07x02 - Successor of the Forbidden Jutsu

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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07x02 - Successor of the Forbidden Jutsu

Post by bunniefuu »

Sothe girl has bodyguards now I never imagined the Hidden Leaf's bodyguards would reach her so quickly.

But even so, there are only four of them.

I say we get rid of them all and take the Forbidden Jutsu from the girl, Boss.

Don't be so impatient.

Then, what's the plan?
That Forbidden Jutsu is worth more than money to us.

We can't afford to fail.

That Jutsu displayed unbelievable power during the last great w*r.

If we steal it, all of us could go from a motley band of thieves to lords of our own domains.

But The Hidden Leaf people Could the Forbidden Jutsu have fallen into their hands?
Very unlikely.

The previous Hokage and En no Gyoja forged a secret treaty to protect the Forbidden Jutsu at all cost.

The Hidden Leaf is only fulfilling that promise.

Butif they're the vanguards of that treaty, then those bodyguards must be skilled fighters.

Yeahand reinforcements are sure to come!
Have you guys lost your nerve before the fight even begins?
Seems it's not just your face, but your head's bad, too.

What'd you say?
Consider all the possibilities and use what you've got up here.

Stop fighting amongst yourselves.

Have you forgotten?
We're a team.

We can't afford to lose even one of us.

And it's our unity and Combination Jutsu that helped us live through chaotic times.

Yeah, fine There's no need to rush.

I already know what their destination is.

They're headed for the Hidden Village of the Tsuchigumo Clan.

The Hidden Leaf will leave on their own once they arrive at the destination.

But won't it be trouble if they manage to enter the hidden village?

Seems you still don't understand humans.

To us, that Forbidden Jutsu is a treasure, but to normal people, it's nothing but a nuisance.

Successor of the Forbidden Jutsu What'd you do that for?
That's what I want to ask you!
Why are you following me?
I'm your bodyguard, that's why!
I'll say it again.

I don't need a bodyguard.

I can protect myself just fine.

You Hidden Leaf people may leave now!
We can't just say, "Oh, is that so?
" and leave.

Why not?
Really, please don't bother with me.

We're not bothering you, we're just guarding!
Naruto, let's do as she says and leave.

How come?
We have no choice.

W-Wait here for a sec.

Are you sure?
The enemy could still be close by.

Now, now, don't worry.

I get it.

Well then, we'll be leaving.


Get it off!
Get it off of me!

Wh-What was that thing?
A mountain leech.

There are a lot of them around here, so it's not unusual for them to rain down on you.

Rain down?

See you!
Be careful on your way.

All byyourself!
What'd you step on it for?
Naruto, please stay by me I can't touch something like that.

I just can't.

Absolutely impossible.

If leeches rain down on me, I want you to block them, Naruto.

But you said you didn't need a bodyguard.

Just until we clear this forest!
Hmm What should I do?
Please, Naruto!
I suppose I could But now that I think about it, Sir Utakata would still be my bodyguard if you all hadn't shown up.

Utakata The guy who uses that weird jutsu?
He is my master.

I want to become strong like Sir Utakata.

Hmm Your master, eh?
There's no such thing as a good master.

Take my master, for example He's a perv and a scatterbrain And on top of that, he gets carried away a lot.

But wellas a ninja, he's very strong, dependable, and above all, kind.

Guess you can't judge a person by their appearance.

If I could, I wouldn't mind becoming a ninja like him some day.

You like your master, too, don't you, Naruto?
Like him?
Who could like an old pervert like him?
I, too, want to be strong like Sir Utakata.

If I become strong, I can master the jutsu Grandfather bequeathed to me.

If I do that I could even restore the Tsuchigumo Clan.

For someone so young, it looks like you're carrying some heavy responsibilities.

By the way, where could your master have gone off to?
I don't know.

For some reason, when I call Sir Utakata "master," he gets very upset.

What's with the numbers?
You can stop with the leeches now.

Hmm Does he mean he wants bigger ones?
Then For crying out loud.

Enough is enough Huh?
What're you doing, stupid Sai!
Get a clue from my gestures!
Come on, you guys Now I can go back to my drifting life style She should be okay if she's with him.

Butthat chakra Nah, can't be.

Excuse me You need to be treated immediately.

Come to our fort Looks like no one's coming after me My wounds have also healed Guess it's time to Please take me as your student!
After seeing your fight the other day, I have nothing but respect for you, master!
Yes, Master Utakata!
Don't ever call me that again Huh?
But Don't you ever call me master again!
I have no intention of taking a student.

