12x10 - The Perfect Game/D.W.'s Furry Freak-out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x10 - The Perfect Game/D.W.'s Furry Freak-out

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

It's the Elwood
City Grebes three,

the Crown City Kings zero.

Bottom of the ninth,
two outs.

Lefty only needs one more out
to pitch a perfect game.

Muffy, get up!

To see what?

Nothing's happening.

Do you know how rare
a perfect game is?

That means not
a single batter reaches base.



How boring.

Strike one!

There's only
been of them

in over a century of
major-league baseball.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime

Strike two!

(crowd cheering wildly)
Come on, Lefty.

Just one more strike to go!

(crowd groans)


something happened!

I can't believe it.

We were this close!

Look on the
bright side.

At least the Grebes won.

How often does
that happen?

I had the best hot dog ever.


It still tastes good.

And I got this Grebes jersey
for half off.

Yep, it was a great day.

Don't you guys
get it?

That game could
have been perfect.

What went wrong?

Why did Lefty give up that hit?



(all gasp)


The bustling
"Northern Capital,"

better known as Beijing.

And it was defended
by the Great Wall of China.

That's Istanbul, right?

Correct, Arthur.

And finally, the Colosseum
in Rome--

home to massive sporting events
almost , years ago.

Now, would anyone like to guess
why I showed you

all these slides of cities?

We're going on a class trip?

Is it Rome? China?

Alas, no.

It's inspiration
for your next assignment.

Each of you will team up
with a partner

and create your own city.

So I was thinking

that the buses in our city
could be hot air balloons,

and they could be powered by
windmills placed at each stop.

(whistle blows)

The only cars allowed would be
ambulances and fire trucks.

Everyone else would roll
everywhere by human power,

and there'd be so many bikes
and scooters around

that no one would have
to buy them.

And... hey, are you listening?


Oh yeah, sounds great.

But you know
what we really need?

A stadium.

One stadium.

But not just any old stadium.

It'll be huge and...

It can't be too huge.

Mr. Ratburn said
we have to build

a model of this city,

Think about it.

If the Grebes had had
a better stadium,

Lefty would have pitched
a perfect game.

Did you see how short
the fence is?

I kind of like
the Grebes' stadium.

Well, this one
will be even better.

Okay, let's divide this
list up and get started.

We only have a week.

And I know what we
could call it, too--

Frenway Park.

You forgot your list.

Oh, yeah.

Did you know that the
Estadio Azteca in Mexico City

has , seats?

Do you think Frenway Park
should have that many?

I think the master builder
should get some sleep.

It's way past your bedtime.

And what should
the seats be made of?

They have to be comfy.

Maybe feathers.

Nah, they'll get soggy
when it rains.

I'll start researching
seats tomorrow.

More research?

Isn't this project due soon?

Dad, we're not just talking
about any old stadium here.

This is Frenway Park.


I could go down in history
for this.

Tell us about Frenway Park,

your new, perfect stadium.

First, there's a super-
high wall in left field.

No one will be hitting
a home run off Lefty here.

(fans shivering)

Next, I put a speaker on top
of the right field foul pole.

When Lefty pitches, the batter
being called to the plate

should feel awe.

The great, the mighty,
the unbeatable Lefty Paz

is approaching the mound, ready
to pitch a perfect game!

Francine, what are you doing?

It's : in the morning.

Wear this.

I've got to work.

This is the city's park,

which is also
a community garden.


I thought the stadium
could go next to it.

That's not nearly
enough room.

Are you sure?

Let's see the model.

Um, well...

I'm still kind of working
on the designs.


I thought you'd be done by now.

All I need are
the right materials.

Then construction
will be under way.

What about the other
things on your list?

Arthur, the stadium's the most
important part of the city.

The school and the
hospital can wait.

This is exactly what
I need for my stadium.

But where will I put my hat
for the Strawberry Parade?

You only wear that hat
once a year.

I know.

That's why it has
to go someplace safe.

Please, Muffy.

Oh, all right, take it.

I don't know why this stadium
is so important to you.

I could understand
if it were a mall.

How's your city
coming along?

We're almost done.

I thought of everything, and
George is building everything.

Where are you?

Sorry, Muffy.

I was off in sector four,
working on the plumbing.

You built all that in five days?


I think I better get
to work.

"For years, the dome
at Hagia Sofia in Istanbul

was the largest in the world."

Why didn't I think of a dome?

I'll have to redesign
the whole thing.


Maybe you should start building.

If you want something to be
great, you can't cut corners.

I have to Instant-Message Adil
in Istanbul.

Good idea.

Ask him if he's having
a nice dream.

It's the middle
of the night there.


(scissors clipping)

There-- finished.


