01x12 - A Gentle Right Arm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x12 - A Gentle Right Arm

Post by bunniefuu »


Now tell me what the
rules are for this thing.

Let's get started already.


We'll use this to begin.

It'll help.


And what is that?

Bait to bring in Hollows.

If I crush this, Hollows will
start gathering here quickly.

What the hell?

The rules here
are quite simple.

Whoever kills the most Hollows
in 24 hours will be the winner.

Simple, isn't it?

Even you can understand
how that works.

That won't work.
What are you thinking?

Doing that would put everyone
who lives here in danger.

This battle's just between us.

Why are you making such
a big deal about this?

Believe me, no one
is going to get hurt,

because I know I will be able
to wipe out

every single Hollow
that shows up here.


If you had more confidence
in your abilities

to protect people from Hollows,
you wouldn't be worried,

and you would accept
this challenge.




And that's one for me.



Why does your face look
so tense, Ichigo Kurosaki?

Change things back right now.

You get those
Hollows out of here.

It's too late for that.

Soon, the bait will
have the whole town

crawling with Hollows.

Sorry, but the die
has already been cast.

You should use your time
in a better way than this.

There's people out
there that need you.


I'd say you'd better get moving
if you're going to protect

the entire town
from all those Hollows.

Damn you.

I suppose
I should remind you.

It's a fact that
Hollows have a tendency

to attack those who have a high
level of spirit energy first.


I hope that helps.

Karin. Yuzu.

Damn it.

Hey, Ichigo, wait up!

Ichigo, you are blind,

unaware of the other
gifted people around you.

Besides your family,
you know others

with spirit energy
that need your help.

He's lucky I'll be k*lling
all the Hollows

that could harm those
near and dear to him.

No matter.

All this will still
make him realize

just how weak his power is.

At last, he's reached that
place, the point of no return.


Soul Reapers
are such useless scum.

Mika, you're the cutest.
I mean it.

MIKA: Really, Yoshi?
YOSHI: I'm serious.

Oh, stop that, Yoshi.
Someone might see us.

Hey, it's all right.
No one's watching us.

Oh, don't you have a car

or somewhere that's
more private?

Ugh. Oh, great.

Just what I want to see.
Ghosts making out.

Hey, I know where there's
a nice park bench nearby.

Oh, you're such a romantic.


Hey, Tatsuki, your break's over.

Get back in here.

Tatsuki, are you coming?


ORIHIME: Tatsuki?


Can we talk? Now?

That was it.

I first started noticing
weird things

the night I brought dinner
to her house.

I barely remember what
happened that night.

But what I do recall
is feeling really uneasy.

All of a sudden,
I felt this intense pain.

And I have this vague image
of seeing someone

who looked like Rukia
standing over me.

I figured it was a dream until
I mentioned it to Orihime.

That's when she said
she'd had the same dream.

From what she said, we had
shared the same experience

that night.
And ever since that day,

I've been seeing
strange things.

And with each passing day,

those images
are getting clearer to me.



You see me, and I see you.

Can we talk?

Spank you very much,

Would you get the
hell out of here?


Oh, I'm sorry.

You were saying?
You wanna talk now?

Um, it's not that important.

But maybe--

Be careful.
Don't touch the broken glass.

You're gonna cut yourself.

We'll talk later.
Come on.

Let's go see
what just happened.


BOY 1:
Come on, let's see you prove it.

BOY 2:
Sometime today!

Come on!
Go ahead!

Come on,
kick it!





That makes number three.

Karin's not here.

She's probably off playing
with her friends somewhere.

Where is she?

Damn it.

Seven, eight,



and 11.



So Urahara,
what's going on here?

Oh, damn it.

A Hollow alarm
at a time like this.

Excuse me, Urahara.


Why did the signal disappear?


Oh, I get it.

Ichigo must be doing well.

He's working quickly today.



It went blank again?

What is with this thing?

It must be broken.

I mean, it's going haywire.

This is strange.

I've never seen so many
signals coming in so fast.

This can't be.

Can it?




I'm feeling all this
agitated heavy spirit energy.


What destruction
is about to happen here?









Karin, where are you?




Hey, Earth to Chad.
You awake?

If you don't get moving,

we're gonna miss
the lunchtime specials.

I'll make you pay
the difference.

Hmm? I can't do that.

That's all the more
reason for us to get going.

Come on now or pay extra.


This is bad.

I've felt this feeling before.


You just don't care.

Here I am, barely getting
by on a part time job

so I can afford to eat like you.

I mean, you've got your folks
giving you

a rent-free place to live,
doing your laundry.

And I know they're paying
all your food bills.


I need my next meal
just to stay alive.

What did I just say?

I need my next meal
just to stay alive.

Good. You understand me.
Let's go.

I don't buy beef
if it's not on sale.

The sell by expiration
date on chicken?

Just an approximation.

Huh? What was that?

I don't know.

Maybe it was a gas expl*si*n.

What's that? That spot.

It's shimmering like heat waves.

