02x02 - Binky Barnes, Art Expert/Arthur's Lucky Pencil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x02 - Binky Barnes, Art Expert/Arthur's Lucky Pencil

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Art is fun, but the
best part of any class

is a field trip.

Class, next week we'll be going
to the Elwood City Art Museum.

( kids cheering )

Hooray! Yay!


You'll break into teams

and choose a work of art
to report on.

Arthur and Buster,
you'll be on a team...

with Binky Barnes.


We're doomed.

You know what'll happen?

Isn't that report

done yet?

We're working on it.

Work harder!

I want an A-plus or better,

Maybe working with Binky
won't be so bad.

Yeah-- maybe
he won't care.

Maybe he'll just do it
the way we want.

I've got lots of ideas
for this report, pals

lots of ideas.

( barks )



Come along.

Wish I had a shark.

Let's do our report
about that one!



See anything
you like?

Not yet.

Wow! That's cool.

Hey, I found a thing
for our report!

Come on, I'll show you!

Isn't that something?

Yeah, it's something...

It's got to be something...

It's got
great color

it grabs
your eye and...

What about
something interesting?

This is interesting!

Think of the
report we can do.

I give up.

What? Don't you see?

It's hanging sideways!

What makes you think that?

Look, it makes
no sense this way.

They don't do that
in a museum.

They're experts.

It's not sideways,


it's the same way
in this book.

That's wrong, too.

What did we do to
get stuck with Binky?

If we do the report he wants,
everyone will laugh at us.

As everyone
can plainly see

the painting
is sideways.

( loud laughter )


That's not sideways.

Oh, yeah, that's sideways.

I guess we should wear shoes
on our hands, too.

( laughter continues )

Arthur... Buster... Binky--
you fail!

( laughing harder )

We shouldn't have to report
on his dopey painting.

There's two of us.

We out-vote him!


But... how do we tell him?

I'll be Binky
and you'll be us.

We'll practice
like it'll happen.

Um, we don't want to do
that report, Binky.

( as Arthur ):
Right, neither of us.

( as Binky ):
We'll do it my way


( as Arthur ):

Okay, anything
you say, Binky.

Why are you giving up
so easily?

You said do it exactly
like it'll happen.

Tell him
how you feel.

What are you
afraid of?

He's just big and strong
and kind of mean...

maybe you should make
like a cow's skin and hide.

How mad will
Binky be

when we
tell him?

( screaming )

I didn't think

he could throw us this far.


First, he could never
throw you that hard.

That's a load off my mind.

Why don't you

Compromise... yeah!

What's "compromise" mean?

That's where
you get to do

some of what you want

and we get to do
some of what we want.

You do your report

but we'll do
something else.

Then we put them together?


That's right.

We do them together!


Wow, look at this!

I found a painting

that's upside down
in this book!

Um... you've got
the book upside down.

Oh, yeah.

He's the laziest kid in class.

How come he starts
working hard now?

Binky's making you do
all the work, huh?

( boys giggle )

No, we compromised.

We haven't started.

Just reading jokes first.

But the report's due tomorrow!

( chuckling )

What do you call
a moose with...?


Which should we choose?

What about this?

Peruvian pyramid carving.

Too complicated.

This looks good.

This is making
me seasick!

Find something else!

Not very exciting,
is it?

( screaming )

This is giving me
a headache.

What could we say
about this?

Arthur, time's
running out.

This is it, partner!

You know, even if
our report is cool

Binky will still
make us look dumb.

Unless he doesn't
come to school.

Come to my house
before school tomorrow.

Binky, it's Arthur.

School's closed today.


Why is the school closed?

Hello? Hello?

( whispering )

It burned down.

Wow, great!

Hey, it did not.

I can see the school.

( whispering )

It only burned
on the inside.

Francine told me you guys
started your report late.

My part of the report
is going to be unforgettable.

"It only burned on the inside"?

He's going to make
us look doofy.

Mega-doofy times infinity.

Do you have a copy

of our report?

I didn't
write anything.

I thought you wrote it.

I was thinking about
what to tell Binky.

We have no report!

Where's that
museum book?

"Beginning in

"Remington began creating
bronze sculptures of cowboys

a form he continued to explore
until his death in ."

( school bell rings )


Our first report
will be presented

by Arthur, Buster and Binky.

We're ready.

"Frederic Remington's paintings
have western themes."

Boy, this
sounds familiar.

"He de... pic... ted cowboys


and soldiers
in action..."
and soldiers
in action..."


Did you copy this
from the museum catalog?

Well... sort of...

You know...


( whispering ):
We'll fail.

No, we won't.

Ms. Bryan...

That's not our whole report.

Oh, no.

This part of our report
took research.

At the library,
I made copies of the painting

and got the addresses
of museums and art experts.

I contacted some of them
on the Internet.

Of all the experts,
only one had the answer.

That's the artist

putting up his painting
the right way.

You mean Binky was right?

wants to know

the names of
the brilliant boys

who uncovered
this mistake.

You need to talk
to Binky Barnes.

He did all the work.

Oh, excuse me.

( applause )

Boys, I'm proud of you
for admitting that.

But I still
expect you to do

a proper report
by tomorrow.

( both groan )

Hey, I've got an idea
for a great report:

if that one was sideways

something else here
is bound to be upside down.

It seems everyone has

something they think
will bring them good luck.

I've probably told you
about Francine's lucky socks.

She still hasn't played
a game without them.

( yells )

Buster had a stuffed bear
he thought would give him

supernatural powers.

Give me an "A."

The test is over.

( gasps )


Even Grandma Thora has
her own good-luck rituals.

Under the "B": seven!

But those things weren't lucky.