Now on to the rest
of the stadium.

You still haven't started?

Yes, I have. See?

The entrance is done.

It's great, but you've
still got a lot to do.

I know.

That's why
I called you here.

You make the parking lot.

Stop! You're
doing it wrong.

I barely cut into it!

Maybe you should do the
other items on my list,

like the clock tower.

And make sure it's lofty!


That looks pretty good.


It's not coming out
like I imagined.

It doesn't have
to be perfect.

You should go to bed.

(crowd roaring)

(crowd groans)

this stadium's great...

for the pitcher.

But it's not going to be
so great when we're batting.

We'll never be able to hit
a home run over that wall.

You're right.

Why didn't I think of that?

Well, maybe someone can hit
a home run with that bat.

Now batting, number seven...

Henry Thomson!

(stadium rumbling)

Is there any way they can adjust
the sound system?


Why didn't
I build a dome?!

(birds chirping)


It's got holes in it,
but it'll have to do.

I'll just stretch the sides
a little and make it fit.



What happened?

It looked great
when I left yesterday.

But it needed a dome.

It wasn't perfect.

What's the point if
it's just ordinary?

Maybe we can fix it.

No, it's a perfect disaster.

I've ruined everything.

Maybe it won't be exactly
what you had in mind.

But we're not ruined.

Hmm... ruins.

Remember, we're looking
for old and broken.

How's this?


The worse condition,
the better.

Note the radial design,
where the streets and walkways

all run from the center
of the city.

Mmm... sausage!

And our trolley cars
are edible.

to Crosswire City

is only five dollars
per person.

Oh! Wow!

That's neat! Wow!

And this is
the community garden,

where you can get
free vegetables.

Now Francine is going to present
the Old City within the city.

With ruins.

Here's the old
clock tower.

(class exclaims)

And here's
the Frenskium.

It's the ruins of
an ancient stadium.

I love how your city combines
the future and the past.

And what a superb idea to use
the Colosseum for inspiration.

A perfect touch.

(crowd cheers)

This is awful.

Lefty's getting crushed,

and this hot dog doesn't
have enough mustard.

What do you mean?

This game's a blast!

How many home runs
have we seen?

You don't mind that Lefty's
not pitching a perfect game?

I'll see
one someday.

Over here!

We need
more peanuts!


You can never
get those vendors
when you need them.

Wait a minute.

That's what this stadium needs.

A light that flashes
over your seat

whenever you
need something.


The buttons could
be on the armrest.

It will be perfect!

And now...

My name is Tyler,
and this is second grade,

and we're working on cities.

What do we need to make
a city work?

A city hall?

Fire station?

The hospital?

We started with a whiteboard,

and then we put
some roads on it.

We need roads in our city
so people can drive.

Are there other forms of
transportation in the city?


A bike.

A bus.

You could walk.

You could walk
around a city.

A helicopter.

Do you take a helicopter
home from school?


Oh, my goodness.

When you design a city,

you should put the right stuff
in the right place.

This is City Hall.

I think it should go
in the center.

This is the police station,

and I think it should go
in the center of town

because it can reach all
the people from there easily.

This is my park.

The park should be
in the center,

because it's easy for people
to get to it.

This is my restaurant.

It should be
in the center of the city,

because lots of people
work there

and they need a place to eat.

I have the elementary school.

This is North Junior High.

This is my bakery,
and I think it should go here.

Maybe when the teachers go

to a party after school,
maybe they want to get the cake

for the person who's
having a birthday.

I have a supermarket,
and I think it should go here,

because it's not as crowded
as the middle of Main Street.

This is a museum,

and I think I should put it
next to the restaurant

because people,
after the restaurant,

they might want to go
to the museum.

We have houses.

A city needs to be
a good place to live,

because if it's not
a good place to live,

people won't want to live there.

And now...

Pets are a lot smarter
than we think.

It didn't take long for Pal
to learn how to fetch.

Thanks, but I don't need
a stick.

Really, Pal, I've got
all the sticks I need.

Hey, Dad!

I just taught Pal to fetch.

And then I trained him
how to speak.


What is it, boy?

What are you trying to say?



Hey, Mom!

I just taught Pal
how to say he's hungry.

But looking back on it,

I wonder if I was teaching
him those things...

Wag your tail.

Wag your tail, Pal.

Good doggie!

...or if he was
teaching me.



You just have to relax, Buster.

It's easy to catch
a football.

(cat yowls)

I'm just no good at this.


But you're pretty good at that.

You've caught falling cats

Now if we can just
make it into a sport.

♪ Oh, the hip bone's connected
to the... leg bone ♪

♪ And the leg bone's
connected to the... ♪

(cat meows)



Kitty! Oh, Kitty!

