06x24 - The Trial (1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x24 - The Trial (1)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hello, darling.

You able to get in touch
with that man?

- He's in the library, waiting for you.
- Good, thank you, darling.

I told him it was urgent.

That you'd called ahead
and expected him to be here.

- How was the wedding?
- It was beautiful.

I'll tell you all about it
in a couple of minutes.

I've missed you.

I'll be waiting for you upstairs.

- Ah, Mr. Carrington.
- Mr. Hall.

Did you have any luck?
Were you able to find her?

Well, it's not quite that easy.

I know, it's not that easy.
That's why I hired you.

You're one of the best private
investigators in town, aren't you?

But I am not a magician,
Mr. Carrington.

You want to track down
a woman whose name we don't know

and who hasn't been seen
in well over years.

Yes, that's what I want you to do.
That's what you get paid to do.

But we don't even know
if she's still in Denver, sir.


Well, look,
if you don't think you can find her,

you tell me right now
and I'll get someone who can.

I'll find her.

I just need some more time.

Mr. Hall, you don't seem to
understand, we don't have more time.

Now, that judge is gonna come in
with a verdict in two days.

Unless we can find the woman
that was with my brother that day,

I'm gonna lose.

I do understand, sir.
And I am doing everyhing I can.

- All right, what about the other one?
- You mean, Franklin?

the drunk who testified against me.

We don't have an address yet,
but we're still searching.

All right.
Now, you check every flop-house.

Every saloon
and every shelter in Denver.

- And you find him.
- Yes, sir.

When you look into the flames, Alexis,
what do you see?

Blake at the stake.

I see victory rising from the ashes.

Sweet, hot victory.

Oh, to victory.

- To $ million.
- Mm.

What are you gonna do
with that money, Ben?

Well, I think I could get used
to living like this.

- A penthouse, valet, chauffeur.
- Hmm. What about me?

How about a tiny token
of your appreciation for me?

After all, I made it all happen.

And you have my undying gratitude.

And how about your abject apology?

- For what?
- For ever doubting me.

I told you that you could trust me,
and I proved that I was right.

Trust you?

The same woman
who lied on that witness stand?

I'd rather trust a rattlesnake,
at least they give you warning.


I lied for you, Ben.

And just remember, if it weren't for me,
you'd be in the Australian outback.

Cold and broke.


Are you all right?

I couldn't sleep.
I keep thinking about that hearing.

I just can't seem
to get it out of my mind.

I'm sorry, darling.

That's terrible.

Can I get you something?
Some hot tea?

No, thank you.

- You told the truth on that stand.
- Yeah, and they didn't believe me.


Darling, you know if we lose this case,
it could be devastating.

Not just financially but...

It could severely damage my name,
my family.

We've only got two days.

Just two days left to break through
that web of lies that they put together.

Everyhing I've fought for all my life,

it could be all gone in two day's time.

Blake, Ben said that you were
with that woman the day of the fire.

No, that's another lie. It was Ben.

I know that,
and you know that, but...

So does that woman he was with.

- You've got to find that woman.
- I'll find her.

If it takes the rest of my life,
I'll find her.

I can't believe they'd do this to you.

You're the best candidate they've got.

- You're bright, you're creative.
- Gay.

- That should have nothing to do with it.
- But it does.

You know the truth, Steven?

- I'm glad it happened.
- Bart, what are you talking about?

Did you accept any kickbacks?
Ever commit a felony?

- You know better than that.
- So do they.

I know you, I know the kind
of job you could do for this state.

Take a look at me, Steven.
What do you see?

- A friend.
- Wanna know what I see?

If none of this had ever come out,
if I'd stayed here, run for the senate?

A carbon copy of my father.

- Well, now I can be my own man.
- And at what cost?

Not only to you,
but to your whole family.

I'm gonna get back at Adam for this.

I own him a favour, Steven.

Don't you see
that I've been living a lie?

I've been hiding
behind one excuse after another.

If I'd stayed here
and run for the senate,

been elected, I'd still be hiding.

Forget about Adam's motives.
Look at the result, I am a free man.

And I've never been happier
in my life.

I've been offered a job at
the Environmental Protection Agency.

- Are you gonna take it?
- Well, it's the kind of work I believe in.

I'm getting used to uphill battles,
and that will certainly be one, huh?

- When are you leaving?
- As soon as I finish packing.

- Come with me?
- No, no, Bart, I can't.

- Oh, family?
- Yeah, family.