The only thing that
can help you win games

or do well at school is...

Something in this room...
somewhere in this room!

( thunder )


The fruit fly then deposits
its eggs on the decaying banana.

( yawns )

"Stan says:

"Our dog is like
a family member.

"Fran says, 'Oh, yeah?

Which one is he like?'"

( laughing )

Now, for today's

Everyone will make up a joke.

( groans )

( bell rings,
kids say good-bye )

I didn't think
class would ever end!

Me neither.

Let's get
to the lake

while it's still good...

sailing weather.

Yeah, for
a submarine, maybe.

( sighs )


( groans )

Two out of three?

Heads, but I've already won.

( groans )

It's The Sweet Kittens Hour

with your hosts,
Fluffy and Buffy!

I'd rather do math homework.

Fish sticks?!

But I hate fish sticks!

Fish will make you


But first it'll make me sick.

There's okra

if you can't
eat the fish.

Well, at least there's
dessert to look forward to.

Well, there
would have been

except for
a little accident.

( slurps )

( burps )

Two crummy days
in a row!

I must be cursed.

How could someone with a sister
as cute as me be cursed?

Arthur, watch out!


You almost stepped
on that pencil!

You could have
tripped and died!

I saved your life.

Uh... thanks.

You sure are
lucky I was here.


Grandma Thora's
waiting for you, D.W.

Hi, Grandma.

Some of you complained
about the slide show

so I've altered today's lesson

with something
more interesting...


A little math quiz.

( students groan )


I heard there's
Boston Cream pie today.

Let's hurry

it's all gone.

It's my fault.

You shouldn't
hang around me.

I'm having rotten luck.

It's your lucky day.

Freshly made.

I'll give both of you
extra big slices!


Arthur, maybe your
luck has changed

because of
that pencil.

That's ridiculous--
a lucky pencil?!

See how lucky I am?

It's stuck.

Poke them through.

Like this will really work.

It's the best charm
I've ever seen!

How could a pencil
be lucky?

All it can do is get free soda.

What's wrong with that?

Good work.

You got an "A"
on that quiz.

You're right!

It's the world's
luckiest pencil

and it's mine!

Arthur, can I borrow it?

I'm in the
table hockey playoffs.

Sure, Buster.

Good luck.

I know I'll win.

You can do anything
with this pencil.


Mr. President,
this is a bill

giving $ million
to all public schools

to serve Boston Cream pie
to every child.

( roars )

Eat lead


( wood snaps )

( gulps )

( students gasp )

I didn't do it.

I mean, it's not my fault.

I mean...

I'm sorry, Arthur!

( sobbing )

Here, Arthur--

just resharpen it.

It's still lucky.

I've broken the pencil!

I'm doomed!

I'll have no friends!

Don't worry, Buster,
it was an accident.

We're still friends.

( sniffling )

You mean it?

You're the best, Arthur.

Can I finish the game?

I was winning.

( groans )

What are you doing?

Writing to my pen pal.

I don't see
any words.

I'm writing lightly
to save my pencil.

But you can't read it.

It will bring him good luck.

Besides, it's
the thought that counts.

Can I borrow
the pencil?

The Brain is winning
at tic-tac-toe.

Um, I'm saving it for when
I really need the luck.

Dave it?

I only have
to make three Xs!

Sorry, Francine.


( slurping )

Use it in emergencies.

Like if I was bitten by a snake.


Are you interested
in entering

our milkshakes-for-life

Oh... A-Arthur?

No, Buster.

But this is
an emergency.

Sorry, but if I
let you use it now

I'll never be president.

If I use this any more,
it'll be gone

and I'll be
unlucky again.

I better hide it.

No, that's too easy.

I have to hide it someplace
I'd never think to look.


( bell rings )

It's the luck-hog.

He wouldn't
even lend the pencil

to his grandmother.

Good morning.

I assume you've
been studying

for tomorrow's
big history test.


No, Buster, you'll
just have to study.

How much do you want?

It's not for sale.

No one's going to
use it, not even me.

So there!

Well, I've studied enough.

The rest is up to fate.


No, I said I wouldn't use it.

Then again,
this test is important.

Where is it?!

It's gone!

( toys clattering )



What did you do
with my pencil?

Why would I want
that silly little thing?

I don't know.

To get all the toys
in the world?

Where is it?!

I don't
have it, Arthur.

You probably
put it somewhere.

Oh, right, like I
would forget where I...


I can't find it!

I'll never have
good luck again, ever!

I'm doomed!

Why bother even going to school?

I'm going to fail.

( sighs )

What's the use?

Keep away, Buster.

I lost the pencil.

I'm unlucky again.

That's okay.

I like you anyway.

Two Boston-Cream-Pie days
in the same week?!

Wow! That's never
happened before!

( gasps )

This must be
somebody else's.

It's an "A."

No, Mr. Read,
that is indeed your test.

But how could I get an "A"?

Perhaps you studied.

Well, yeah, but...


Maybe I don't need
that pencil after all.

( bell rings )

See you tomorrow, everyone.

I guess I'll never see
that pencil again.

I'm so good at hiding things,
I could get a job doing it.

Arthur! D.W.!

Bring down
your trash!

Did you find
your lucky pencil?

No, but it's
no big deal.

It really wasn't
good luck after all.

I passed my test
because I studied.

You'll understand someday.

Are you sure you don't need it?

I'm positive.

Good, then
I'll take it.

That's where I put it--
in my trash can!

Too bad you don't
want it anymore.

Now I'll be lucky.

Wait, D.W.,
come back!

I-I was joking!

D.W., give that back!

Mom! D.W. took
my lucky pencil!

You little weasel!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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