18x15 - The Promise That Was Kept

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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18x15 - The Promise That Was Kept

Post by bunniefuu »

The Promise That Was Kept I will never go over to your side!
I have no regrets with my path up until now.

I told you I saw everything.

So don't keep imagining yourself as Hokage!
The person Rin wanted to watch over isn't the current you It was Obito Uchiha.

We're late again because of youObito.

Let's go, Obito.

We'll be right there.

Rin That's right You ought to fill in that hole in your heart yourself Others will be of no help.

Socome over here.

I won't ignore you.

Come Come Obito Hold on, Rin!
That's right Rin won't even turn to look at the current you.

The one Rin wanted to watch over is Obito Uchiha.

Enough already I am Obito Uchiha!
Now just come over, you bastard!
Everyone's power Don't you dare underestimate it!
They're out!
All right!
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
Did Ilose?
The gaping hole of hell that has opened will be filled by the moon's dreams There's nothing in my heart!
I don't even feel pain anymore.

Don't feel so guilty, Kakashi.

This hole was opened by this hellish world.

Do you really think that something like this can fill that hole in your heart?
Don't erase the memories of the real Rin!
Rin sacrificed herself to protect and save the village!
You can try and fill that hole with delusions all by yourself But that hole will never be filled!
The hole in one's heart gets filled by others around you.

Let's go.

Rin You kept your promise, Naruto Uzumaki!
That's why I want to save you too And you really rescued us!
Right, Son!
We were lucky.

He did it.

For real.

You're right.

I'm so glad!
Isn't he?
Wait, Sasuke!
Where is he?
Where'd he go?
Over there!
He's still alive!
RightI've lost Kakashi!
Sasuke, we'll talk later.

I apologize for appearing so suddenly But I was once his classmate and friend So please let me take responsibility for him.

Kakashi Sensei!
He's nowâ!
He's weak now!
Now's the time to finish him!
Hold it!
Obito When we had that chakra tug-of-w*r just now, I got to see inside your heart.

It seems like my son nagged and lectured you quite a bit.

I think he might have gotten that from his mother.

Dad But that duty actually falls on you.

I think the one who truly understands Obito and should talk to him is you, his friendKakashi.

Isn't that right, Naruto?
Naruto, you two and the Allied Forces should go and help Lord First, and seal Madara away.

Oh, right!
We still need to deal with him!
Let's go, Sasuke!
I think you were younger than Naruto is now.

Do you remember?
All the missions that the four of us went on?
As a Medic Ninja, Rin did her utmost to protect you two.

She would never have wished for a situation like this.

But what caused this is my responsibility.

Can I start explaining the mission to you?
We're close to the border.

All right, it's this line.

It shows where the Land of Earth is currently invading the Hidden Grass Village.

Hidden Stone Shinobi are our enemies We have received intel that 1000 ninja already make up the front line.

They've advanced farther than last time.

The Land of Fire shares borders with the Hidden Grass.

We should have stepped in long ago.

Judging by the size of this advance they must have an efficient system for reinforcement.

Hence, our mission is here at Kannabi Bridge.

To crush one's enemy at the battlefront requires an immense number of ninja.

So shinobi like us, who focus on sabotage missions, are forced to work in small, select teams.

The bridgeyou say?
Then it's an infiltration mission?
Team Kakashi Your mission is to infiltrate the enemy's rear territory.

You will destroy this bridge which is used to transport supplies and reinforcements.

And when this is done, withdraw immediately.

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
And you, Sensei?
I will face the enemy directly on the battlefront.

I'll create a diversion for you.

In any case, Kakashi is your captain today.

We'll travel together to the border, but after that your mission commences!
We'll be splitting up into two teams from this point.

Good luck to you all.

The enemy the other day was doing surveillance alone.

But here on out, we'll be fighting teams.

Be careful Let's get going, Captain.

It's no coincidence that I, who should be dead, am standing before you two like this.

Perhaps it was Rin who made it happen Her way of scolding me for failing as your teacher.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect Rin.

Rin Rin was my only light and hope.

After I lost Rin The world as I saw it, changed.

It became a pitch black hell.

There's no hope in this world.

I took Madara's identity and walked the world.

But all it did was confirm my belief.

Even with my Sharingan, I couldn't see anything There was nothing to see.

I don't know anything for sure either Thenmy new path isâ!
Without a doubt, your path is just one of many.

And it may not actually be wrong either.

I've thought this world was hell too.

I thought that you had d*ed And right after that, I lost Rin And I lost Minato Sensei as well.

But Oh yeah I forgot I was the only one who didn't give you a gift for becoming a Jonin, Kakashi.

I was wondering what to give you and I just had a thought.

Don't worry It's not some useless, extra baggage I'm giving youmy Sharingan.

Whatever the village may say, you are a great Jonin.

That's how I really feel So please accept it.

Even though I don't know anything for sure I tried my best to see the world with this eye.

I felt that as long as I had your Sharingan and words I could see it.

And what you saw is Naruto?
How can you be sure his path won't fail?
No He may very well fail too.

Of course.

How is Naruto different from me?
Why do you go so far for him?
Because I can say without hesitation that he is less likely to fail than the current you.

Why is that?
Because if he trips and stumbles on his path I'll help him.

Why would you help him?
He would never give up on his dreamsor on reality.

That's the kind of guy he is.

Found him!
And the way he forges ahead draws others towards him.

He makes you want to reach out when he's about to stumble.

And the greater the support behind you, the closer you can get to your goal.

That's the difference.

Massive Rasen Shuriken!
We'll go with something even bigger!
Do you really believe such a thing is possible in this pitch-black hell?
I'm sure you could've seen it too, if you had tried.

After all, you and I have the same eyes.

If comrades that you trust, gather around you hope can take physical form and become visible.

That's what I believe Obito.

Naruto Uzumaki, huh?
Seems you've become friends with that Fox Demon's brat, Gaara If you're not going to help, let's talk later.

I'm going.

Sand Shinobi human, are you a friend of Naruto too?
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "My First Friend.

" We'll help you too!
MY FIRST FRIEND Tune in again!
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