Also this is where I belong.

I understand.

What the hell are you doing here?

- We've gotta talk.
- Well, of course we have.

That awful fog grounded me.

So you must tell me
all about Fallon's wedding.

Fallon will send you the pictures.
I'm not here to discuss the wedding.

I wanna know who that woman is.

- And where she is.
- Woman? What woman?

The woman who was with my brother
the day my mother d*ed.

Look, Blake, the hearing is over.
You lost.

Now, I've missed
my daughter's wedding.

Since you're here,
you might as well tell me about it.

You will do anything, won't you?

You'll even use your
daughter's wedding to avoid the truth.

Frankly, I'll do anything
to avoid dealing with you.

All right,
you wanna fight on that level? Fine.

Two weeks ago you were a woman
begging me to take you back.

Begging? I have never begged
for anything or anyone in my life.

You sat on that couch,
champagne glass in hand,

sincerely confessing
your undying love.

I have never heard
of anything so absurd.

Either tell about
my daughter's wedding or leave,

because you bore me.

It must be very confusing for you.

Trying to separate
the truth from your lies.

Now which was the lie?
Two weeks ago in this office?

Or on the stand in that courtroom
when you perjured yourself?

Or were they both lies?

If I lied, you taught me how to do it.

You made some vows to me once.

To love, honour
and cherish me till death do us part.

Well, you lied to me then,
so consider us even.

And you're doing all this,
perjuring yourself under oath,

risking everyhing you have,

because I wouldn't fall back
into your clutches, is that it?

Alexis, I stopped loving you
a lifetime ago.

And no matter
how many times you lie,

nothing is ever going to change that.

And I stopped loving you too.

You threw me out of your life
and my children's lives.

You left me for dead.

Well, I'm back now.

And I don't care how long it takes,
or what it takes.

I shall ruin you.


- Yes?
MAN: Call for Mr. Carrington.

And I don't run
an answering service.

- Yes?
- Mr. Carrington.

I've got news about Franklin.

- Oh? What?
- We found him.

- And he wants to talk to you.
- Uh, where?

Meet you at your office,
take you to him.

Good. I'll see you then.

Good news?

No. You were saying
something about, uh, ruining me?

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
I'm gonna have to disappoint you.


Mr. Carrington.

- Where'd you find him?
- A cheap hotel downtown.

- He's waiting there.
- Fine, let's go.

Mr. Carrington, uh,
Senator Fallmont's in your office.

He's been waiting
for more than half an hour.


- Could be important. Be right with you.
- Okay.

Hello, Buck.

Oh, Blake.

Look, I know you're busy out there--

Oh, no, no, no.
I've got a few minutes.

Sit down, won't you?

Well, how's it going, Buck?

Well, pretty good.

I was just sitting here thinking,

Blake Carrington and Buck Fallmont
never had anything in common.

Except their antagonism.


- Yes, but we do have now, don't we?
- Our sons.

I just don't know what to do.

Bart is leaving,

turning his back
on all the dreams that we had for him.

I see nothing gay
in the life he's going to lead, but...

Maybe not, but it is his life, isn't it?

I just can't let him go.

Yeah, but you can't stop him either,

because if you do,
you're gonna lose him.

Ah. Believe me, I have been there.

But the plans that we had for him,

they didn't stop at the senate,
you know that.

Did you ever sit down and ask him
what he thought about those plans?


He never objected, ever. Not once.

Well, maybe he was afraid.

So, what do I do?

Sit back
and watch him throw away his future?

Bart's a strong young man.
I think he's going to be just fine.

I do too.

Actually, it's Emily I'm worried about.
She's just devastated about all this.

You know, I remember when l
first was elected to the state house,

I had to move to Denver.

Emily stayed behind with the boys
in Colorado Springs.

- You know, I think that was--
- No, no, wait.

I believe Emily's gonna have to face
the fact that they're no longer boys.

They're grown men.

They're gonna have
to make their own decisions,

and their own mistakes.

Just the way my sons do.

Look, uh, you get back to your people.

I just, uh--

Well, I just wanted to thank you
for the talk. It, well, it helps.

Any time you wanna talk, Buck,
I'm here.

do you realise what you've done?

Hold that for me, please?
What are you talking about?

- I'm talking about Bart Fallmont.
- Oh. Your intimate friend.

You destroyed his career.
He could have been a great senator.

Ha, ha. Shades of Camelot?

Steven, Camelot's a dream.
I deal in reality.

