku, not to mention his son, everything, including the eternal life I got from the Dragonballs, would have gone according to my plan!

But I will come back to life as many times as it takes to realize my revenge against Kami!

I will be the absolute ruler!

Can't move!

This is one of the specialties of the demonic Four Monarchs!

Be a good fellow and give up!

I give up!

Then answer my question!

Where is Kami?

Don't know!

Mister Popo really don't know!

Lying to us will do you no good!

Mister Popo not lie!

Worthless fool!

Not even your great power will work within that light!

I doubt you'll be able to escape from there!

You get to live!

You won't object if I wait here until Kami returns!

I'll at least let you live that long!


What do you know?

There's more to Kuririn than we thought!

Look at this guy!

He ignores his training, and manages to find such a cute sweetheart!

"sweetheart" is a bit strong, I wouldn't say that just yet!


You mean we aren't sweethearts?

In that case, I could go for this guy as well!

Is that so?

Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow!





Just kidding!

Don't take it so seriously!

I mean, right?

Nuh uh, I was serious!

Oh, no!

Hold on, this has gone far enough!

Just how do you feel about Kuririn?


How do I feel about Kurin-chan?

Maron doesn't know!

Now that I think about it, Kuririn might be better at this than I thought!

I envy him!

We have to settle this matter now!

Hey, Kuririn!

I am your master!

What is the matter?

This is sort of out of the blue!



In other words, I'm something of a father figure to you!

However, I do not remember giving you my permission for you to be seeing a young lady like this!

But sir!

Didn't you just congratulate me?

That's right!

Now you're sounding high-handed!

Where's the harm in it, Master-sama?

You didn't let me finish!

It so happens that where this young lady is concerned, there's!


Say,Turtle-chan, could you stop calling me a young lady like that?

I have a name, it's Maron-chan!

Oh, I see!

Well then, Maron-chan, as far as you're concerned, there's one condition!


'It couldn't be!


What is it, Turtle-chan?

Maron-chan, you have to let me Pafu-pafu your hooters, just a little bit!

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

What are you thinking!



That was a joke, guys!

A joke!

I said no, an' I mean no!

No matter what?

No way!

The longer you're hangin'around Goku-sa's friends, the faster you get stupid!

How can you say that?

Didn't you make a promise to your Ma?

You said you'd make up the studying you'd missed before!




You've already used up your playing time!

You'll study until evening!

That's a good boy!

Study hard!

What's this?

Who's there?

Garlic Jr!


What are you doing here!


I welcome you to my temple, Kami!

I had heard that you fools in the Demon Clan were up to something, but I did not think it was because you had escaped from the Dead Zone!

I see your arrogant manner of speech hasn't changed any!

Mister Popo!

Mister Popo!

Where are you?

Perhaps this is what you are looking for?

Even having successfully guarded this temple for many hundreds of years, this is how Mister Popo wind sup when matched up against me!

What does someone like you, who mistakes his own level of status, come to this temple for?

Garlic Jr!


I can't believe you still aspire to the Throne of Kami!


What do you mean, you can't believe it?

I will replace the likes of you, and rule over this domain!

You insolent fool!

You expect me to just surrender the Throne of Kami!



You sound as if you're about to show me what you're capable of!

So let's see what it is to have the power of a Kami!




Submit, and kneel down before me!

I'll let you be one of my servants, if you like!

Don't be absurd!

I'm going to keep you alive for now!

After all, I need to use the Dragonballs again!

The Dragonballs?

For the time being, I m going to make you experience all the pain and suffering I felt, until I revive my father Garlic!

I'm sorry, Mother!

I'm a bad boy!

Hey, cut it out, Haiya Dragon!

You want to come with me to the Kame House?

Kuririn-san, we'll be right there!

It's here!

This is it!

Garlic Jr!

-sama, what is it?

This is what my father Garlic had taken from him by the previous Kami, ''Aquamist!

" The water of oppression!

Inside this container is the Aquamist fog, the essence of the evil in mankind's heart!

Anyone who inhales this mist will find themself reborn as a Demon Clansman!

The world will be turned into a hellish, demonic place!

And there, reigning over it from the highest point- -will be Garlic Jr!

-sama, yes?

That is correct!

Having over taken the Throne of Kami, Garlic Jr!

proceeds with his ambitious plan!

However, no one is yet aware of the reality of what has happened!
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