10x08 - Binky vs. Binky/Operation: D.W.!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x08 - Binky vs. Binky/Operation: D.W.!

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!



Hey, ever hear of knocking?!

OK, now I'm ready.

Everybody has something that they're really proud of.

For Brain, it's his collection of blues records.

And this is the only recording ever

of the great trombonist, Sad Shoehead Wilson.

It's so rare, I won't even dust it.

That could be the fingerprint of Shoehead himself.


For Buster, it's a piece of pizza crust!

They called her the White Wonder,

five feet from crust to crust

and loaded with pounds of mozzarella and ricotta.

They said it couldn't be eaten by one person.

They were wrong.

Pretty strange things to be proud of, right?

Well, you want to know what I'm proud of?

This shirt.


OK, you guys, we're down by one with three minutes to go.

We've got to get past the defence.

The only way we're getting past those guys is with a bettering ram.

Or a bulldozer.



But I can't do that. I only play defence.

All you have to do is run in front of me.



Well, what are you waiting for?

Everyone's watching you.

- sh**t! - It's wide open!

[ sh**t!

You heard them. sh**t already.

All right, all right!

Don't rush me.

Whatever you do, don't miss!

The whole game depends on this shot!

- What's he doing?
- He looks like a flamingo.

Kick it! Kick it!

Not towards me, you...!


You said, "Kick it!" so I kicked it.

I meant into the goal. It was a perfect shot!

Yeah, until you confused me.

Next time, keep your big mouth shut.

I just don't get it.

How could Binky not take that shot?

Maybe he fell asleep.

During a soccer game, standing on one leg?

It could happen. I've fallen asleep in plenty of strange places.

Maybe Binky cracked under pressure.

Like last season, in Little League, remember?

'In practice, Binky would get home run after home run.

'But during an actual game...'

Strike one.

Strike two.

Strike three - and you're out!

Remember the swim team?

Binky was a veritable aquatic mammal when we were learning strokes.

But when it came time for a swim meet...


I think you guys are right.

Binky would be a great competitor if he could only compete!


Buster! Come on!

Huh? What did I miss?

What's that?

Don't you recognise it? It's your swimming trophy.

I found in the hall closet.

What it was doing there, I can't imagine.

- Don't put it up there.
- Why not?

Because it's not a real trophy.

Of course it is!

See? It says, "Binky Barnes, excellence in participation."

That just means I came in last place.

Binky, you are an excellent swimmer and you know it.

Can I help it if I'm proud of you?

There. Now, don't you think that looks nice up there?


No... No!

This is for completing nursery school!

This one is for being able to skip.

Oh, and isn't this one beautiful?

It's for the Elwood County potato sack race.

Binky wasn't actually in the race, but he was quite close to it.

So they gave him this potato!

Mom, what are you doing?

Just showing your friends some of your awards, sweetie.


Oh, here's my favourite! The Just Being Binky award!

I bet none of you have one of these.

Who would want one?



That does it.

I'm getting rid of you for good.


Who would do such a thing?

Hey, Mr Frensky.



Binky, I can't believe how quickly you made it up that hill!

Huh? Oh, yeah. I like hills.

You like hills?!

I wish I did!

I've started biking to work to lose a few pounds.

But that hill is a k*ller! I always have to walk the last bit.

You just pedal hard before the hill

and change gears at the right moment.

Huh, I wonder if that's what Vance Legstrong does?

Who's that?

You've never heard of Vance Legstrong?

He's probably the best bicyclist in the whole history of the sport.

I didn't even know biking was a sport.

It sure is. And you'd be a natural at it.


Sure. There's a great bike course at World's End Park.

You can try different loops and keep track of your times. Give it a try.

I will.

So, what brings you to the dump today?


our trash is full.

Is that Vance Legstrong?

Yeah. Did you know he's won that Loop D'Italia four times?

That's a record.

Are you thinking of taking up cycling?


I don't know. Maybe.

Well, I'm sure you'll be wonderful at it.

You'll be wonderful at it, all right, until you're in a race!

- And then...
- I'm not gonna be in any races.

So just can it!


