04x01 - D.W.'s Library Card/Arthur's Big Hit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x01 - D.W.'s Library Card/Arthur's Big Hit

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

I love the library.

There are so many books to read
and great things to find out.

But the best thing about
the library is it's quiet.

( loudly ):

Except on days
when I have to bring D.W.

What does this word say?


Another great thing
about the library is

I can check out all these books.


What is it now?

What does this word say?


To take books out,
you need a library card

but it's easy
to get one of those.

All you have to do is...



How about this word?


"The red dog"! okay?

Got it?

And stop being so noisy!

See the sign?

It says,
"No talking"!

If I can't read "the red dog"

how do you expect me
to read that sign?!

Well, just go
pester someone else.

I'm busy.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah.

All you need to do to
get a library card is...

Shh! The sign says,
"no talking"!

"And he published
a rondo in 'C' minor

when he was only
years old."

D.W., stop
bugging Binky.

It's time for your puppet
show in the kids' section.

I wasn't bugging him.

Binky was reading
about Chopin

the great
romantic composer.

No, I wasn't!

His name was Choppin'

and he was
a karate master.

You weren't listening.

Sorry if my sister

was bothering you.

It's okay.

Little kids
should hear

about important

Like karate.


Arthur, look!

A book on frogs!

Take it out for me.

Hopalong the frog?

Forget it.

But it's about frogs.

Please, please,
please, please, please!

I can't take out baby books
on my library card.

It could go on
my permanent record.

( scanner beeps )


Reader is a baby!

Adult books are off limits!

( siren blares )

Sorry, Arthur.

The last book you took out
was Hopalong The Frog.

From now on you can only
take out baby books...

( echoing ):
Baby books, baby
books, baby books...

♪ Arthur's a baby!
Arthur's a baby! ♪

Sorry, D.W.

There's too much
at stake.

Someday I'll get
my own library card.

Then I'll take out
whatever I want!


Thank you.

Are there any questions?

When will we be
old enough

to get our own
library cards?

You are old
enough, D.W.

I am?! I'll take one!

No, make that two!

I want more cards than Arthur.

I want one!
Me, too! I want three!

Settle down.

You can all have one,
if you can write

your full name.

I knew there was a catch.

We can write our names.

But my full name
is Dora Winifred Read!

I hardly ever say it!

How can I write it?!

You have it easy.

Be glad you're not
Aloysius Zimmerplotz!

Oh, no! I ran out of room again!

When I have
my own library card

I'll get
Hopalong The Frog

and you can't do
anything about it.

But you can't read.

Ms. Turner
didn't say

you had to read
to take out books

just write your full name.

You can't
do that either.

I know, but I'm
going to learn.

You'll see!

( grunts, cracks knuckles )

"Doba Minifred

Who's that?

I can't do it!

There are too many
letters in my name!

Why didn't you name me
something simple, like "A"?

You seem to have
"Dora Winifred" down.

Quick, Dad!

More mashed potatoes!

I wrote my name!

I wrote my name!!

Look out world,
D.W. read writes!

Dora Winifred Read...
Dora Winifred Read...

I bet D.W. messes
up her name

and doesn't get
her library card.

Yeah! She can't
even spell "D".

I can, too!

I've spelled it a hundred times!

It's time
to get in line.

What if the Tibbles
are right?

What if I forget my own name?

What is my name?

I forgot it!

I forgot my name!

Good luck, D.W.!

Oh, yeah, "D.W."

But what does that stand for?

I can't remember!

Very nice,
"Dora Winifred Read."

Here's your card.

Look, Arthur!

You didn't think
I could do it

But I did it!

And now I can take
out any book I want!

Now I know what
true power feels like.

Hey, where's Hopalong The Frog?

It was here just
a couple of days ago!

It's probably
back on the shelves.

Ask for it at the front desk.

Sorry, that book was
just checked out.

It should be back
a week from today.

I can't wait a whole week!

It could come back sooner,
but it's due Saturday.

Come on, D.W.


Is it back yet?


How about now?


( phone rings )

Nope, it's not in yet.

( computer beeps )

You've got mail.

( computer beeps )

Not yet, D.W.

( grumbles )

Not yet, D.W.

What if Saturday never comes?

What if we go right
from Friday to Sunday?

Are there leap weeks
like leap years?

Relax, it's only
hours away.

Now, let me sleep!

Wake up, Arthur, tomorrow is
today and today is yesterday!


It's Saturday!

But it's... : !

The library isn't
even open yet.

I know, but we have to
be the first ones there.

Here's your cereal.

But it has to be here!

You said, Hopalong The Frog
was due today!

But it might be late.

Late?! Call the police!

Why don't you
take out some
other baby book?

I want Hopalong The Frog!

And it's not a baby book!

Well, I'm not going
to spend my whole
Saturday here.

