16x12 - Jōnin Leader

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x12 - Jōnin Leader

Post by bunniefuu »

Jonin Leader Hey, Kakashi!
Come join us for some sweet dumplings!
A jonin leader in charge of genin?
Minato Sensei You're late, Obito!
You're finally here You must be Obito.

We've been waiting for you.

Barely made it You're really late.

We've already introduced ourselves.

You're the only one left!
I'm going to be the Hokage!
My name's Obito Uchiha!
For my Great Stone Face, make sure my trademark goggles and Sharingan are nicely carved out!
So I can glare over the neighboring lands!
I'll scare the hell out of them with my Sharingan stare and no one will dare att*ck our village!
Rattle off your instructions after you become the Hokage and activate your Sharingan.

Besides, how can they carve the Sharingan if you're wearing goggles?
They can carve it out over my goggles!
Then it will look like your eyeballs are popping out.

Anyway I'm happy that someone on this team shares my dream.

I'm Minato.

From today, I'll be your superior.

I'm glad to meet you!
All right, let's have our first practice together.

In this training session, I want to see your teamwork.

Take these two bells away from me, and practice will be over.

Simple, right?
Two bells mean Exactly.

What does it mean?
One of us will be dropped from the team.

Good observation.

Okay Let's start.

I'm your jonin leader, Hatake Kakashi Sensei, right?
Never mind the formalities Let's just get started!
What you're going to do has a failure rate of 66%.

During that practice, I wasn't even thinking of teamwork.

And Minato Sensei didn't even notice it.

You all pass!
Let's strengthen our teamwork even more!
In other words, one of you will definitely be sent back to the Academy.

It's no wonder Minato Sensei didn't notice.

I pretended to work with the team and used the other two.

I know he's giving us a break But Minato Sensei is way too skilled.

There's no way I can do it alone.

Whoa You'll never get it at the rate you're going.

I knew it.

Minato Sensei is making an allowance for our skill levels!
Compared to how he is against Obito and Rin With me, he doesn't ease up as much.

At this rate, I'm definitely not getting a bell.

In order to complete this mission Obito!
The first formation we learned at the academy!
I doubt if a simple formation like that would work against Minato Sensei.

Just do it!
I guess it's worth a try.

It's better than doing nothing Okay, I'm in!
Here we go!
I see only one opening with Minato Sensei.

If I use these two to trap him, we have a chance!
Okay, let's start That wasn't teamwork.

Back then, if only Minato Sensei had seen that something was missing in our teamwork Thanks for letting me get the bell first!
Looks like you're going to be left behind!
No That wasn't Minato Sensei's fault!
I'm just trying to pass the buck, and running away from the truth That's why with these guys I'm going to make sure their teamwork is solid.

You're so clumsy You're a disgrace.

Speak for yourself!
Damn it Of all the luck To be lumped together with guys like you.

Say that again!
This is hilarious.

You guys are so ridiculous!
Say, I just had a great idea.

What a coincidence.

Me too.

Me too!
We don't want to give Sensei a hard time I agree!
So I will decide - who drops out!
- who drops out!
You guys.

You all fail!
You're going back to the academy.

That frozen gaze It's darkness itself His darkness hasn't been dispelled yet.

More time is necessary Rin Obito I know.

I have no intention of making people who don't work as a team into shinobi No matter what anyone says Now then How will this year turn out ?
Keep it up and you'll end up back at the academy!
I'm in the spring of youth at full power!
No wonder he's a jonin.

He dodges my taijutsu with such ease.

I thought graduating from the academy made us genin.

Failing now is too embarrassing!
Severe Leaf Hurricane!
Giving up already?
I'm not giving up!
My dream is to become a great shinobi through taijutsu alone!
I cannot abandon my dream!
That's ridiculous But I'm not throwing in the towel either!
That's right!
I'm that close to becoming the kunoichi I've always admired!
No way am I calling it quits!
Now you're talking, guys!
That's how youth should be!
Even if you've used up every ounce of your energy suck it up and push through it!
Hit me with all your might!
Here we come!
Here we come!
The three of you all pass!
I did it!
I did it!
I-I can't breathe !
I'm so happy we all made it!
I wasn't about to fail after coming this far.

But Thank goodness we didn't get the sensei everyone talks about.

You mean that jonin who sent the three before us back to the academy?

Luck has nothing to do with real strength.

Those guys just weren't good enough.