"Keep track of your time and distance with our free course card."

- See you later, Mom.
- Oh, where are you off to?

Nowhere special, just riding around.

How did it go today, Binky?

Best time yet, Mr Frensky.

I can see you're gonna be some tough competition in that race on Saturday.

Race? What race?

The annual Sports For Regular Folks road challenge. Here.

Take a form.

Dad, maybe he doesn't want to enter the race!

- Sorry, Binky, he doesn't know.
- I don't know what?

Yeah, what doesn't he know?

That...well...you don't like competition.

Who told you I don't like competition? I love competition!

Give me that.

If only I could do that when someone was watching!

You know, you really ought to enter that race.

Why? So everyone can see me lose?

No. Because you'll have a lot of fun.

Yeah, until everyone sees me lose.

There's only one person you should be competing against.

- Who?
- Yourself. Ignore everyone else and try to do your best.

Easy for you to say. You're the best cyclist in the world.

How do you think I got to be the best cyclist in the world?

Binky! You signed up for the race! That's great!

Well, I'm not really officially in the race.

I just thought I'd bike along with the rest of you.


It's Binky. He's in the lead!

He's beating everyone!

Go Binky! You can do it!

Stay awake, Binky!

I don't believe it! I'm winning! Whoopee!



- Oh, no, he crashed!
- Is he all right?

Yes, but I think he's out of the race.

I knew this would happen!

Remember who you're competing against, Binky.

Not those people up there. That guy right behind you.



My poor Binkums! Are you OK? I saw you fall and...

I'm fine, Mom.

- In fact, I feel great.
- Binky!

I've never seen anything like that before.

- I know. I was winning and I blew it. Why do you have to rub it in?

That's not what I meant. You were incredible.

You finished the race after crashing and didn't even come in last. Look.

- Well, it's not like I won or anything.
- Not the whole race.

But you won the hill portion. You missed the presentation.

There's an award just for doing hills?

Sure. You get the Polka-Dot Hill-Climbing Jersey.

Vance used to win these all the time.

So this shirt may be funny to look at, but it feels great to wear.


Oh, and remember to knock next time.

Some things aren't as bad as they seem, as long as you're prepared.

- Raarrgghh!

- Have no fear!
- Raarrgghh!

It's a good thing I brought my monster shrinker-vater!


- Are you sure you know where you're going?
- Yep.

We just have to cross this crocodile-infested river.

What are you doing? There's no bridge!



Of course there are some things you can never be prepared for.

Arthur, come meet your baby sister, Dora Winifred!




It's story time!

Let's put on our listening ears and come to the circle!

DW, it's story time!


DW! Get on your listening ears!


# I can share, you can share... #


- Woof!

DW, keep it down!

Hey! What are you doing?

I'm trying to study for a math test, but the TV's too loud.

Give it back! It's MY TV time!

It is a little too loud, honey. I could hear it from the kitchen.


- Yes, yes!
- Ah...!

DW, that's too close to the screen.

- Move back a little.
- But I can't hear it if I'm not close.


It's nice to meet you, DW. I'm Dr Tinnitus. How are you feeling?

I'm fine.

I'm only here cos my brother is mean and selfish and hates Mary Moo Cow.

DW has had several ear infections this year, one after another.

But my ears don't hurt at all right now!

Let's take a look. This is my otoscope.

It helps me see inside your ears.

Hmm. There's some gunky stuff trapped in the middle ear

- on this side.
- But I don't feel it.

Even though it doesn't hurt,

- the fluid is making it harder for you to hear.
- Why?

Sound travels in waves. It goes in your outer ear first.

Yahoo! Ha-ha-ha! Whoa!

It travels through the ear canal and then it bounces off the eardrum

- on its way to the middle ear.
- Ooh!

But your middle ear has a lot of gunk inside,

so the sound gets stuck.

When the sound can't get through, you have trouble hearing.

But how do I get the gunk out?

The best way to get it out is to put tubes in your ears.

You're gonna put tubes in my ears?!

But won't I look weird?

Come on!

- I am, but this degunkifier is heavy!

