16x05 - Orochimaru's Test Subject

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x05 - Orochimaru's Test Subject

Post by bunniefuu »

Orochimaru's Test Subject Someone has come down into our village.

Is it Lord Orochimaru?
We haven't been able to confirm that yet.

If it's Lord Orochimaru, we will welcome him.

If it's someone from the Leaf in pursuit, we will get rid of him!
Where am I?
I've wandered into a strange place What's he doing here?
Did he follow me?
This is indeed a secret hideout Luckily, I found tracks Did I stumble upon something good?
Is this mist?
No, it's not This isn't an ordinary diversion Well then I'm going to find out who you are!
That mask You're Leaf ANBU!
You got me!
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
What is that jutsu ?
Enough, I'll do it Body Oxidation Jutsu.

I will oxidize the inside of your body.

Your chakra, blood, organs, nerves, and muscles everything at will.

Now How's this?
Kakashi Hatake I know what your aim is.

However, you will not lay a hand on Lord Orochimaru.

Before you can we will get rid of you!
Wood Style!
You cannot let him die!
He's an agent of the Leaf!
I can get useful information about breaking through the border.

Who cares?
We will k*ll anyone who threatens Lord Orochimaru.

Then I'll take both of you down You're brave!
But know this.

If you're wrong That will happen to you as well.

Wood Style !
He's the Foundation Looks like you're awake.

I'm going to ask you some questions now.

Where are we?
Why are you here?
I'm the one asking the questions.

Wood Style!
How did you find out about this place?
I found it by chance Of all the luck.

I'm sure you Leaf will do just fine on your own How much does the Leaf know about Lord Orochimaru?
Fine, I'm very patient.

In time, you'll talk I'm sorry.

That was our only option.

You Lord Danzo's orders.

I am to wait here for Lord Orochimaru I knew it You intend to allow Orochimaru to get away.

Well, we're both after the same thing.

Lord Danzo is only thinking about the Leaf.

The thing to fear most is Lord Orochimaru leaving the village borders.

He sent me to stop him.

I wonder about that Orochimaru is seriously wounded.

If he can't move, obtaining intel is useless.

He may not even make it here Perhaps that's especially why obtaining intel is important.

By the way, are those guys connected to Orochimaru?
Who are they?
The Iburi Clan A clan that has the ability to transform their bodies into smoke.

Orochimaru discovered them and it seems like he performed experiments on them.

Experiments What I'm about to tell you is hearsay Someone is continuing experiments to implant the cells Lord Hashirama.

Transformation into smoke If I have to fight them again, that jutsu will be a nuisance When it entered my body, I lost every ounce of my will Is that so?
Ultimately, Danzo is of the Hidden Leaf.

Right now, Orochimaru is just another enemy.

Isn't that so Kinoe?
Bastard Since the beginning you were !
There are too many here to take on We are with Lord Orochimaru You both will die for Lord Orochimaru's sake !
Tenzo For Lord Orochimaru's sake die Tenzo!
I won't let you touch Tenzo!
Are you still going on about that ?
I know!
I know!
Tenzo is already dead, right?
I've had it!
I won't let him die!
Yukimi Are you betraying Lord Orochimaru?
This way.

What is going on?
This way, Tenzo.

What does this path connect to?
It goes outside!
You're going to free us from Orochimaru?
I don't know.

Y-Yes Hey, are you really taking us outside?
But if you go outside Aren't you afraid of the wind?
There's something I really want to see.

What happened?
Can you hear it?
Listen carefully It's faint, but you can hear it.

I can hear it!
I just really want to see where these sounds come from with you, Tenzo Huh?
Damn it!
And I get left behind here?
This is not fair!
Please get out of my body.

Until we reach that sound, you and I will be together, just the two of us.

It feels so good!
Right now, I feel like the two of us can do anything!
The two of us I'm finally out!
I thought climbing straight up would do it, but Damn it.

I've had nothing but bad luck today.

Who's there?
Where is Yukimi?
Don't have a clue.

Defying me again?
Have you forgotten the pain from earlier?
If it's smoke, then I'll do this!
You're mine!
Too easy!
Then this!
I can hear the sound!
Isn't it exciting, Tenzo?
Yes, well All right then It looks good here.

Now stay still.

It's all right now.

Let's go!
It's here So this is where it was.

Isn't it amazing?
And there are so many people!
I can smell something.

I wonder what it is, Tenzo!
My, my!
She's so loud!
How rude!
What do you think you're doing?
You've ruined our merchandise!
How's this, Tenzo?
Itlooks good on you.

HOT DOG-EATING CONTEST The only way to defeat him is through a surprise att*ck!
Damn it!
It's over!
So talk!
Where is Yukimi?
That was a clone, but how does it feel to k*ll your own clone?
Yukimi The only one who can help Lord Orochimaru is you What are you talking about, hey?
How was it?
Did you have fun?
Yup But now that I've seen it myself it wasn't as great as I expected What do you mean?
The actual festival was completely different from what I had imagined If I had come alone, I may not have known what to do.

But I was with you today, Tenzo, so it was fun!
You're right There were two of us I was a test subject too.

My body was poked and prodded, and observed.

It was painful, and I could hardly bear it.

Many of my friends d*ed.

When you're alone, all you think about is dying.

But when there are two of you all you think about is surviving.

Shall we go somewhere together?
You must be joking.

Let's go back to your village, together.

You must return to your village immediately.

Let's go.

Just a minute, Kakashi.

Did something happen?
This girl is crucial in order to capture Orochimaru.

Orochimaru will go to the village because she exists.

We're of no use We have to offer Lord Orochimaru young Yukimi's blood To lure him This is a mission My mission is as you suspected, Kakashi It is to allow Orochimaru to get away.

I am Tenzo!
Don't mess around!
Tenzo, what's wrong?
What happened?
Lord Orochimaru Inferior things are useless, after all Yes It has to be your blood!
Only with the blood of the young will this ability manifest itself That's But you were going to help guide us to the next generation Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Their Own Paths" Yukimi!
THEIR OWN PATHS Tune in again!
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