01x10 - Guardians

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x10 - Guardians

Post by bunniefuu »

Asta, Noelle, and Magna encountered

a mysterious enemy when they
arrived at Saussy Village.

They fought hard against the enemy's
attack in order to protect the villagers,

but the enemy's magical powers
were just too great.

Not only can you negate magic,
you can repel it, as well.

But that is not enough to defeat me.

The blades of ice will
come one after another.

Now, just try and protect them.

Damn it!

It's going to take everything Asta
and I have to protect the villagers.

Not to mention, my powers
are reaching their limit.

This turned out to be one hell
of a first mission for those two!

This isn't good!

But if I cut and run now, I'm not a real man!

It just so happens I'm a lowly
commoner myself! I'll protect you!

I'm... royalty.

I have more magical power
than anyone else here.

Step back, Lady Noe!

And yet I'm just holding them back!

Miss Magic Knight...

Save us!

This little girl is asking for help.

I'm going to protect them!

There's no way...

I can run now!

A new spell?

Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Lair!

As their owners mature, new spells
are engraved into the grimoires.

Maturity can stem from the wizard's
magical powers growing through training,

or improving the creativity
of their magical powers.

But sometimes, it can come
from a rise or change

in their emotional state,
or gaining new resolve.

I'll protect them! I'm royalty,

and a member of the Black Bulls!

Those Who Protect

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle


W-Well, I guess you're not so tough after all.

Look at that power!

Hey, Lady Noe! What'd I tell you?
You can do it if you try!

What? What is this magical power?

The beast had been waiting for
his chance to fight back.

For the moment when he could sink his teeth

into his prey's throat.

The three of you

also had enough magical power to
join the Magic Knights, did you not?

I don't have any magical powers!

But I'm going to kick your ass!

Lord Heath!


He... He did it?

He broke my momentum by
making me slip on a patch of ice?

Though your sword can negate magic,

it appears that you're just
a normal human after all.

Now it's my turn.

May you sleep... for eternity.


That spell possesses
immense magical power.

But it's only a matter of time.

I should be able to create an
entrance big enough for one person.

It should take about 25 seconds.

You lot seem to greatly enjoy wasting my time.

You will pay a heavy price for that.

I don't have much power left,
but I have to fight.

Fire and ice. In terms of magical
attributes, I have the upper hand.

But he has enough magical power
to turn that advantage around.

He's just too strong.

Sorry, Mister Yami.

I don't think I'm going to win against...

I'm not done yet!

Too slow!


I'm surprised you're still alive.

You're quite resilient. However...

You won't be able to swing
that sword with those wounds.

Not yet!

You're no wild boar.

I'm not done yet!

Stop. Don't make me waste any more time.

That's amazing, Magna!

To think that someone from Rayaka
would end up being a Magic Knight!

You're the pride of our village!

Let's lift him up!




I see. That's wonderful. Good, good.

Well done, Magna.


Now you're more than just a delinquent.


This is from me.

Old Man...


It looks good on you.
Become the best man you can.


I'm not going to give up until the end.

What good would it do if I gave up?

This spell... It's probably a lot easier
to get outside than in, right?

Uh... Yes, I think so.

I'm leaving the villagers to you, Lady Noe!


You have no chance of winning.
Why won't you give up?

If I give up, who's going to protect them?

I've realized something.

It's not just because of our promise.

I'm going to become the Wizard King

so I can protect everyone!

The Wizard King? What a foolish dream.

Unfortunately, you'll be dead in one minute.

That's not happening, you dumbass!

If you want to k*ll him,

you're going to have to get
through me, his senior, first!


You know... You're quite the man, Asta.

You fool. You've just hastened your death.

Thirty seconds.

Bring it on!

Here we go, Asta!


Time for an initiation!

Take this! My last remaining bit of magic!

Soul Ball!

Flame Magic: Prison Death Scattershot!

So this is your final spell?

How wasteful.

It's time.

It's not a waste!

They drew us in with a decoy,
then used our blind spot...

Magic reflection!

I'm okay?

You'd better thank me,
you mohawked delinquent.