Hey, Chad.
You all right, bud?

Let's go. Whatever's going on

it's freaking me out.



Shigeo, Harutoki, run!



It's coming after me?

I see.

Well, then.

Hold on, Chad.
Why are you running away?

I'm not really sure
what that big thing is.

But since it's following
me, I know what I should do.

I'll just keep running
and lead it to a place

where it can't
hurt anybody else.

Go ahead!



Gee, Karin.

There you go,
spacing out again.

Then you kicked the
ball without aiming.

Do you wanna play or not?



Hey, uh,
you wanna fight?

we're not afraid of you.

You want to rumble?

Bring it on.
Sorry, guys.

I think I better head home now.


W-w-wait, Karin.

No hard feelings,

Today sucks.

I can't concentrate
on anything.

I keep thinking about
that weird thing I felt.

I guess I'll go take a bath,
eat, and go to bed early.



Hey, you're Ichigo's friend,
aren't you?

The cockatiel's uncle?

Oh, hmm.

You're Ichigo's little sister.

So why are you hanging
out at our playground then?




Wha-- What's that
creature there?



What the--


It doesn't look like
that thing is moving.

Is it waiting for
us to move or what?

It's hard to tell.

Damn it. If I could just
see it more clearly,

I could tell what it's up to.

It's coming back.


It looks weird.

I mean,
what is that thing?

Hey, wait.

Are you saying you
can see it clearly?

What do you mean?
Of course I can.

What an ugly creature.
You see him?

Come on, you can't miss him.



Hey, watch out!


He's gone. Where did he go?

You're looking the wrong way!

He's right there.
We gotta move!


Hey, big guy.
What's going on with you?

Can you see that monster?

Kind of. Just a little.

Well, from what I've seen,

I'd say you really
can't see him.

Hang on to me.

We gotta work
together to survive.

You be our legs,
and I'll be our eyes.

What? No. No way.

It's our only chance.

You gotta trust me, big guy.
I can handle this.

This isn't the first time
I've seen one of these creeps.


You know, there's some kind
of connection here

that's been really bothering me.

These freaky creatures
have something to do

with my brother Ichigo.

With Ichigo?

He's on our left. Dodge him!



On your right!

Hey, you all right?

Come on, buddy. You okay?

BOY: Karin!
Get up.



What happened? That guy's all
covered in blood.

Oh, wow.
Was it you that did that?

You really wailed
on the guy.

Get going!

you don't want to be here.

You have finally lost it.

We only came over because
we were concerned about you.

Why are you being
such a head case?

Yeah, you're acting all freaky.




I want to hear it from you.

Don't tell me you hit
someone again, Yasutora?

What's the point
of hitting someone?

If you hurt those who
hurt you, what's left?

An eye for an eye leaves
the whole world blind.

you're young and very strong.

You are big for your age.
And handsome too.

How blessed you are.

You possess
many precious gifts.

A sharp mind, an iron will.

And you have
a heart of gold.

These talents and qualities
make you very different.

That means people
will pick on you,

find fault in what you do
and try to bring you down.

I wish we lived in a world
where that doesn't exist.

But that's the world
we live in.

In spite of that,
you must be kind

and find a good use for
your big, strong fists.

Use them in a way
that helps our world.

I know, abuelo.

I know my hands weren't
made for me to hurt others.

They were made to protect me

and defend others from evil
in this world.

I learned my lesson,

and will never abuse the gift
I have been given.

But now, I need to ask
something of you.

Please, I want you
to give me the power.



What the hell?

What happened to your arm?


What are you doing?


Hey there.
Hey, big guy, your arm.

I mean, is your arm all right?

How uncool.

Did he really just give
me the thumbs up signal?

What a dork.

KARIN: Mister!

What just happened?

Where the hell did
this armor come from?

It appeared out of nowhere.

And with it, something else
amazing was given to me.

Finally, I could see
that monster completely.

But how did--?
I can't comprehend it.

It just happened.

Just tell me
that you're not hurt.

Say it, Ichigo's sister.

Are you kidding me?

The only one that's hurt here
is you, you big, stupid giant.

I see.

Well, to me,
that sounds damn good.

That's not good, you jerk!

What in hell's name
is good about someone--

I mean, anyone getting hurt?

What kind of macho
crap are you trying to sell me,

you overgrown,
risk-taking dumbass?

That kind of logic
really ticks me off.

You guys, you wanna
look cool and act all slick,

just like my stupid brother

I've had it!

You just stay put.
I'll go call my dad

so he can put you back
in one piece again.

Now, don't move,
or I'll kick you again,

you lame-brained kook.

So that's Ichigo's sister, huh?

I can tell they're related

because she kicks
just like her brother.




♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
Someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


With our town under attack
by hundreds of Hollows,

a hot hero arrives.

Oh, me, Orihime.
Can this feminine fighter

vanquish the v*olence
on our village?

And let me talk about--
ICHIGO: Orihime,

what are you babbling about?
Dishing up our next show?

Just keep that on the DL.
We're out.
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