02x11 - Escape From a Burning Planet!! A Life-or-Death Kamehame-Ha

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x11 - Escape From a Burning Planet!! A Life-or-Death Kamehame-Ha

Post by bunniefuu »

I sh*t down Dodoria! I easily b*at Dodoria, who took such pride in his own power! Even l'm surprised by how much I've improved.

It truly seems that my battle on Earth was not in vain.

Be that as it may, Dodoria did say something curious I see now.

Those runts I was chasing earlier were Earthlings, weren't they!? I do indeed sense two large powers getting farther away.

Of course they couldn't be Earthlings, but it's still disturbing.

Maybe I should go look into it, just to see.

Whatever the case, I have to get rid of even the small fries that stand in my way.

The cave that Bulma-san is hiding in is right over there.

For this being a planet you've never been to before, I'm surprised you remember so well.

What's that!? Something is coming! It's incredibly fast! Hide! Quickly! Right! We'll be found if we stay here, won't we? Never mind, just hurry up and suppress your Ki! All we can do now is leave our fate up to heaven.

Will it be someone like that monster from earlier? Dammit, how did they know where we were? Both of the power readings have disappeared.

What's going on? Over in that area, all of a sudden K- Kuririn-san! O- over there! V- Vegeta! T- then he is on this planet, after all! How can he be here!? This is the absolute worst thing that could happen! He's still looking.

He wasn't wearing one of those Scouter devices.

And yet, how is it that he can tell where we are? D- don't tell me he has the ability to sense Ki! If that's the case, then this is bad.

We might be able to extinguish our Ki, but this kid still has a faint one.


Was I mistaken? Is it because I'm not yet used to using this power sensing technique? Maybe I shouldn't have destroyed that Scouter.

I'm sensing a small power.

It's no mistake this time.

Let's check it out.

He's coming this way! lt's hopeless! He's going to find us! It's near that rock over there.

At this point, all we can do is fight.

Even though we know we'll get k*lled.

Let's go! Right! Now! Tch! It was a fish? Oh, well.

Right now, the first order of business is to get the two- no, even just one of the remaining Dragon Balls.

Once I've hidden it, Freeza and the others will no longer be able to get all seven together.

Then I'll find the chance to take the five that Freeza and company have away from them.

Their having lost their Scouters means that luck has shifted in Vegeta-sama's favor! W- we're saved! I thought it was completely hopeless there.

Lucky for us, huh? We have that guy in the water to thank.

Anyhow, let's get back to where Bulma-san is, while keeping our presence as masked as we can.

You said it was right close by, right? Yes.

We didn't even fight, and I'm already exhausted.

I'd like to get some rest.

I, uh To be honest, I'm starting to think we shouldn't have come to this planet.

It might not be fair to the late Yamucha-san and the others, but far from bringing everyone back to life, it looks like we're just going to be adding to the deceased.

You mean, us? Look! Kuririn-san, over there! Yeah, right, right.

Bulma-san! Huh? She's not here.

I'm sure she's hiding deeper inside the cave.

Bulma-san! It's us! Where are you!? Bulma-san! A Capsule house! What were you guys taking it so easy for!? While leaving a young girl like me alone in a place like this!? Taking it easy, she says W- what's with the small-size Piccolo-looking kid there? By any chance, is that a Namekian? It's okay.

Has something happened? For now, just let us in, please.

We'll fill you in on the details.

Oh, right! I just got some delightful news from my dad! He said that Son-kun had blasted off for Planet Namek here! And that he would arrive in just six days! You see, apparently, my dad rebuilt the Saiyan spaceship that Son-kun came in as a baby! What's more, he said that Son-kun was doing some incredible training inside it along the way.

F- Father? Yahoo!! Yay! Hooray! Hooray! Incredible training along the way? All right! All right! We've found some hope! Next up, I'll do this for 30 minutes! Huh? Is it already time for the next item on the schedule? That's strange What's going on here? W- what's that? Goku, can you hear me? Ah, it's Bulma's daddy! What on earth is going on? Part of the exterior of the spaceship has been damaged.

A meteor or something must have hit it.

lf you keep going like this, you'll slip off course.

W- what's going to happen!? You won't be able to go to Planet Namek.

You'll become lost in space.

I can't have that! Go outside and repair it.

Repair it!? Mm-hmm, it will be easy.

lnside the repair box, there should be some material and a powerful adhesive.

Wow, so this is space, huh? Goku, don't panic.

You've got a lifeline, don't you? That's right.

I just have to reel myself in, huh? You know, this speed is amazing.

Yikes, I'd better hurry.

Oh, that gave me a start.

Goku, the soles of your boots are magnets, so you can stand up and walk around.

Oh, yeah? Ha-ha, it's true! This is terrific! Oh, that must be it.

All right, there it is.

Let's see This is the glue, huh? Let's see, the course deviation caused by that damage is Oh, what's this!? All right, that does it.

It was easier than I thought.

Goku, this is bad! You have to make a course correction right now! Goku, your position right now is at SU-83 by 643-XY.

If you keep going the way you are, you're going to collide with the star Alpha HZ at 653-XY.

I can't understand anything as complicated as that! What should I do!? Oh, just do as I instruct you to, and it will be easy.

Hurry and get back inside the spaceship.

All right, you got it.

Huh? I'm stuck here.

Come on, now! This is bad.

I can't get loose.

All right, one more time Goku, what are you doing? There's no time! That's easy for you to say, but my feet got stuck with the glue, and I can't get free! What did you say!? What do I do!? Tell me! G- Goku! Goku-san! I don't want to die out here! All right, all I can do now is count on this Ka me ha me Ha!! Whew! This is incredible power! I get it, this is the result of the 20 G training! He did it! He did it! I- it's no use! Goku-san! All right, I'm sure of myself now.

This time, full power! Ka me ha me Ha!! He did it! He did it! He did it! That much force from 20 Gs.

If I raise the Gs even more, I'll become even stronger! I feel it! Larger-size powers! They number about twenty.

No question about it, it's a Namekian village.

They probably have one of the Dragon Balls.

Freeza and his men don't have Scouters! No matter what action I may take now, they won't know about it! Sure enough.

And since the villagers are still alive, that proves that Freeza and the others haven't been here yet! W- what's this? It's an alien! Is the one called Elder here? I've come to take your Dragon Ball off your hands.

W- what? I am the Elder.

Would you tell me why you want the Dragon Balls? Never mind, just hand it over quickly.

You have it, don't you? Leave us.

I cannot allow you to have it.

I can sense evil in you.

Then die.

Bang! Elder! Planet Namek was in the worst of circumstances.

At length, Vegeta had also set out in search of the Dragon Balls.

ls their only hope to await the arrival of Goku?
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