Yes! Yes! I was able to control my magic!

You never shut up, do you?

These flames... won't go out?

Then I'll just freeze them over!

Not yet!

I can still move!


Like hell I will!

These flames... won't go out?

Then I'll just freeze them over!

Not yet!

I can still move!


Like hell I will!



lost to this brat?

I wanted... to be of more use...
to the master...

They did it?


Yes. We beat him for sure this time.

First, my Flame Magic:
Prison Death Scattershot,

and now, Flame Binding Magic:
Flame Bondage Formation.

I guess you're more talented
than you look. Have some praise.

Shut up! I'm your senior!

Why are you looking down on me?!

Well, you're physically below—


What are you doing?! You need
to follow through properly!

So cold!

You've still got a ways to go, Lady Noe!

More importantly, it looks like one got away.
Ugh, I blew it! Damn it!

How'd you like that?
Some lowly commoners just won.

How'd you like that, damn it?!


Wait, he's asleep?!

Honestly, he's so ridiculous.

He's stupid, loud, and a lowly commoner...

But he's sort of amazing.

Whew... We're saved.

He's just a boy.

Is he really a commoner like us?

Magna, young lady... Thank you.

No problem!

It was nothing.

You're our saviors!

What's that? An anti-bird?

You finally awake, you jerk?

I'm going to rest a bit more
and then escort you to

the royal capital on my Crazy Cyclone.

Spend the rest of your life atoning for what
you did to those villagers, you bastards.

So my magic is sealed.

You're going to spill everything
to the Magic Knights,

including who you guys are
and what your motives are!

I refuse.

It appears the end has come.

There was a magic item inside him?

Ice Magic: Ice Burial.


Talk about resolve. Is there
someone he was that loyal to?

You idiot!

He went through all that...
What was he after, anyway?

What do...

What do you think life is?!

I'm never going to acknowledge these jerks!



Let's go home, Nick.

Grandpa really loved the view from here.


So, Nick, I heard

that Old Man Seihi was the only
one to stand up to those guys.

Your grandpa was a real man.

Grandpa sounded really happy.

He said that even though it was

just gambling, he still
beat some Magic Knights.


He gave this to me as a gift.

He even bought lots of yummy
food for everyone in the village.

He never got to be one, but Grandpa
always admired the Magic Knights.


And they were also his regret.


He always regretted not working
harder when he was younger.


But... he seemed really
happy about the fact that

Magna was working hard for the both of them.


Hey, do you think... I'll be able
to become a Magic Knight, too?

Of course!

Nothing's impossible!

Your future is something that
you decide for yourself!

Not only am I a commoner, but I've got
no magic powers, and I still made it in!

But you've gotta work super extra hard!

Give it your all!

Do your best.


By the time you join the Magic Knights,

I'm going to be working even harder,
doing even more missions,

and I'll be even closer to
becoming the Wizard King.

Jeez. There you go talking nonsense again.

But you need to dream big.
That's what it means to be a man!

I'll be waiting for you, kid!



Ow, ow, ow, ow!

What do you have against my head,
you stupid bird?! You wanna fight?!

Why, you...

What's that stone?

Oh, that's a charm that my grandpa had.

Hey, that's really important!

Let go! Give it back!

You can have it.
Apparently that bird really likes it.

It's the least I can do to
repay you guys for saving us.


Those spiteful little eyes...

Th-They're so cute!

You can come over here, too!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

What is your problem with my head?!
I'm gonna barbecue you!

Come back here!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

The heck are you doing, you jerk?!

So Heath was... I see.

So the magic stone fell into
the hands of the Black Bulls.


No matter.

We can take care of the
Black Bulls at any time.

Let them hold on to the
magic stone for a while.

Our master's resurrection is close at hand.

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Who's the Most Similar?

Who's the Most Similar?

The winner is...

this bird.


Magna, you've grown so much.

You're no longer just a delinquent.
You're a real man now.

You're on fire! You're shining!

Black Clover, Page 11:

Page 11
What Happened on a Certain Day in the Castle Town

"What Happened on a Certain
Day in the Castle Town."

Not giving up is my magic!
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