14x16 - Prologue of Road to Ninja

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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14x16 - Prologue of Road to Ninja

Post by bunniefuu »

This place used to be called the "Training Cave" long ago.

Hey, so what kind of new jutsu is the Limited Tsukuyomi?
It's a prototype of the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

First, you need to check out the desires of your target.

Since this is the last day of my R & R, I need to re-energize for tomorrow.

So I'm going to bust out my reserve of that limited edition premium ramen that I've been saving.

This is boringâ ¦ All rightâ ¦ Tadah!
Guess what this is?
It's the limited edition premium ramen!
Every store is sold out of it.

You can't buy it anywhere!
Want some limited edition premium ramen?
â Yeah!
â Yeah!
Do you really want some?
â Yeah!
â Yeah!
Do you really, really want some?
â Yeah!
We want some!
â Yeah!
We want some!
Well thenâ ¦ Let's have an ultra-super card game with this ramen as the prize!
â Yay!
â Yay!
FIRE I'm so tired.

But my long mission is over and I get a break from tomorrow!
Oh, Kakashi!
Please take over for me!
Sure, sure.

Roger that.

I need to refresh myself.

Let's go to the bathhouse.


Lee, are you going to come with us?
No thanks.

I would like to train from now.

That's so admirable of you.

But don't overdo it or your body won't be able to keep upâ Lee!
That's my boy!
You're brimming with youth!
Damn it!
I will train with you!
Let's go, Lee!
Will he be okay?
Follow me!
Onward, with the full power of youth!

Guy Sensei!
Standâ ¦ Please stand and face tomorrow!
Leeâ ¦ His body won't do what he tells it to anymore.

Please don't dieâ ¦ Guy Sensei!
You told me you would see to itâ ¦ â Lee, I'll take over here.

â that I would become a fine shinobi!
â So can you take a messageâ ¦ â You promised!
Guy Sensei!
to Sakura and Naruto?
Why are you so untidy?
Match up the seams when you fold laundry!
Do it yourself if you're going to complain!
I don't need lectures on my day off!
The only time you're home is on your day off!
Isn't that obvious?
If it's obvious, don't talk back!
Sakuraâ ¦ Mom's right.

So stop arguing and don't be soâ ¦salty!
What's up?
Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt.

It's about your missionâ ¦ Oh, the prep meeting for our next mission?
I'll be right there!
Sorry to bother you, I have a message for you "to assemble tomorrow at 6 a.


" It's okay.

You gave me an excuse to leave.

I want to take it easy today, you know?
So thanks!
Next up isâ ¦ Yes!
Damn, I'm not having any luck!
Whoa, that was a close call.

Hey, you!
You'd better not be cheating!
It's always the weak who complain.

What did you say?
Cut it out, ya know.

You're all me.

Whose side are you on anyway?
Well, now that you askâ ¦ I demand that we start over!
The loser sure can whine!
I've had it!
Let's go outside!
Sheeshâ ¦ I don't know if I won or lostâ ¦ What am I doing by myself on my last day off?
It's lonely, after all.

Narutoâ ¦ Hey, let's go eat some barbeque.

It's 1500 ryo for a table at Barbe-Q and it's all you can eat.

If we split it, it'sâ ¦ How much is that per person?
Well, we just finished our mission.

I prefer a bath to food right now.

My vote's for a bath too.

Akamaru, you're covered in dirt.

I should change your name to Chamaru as in "brown.

" Your logic is off.

It's because Akamaru has white fur, but his name means "red.

" So Akamaru should be called Shiromaru as in "white.

" I don't have a clue about what you're saying.

All I was saying to Akamaru is that I need to clean him up!
Then you should take him to the bathhouse too.

That's impossible.

It's because dogs aren't allowed in a bathhouse.

Well then, I just have to figure something out, right?
I need to refresh myself!
Let's go to the bathhouse!
â Yikes!
â Hi, Naruto!
Let's round up everyone and go to the bathhouse!
Let's all go together to the bathhouse!
Lee's the one who suggested this, so how come he's not here?
Yeah, wellâ ¦ He still has 3000 hand-stand steps left to go in training.

He said he'll come as soon as he's done.

Gotta hand it to him.

Bushy Brow was being thoughtful because I was all by myselfâ ¦ I sure hope he gets here soon!
Just when I thought I'd relax aloneâ ¦ Why's everyone here too?
Oh well, whatever.

After a mission, a nice, hot soak soothes all the way to your vital organs!
Tenten, you sound like an old man.

Hinataâ ¦ Don't be embarrassed and try to hide them.

You're among women here.

Relax and let yourself go in the bath.

U-Uh-huhâ ¦ Wellâ ¦ It's just that they keep floating upâ ¦ I'm jealous of Hinata.

Of her chest that isâ ¦ I must hurry.

I wonder if Bushy Brow is still at it?
That guy is so diligentâ ¦ and so hard to figure outâ ¦ This is nothing new.

The reason is he's got the training bug.

I like bugs like that.

You must see your comrades in a more generous light.

This guy is still smarting from the time he was left out of a mission.

What a great thing to say!
A big heartâ ¦ Shinoâ ¦ Shino, there's a giant larva near your groin!
He's an insect user.