SirUtakata But that would be forgetting your debt to me for accepting my hospitality.

Is it okay to eat free meals and drink free sake?
So, what would you like on today's menu of free food?
You sure hit where it hurts.

Tonbei taught me to say that if you refused to take me as your student So that old man was in on this, too, eh?
Look here, you haven't had any training at all If you're talking about ninjutsu, I have received some training from Tonbei.

Then why don't you study with the old man?
It wasn't enough That's why I'm asking you!
Okay, then, try walking on that pond.

On the pond All right!
Good grief.

At this rate, she won't be able to do it before I leave.

Sir Utakata!
Sir Utakata!
Look, Sir Utakata!
Youpracticed all night?

So now will you make me your student?

This is just the first step Next is this jutsu.

Water Style: Raging Waves!
If you can't even do this, you can't be my student.

All right!
Water Style: Raging Waves!
Water Style: Raging Waves!
Why doesn't it work?
This jutsu cannot be done unless you possess the Water Style Chakra.

Don't take it personally Huh?
Sir Utakata!
You're too close!
Please watch this!
Water Style: Raging Waves!
Will you make me your student now?
UghnoI N-Not yet W-Wait, Sir Utakata!
I figured you'd be coming to see me about now.

Come on, give me a break.

What was the big idea, putting that kid up to that?
I have a big favor.

Would you stay here and protect Lady Hotaru?
That'squite a troublesome thing to ask in return.

Lady Hotaru isa child of destiny.

Judging by the way you defeated the thieves, I know you are a person of extraordinary skills.

And above all, you lack greed.

As you can see, I am already advanced in years.

If she becomes your student, Lady Hotaru's life will be safe.

Won't you please do me this favor?
I'm sorry, but that won't be possible.

I'm sure you must've noticed it.

I'm being pursued.

Death gathers all around me.

How could you even think of leaving that child with me?
I see.

And besides, the relationship between a master and student is not something you can count on.

What're you trying to do, Master!
I must've dozed off Do you really think we can be lords of our own domain?
Damn right!
Isn't that right, Akaboshi?

Even if we sold it off, we'd still get enough money to live the rest of our lives in leisure!
Hey, what's wrong?
Be on guard!
There's someone nearby.

What the--?
What's going on?
Who the hell are you?
He doesn't seem to be one of the Hidden Leaf's reinforcements You don't think this guy's after the Forbidden Jutsu as well?
Oh The fact that you know about the Forbidden Jutsu means You guys are the band of thieves?
Makes me wonder, though.

Is it that awesome?
That Forbidden Jutsu?
If that's the case, I think I want that Forbidden Jutsu, too.

Are you planning to grab it from us?
What should we do?
Go ahead and k*ll him!
After him!
What is this slime?
I've been blinded!
Spread out!
We'll surround him!
This chakra flow Their movements have become faster all of a sudden.

Barrier jutsu?
Let's go!
It's over!
How far do you intend to follow me?
How far?
You're the one who said until we clear the forest.

I did say that, but Thing is, there's only forest between the fort and the hidden village!
You people, too?
Looks like we'll complete our assignment without incident.

We reached the village!
No one here?
Is anyoneanybody here?

Yes Hey!
Hotaru is back!
Isn't anyone here?
Hmm Okay!
Hold on a sec!
Oh, Naruto!
Good grief Emergency!
There's a fire!
Oh, so you were here.

Sorry to startle all of you!
But you all wouldn't come on out.

Hotaru is back after being away a long time!
You should welcome her!
What's the matter with all of you?
Uncle Thank you for all you've done.

I am responsible for this village.

I heard from Lord En no Gyoja about what to do if worse came to worst.

Please leave the rest to us.

All right then, we will be on our way.

Uh, no, just a moment.

We haven't had a chance to thank you.

- At least allow us to -We appreciate your thoughtfulness.

However, we left our teammate back at Mount Katsuragi.

I see That's too bad.

Come on, let's return to Sakura.

Oh, okay Naruto.

I You'll be fine.

Thank you.

What's the matter, Naruto?
Sorry, Captain Yamato.

Would you mind going on ahead without me?
I'm returning to that village.

Something keepsbothering me.

I can't help but think about the way those villagers looked at her.

Wait, Naruto!
I can't leave her there alone!
What do you mean Hotaru is gone?
- Naruto, don't.

- But Something might have happened to one of their people, so why aren't they looking?
There is no point in arguing here.

In any case, finding her is our top priority.

- Sai.

- Understood.

I will scout around right away.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Successor's Wish" Just hold tight.

We'll find you!
Tune in again!
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