Fine! Go home!

I'll tell Mommy that you
left me here all alone!

( grumbles )

( snoring )

( gasps )


Arthur, look, somebody's
returning a big book!

This might be it!

The name's
Dora Winifred Read.

Is that a book on frogs?!

A... no, it's
Chippy The Choo-Choo.

Oh, it'll never come!

Hi, D.W.!

( D.W. gasps )

You had the book!

I should have known.

( yells )

You hurt it!

It's all wrinkly!

It was like that
when they took it out.

We would never hurt
a library book.

If you do, they'll take away
your library card forever.


( beeping )

Here you go.

Take good care
of it.

Or else!

( laughing )

I've been waiting so long
for this moment.

( gasps )

( screams )

What have I done?!

You can never have another
library card again!

But I worked so hard
for that card!

♪ More books for us!
More books for us! ♪

( Arthur laughs )

I told you you'd never
have a library card.

I told you!

( laughing )

It's not fair.

( sobbing ):
It's not fair!

I know you're just going
to bug me all night

to read you that book,
so let's do it now.

No! I mean...
you've done enough

for me already, Arthur.

Maybe later.



I knew it.

You forgot what today is.

No, I didn't-- it's Saturday.

You must return
your library book.

It's today? I thought
it would never come!

Why are you wearing
oven mitts?

To keep the book safe.

It's a book, D.W.,
it's not going to explode.

How was it, anyway?

I don't know.

I never opened it.

I was afraid I'd lose
my library card.

Why would you lose
your library card?

Because the Tibbles said
if you hurt a book

they take away
your library card forever.

And look at it,
it's an old book!

It could fall apart any minute!

I'll open it,
if you're so worried.

Hey! I took this book out!

See, that's my name.

You used to have
to write your name here

whenever you took a book out.

This is the very first book
I ever took out of the library!

( in high voice ):
My first book!
My first book!

You took out a baby book?

It isn't a baby book,
I love this book!

It's great for little kids!

Listen to this:

"Hopalong the frog
hopped onto a log

and the log started
floating away..."

"The end."

( sniffing )

What's wrong, D.W.?

It was a happy story.

Didn't you like it?

I loved it!

I'm just sad I have
to return it now!

( blows nose )

But you can take it
right out again.

It's called "renewing a book."

I can?!

Arthur's going to read it
to me every single day!

Twice a day-- once in the
morning and once at night!

And then I'm going to
renew it again and again

and again and again,
and again...!

What have I done?!

( crowd cheers and applauds )

Presenting the main event!

The champion, Arthur Read!

( cheering )

I've been waiting
for this fight for years.

There's no way I can lose.

And the challenger,
Dora Winifred Read!

( loud thrash music playing )

( music stops, crowd cheers )


( muffled ):


( muffled ):

This doesn't help.

I can't read.

Get ready to fight!

( thrash music playing )


( muffled ):

No, not two D.W.s.

There's only one of me.

( crowd roars )

We figured you'd rather
fight someone your own size.

You know,
you're right.

I would love to fight
someone my own size.

You wait here.

I'll go find someone.

( screams )

Come back and fight!

( giggles )

What kind of game is that?

It's not a game.

It's a model
of the Bell X-
rocket plane

the plane that broke
the sound barrier.

The sound barrier must be
pretty hard

because this plane is
all smashed up.

It's not smashed.

I'm going to build it.

Don't touch-- you'll
mix up the pieces!

I've never heard of toys
that come broken.

I'm going.

Never say I don't go

when you want me to

because I'm going,
like that.

When you want me to go,
I'm out of here.

No waiting.

Go already!

And if you say please

I go even faster...

( growls )

Is that the same
broken plane

you were fixing

Don't do that!

I need to concentrate.

That's a pretty color.

( shouts )

( laughs nervously )


I've been working
on the plane all week.

I'm almost done.

D.W., don't touch that!

The paint isn't dry!

( whimpers )

Mommy, Arthur made
my hands orange!

I never thought
about it before

but being an only
child is nice.

It's the best thing I ever made.

Arthur Read, you win
the blue ribbon.

( audience applauds )

This calls for
a celebration snack.

( Pal yaps )

( yapping )

Did I hear you say cookies?

( yaps )

Good boy!

( D.W. imitates static )

D.W. Read to headquarters:
sound barrier broken.

What's my next mission, General?

( wind whistling )

There's a good breeze, General.

( whirring )

Arthur Read,
winner of , blue ribbons

requesting landing coordinates.

( whirring )

( plane smashes )

Arthur, you made
that plane all wrong.

It doesn't fly at all.

No, D.W.,
I made it exactly ri...


( gasps )

( screaming )

If it could break
the sound barrier

falling out a window
shouldn't break it.

I told you
not to touch it!

You built it all wrong.

Did you even read
the directions?