That's not what I heard.

It was about what's even more important than a shinobi's strength or something And what is that?
Is it some kind of super-lethal-one-hit technique?
But who does he think he is to make up his own criteria?
Kakashi Are you sure about this, big brother?
Maybe we shouldn't eat the bento lunches Look, have I ever been wrong?
But Kakashi Sensei's not here.

Quit nitpicking!
You two, just listen and follow the rules!
Sure, in the world of Ninja, one who breaks the rules and regulations is regarded as scum But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum!
Obito I Kakashi Sensei !
I've failed, but my kid brothers followed the rules!
The three of you Each of you obeyed my orders.

You stuck to the rules.

But you didn't follow what is most important to a shinobi What is that?
You grey-haired !
You're all going back to the academy to figure it out.

Passed on the Chunin Exams?
That's unusually cautious of you, Guy.

Yeah Huh?
The Chunin Exams?

The way the system works is, if you complete over eight missions you qualify to participate in the Chunin Exams.

There haven't been rookies in the Chunin Exams lately Would you like to go for it?
Uh !
What's wrong, Lee?
Well I'd like to test myself to see how strong I am I do have that desire But But what?
I don't deserve to take the test at my present level.

I know my own ability best!
What about you, Neji?
I'll pass on it too.

Neji, you'd make it to chunin in no time!
That's why there's no point in rushing.

I see.

And you, Tenten?
Then I'll pass too!
Let's train hard and take the next exams together!
You guys!
You guys Having students like you makes me very happy!
Another order of dumplings, please!
Coming right up!
I don't get it But this is so like you.

By the way, what's it like to be in charge of fresh academy graduates?
That's right.

This is your first time.

Hey, Kakashi!
Come join us for some sweet dumplings!
What's with him?
His eyes are as cold as ever like he never left the ANBU.

He failed every one of them again.

That's not such a big deal.

No, but the darkness in Kakashi's heart is a problem.

He's still carrying that around They were my classmates too.

And I grieved as well, but You've got to get over it I know I knew that the depressing atmosphere of the ANBU would turn him more sullen.

Lord Third!
The ANBU isn't for someone like Kakashi!
I know it isn't my place to say this, Lord Third!
But We've lost too many of our friends !
Watching Kakashi It's as though he's in a hurry to die That's why we came up with this idea to put him in charge of the genin If he has subordinates to look after, we're sure he'll change Hmm You think so too?
So then ?
Maybe we shouldn't have interfered We each thought that rather than being in the ANBU, being in charge of young future shinobi held more promise for him, but Lord Third!
Lord Third?
Lord Third?
At ease, finish your tea.

In fact, I'll have a cup too.

I see What's so funny?
You always treat us like we're kids Oh Forgive me for laughing.

I must admit that I do treat you like children.

Minato Sensei Is my way wrong ?
Kakashi Sensei!
Kakashi Sensei!
Good morning, sir!
Good morning, sir!
Kakashi Sensei!
We're in charge of academy discipline now!
We realized everything starts with a proper greeting!
That greeting was spot on!
Keep it up!
Please excuse us!
Excuse us!
Excuse us!
Excuse us!
Excuse us!
Who cares about greetings?
Let's get started.

Those guys, huh It's Kakashi Sensei!
It's you!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Thank you for failing us in that practice we were able to change!
We always depended on our big brother and never stood up for ourselves Actually, that time, we wanted to share our lunch with him!
After the practice, we realized that we should've spoken up and told you how we felt.

I thought I was helping them, but I was stifling them instead.

I learned a lesson too.

And so !
And so !
We're so grateful to you, Kakashi Sensei!
We're so grateful to you, Kakashi Sensei!
Grateful to me ?
A teacher trains his students and at the same time, learns from them.

Only through mutual respect and growth can you foster a true teacher-pupil relationship.

It is my hope that you will nurture such a relationship with your pupils.

Of course, I wish it for Kakashi as well.

Lord Third!
Is that Oh it's still very secret.

But this is the list of academy graduates who will be under Kakashi's tutelage.

NINJA DATA I'm sure it's a group of highly individualistic kids.

I'm sure this new batch of genin will hold your interest.

Where are we?
This is Naruto's house.

Lord Fourth's orphan Are you our sensei?
I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I'm going to be Hokage!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Squad Seven" That kid is a genin?
SQUAD SEVEN Tune in again!
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