The reality is I got a pipeline
through Colorado, that was my job.

No matter who you trample on
to get it?

When you grow up, you'll realise
the pipeline was worth it. Excuse me.

Thank you.


- Hello, Franklin.
- Mr. Carrington, come in, please.

I'd ask you to sit down,
but nothing's too clean here.

Well, we're not here to sit and chat,
we wanna hear one thing from you.

Why didn't you tell the truth
in that courtroom?

When you're a drunk, Mr. Carrington,
truth only comes out of a bottle.

And then it's usually paid for
by somebody else.

So you were paid to lie.
I suspected that.

Mr. Carrington,
I'm a family man like you.

Except the only thing
I ever gave my family was trouble.

I thought I'd make up for it by...

But the money all went on booze.
They never saw a dime of it.

Are you telling me you want me
to pay you to tell the truth?

Oh, no. No, Mr. Carrington.

Look around you, there's no bottles.

I've been sober for two days,
and this time I'm gonna stay sober.

By God, for once in my life,
I'm gonna tell the truth.

You just tell me when and where.

All right, Mr. Franklin.
That's what I wanted to hear.

All right, now,
"when" is two days from now,

"where" is the county courthouse.

There are gonna be people
in that courtroom

that are gonna be in for one hell
of a surprise.

Oh, for God's sake, Mother,
I'm not accusing you of anything.

I'm asking you.

Forget the courtroom.
This is between you and me.

Is what you said about Dad true,
or not?

Everyhing I said was true.

Your father was my first lover.
We were engaged.

- And the rest?
- Look, Steven.

I know that you do love Blake,
after all he is your father.

What about me?

What about the loyalty and respect
that you owe me?

- That's not the point.
- Oh, but I think it is the point.

Tell me something,
have you gone to Blake?

- You asked him to tell you the truth?
- I will.

And then what? You'll have to choose
between us, won't you?

And that's going to be difficult for you,
you are on his board of directors.

I didn't ask to be in this position.

Mother, it's not that I don't love you,
I do love you.

And I love you too, Steven.

But I wonder if you wouldn't prefer me
to be the sort of mother

who bakes brownies,
and sets the table.

And greeted her family with,
"Have you had a nice day?"

That's not what I'm talking about.

Well, I've never been that kind of wife,
or that kind of mother.

And if you really love me, Steven,

then you accept me
for who and what I am.

You will give me
the same kind of love and respect

that you give your father,
is that clear?



- Hello?
- Mother, it's me.

Jackie? Where are you?

I just wanted to let you know
that I'm all right.

- I want you to come home.
- Don't start again, Mother.


What do you want me to do?

The last time you called,

you hung up before
I could find out where you were.

All I am asking is that you come home
and then we can talk about it.

About what?

We talked about my father for years,
and it was all lies.

If I come home again,
it will just be more of the same.

- No, I promise it won't.
- Don't promise me anything, Mother.

I just-- I need time
to sort things out for myself.

- But we can do that together.
- I can't.

I insist that you tell me where you are.

I'm sorry.

Jackie. Oh, we can talk, Jackie.


How did you get in here?

Your secretary
was away from his desk.

Will you have him taken out
and beheaded?

Oh, you better leave
before I have you thrown out.

Throw out your own sister?

I told you, Cassie,

I don't wanna see you,
or have anything more to do with you.

Oh, but I've missed you, Alexis.

And we have so much to talk about.

Now that I own that atrocious piece
of fiction that you wrote,

we have nothing to talk about.

Yes, you may own my manuscript
of Sister Dearest,

but it's your piece of fiction
I want to talk about, darling.

Your testimony on the stand.

You weren't with Blake
the day of the fire.

And how would you know that?

Because I've gone back in my diaries
and checked the dates, darling.

You were with me.

We spent the entire day shopping
in Chicago at Marshall Field.


In fact, we didn't find out about the fire
until we flew back to Denver that night.

So, you see, I can still hurt you
unless you play the game my way.

Well, it's something to think about,
isn't it?


Damn it, Ben. Where are you?

We've got a mile and a half behind us
of flat ground, no complications.

Now, the foothills. We'll hit granite.

- Do you agree?
- Yeah.

I agree, you'll hit granite.

Clay, you know expl*sives,
you know the environment.

I need a hole, I don't need a cave-in.
I need you.

- You're offering me a job, Dex?
- Well, you're the man for it.