It's obvious he'd have 'em on his body.

Shinoâ ¦ You're one guy I admire in more ways than one!
Oh yeah?
Hey, did you hear that, Kiba?
That's Akamaru.

They don't allow dogs in here, so I used Man-Beast Transformation so he could come.

Watch it, Choji!
The water level went down.

Now what're we gonna do?
â How're we supposed to take a soak now?
â Sorry!
â They're making a lot of noise.

â Sory won't cut it!
I'm surprised you were able to join us.

Your mother's pretty strict.

Yeah, she's such a pain!
My mom piles on the chores when I'm off too.

And If I complain, my dad threatens to use the Mind Destruction Jutsu on me!
I'm a bit jealous thoughâ ¦ Huh?
Use your Expansion Jutsu.

Just do it.


Expansion Jutsu!
Hey, the water level went up.

There's more water, but it's awfully tight in here.

It's fun being with them, after all.

Much better than being alone.

I wonder what he's doing now.

He's the only one who's changed.

If he didn't change, he'd be here too.

How come you'reâ ¦?
Something wrong?
What's with that look, Naruto?
You planning something?
I was just lost in thought!
You'd better not be up to your tricks!
As in Peeping Tom!
â Stop!
â Do that again!
I get it.

On the other side isâ ¦ There's also that sort of fun!
That bath felt so goodâ ¦ Hey, did you even soak?
Just a few moreâ ¦ Naruto!
Please wait for me!
Two thousandâ ¦nine hundredâ ¦ ninety-nine.

Now, to get a nice peek atâ ¦ What was that?
That Naruto!
Owwwwâ ¦ â Lee!
â What are you doing here, Lee?
Rock Lee, youâ ¦!
You were peeping?
I got stuck on something during training andâ ¦ It was really an accident!
Oh, really?
Training on the bathhouse roof?
Like we believe youâ ¦ I'm gonna pummel you!
N-N-Noâ ¦ Naruto!
It was you, after all!

Don't act innocent, Rock Lee!
Rock Lee?
What happened?
Narutoâ ¦ Listen to us!
Lee was sneaking a peek!
How disgusting!
See, see!
So don't pretend!
Bushy Brow, youâ ¦ He's running away!
Running away makes him even more suspicious!
Let's go after him!
â That hurt!
â What a terrible guy!
Let's round up everyone and go to the bathhouse!
Let's all go together!
It's our day off!
Don't stay by yourself.

Let's have fun with everyone!
But I still have some training to finish up.

I never lie to myselfâ ¦ I'll rush over as soon as I'm done!
Bushy Brow rounded up everyone, just for my sake.

He wouldn't do such a thing!
I misjudged you, Lee!
You're wrong!
I was training, jumping from roof to roof andâ ¦ See, it's torn.

I got stuck on something and lost my balanceâ ¦ and accidentally fell into the women's changing room.

Forget the excuses!
Calm down, everyone.

It really could have been an accident!
S-Sakuraâ ¦ Shut up!
I'm going to b*at the truth out of him!
Hey, hold it!
Bushy Brow's not like that!
Narutoâ ¦ Bushy Brow's our friend!
If he says he's innocent, he's innocent!
Don't judge him when you don't even have the proof!
Trust your comrade!
You could be right.

I just lost it andâ ¦ N-Narutoâ ¦ Have a big heartâ ¦ Oh!
â Huh?
â Huh?
A very small piece of underwear that could only beâ ¦ Mine.

N-Narutoâ ¦ Damn youâ ¦ What's up?
You underwear thief!
Don't you dare act innocent, Naruto Uzumaki!
I just peeked, is all.

Not only that, my attempt failed.

This is the worst day of my life.

Owwwâ ¦ Why did I have to go through this?
I knew it!
I shouldn't have tagged along even though I was lonely!
Forget those guysâ ¦ Huh?
Lee insisted that we come and visit, so here we are!
Now open up!
Maybe he went out.

Because he's not answering the door.

Too bad.

Let's go then.

I can tell from his scent that he's inside.

He's probably still upset from earlier.

Damn it!
What do you guys want anyway?
I seeâ ¦ We came at a bad time.

Well, let's go, guysâ Oh, all right!
I'll hang out with you guys!
You lost again, Neji?
You're so bad at this.

I've been out too.

You'd better not be cheating.

I'm out!
The howl of a losing dog!
No such thing.

The reason isâ ¦ I can't stand this!
One more time!
So we're gonna keep playing?
You should stay longer.


Mom gets on my case if I'm home late.

Me too.

I can't miss dinnerâ ¦ â See you again.

â Yeah.

Maybe 'cuz it was a fun day.

My room sorta feels roomier.

Everyone should've stuck around to eatâ ¦ Especially times like these.

The time is ripeâ ¦ Naruto Uzumakiâ ¦ I've seen what's inside your heart!
All right!
I'm starting the Limited Tsukuyomi!
Master Chen!
What an honor it is to see you again!
How could you have met someone who d*ed before you were born?
Master Chen was not dead!
You're that brat from that day!
I would never forget about you, or about the Dragon's Eye!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Old Master and the Dragon's Eye" So you're still a shinobi!
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