01x37 - Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x37 - Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

If "Heaven" does not exist,

enrich your knowledge,
and prepare for the chance.

If "Earth" does not exist,

run the fields in search
of an advantage.

Open the series of Heaven and Earth,
and the perilous way shall be redressed...

This is namely the secret of
"the one that guides..."

What's that?

It probably has to do with the scroll.

I think this means we're supposed
to open the Heaven & Earth scroll.

Okay then, I'm going to open it.

Huh? What's this?

A man...?

A person...?

This is... a Summoning Jutsu!

Naruto! Sakura!
Let go of the scroll!





It's been a long time.

Surviving the Cut!
The Rookie Nine Together Again!

W-What's going on?

It appears you guys have had
a rough time of it.


Why are you appearing with
a Summoning?

At the end of this second exam,

we Chunin are to
welcome the test takers.

I just happened to be given

the important task of being
the messenger for you guys.


Just in time.


Congratulations on surviving
the second exam.

To celebrate your passing,

I'd like to treat you to
some Ichiraku ramen, but...

Ohh... Cool!

Uh oh...

H-Hey, Naruto!

- Listen to the end...
- Cool! Cool!

Ramen! Ramen!
Believe it!

I've done great job!
I'm the greatest!

I so want to eat ramen!
Believe it!

He's got so much energy.


Shut up!

Man, that scatterbrained part
of you is the same as always, eh.

I see.


If we had looked at the scroll
in the middle of the exam,

what were you going to do, Iruka Sensei?

Sasuke, you're a sharp one,
as usual.

You guessed right.

The rules of this exam were to test
your conclusive mission execution ability.

To put it simply,

in the case of the scrolls being opened
contrary to the rules...

In the case of them being opened...?

I was ordered to knock unconscious
the test takers in front of me

until the end of the exam.

Good thing you didn't open the scroll.

Kabuto, thank you!


That was seriously close...

Oh yeah, Sensei!


By the way,
what're the letters on that wall?

They're kind of vermiculated and

we don't understand
their meaning at all.

Never mind, never mind!

We passed!

No... explaining that is
one more of my duties.

What, really?

I'm saying that's right.

Give it a read.

These are Chunin instructions
Master Hokage recorded.


That's right!

Heaven in this text
refers to the human head.

Earth refers to the human body.

No kidding...

If "Heaven" does not exist,

enrich your knowledge,
and prepare for the chance.

In other words...

If your weaknesses are
inside your head, Naruto...

learn various logics in
preparing for your missions.

Hah! So meddlesome!

If "Earth" does not exist,

run through the fields
in search of an advantage.

If your weaknesses are in
your physical strength, Sakura,

it means you must not
slack off on your daily training.

And if you combine both
Heaven and Earth...

Any perilous mission is the right way...

In other words...

what can also be called a rule
of might and become a safe mission.

Then, what about
the spot with the missing letter?

The letter refers to Chunin.

The one letter for "person" that
was in the scroll from earlier goes there.

These five days of survival
were to test

the test-takers' fundamental
abilities as Chunin.

And you guys cleared it in fine style.

Chunin is of unit leader class.

They have the responsibility
of leading a team.

Be more deeply aware of
the necessity of physical strength...

and knowledge in missions!

I want you to take on
the next step,

never forgetting these
Chunin instructions.

That is all of the messenger task
I was given.

Got it!


But, as for the final third exam,
don't push it too far.

Especially you, Naruto.

- You're the biggest worry...
- Iruka Sensei.

From when I received the
Leaf headband,

I was no longer
an Academy student, you know?!

There's nothing to worry!
Believe it!

Also, this is the proof you
gave me that I'm full fledged, right?!

That I'm scatterbrained may
not have changed,

but I'm not a kid anymore!

I'm now...

A Ninja!

I see.

I'm sorry, Naruto.

I know their strength the best.

If it's futile anyway,

I would like to give them
the final word personally.

If you're that hung up on it,
I can leave that team to you.

To think you'd play the devil's advocate...

Thank you very much.

But, they're Kakashi's, right?

If he's the one who
recommended them,

I thought I could count on them.

Stay out of it!

They're not your students anymore.
They're my subordinates now.

The one who might truly understand

the strength of these kids.
Might be you, Kakashi.

How is it?

Does the Curse Mark still hurt?


Thanks to you,
it's gotten quite a bit better.

Anyway, Orochimaru is one
of those three legendary Leaf Ninjas, right?

He's a S rank bingo book
rouge Shinobi

who even the Anbu couldn't touch, right?

I heard that he'd already died, but...

Why'd he come to this village now...?

There's a kid I want, you see.

This kid inherits the abilities
of the Uchiha clan, so...


It's probably Sasuke, right?


Master Anko!

Twenty one second exam
finishers have been confirmed.

As for the third exam, according
to the regulations of the Chunin Exams,

preliminaries are planned for
the first time in five years.