Freezing my tail off in the winter,

frying in the summer
to slip a pipeline through the Rockies...

Not exactly my idea of a good time.

- So, uh, how's the leg?
- Better.

I threw away that cane.

It's not all that much better yet, is it?

What are you gonna do, Clay,
sit at home?

- Watching quiz shows?
- Ha, ha.

Look, I need someone I can trust.
How about it?

All right.


On one condition.

When it comes to the expl*sives,
I make the decisions.

On one other condition.

Anything you do, you let me know first,
otherwise it's your ballgame.

Well, when you put it that way,
how can I refuse?

You can't. We got a deal?

- Deal.
- All right.

Look, I gotta get back to the site.
I've got some pipe coming in.

- We'll talk later.
- Right.

Thanks for lunch, boss.

No problem. Next time brown-bag it.

Thank you.


Dex, I'd much prefer to be alone.


I, uh...

I thought that we might talk, okay?

Well, actually I think it's a bit late.

- Oh, it's really never too late.
- It is now.

Amanda, whatever you might think,
I'm still your friend.

- I care.
- Like you used to care, right?

Leave me alone, Dex.

I couldn't help overhearing, Amanda.

- You were pretty rough on him.
- That is really none of your business.

In fact,
what I do is nobody's business.

I'm a good listener.

As I've got absolutely nothing
to say to you,

what difference
could that possibly make?

Why don't you give me
a chance someday, Amanda.

You might be surprised
at the difference I could make.

You've come to offer your sympathy?
For what?

I know you and l
have had our differences--

Oh, come on,
we've had more than differences.

Please, this isn't easy for me.

I've come to apologise
for what happened in the courtroom.

Well, I'm sure my father
will be glad to hear that.

- Is that why you're here?
- I don't wanna see you hurt.

And I don't wanna see
Blake hurt either.

You could have fooled me, Claudia.
You did a real hatchet job on him.

I was subpoenaed to testify,
just they way you were.

And Ben's lawyer twisted my words,
just like he twisted yours.

With one difference.

I hated saying what I had to say.
You were chomping at the bit.

I don't believe this sympathy.

So unless you've got something else
to say, I've got work to do.

You think I'm your enemy,
don't you?

Well, I'm not.

You and I have something in common.

He leaked that story to the press
about Bart Fallmont.

I know he did, it's just like him.

And Bart's not the only one
that he hurt, he hurt me too.

And he's gonna go after you
unless we stop him.

- We?
- Adam is up to something big.

And it's gonna take more than us
to stop him.

Claudia, it sounds like you've learned
a great deal from Adam.

Oh, Steven.

I'm gonna deal with him my way.

Well, fine.

But with or without your help,

I'm gonna see that he pays
for what he's done to me.

And I suggest that neither you, nor any
of the other Carringtons try to stop me.

- Hawkins.
- Yeah?

Hey, what are you doing here?
I thought you got fired.

- Dexter hire you back on?
- No.

I came to pick up something
I left behind.

Oh, well, see you around.

- Dexter.
- Oh, Blake, checking up on me?

Oh, I always like to keep an eye
on my business operations.

I understand
that you've hired Clay Fallmont.

News does travel fast.
Any objections?

No, no, no, from what I hear he's
the best demolitions man in the state.

Yes, he is. He got out to the site
a couple of hours ago.

Look, Blake, just in case
you hear some other news.

Yes, I did see Amanda.

At La Mirage. Had a brief encounter.

BLAKE: I believe we can safely put
all that behind us for the moment.

It's a good idea
for you to move out here.


Let's take a look at your drawing.

- Clay's out at that hill site.
- Dex.



- Are you all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

Why the devil didn't you get
this load checked when it came in?

I checked everyhing.

Look, Blake, I owe you one. Thanks.

You're late.

I wasn't expecting company.

- What are you doing here?
- I'm waiting for you.

I thought
I'd make myself comfortable.

Why don't you come here
and join me.

I feel safer where I am, thank you.

Now, Adam, when did you ever worry
about being safe?

Come here.

- What's on your mind, Claudia?
- I've missed you.

I'm sorry I've moved out.

And I wanna make it up to you.

- What do you want?
- Oh, Adam, I think that's obvious.

I'm your wife, and I want you.

You're my wife who moved out,
who is now living at La Mirage.

- You're right, it was a bad idea.
- And I thrive on bad ideas, Claudia.

You just don't happen
to be one of them anymore.

I'm gonna get myself a drink.

