06x10 - The Close Call

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x10 - The Close Call

Post by bunniefuu »



Help me!

Somebody, help me!


Mrs. Carrington,
there is nobody around to hear you.

And I've told you that.

Where's Sammy Jo? Where is she?

- Get some sleep.
- I can't sleep.

It's : in the morning.

Now, I have got to get my rest

because I have
a very important day tomorrow.

Stay away from me.

Have a heart, we're in this together.

I'm trying everyhing I can to make it
easy and comfortable on you.


I'm trapped here.

And you're concerned
about my being comfortable?

Of course I am.

It'd be so much easier for both of us

if you would just try to relax
and sleep!

How can I when I know that
that woman

is with my husband and my child?

Hello, this is Blake Carrington.

Would you be kind enough to ring me
through to Dr. Tyler's home, please?

Thank you.

Sid? Blake.

I'm so sorry to bother you
at this hour of the night.


I sound troubled because I am.

No, it's Krystle.

Well, she's asleep now,
but something is wrong.

No, it's got nothing to do
with the symptoms.

I just was hoping
that you could see her.

Yes, tomorrow.

Tomorrow afternoon? Good.

All right, I'll tell her that. Thank you.

Thank you. Good night, Sid.

Darling, aren't you hungry?


Oh, um... No, I don't have
much of an appetite this morning.

That settles it then.

I've made an appointment for you
to see Sid Tyler.

- Sid...?
- Mm-hm.

Dr. Tyler, I called him last night.

Last night?

Blake, I think you should have
talked to me about it first.

Krystle, there's something wrong.

I don't know what it is,
but we're going to find out.

I'm not going to take no
for an answer.

But I feel much better.

Whatever it was, I'm sure
it's completely out of my system.

I am not gonna take any chances.

Where your health is concerned,

I am not going to second-guess
and neither are you.

But I saw Dr. Travers,

and he told you
it was a low-grade infection

and it would take time to clear up.

Krystle, you are too important to me
and to this whole family

for us not to get a second opinion.

Now, you have that appointment
this afternoon.

I'm gonna go with you.

- But, Blake--
- No, no, it's settled.

Thank you, I'll let you know.

Who was that?

I've been interviewing nurses.

To take care of Galen, right?

Yes, he's going to need someone
while he's here.


In addition to the king living with us,
we'll have a staff of nurses.

Tell me, Alexis,
who else will I have to move over for?

It's only temporary,
just until he's better.

Besides, it'll be worth
the inconvenience.

Our hospitality is going to be
worth billions to us.

That's "billions" with a B.

Our hospitality? Heh.

You never asked me, Alexis.

You simply told me
that Galen was moving in.

I don't feel very hospitable,

and I don't give a damn
about the money.

Who's talking about money?

We are talking
about billions of dollars, Dex.

Look, once Galen regains his throne,

he is going to make Colbyco Bank
the international tax haven in Moldavia.

So in exchange for providing him
with a bed and a nurse,

Galen is gonna deposit his country's
currency in your bank?

Yes, and what's more,

we are going to be the only
international bank in Moldavia,

the only one.

Well, you'll finally have
what you've always wanted,

your own kingdom.


Why do I need a kingdom
when I already have an empire?


Can't you see that I'm doing this
for both of us?

Alexis, what I see is a woman

who will stop at nothing
to have everyhing.

I've never deceived you.

I've worked hard
for what I've achieved.

And even harder to hold onto it.

And because I'm a woman,
I've had to fight every step of the way.

Now when I walk into a room,
men stand.

Not because I'm a lady,

but because they know
that the best has entered.

And I'm not going to apologise
for that.

I'm not asking you to.

All I'm asking is that you look
at your king with both eyes open.

He's using you.

Using me?

He is offering us a fortune
to end all fortunes.

But at what price?

You've already risked your life
for the man.

How much more of you
is he gonna demand?

Alexis, we have everyhing
we could possibly want.

Why this hunger for more?
Always more.

Because this is
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And I have no intention of letting it slip
through my fingers

because of you or anyone else.

- What's going on here?
- I'm building a ramp for Galen.

Oh, please be careful.
That's a ninth century Ming.

Mr. Dexter.

I haven't yet had a chance
to thank you for saving my life.

Your Majesty.

I only wish this were Moldavia,
and I its king again.

You would receive our highest honour,
our richest reward.

Well, I'm just glad
that we all got back safely.

Life is reward enough for me.

You're a special man, Mr. Dexter.

