16x11 - The Night of the Tragedy

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x11 - The Night of the Tragedy

Post by bunniefuu »

The Night of the Tragedy Due to an increasing amount of assignments, I've decided to add an additional team to the ANBU.

Itachi, I'm appointing you captain.

Yes, sir.

I'm not opposed, but you are very young.

How old are you?
I'm thirteen.

There are a number of shinobi who were younger and have become jonin.

Just two years in the ANBU and already a captain.

He must be the youngest captain the ANBU has ever had.

I shall assign my ANBU agents to this new team.

So does that mean you're going to be transferred to Lord Danzo's ANBU?
I wonder?
Try not to get caught in between the political wrangling of the higher-ups.

Captain Kakashi Thank you for the past two years.

Come on now.

You're only changing sections.

You're still a Hidden Leaf shinobi.

It's not like you're going far away.

TRAINING GROUND THREE He's 13 years old.

And they're making him a captain?
Well, he's an extraordinary shinobi.

Sure, he has the Sharingan.

But making captain at 13 is unheard of.

What's up, Yugao?
I've been assigned to Team Ro, starting from today.

So you're the replacement?
I'll do my best, Kakashi Senpai.

All right.

I'm looking forward to your good work.

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
I've gotten reports that the Police Force is strengthening their armaments.

What do you make of this?
Dissatisfaction towards the Hidden Leaf is running high among the Uchiha.

We can't ignore it anymore, it seems.

Yes You are aware of the Leaf's barrier system?
It senses when the Village has been infiltrated.

Someone has been getting through the barrier undetected.

Even among the Hidden Leaf, only a few know the secret code to pass through the barrier.

Either there's a traitor in our midst, or a jutsu user who can break the barrier.

If it's a traitor, we can smoke him out by changing the jutsu formula.

I believe it's someone capable of passing through the barrier with a jutsu.

I don't want to believe that.

I want you to look into this.

This is a chart of the barrier placements.

The alert is high in some spots.

Where is this?
The area around Uchiha District.

If possible, we'd like to install a barrier system there, but it's a self-governing district and our hands are tied.

Make sure your investigation does not trace back to the ANBU.

Get this!
There's no way I'm going to lose to you!
Keep on blabbing.

Shut up!
You shut up.

Curious finding you here.

What brings you to the Academy after so long?
I've been appointed a jonin leader, in charge of the genin.

So you're going to look after the genin?
But I'm a bit worried about the kind of students I'm getting.

Quit acting so high and mighty, Sasuke!
You're so annoying.

Why you !
Students like that will be hard to handle.

Come with me, will you?
You want to spar?
Let's just take a walk.

This is the Uchiha District.

This part of town has character.

It's the first time I've been here in a long time.

I used to come here a lot long ago.

Now that's a rice cr*cker shop with character.

Hey, what're you doing?
It's way past our rendezvous time.

Is there something special about this house?
It's nothing.

These rice crackers are really good.

They're worth coming all the way here for.

They've got some other stuff you can only find here.

You've got to show me!
Where are we?
Nakano Shrine, home of the Uchiha's patron deity.

I'm an agnostic.

Just be a sport and go pull a fortune for yourself.

Captain Kakashi!
Itachi What are you doing here?
I was thinking about something from the past.

How about you?
I'm from here.

I come here often.

How is it being a captain?
There's no change.

I have the same kind of missions.

I see Hey, Kakashi!
I got "Excellent Luck"!
I drew "Excellent Luck"!
There's not enough intel to figure out who the infiltrator is or what he wants.

We need to place agents at every section of the barrier system to coordinate with the barrier team.

Without infiltration tactics, it's impossible to track down the culprit.

Unfortunately, we can't spare the manpower for such an operation.

All we can do is to ask the Police Force to step up their patrols, but What is it?
Well I went to the Uchiha District for the first time in a long time.

Something about the atmosphere had changed.

I'd describe it astense.

Were they antisocial?
Yes, they were.

It felt like they didn't want any outsiders there.

I see I'll discuss the Police Force with the executive committee.

You have completed your mission.

How convenient.

Under the pretext of village security, we'll create a new patrol unit.

We'll switch over duties from the Police Force and reduce their strength.

No, that will only incite the Uchiha.

We'll make the Police Force oversee the patrols and increase their workload.

At a time when we should be stopping their coup d'état, why would you increase the Uchiha's power?
I will not allow the Uchiha to stage a coup d'état!
That goes without saying!
As if we'd let them.

Calm down, both of you.

We don't know if there will be a coup or not.

We should bide our time and see how it pans out.

That is why we have Itachi.

Isn't that right?
Isn't Itachi coming?
He's on a mission.

The Uchiha Clan intends to revolt against the Hidden Leaf.

You obtained proof of that?
Yes Hey.

There's something I want you to help me with.

I will not let the Uchiha stage a coup d'état.

That's one thing we agree on.