And when I get back,
I don't wanna see you here.


I wanna congratulate Crenshaw.

The hearing isn't exactly over yet.
Aren't you being a little premature?

Ben, faint hearts never won.
And I seldom lose.

- Mr. Crenshaw.
- Ah. Mrs. Colby.

This is the day
we've been waiting for.

Yes, it is. It certainly is.

I just want to tell you you've done
an absolutely brilliant job.

Well, thank you very much.

As they told me in law school,

in cases like this, you have to have
a little confidence, assurance.

And no reluctance whatsoever
to go for the jugular.

Then you just watch your step

as the witnesses expire
around you one by one.

ALEXlS: Ha, ha.
- You learned your lesson well.

You've probably heard this before,
Mrs. Colby.

But, uh, you have, um--
How shall I put it?

- A very beguiling smile.
- Thank you.

I hope it doesn't leave your lovely face
when Colbyco gets my bill.

Oh, no, I shall smile all day
and probably for the rest of the week.

We'd better get inside.

What the hell are you doing here?

Just curiosity, darling. That's all.

Don't forget what it did to the cat.


I have no comment. I'm sorry, l--

Darling, why don't you go inside.
I'll be with you in a moment.

- Blake--
- No, no, no, go on.

Ben, if I were you, I'd ask Alexis
to buy me a ticket back to Australia.

Blake, I don't think even you can buy
your way out of this one.

I won't have to.

By the way, Alexis.

What is the penalty for perjury?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I have reopened this case
to allow additional testimony.

Decision will be rendered following
the close of all testimony.

- Mrs. Davis?
- Yes, Your Honour.

The defence recalls Mr. Franklin
to the stand.

Objection, Your Honour.

Overruled, Mr. Crenshaw.
Let's get on with this.


Mr. Franklin, I remind you
you're still under oath.

You testified
that it was Ben Carrington

who was in the field
with you on the day of the fire.

Now, do you wish
to change that testimony?

Mr. Franklin?

Uh, me and...

Me and Marie
had only been married six months.

You make promises, you know?

Mr. Franklin.

On the day of the fire--

I've never loved nobody
like I loved that woman.

The question to you,
Mr. Franklin, is--

She was the only one
who ever had any faith in me.

All last night I kept thinking
how I failed her.

Mr. Franklin.

Marie really loved me.
I loved Marie so.

She-- She says she still loves me.


I love her.

I apologise, Your Honour.

Remove this witness.

Marie really loves me.


- She--
- Come with me, sir.

Mrs. Davis,
how dare you waste this court's time

by bringing a witness in this condition
into this courtroom.

Your Honour, I had no idea.
If you would grant us a continuance.

I have reached a decision.

This court
has heard conflicting testimony

from plaintiff and defendant.

Not only in regard
to the circumstances

Ellen Carrington's tragic death.

But as to the relationship
of each son to his father.

Did Blake Carrington exert
undue influence on Tom Carrington?

Resulting in the deceased excluding
his younger son from his estate?

Did Blake Carrington lie to his father
concerning Ellen Carrington's death

for the sole purpose of evading
his own responsibility in that death?

And to further enhance
the estrangement

between Ben Carrington
and his father?

In this court's opinion, the evidence
supports the conclusion that he did.

It is the judgement of this court
that Benjamin Carrington

be awarded one-fourth
of his father's estate.

This court is adjourned.


I'm sorry.

It is not over, Blake.
We can't let Alexis get away with this.

How does it feel
to be a multimillionaire?

BEN: Pretty good.
- Ha, ha.

And as for you,
you were worth every penny.

At these prices, I should hope so.


Blake, make it a cashier's cheque,
will you?

We wouldn't want it to bounce.

God, how I hate that woman.

REPORTER: How are you gonna
spend your money?

- Got any ideas?
- You going to help him, Mrs. Colby?

Oh, it isn't the money that's important.
It's the fact that justice has been done.

How do you feel about the other
woman? Still believe your husband?

- Are you gonna appeal?
- You're damn right I'm gonna appeal.

There's a woman
out there somewhere

who knows exactly
where Ben Carrington was that day.

And I'm going to find her.

Hello, Emily.

This was a bad idea.

You were the one
who insisted we meet.

I'm talking about the trial.

I heard the news
on the radio this morning.

I kept hoping you'd drop the charges,
work it out between you and Blake.

But you didn't.

And then I kept praying
the decision would be different.

- That the judge wouldn't believe you.
- Well, he did, Emily.

