03x03 - Same Old World

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x03 - Same Old World

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

It was so intense down there!

We were already a few layers into the Earth's crust when suddenly ... Wa-pamo! Ka-powie!

All these gross Cluster limbs started clawing at the drill!

So, I whip out the old photon blaster and "pew! pew!

P-chow! Chow!" Take that, Cluster!

And Steven was all, "my feelings!"

And then up and passes out on me!

Then everything started glowing, and... well, yeah, wait.

I'm sure Steven can fill you in on the rest since he's the one who saved us.

You should've seen it, right, Steven?

Tell 'em what happened in there!

Steven? Hold on a sec.

I'll be right back.

I see you're worried about your friend.

Yeah. When I saw her in my dreams, it looked like she was fighting so hard to keep Malachite

from escaping.

Lapis spent an unbearable amount of time fused with Jasper.

The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion, I can't imagine.

She's gonna need a lot of time to recover.

You're right. Come on.

I'm dying to hear more about what happened underground.


Lapis, you're okay! Steven!

You're... leaving. I have to, Steven.

I don't belong on Earth, not with the Crystal Gems.

I never have. It's okay. I understand.

I just wish we could've hung out more.

I feel like I only get to see you when something horrible's going on.

That's just how it is with me.

Steven... thank you.

Goodbye again. Bye...

Are you sure you want to stay?

You could always come back to the temple with us and live in the bathroom again. No thanks.

I have seen what goes on in there.

Besides, I've grown accustomed to this place.

And I should probably fix the hole that I made with my giant robot.

Mm. Okay, well, have fun redecorating!

Well, that's everything... and then some.

Steven, you ready to go home? All seat belts are fastened!

Peridot says she's staying. Eh, it's probably for the best.

I don't think she would've fit in the van.

You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you on Lion.

Sure, uh, okay. I'll see you in a bit.

See yaaa!

Now, where is that feline? Lion?!

Hey, Lion?!


I have a big steak right here in my hand for you!

Whoops, I dropped it, and it fell out of existence.

You can't hide from me for too long 'cause you love me so much!

Whoa! Lapis!


I... thought you left. I was leaving.

But then I realized I've got nowhere to go.

Who knows what they'd do to me back home after what I did to Jasper.

I can't go back to Homeworld, and I can't stay here.

Sure, you can. What?

You can totally stay here.

It doesn't have to be "here" here. You can live anywhere.

You don't even have to stay in Beach City if you don't want to.

Ooh, y-you could live in Surf City or Sea City, Aqua Town, Bayburg, and that's just the places I

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know of off the top of my head!

I can show you around. Really?

Yeah. We can find you a new place to live.

I really only know the tri-state area, but my phone's got a global positioning system.

Oh, uh... okay. Let's go look.

Ready, Freddy? My name's Lapis.

You okay like this? Mm-hmm.

Uhhhh! Uhhhh!



So, how about this? You could live out here in the country!

No noise, no rules.

It'd just be you becoming one with nature.


Why would I want to do that? It's fun!

If you lived in these trees, you could build a giant bird's nest and have squirrels for pets.

You could eat acorn pie every night, and when it gets hot or it rains, you'd be protected by these

nice leaves. Leaves?

Lapis, look at this!

This leaf turned orange.

That means the seasons are changing from Summer to Fall.

Soon, it's gonna happen to all the leaves on all the trees.


So, what do you think? Oh. I'm not sure.

That's okay.

There's plenty of places we haven't been yet.

Come on. What's this?

This must be Empire City! Isn't it cool?

It's very... bright. Yeah, that's why they say, "what happens in Empire City never sleeps"!

So, what does happen in Empire City? Well, let's see... if you lived here, you could get a cool

apartment and be a single gem taking on the big city.

You'd have a fun job at a local coffee shop and come home to a wacky roommate.

I have no idea what you're talking about.


Hey, what's that shadowy place over there?

Oh, that's Jersey.

Is it populated by machines?

No, those are cars. They make a lot of smog, though.

Y-You'd like it in Jersey.

The people here seem to hate the Earth, too.

Quit flyin' in our sky, ya mooks!

Wow. Lapis, it's so beautiful up here!

Eh, it's all right. I guess I can see why you like it.

Hold on!


Check it out! Whoo-hoo!

Hey, we made it out all the way over the ocean!

I wonder how far out we are.

Oh, cool. The galaxy warp!

Um, Lapis? I'm slipping a little there, bud.

Lapis. Lapis, I'm slipping! I'm gonna ...

Uh, sorry! I'm sorry.

This is where I was abandoned. What happened?

Whoa. It's like a mirror.

It was thousands of years ago.

I was only meant to visit for a short time, but I got caught... in the middle of a w*r.

It was awful. I tried to run, but...

...I was picked up by a Homeworld soldier and confused for a Crystal Gem... and used as a tool.

They'd ask me, "show us your base. Where is your leader?"

I didn't know, and I couldn't say, " I'm not one of them."

It soon became clear that there was no hope in stopping the rebellion.

All of the Homeworld gems fled.

In all the panic of escaping Earth, I was left behind.

And there I stayed.

Freedom in my sight, but out of reach for ages.

Until I was found.

Are you okay? I'll... be fine.

Let me take you back.

Are you sure you don't want to take a minute?

It's fine. I just want to get out of here.


For a moment, I really felt like things were different.

But they're not. No matter where I go, I'm trapped.

But you're not.

You're not underwater, you're not in a mirror.

This time, you're free! But I'm still on Earth.

Yeah, but nothing is still on Earth.

Everything's always changing.

The leaves... the cities... even Jersey changes.

My dad says the rest stops used to be pretty gross, but now they have sushi!

This isn't the same world that held you prisoner ... not anymore, and I know it doesn't feel like

home, but maybe that can change, too.

I know you can't go back to Homeworld, but if you stay here... it'll be your choice to stay here.

It's funny.

For all the time I spent on Earth, I barely saw any of it.

That's not funny. That's super sad.

I... I want to see it. Yeah?

I want to stay here. Here? Like, "here" here?

Yeah, here here! Yes, hear, hear, everybody!

What are we talking about? You?!

Lazuli, nice to see you up and about.

What are you doing here?!

This is my new home away from Homeworld!

No, it's not! It's mine!

Right, Steven? Uh... Oh, boy
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