The tubes are really tiny.

Here, I'll show you.

I put them inside your ears, and the gunk drains out, simple as that.

- But how do you get them in there?
- You'll need to come to the hospital

where we'll put you to sleep, put in the tubes and then wake you up.

It's a pretty simple operation.

DW's operation is scheduled for next week.

Go ahead. YOU should have it.

What movie should we see this afternoon?

Whatever DW wants to see.


Pretty Pony's Princess Adventure.

Sounds good.


Here you go.

I want juice, not milk.

Then get it your...!


What is wrong with you? Why are acting so...so nice?

- Because you're about to have an operation.
- So what?

So it's a big deal. And you're being really brave about it.

I am? I didn't know on operation was something I had to be brave about.

Well, it is. And you're doing a really good job.

Now let me get you some juice.


DW. I'm gonna give you an exam

to make sure you're ready for surgery tomorrow.

What if I'm NOT ready?

Don't worry. It's our job to make sure that you are.

I'm going to take some blood now.

It may hurt a little, but not for very long.

You can sit in your Dad's lap if you like.

- No, no, I don't need a lap.
- Are you sure?

Well, if it makes you feel better...

Wait! I can't look! Hold me tighter! Tighter!

Not THAT tight! Dad, don't let go!

DW, it's over.

You're a brave girl!

I guess I am! Arthur would've cried like a baby.

And here's a hospital bear. You can operate on him at home if you like.

Thanks! ..Let's go! This operation's gonna be a piece of cake.

Not yet, dear. You've still got some more doctors to see.

And then I saw a doctor called an...

an-aes-the-si-olo-gist. That's the longest word I've ever said!

What does he do?

He makes sure I'm asleep during the operation.

And I have to make sure my stomach's empty,

so I can't eat or drink anything after midnight.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Easy for you to say! You're not the one missing breakfast.

Time for bed, honey.

What if it doesn't work? What if I wake up before the operation is over?

The doctors know exactly how much medicine to give you,

so you won't wake up until it's over.

Don't worry, DW. Everything will be fine. Just keep being brave.

- Thanks.
- Now get some rest. Sweet dreams!

- Ready for your "listening ears" operation?

Um, I'm not sure.

We'd better check her bravery levels first.

Lie down in the brave-o-scope, DW.

Oh, my!

What? What's wrong?

I've never seen anything like it!

She has no bravery at all! Not a single speck!

Poor DW! She'll probably never be able to swim without water wings.

I'm cured and I'll prove it!

I can hear the TV, loud and clear.

But the sound is turned all the way down.

Exactly! I can hear it even with the sound off!

Let's cancel the operation and have pancakes!

It's OK to feel scared, but you need this operation to fix the problem

with your ears.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Let's see, I've got Dancing Dinos, Cute Kittens, Pretty Pony...

Pretty Pony!

You are the best patient ever!

Here's a "Number One Patient" sticker, just for you!


Stick out your hand.


It's a good luck mark from my lucky pencil.

Oh. OK. Just make sure you erase it with your lucky eraser

when this is all over.

All right, I'm ready for my number one patient!

And I get to carry you in.

We love you.

Everybody loves me! I'm the number one patient!

We'll see you as soon as you wake up.


Be gone, evil troll!

It's not fair! I was so quiet!

No-one is too quiet for Super Ear Girl. Now, leave this forest at once!

Thank you, Super Ear Girl!

- 'DW!
- DW!'

I'll never forget you!

DW? Hi, there!

I'm...I'm ready for the operation.

It's already over. We can go home soon.

You are the best patient ever!

- Hey, she told me
- I
- was the best patient ever!

DW's fine. (In fact, I know she's all better,

(cos she's driving me crazy again.)

I heard that!

I'm getting tired of looking at fur.

Can I look in your ears?

- No!
- Please, please, plea-ea-ease?


Hi, Arthur. I'm Dr DW. Let's look at your ears.

Oh! Your ears look fine,

but your brains are missing.

We'll have to operate right away.

No operations.

I promise you won't feel a thing!

Oh, come on!

What are you scared of? It's just a little brain operation!
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