One hundred
and million dollars worth.

And a man's life.

His reputation.

Blake doesn't deserve this.

And I've got to tell the truth.

We were the ones
that were having the affair.

You were with me
the day your mother d*ed.

Now, what will you do, Emily?

Call the papers, grant an interview?

Tell the world
that Buck Fallmont's young wife

was sleeping with Ben Carrington?

That even though you knew the truth,
you allowed the hearing to go on?

I'll say what I have to.

Good for you.

Then-- Then what will you say
to your husband?

- Your sons?
- Ben, please.

How much more do you think
your family can take, Emily?

Well, Bart's already lost out

in any political career
he might have dreamed of.

Buck's holding onto his
with his fingernails.

Do you think your family
can stand another scandal?

But what about Blake?
What we're doing to him?


Emily, if you tell the truth about
what happened between us,

you'll not only ruin your reputation,
but maybe your marriage as well.

is Blake Carrington worth that?

Here's to the sweet smell
of success.

Feel it, taste it.
Nothing tastes as sweet.

- Mm.
- Ha, ha.

What do you suppose
Blake is drinking now?

Oh, hemlock.

Forget about Blake.

Let's talk about you. The public you.

- I have great plans for you, Ben.
- Alexis.

I've been waiting years
for this moment.

Let me savour it without worrying
about what comes next.

Oh, well, that's just the point.
You don't have to worry anymore.

I've got people for you to meet.

Right now there's a tract
of land outside of Denver, acres.

- We could make a bid.
- Whoa.

Hold on a minute.

One of the sweet things about success
is the freedom that comes with it.

I'll make my own choices,
even if it means leaving Denver.

Heh. Leaving Denver?

Where would you go?

You can't go back to that dust bowl
in Australia you came from.

I can, if I choose to.

I was my own man
before you rescued me, Alexis.

I'm still my own man,
and I don't need directions from you.

Blake stole a big chunk of my life.

I can't get it back, but I can sure make
the next chunk miserable for him.

I'm gonna build myself an empire,

And then use it to destroy Blake.

We'll do that together.

But first we'll destroy everyhing
that he's created in his entire life.

I'll drink to that,
again and again and again.

Don, this has to be checked
as soon as possible.

Cancel the New York trip.
I want you available around the clock.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

Oh, incidentally, this is to be kept
absolutely confidential.

- Is that clear?
WOMAN: Yes, sir.

I want those figures
on my desk within the hour.

And clear your calendar.
This is top priority.

MAN: I'll get right on it.
- What is going on?


- Get me Johnson at Denver Federal.
- Yes, sir.

Please tell me what's happening.

Adam, never go into battle without
knowing your enemy's strengths.

- And weaknesses.
- What enemy?

Audrey, give that to Bennett
up on the tenth floor.

Tell him I want a response tonight.

Right. Oh, I've got those figures
on Colbyco's Alaska field.

- Good, we'll go over them later.
- Thank you, Mr. Carrington.

- Len, check with me in the morning.
- What's all this about Colbyco?

Well, the prob--


Yes, Barbara?

I have Mr. Graham
from the far east division.

Good. Put him on.

I want you to prepare two charts.

And I want them on my desk
first thing in the morning.

The first one is Denver-Carrington's
holdings, subsidiaries, divisions.



The other chart is Colbyco's

I want the same thing.

And I want comparisons and estimates
on future development.

Good. Thank you.

Adam, I want you
to personally prepare a report

on all of Colbyco's shareholders.

- Every one?
- Down to the last dime.

I wanna know exactly
how many shares are held by Alexis.

I want a breakdown
on every shareholder,

whether he holds one share

- or a thousand.
- Right.

And I want a list of all
of Colbyco's outstanding loans,

assets and liabilities.

And projected revenues
for the fiscal year.

- Their annual report isn't out yet.
- Get it.

Yes, sir, but I should know
why we're doing this.

We're talking about survival.
Survival of the fittest.

In nature,
you pick the weakest of the herd,

you circle until you're sure,
keep them nervous.

- And then you att*ck.
- Colbyco?

Father, Denver-Carrington
can't compete with them.

They're bigger,
they have more resources.

Somewhere they have a weak spot.
And we've gotta find it.

Is this all about Colbyco,
or about Mother?

Adam, there isn't room enough
anywhere for that woman and me.

And I'm gonna destroy her.

It's what she's been asking for.

And damn it,
that's what she's gonna get.
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