With a very special wife,
Your Majesty.

And I must tell you,

I will protect her with my life
if I have to.


What? From me, Mr. Dexter?

From your plans
to retake your country.

And from your offer

to provide a safe place
for the Colbyco Bank in Moldavia.

Ah, but it is all possible.

At what cost?
How many more lives?

Mr. Dexter, I assure you,

I will have Moldavia
under my control again.

And when I do,
my offer to your wife will stand.

She will become one of the richest,
most powerful women in the world.

And as her husband,
you will share it with her.


Alexis and I share our love.

And that alone
makes me a rich man.

One thing we don't share
is her unswerving loyalty to you.

Why are you so suspicious,
Mr. Dexter?

My guess is
that is how you have survived

so many close calls with death.

And mine is that you're using
Alexis and her money

to help you regain your throne.

I wonder what will happen
when you really get what you want.

Honestly, Blake, I really feel
much better. Better every day.

I'm glad, darling, but we do want to find
out what caused these headaches.

- But, Blake--
- Relax, Mrs. Carrington.

I'll run a whole battery of tests
on you,

and if anything is wrong,
believe me, I'll find it.

You offered Alexis what?

The chance to make another fortune,
Michael, a banking fortune.

But, Father, once you regain
the throne, what about parliament?

You're offering a deal without
consulting them or the cabinet.

That's exactly what could lead
to another revolt.

Michael, Moldavia is in the hands
of cutthroats.

If we are to get our country back,
we need money.

Money to buy arms.
Money to buy loyalty.

But that's exactly why I've been
in touch with the underground.

Father, I promise you,
Moldavia will be free again.

Promises are not enough.
We need Alexis and her fortune.

Once I am on the throne again,

if this banking business
does not prove feasible,

that is the price we shall have to pay.

But we won't have to pay for it.
Alexis will.

I've made my decision, Michael.
Are you questioning my authority?

No, no, of course not.


Now, listen to me. Listen to me.

You have been blessed
with a very fortunate marriage.

I know.

I love Amanda more than my life.

Michael, love is secondary.

Never forget that.

Your first priority, your only priority,
is to your country.

And your marriage was arranged
to strengthen our position.

I married Amanda
because I loved her.

You married her
because I deemed it proper.

Now, do not let anyone or anything
disrupt your marriage.

The girl and her mother
can be very useful to us.

But they are to know nothing,
nothing of our plans, hmm?

Father, that girl, as you call her,
happens to be my wife.

And her mother risked her life
to save yours.

You will follow my instructions,

They are to know nothing.
Is that clear?

Adam, Walter Lankershim
left me that oil well in his will.

- He did not leave it to Blake.
- I'm not arguing that point.

Well, then listen to me.

Blake is insisting
that Denver-Carrington owns that well.

But I spoke to the lawyer
who drew up the will.

He's in Oklahoma. I think you and l
should fly there and talk to him.

- About what?
- Filing charges.

Against my father?
That is the last thing we should do.

Adam, that well belongs to me,
not to Blake.

I don't understand
why you're taking his side.

I'm on our side.

Are you willing to settle for a lawsuit

that you might lose against Blake
for control of a single well?

We could have the whole pie.

Oh, damn it, Adam,
I am tired of begging for everyhing.

This well is my chance.

Claudia, if we're going to get
what we deserve,

we cannot antagonise Blake.

If he suspects anything,
we could lose it all.

I'll get your well back for you,
but my way.

With reason, not anger. All right?

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington,
phone call for you.

Thank you.

- Yes?
WOMAN: Mr. Carrington?

Your father would like to see you
in his office as soon as possible.

I'll be there in ten minutes.

Don't worry.

I'll talk to Blake
and you'll get your well back.

I've been waiting for your report.

On the pipeline?

Yes, and what do you suggest we do

to b*at that temporary
restraining order.

I'm gathering that information now,

but I have discovered
who's behind the order.

- Bart Fallmont.
- Senator Fallmont's son?


Colorado's latest boy wonder.
Somehow I'm not surprised.

Both he and the senator
are opposed to the pipeline.

Yeah, and they'll take advantage
of that issue.

Well, Adam, you got your work
cut out for you.

Young Bart is going to use that

as a springboard
for his own political ambitions.

He wants to be like his daddy
and his granddaddy before him.

Well, don't worry, Father.

Bart may have inherited
the senator's ambition,

but I've inherited your determination.

And I've never been more determined
to win a case.

Is there anything else?

Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.

I had some unpleasant words
with Claudia the other day.