The second exam is over.

For the time being
continue the exams as is,

but while keeping
an eye on his movements.


First off, congratulations on
finishing the second exam.

There were seventy eight
test takers for the second exam.

To think twenty one have
made it this far.

I said to make it less than half,
but I'd really thought about single digits.

I'm hungry!

There are still this many remaining?

This is such a major pain.

Sasuke and others have passed, too.

Of course...

We went to that much trouble
to save them...

It'd all be for naught if they didn't pass.

Your team didn't do too bad.

I guess they were lucky.

But as long as my team is around,
they can't go any higher.

After all, whether you
like it or not,

ability talks at the next barrier.

Well, adolescence can sometimes
be bittersweet and

can sometimes be harsh, Kakashi...

Did you say something?

Oh my God!

Not bad, my rival Kakashi.

But that part of you is so hip...
which is what annoys me!

So that's Guy Sensei's eternal rival, eh?

Guy Sensei totally loses visually...

Guy Sensei is the hippest
of all the teachers!

He shines!


Please watch, Guy Sensei!
I'll shine, too!

I don't ever want to see
tears of those dear to me again.


I won't ever lose again!

Guy Sensei.

Sure enough, the outstanding candidates
have gathered.

Sasuke Uchiha, eh?

I'll get you back for my arms,
Sasuke Uchiha...

At any cost.

To think a mere seven teams
are left of the twenty six...

Sure enough, Gaara is unhurt.

Akamaru's acting strange...

Those Sand Village guys...

Naruto passed, too.

Thank goodness...

What, all the Leaf Village
rookies are here.

Say! Say!

Old man Hokage and Iruka Sensei and
even Intense Brow are here. Believe it!

It feels like everyone's assembled.

Humph... I don't have a very good feeling.

To think this many are left...

Moreover, of those left, almost all are rookies...

So that's why they fought
in recommending them.

Now then, we will now have
the explanation of the third exam

from Master Hokage.

Listen carefully, everybody!

Now then, if you will,
Master Hokage.

All right.

Before the explanation of
the third exam that we will start from now,

I have just one thing I want
to tell everyone flat out.

About the true purpose of these exams.

True purpose...?!

Why do allied nations conduct
the exams on a conjoint basis?


Raising the levels of the shinobi
and friendship among allied nations.

It won't do to have the wrong idea
of the true meaning of that statement.

These exams are so to speak...

So to speak...?

A microcosm of battle
between allied nations.

What does that mean?

If we look back on history,

the allied nations of today were
once neighboring nations

that continued to vie with
each other and battle for power.

In order to avoid a futile crushing
of each others' military strength,

those nations mutually selected
a place to battle.

And that was how the
Chunin Exams originally began.

W-Why do we have
to do such a thing?

We're not doing this to
select Chunins?!

There is no question that these exams
are to select Shinobi

worthy of becoming,"Chunin."

But on the other hand,

these exams also provide a venue

for Shinobi who carry their nation's pride
on their backs to fight for their lives!

Nation's pride?

Many feudal lords and those of
prominence from many nations

who request Shinobi for work
are invited to this third exam as guests.

And, the feudal lords and
Head Ninja of each Village

of the nations will watch your battles.

If the gap in national power
becomes unbridgeable,

the strong nations are inundated
with job requests.

The requests of nations deemed
weak, on the other hand, decline.

And therewithal,

we can exert pressure upon
each neighboring nation...

That is to say, just how much military
strength our Village is developing and has.

Even so, why is it necessary for
us to fight for our lives?!

The nation's strength is
the Village's strength.

The Village's strength is
the Shinobi's strength.

And the true strength of the Shinobi
is created only in a fight for one's life!

This exam is a place to see
the strength of home country Shinobi,

and a place to display this as well.

It is because it's an exam where
you truly fight for your life

that this has meaning

It's for this very reason that
your forerunners fought in this exam,

a dream worth striving for.

Then why...
use the expression "friendship"?!

I said it at the start, didn't I?!

That it won't do for you to have
the wrong idea of the meaning

It's a custom where balance is
preserved by fighting and removing life.

This is the friendship
of the Shinobi world.

This is a fight for life with
the pride of the village and

one's own dream on the line.

Heh, I'm convinced.

Anything is fine.

Just tell us the content of
that fight-for-life test.

Very well.

Now then, this is where I'd like to
explain the third exam.

But actually...

Master Hokage, please allow me,
Hayate Gekko,

who was given the task of judging,
to speak first.

I leave it to you...

Nice to meet you, everyone...

Umm, there's something...
I'd like you all to do...

before the third exam.

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry, and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

What's the idea?
Sudden preliminaries?

Didn't we just get to the tower?
Also, something's wrong with Sasuke.

It's too much for you, Sasuke!
Please, drop out!

You're in no condition
to fight properly!

No matter what you say,

I'm going to tell the teachers
about that bruise.
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