It didn't fly
for one second.

It's not my fault if
your plane can't fly.

I told you not to touch it!

( wailing )

Arthur Timothy Read, come here!

Uh-oh, middle name.

( D.W. sobbing )

Are they going to have
to amputake my arm?

No, honey, it's "amputate,"
not "amputake."

They're going to amputate?

No. I'm in charge

and I'm putting
ice on it.

( shrieks )

What's wrong?

( innocently ):
That's cold.

to your sister.

No way! She should
apologize to me.

I worked all week
on this!

I told her
a million times
not to touch it!

You're bad.

Arthur, this means
no TV for a week.

( angrily ):

That is so unfair!

You don't care
what she did to me!

We'll deal
with what she did.

But what you did is wrong, too.

( humphs )

So I missed Bionic Bunny
last night

and I can't watch TV all week!

Can you
believe that?

No, I don't
believe it--

You hit your sister?

That's terrible.

Come on, like you
never hit anybody.


Did you hear that?

Arthur hit his sister!

I, for one, am shocked.

How could
you be shocked

about someone
hitting someone?

Well, why not?

You're Binky Barnes.

You always...

You know,
I can't remember

The last time
you hit anybody.

Well, what do you mean?

( bell rings )

There's the bell.

Don't want
to be late!

So when was it, Bink?

Binky does not
have to remind us

of his past
glorious fights.

That's right.

That he is afraid of
no one is a factoid.

That's right.

and he can prove it

by socking the very next kid
who turns that corner.

That's right... what?

Go ahead, Binky.

Sock him.

Maybe I don't
feel like it.

You better, or you're
out of the club.

I can't be out of the club!

It's my club.

I founded it.

If you wanted
everything your way

you shouldn't have
a club.

The next time you see that kid,
you sock him.

The next time I see Arthur,
I have to hit him.

Oh, what can I do?

Hey, what if I never see him?

Arthur, why didn't
you just apologize?

Oh, come on!

She wrecked
my plane!

Why can't anybody see
my side of this?

Uh, because
you're wrong.

Hey, Binky,
did you hear

that Arthur hit
his sister?

I haven't seen Arthur.

As far as I know,
Arthur isn't even here.

Binky's so upset
about what Arthur did

that he won't
even look at him!

When the day and night
are of equal length

It's called
the equinox.

( bell rings )

You sock
that kid yet?

Haven't seen him.

( guffaws )

I am so smart.

Psst, hey, is
Arthur in there?


I'll... just eat
outside, then.

Binky won't even eat
near Arthur.

That's awful.

We should bring
them together.

Arthur will thank us.

Binky's out here somewhere.

( grunts )

I'll get it!



What are you doing?

Avoiding Arthur.

If I don't see him,
I don't have to hit him.

Oh. Why would you
want to hit Arthur?

I don't; that's why
I don't want to see him.



Is Arthur in there?


( relieved ):
Ah, thank you!

Thank you,
thank you so much!

She broke my plane!

But she's
just a little girl.

Saying D.W. is just
a little girl

is like saying a tornado
is just a little wind.

Hey, Arthur!

Hey, shh!

( muffled ):
What do you...

I thought
someone called my name.

( bell rings )

I made it through one whole day.

Now only...
the rest of my life to go.

So I never saw
that glasses kid again.

Probably never will.

Hey, Binky!

You dropped your pen

running out of
school sideways

at the end
of the day.

Here's your chance.

Show her, Binky:
pop him one.

( gulps )


Okay, you're right,
he will hit anybody.

All right, Binky,
you're still
in the club!

Binky, where
you going?

Hey, Binky!


And the next thing I knew
I was on the ground.

It hurt and it was
embarrassing and...

That's how D.W. felt
when you punched her.

Maybe, but what's that
got to do with this?

Binky Barnes is huge!

Yeah, I guess
I get it.

I'm sorry I hit you.

And I'm sorry
I broke your plane.

But what kind of stupid
plane doesn't fly?

A model plane.

Well, I didn't know.

I'm just a child.

Give me a break.

Arthur, hey.

I feel rotten.

I want to apologize.

I just want
to thank you.

You... you what?

Everybody said
I was wrong, and
I didn't get it.

But you made me understand
how bad I made D.W. feel.

You're welcome.

But I wouldn't try

to help you learn
some boring lesson.

It was an accident.

The kid who got hit
by Binky lived!

You deserve to be
in our club.

There is no club.

I founded it,
and I'm de-founding it.

Any club that makes
you do something

you don't want to do
is dumb.

Want to make something of it?

Um... no?

Come on, Arthur.

Let's go
get a soda.

Oh, man,
now we've got no club.

( all startle )

You guys want to come
with us?

How about we form
a new club

with no dumb hitting
and stuff?

And if anybody
breaks that rule

I'll clobber them.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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