I found a kitty!

Actually, Buster found her.

Well, she found Buster.

But she loves me,
and I love her.

Can I keep her?

Can she keep me?

I don't know, D.W.

Her owner is probably
looking for her.

But Dad...

If you lost a pet,

you'd want someone
to find it

and bring it back
to you, right?

(Pal sniffing)

Not if it smelled like Pal.

You're my

Yes, you are,

Yes, you are.

(cat meows)

(cat purring)

Well, I think we've covered
the whole neighborhood.

For D.W.'s sake,
I hope no one calls.

Or I'll call you

Or Cutie-Pootie-Bitty-Kitty-


Hey, where are you going?

I think she's headed
for the litter box

we put in the laundry room.

That's where she goes
to the bathroom.

Ah, she's so smart!

Nighty-night, Snookie-Ookie.

Have sweet kitty dreams.


Kitty, those are toes,
not chicken tenders.

Okay, Lovey-Wuvvy-Purry-Furface.

You just sleep right up here
next to me on the pillow.

(tongue lapping)


You have tuna breath!

And your tongue
is like sandpaper!

How about I make you
your own nice little bed?


Stay here.


What part of "stay here"
don't you understand?

(cat yowls)

(D.W. groans)

D.W., kittens have
lots of energy

and they like to play at night.

I found that out.

All night.

Maybe you can train her,
like I trained Pal.


Kitty, sit.

Roll over.

Pay no attention to me.

Well, that one worked.

Maybe it would be for the best
if her owner calls.

No! She's mine!

All mine.

(yawns deeply)

Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!

Where are you?

We've looked

Are you sure
you have a cat?

Look, Emily.

A clue.

Kitty? Are you down here?

Maybe we should go back up,
where it's lighter.

(D.W. yelling)

(Emily yelling)


Okay, I believe
you have a cat.

Can I go home now?


Ahh... a good night's sleep.

At last.

And Pretty-Kitty-Witty
still sleepy-weepy-deepy.

This might work out after all.

(fabric ripping)


(cat mews softly)

Arthur, I'm telling you,

she's not a normal cat.

Well, I guess you could say
she is a little frisky.

A little frisky?

Mom had to sew
my whole room
back together.

She's still a kitten.

She'll calm down
when she grows up.

What's that movie?

"The Cat Strikes
at Night."

"The classic tale
of fear of felines."

Trust me.

You don't want to see it.

D.W., there's nothing
to be scared of.

The cat's staying
in the laundry room.


Does she have enough food?

Two big bowls.

And it's not too chilly
down there, is it?

It's nice and warm.


Not that I care.

D.W., if no one calls
to claim the kitten,

maybe we should bring her
to an animal shelter.

A shelter?!

Or maybe we can find someone
to adopt her

and give her a nice home...

without curtains
or fabric.

But she's my kitty!

Sweetie, I know this has been
hard for you,

but let's just get
through tonight.

Are you sure the laundry room
is locked up tight?


Maybe you should bring her
something to sleep on.

Sweet dreams.

Good night, kitty.


(door squeaks closed)

Here, kitty-kitty-kitty!

(making kissing noises)

Where'd she go?

(cat meows)

I could have sworn I heard her
meow around here.

Poor wittle thing!

She must be afwaid.

Here, little Dubuyuh, Wubuyuh!

Come to Kitty!



Oh, it was just a dream.





(low piano notes playing)


D.W.? Sweetheart?

Are you okay?

I'm in a movie!

A scary cat movie!

Save me!

(Pal barking)

It's all right, D.W.

You must have had
a bad dream.

(doorbell rings,
Pal yips)

No! Don't answer it!

It's probably more cats!

Good evening.

Did you by any chance
find a lost kitten?

I do hope
I'm not intruding

at so late an hour.

Oh, no. We were
just running around

and listening to a kitten
play the piano,

like most nights.

Dr. Fugue?

This is your cat?


Though she's not
the finest piano student.

No, you're not, are you,

you Fur Elise?

Furry Leese?



Named for Beethoven's
lovely piece.

(playing "Für Elise")

I've been away at the
Mozarteum Academy in Austria.

Just got back
and found her missing.

Was Furry here long?

Just a couple of days.

Fur Elise is one
scary, crazy kitty.

I find that music soothes

the savage beast.

Particularly this one.

Wait a minute.

I was playing my xylophone
when she showed up.


She even likes
out-of-tune toy music.

Okay, Furry.

Time to go home.

But... but...

D.W., Furry already has a home.

But you can come visit her
as often as you like...

If you agree to learn to play
that instrument

a little more melodiously.


It's a start.

I suppose one must make
one's peace with cacophony.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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