16x04 - The Rogue Ninja Orochimaru

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x04 - The Rogue Ninja Orochimaru

Post by bunniefuu »

The Rogue Ninja Orochimaru Is that you, Kinoto?
Lord Danzo, there's an urgent matter Hiruzen himself is leading them?
Damn him, he's gone too far.

Kinoe, are you here?
Are you going to k*ll me?
Are you up to the task Sarutobi Sensei?
And even with that No it's because of that.

Hiruzen will not be able to k*ll his student Orochimaru.

Sarutobi, you have to !
Just for times like this, we have another secret meeting place.

Kinoe, go on ahead and wait for Orochimaru.

Lightning Blade!
You I like the look in your eye.

However I don't need a fake.

So cute Do you want to see his blood too?
Lord Third So you set this up.

Don't move!
So that's Orochimaru This emergency summons was called regarding the capture of Orochimaru who escaped during the previous mission.

According to intel reports, Orochimaru is seriously wounded.

Considering his condition, he will not be able to leave the Land of Fire easily.

Listen carefully.

The knowledge, data and jutsu that Orochimaru possesses are a valuable asset to the Hidden Leaf.

If possible, bring him back alive.

If he leaves the Land of Fire it will be a fatal blow to the Leaf!
And so This must be settled before he crosses the nation's borders.

Everyone, do your best.

You must love your pupil very much.

It's hard to believe that you of all people would fail I will be happy to cooperate.

For the sake of the Hidden Leaf, I shall do everything I can.

Thank you.

I'd appreciate that Against those eyes, I Next time I won't fail.

Summoning Jutsu!
What's wrong, Kakashi?
I want you to follow a scent It's Orochimaru.

Snakes are difficult, they don't sweat.

But leave it to me!
Who are you?
How do you know of this place?
Lord Danzo sent me!
I'm here on urgent business regarding Lord Orochimaru!
This is the message from Lord Danzo.

No mistake This is Lord Danzo's seal.

Lord Orochimaru has the Leaf?
This isn't a transformation!
His flesh was smoke?
Give me the details.

I am Gotta of the Iburi Clan.

Oh I'm Well I'm Kinoe Tenzo!
Welcome home!
If unforeseen circumstances befell Lord Danzo or Lord Orochimaru, it was previously agreed upon that they would come here for help.

Then Lord Orochimaru will come here?
Most likely Lord Orochimaru The pursuit by the ANBU is under control.

I will take Lord Orochimaru out of the country without fail.

Lord Orochimaru gave us life.

We would do anything for him.

Everyone, get ready to welcome Lord Orochimaru!
Come with me, Tenzo!
Umm I'm Stand here for a moment!
It's the same!
Ever since then I've measured your height!
I see, but Yukimi, enough.

He isn't Tenzo He is too!
U-Um Who is Tenzo?
Yukimi's younger brother He's no longer here.

We put him in Lord Orochimaru's care three years ago.

In his care three years ago?
Then this scratch is Even though we were apart, I saw what you looked like.

You've returned from Lord Orochimaru's!
I'm sorry Yukimi.

Show him around.


This is our clan's graveyard.

This forest is Instead of using stone headstones, we plant trees.

They say the soul finds refuge in the tree and protects us.

The soul Yes The souls of the dead Our ability to transform our flesh was incomplete.

We didn't have total control over the smoke Sometimes, we would just turn into smoke without notice Sometimes, the smoke would just dissipate without turning back into flesh Members of our clan never lived long.

You didn't see many elders, did you?
No So many d*ed That's why we planted many trees.

So many d*ed?
But Lord Orochimaru found us.

This symbol known as the Curse Mark stabilized our ability.

But the Curse Mark wasn't perfect either He said much more research was necessary That's why Tenzo was sent to Lord Orochimaru as a research subject.

Research subject The younger you are, the greater our power manifests itself.

That's why he wanted a young test subject.

But that left only you as the child.

It wasn't like he was going to die That's what Lord Orochimaru said.

Even if I were to be called up, I'd be able to see everyone, including Tenzo.

See everyone.

Everyone What is it?
What's wrong?
This is What happened?
That's strange Who planted these Those children are Tenzo is still What We don't need this one Or this one!
Or this one!
Let's go Huh?
It seems I'm about to reach my limit.

Just a little bit more What is this?
Did you see how the roots twisted around the ceiling and walls?
The inside is a maze of hollow caves like this It gets a little tight from here But we can still pass through.

Where are we going?
Tenzo and I had a secret base!
There You can hear it clearly, right?
That crevice connects to the outside.

We used to come here often to listen to that sound.

And we'd talk about the outside world.

Why don't you go out yourself?
Because there's wind.

If we turn into smoke while we're outside and there's wind blowing at the same time, we'd be dispersed.

So we're limited to places like caves where there's no wind.

More than anything, we loved coming here to listen to the sounds outside.

We'd try to guess what the sound was What was going on outside Tenzo and I used to imagine all the time.

What's wrong?
It's serious.

Someone has come down into our village.

Is it Lord Orochimaru?
We haven't been able to confirm that yet.

If it's Lord Orochimaru, we will welcome him.

If it's someone from the Leaf in pursuit, we will get rid of him!
Everyone, hide and get ready!
Is it true?
Are you really going outside Yes, it's true!
But if you go outside Aren't you afraid of the wind?
I just really want to see where these sounds come from, with Tenzo!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: Orochimaru's Test Subject The two of us, together.

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