Hold on now!
We haven't come to a conclusion yet!
If the Uchiha are getting ready to act, we must prepare too.

Preparations only, Danzo.

Tonight is the night.


I shall assist you as promised.

I'm counting on you.

I'm going to help you annihilate the Uchiha because I have another goal.

I want you to keep your "eyes closed" for that So I'm not to use my Sharingan against whatever you're planning?

Then I will guarantee that I will not k*ll your little brother I have no use for a child without the Sharingan.

And that's supposed to reassure me?
At this point, I have no other choice but to trust you.

If you need a place to go, join my organization.

Your organization?
I call it the Akatsuki.

ANBU It's an Emergency Alert, Level 1!
Get ready to move out!
Identify yourself!
Move out!
My team will go to the Hidden Leaf Police Force Headquarters!
My team will go to Uchiha District!
This is horrible!
What the hell?
Rescue anyone who is still alive!
There's a survivor!
Take him to the Medical Unit!
Everyone else is dead.

Take away the corpses.

I mean, every single one.

Check inside the buildings as well.

Who could have done such a thing?
Itachi Uchiha.

Itachi Uchiha despised his clan.

That is why he k*lled Shisui and took his eyes, and caused in-fighting among his brethrenand then finally He caused this atrocity.

But, why would he?
Enough talking.

Get to work!
This settles everything.

What does this settle?
Don't you see the huge problem we're left with?
I consider it very minor.

Danzo, I cannot allow you to act on your own authority any longer.

As of this moment, you are relieved of your duties as second in command.

But Hiruzen, I did it for "The good of the Leaf"?
Well then, the Uchiha Clan belonged to the Hidden Leaf.

Your ANBU and Foundation will be dissolved!
I will deal with you later.

Until then, you are confined to your quarters!
Lord Danzo, the body count doesn't match up.

What did you say?
It's like they just disappeared.

I witnessed everything.

And I will continue to watch.

If you as much as touch Sasuke, I will pass on classified Village intel to every enemy nation.

Damn you If this is the scope of Itachi's hatred, it ran very, very deep Just one survivor Start taking them away.

What a mission, even for an ANBU.

What's up with him?
The entire clan was annihilated Not everyone.

I hear one child survived.

What's the difference?
The Uchiha Clan is extinct.

All except one.

I never imagined that Itachi Uchiha would be placed in the Bingo Book.

ITACHI UCHIHA In the S-class right from the start.

Well, he slaughtered so many of his clan What's wrong, Senpai?
It just goes to show I knew nothing about him.

I understood nothing.

By the way, I hear Uchiha District will be razed to the ground.

NO TRESPASSING A terrible incident took place there.

No one would want to go near it.

Obito What have I been doing since that day?
I know you have something to say No one is with me.

Thank you for your consideration.

First, you have my gratitude.

Civil w*r has been averted in Hidden Leaf Village.

Peace in the village has been maintained.


But even so, I regret that there was no other way.

I'm sorry.

I am the one who must apologize.

Henceforth, you will be branded a Rogue Ninja who k*lled his entire clan And be listed in the Bingo Book as a fugitive, wanted dead or alive.

That goes without saying.

What will you do now?
I've enlisted the aid of a group named Akatsuki.

I intend to stay close to them to make sure a promise is not broken.

You're joining the Akatsuki?
Lord Third, will you swear to me that you will protect Sasuke?
Your younger brother will continue to study at the Academy and grow up to become a Hidden Leaf shinobi.

He will want for nothing, however I will not be able to erase his hatred towards you.

I am prepared to bear his hatred.

Now go I will leave the jutsu formula for the barrier around the Village unchanged.

Whenever you are worried about Sasuke, you can sneak in.

Lord Third It's too bad that the Uchiha Clan did not understand your compassion.

That wasn't it.

I was weak That is what brought on this tragedy.

I'm considering a complete makeover of Danzo's Foundation and my ANBU.

Plus we need a new Police Force.

Instead of sticking to one clan, let's have an open recruitment for the Police Force.

We must think about the Leaf Village's future, and find the right person for the right job.

You wanted to see me?
Tell me, Kakashi.

How many years have you been in the ANBU?
I joined during the Fourth Hokage's tenure, soabout ten years.

Minato's original purpose in making you a member of the ANBU was to help you deal with the sadness in your heart.

He wanted to keep you close to him.

I kind of figured that.

Then Minato d*ed, and I resumed the position of Hokage, and took Minato's ANBU under my command.

But keeping you by my side isn't going to help you.

In fact, it will only darken your heart.

Take off your mask.

Ten years Perhaps I have asked too much of you.

You are hereby relieved of your duties as an ANBU, and will assume a new position.

Yes, sir!
You will be a jonin leader!
I have no intention of making people who don't work as a team into shinobi!
You all fail.

You're going back to the academy.

That frozen gaze It's darkness itself!
I guess his darkness hasn't been dispelled yet.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Jonin Leader" I guess more time is needed.

JONIN LEADER Tune in again!
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