She accused me
of stealing her inheritance.

Something I assure you I did not do.

I have spoken to her, Father.
It was all a misunderstanding.

I told her that well is legally
a part of Denver-Carrington now.

- She understood that?
- Perfectly.

She admitted she said some things
she didn't mean, but--

That was just the disappointment that
she wasn't going to get the inheritance.

Well, I understand her feelings,

but I'm glad
this is all straightened out.

Oh, it is. Don't worry.

She won't cause any problem.

Good afternoon, Michael.

Hi, darling.

Damn it, you creep, why don't
you watch where you're going?

I'm sorry.

You and that car. I've got a good mind
to take it away from you.

Take your hands off that child.

Oh, I was just--

Oh, darling, take this present that
I bought you and go into the kitchen.

Mrs. Gunnerson will fix you
some milk and cookies.

Don't you ever swear at that child
or handle him like that again.

Now, you wait a minute.
This is my house.

Your house? You're merely
a temporary lodger here.

You may have fooled Blake
all this time,

but you've never, ever fooled me.

I don't have to stand here
and listen to your-- Your--

My what?

Oh, come, come, Krystle,
you can do better than that.

One thing I've always given you
credit for is your cleverness.

From stenographer to kept woman.

I happen to be the lady of this house.

You belong in a house, all right,
but not with ladies.

Now, you listen to me.

You may have clawed your way
into this family,

but if you ever touch that child again,
I'll see that you are declawed.

Is that clear?

I just can't wait for the day when
I see you walking out of this house

carrying the same
two cheap plastic suitcases

that you walked in here with.


Blake, I've got to talk to you.

Alexis, next time, will you please call
for an appointment, or at least have--?

I am not standing on ceremony
when it comes to Little Blake's safety.

What the devil
are you talking about anyway?

I just stopped your sainted wife
from physically abusing that child.

Are you talking about Krystle?

You only have one wife, don't you?
Now, I know that love is blind,

but, Blake, you better open your eyes
before she does serious harm to him.

Now, Krystle would never
harm anyone and you know it.

Blake, she is capable of anything.

Now, I know that she may have
fooled you and the rest of the family,

but by God,
she's never, ever fooled me.

All right, that's enough.

I'm not gonna sit here and allow you
to talk that way about my wife.

Then what will you allow?

Little Blake is terrified of her.
I saw the fear in his eyes.

Alexis, you have always seen
what you wanted to see.

Now, Krystle has not been well lately.
She has just not been herself.

Of course she's herself.
That's the real Krystle.

You have no idea what she's like
behind your back, Blake.

I saw her. I was at the mansion.
She swore at L.B.

She would have hit him
if I hadn't come in.

You don't believe me, do you?
You've never believed me.

Well, one thing I'll tell you.

Krystle is not and could never be

the kind of woman
that you think she is.

One day you'll realise that and then
you'll regret that you didn't listen to me.

What is this?

Michael, I thought
we were going out to dinner.

We are, darling.

But here in the Royal Suite.

No captain, no waiters,
no wine stewards.

Just your very own prince
at your command.

But I do feel
we're a little overdressed for dinner.

- Don't you?
- Oh, yes.


This is how it was supposed to be,
how it's going to be.

Well, as long as we're together,
no matter where we are,

all we have to do is close our eyes
and remember this moment.

When I think how close I came
to losing you...


Your skin is so smooth.

No, I'm supposed to say that to you.

Well, what's stopping you?


The first time I saw you,
I asked myself:

"ls he real or is he just a fantasy?"


You were both.

Oh, Michael, I wish we could
stay here forever,

Iocked in this room
in each other's arms.

Well, as the chairman of La Mirage,

I'll reserve this suite
on a permanent basis.

I mean, who knows?

From this room may come
the royal heir.


- No, I'm serious, Amanda.
- So soon?

Michael, I want to spend time with you
being lovers alone.

- I want to be with you night and day.
- Ha, ha.

That would be a little difficult,
don't you think?

Well, not if we were
to work here together.

Look, you can't work here
and raise a family at the same time.

Michael, I want a family too,
but not yet.

I mean, we've spent
so little time together.

- Can't the baby wait?
- We have obligations.

To each other.

Look, La Mirage was Fallon's dream,
and she really did wonders with it.

You and I together,

we could turn that hotel into something
the whole world would talk about.


Amanda, this hotel is not my career
and it's not our future.

- Well, then what is?
- My country.

Michael, I understand your love
for your father and for your country.

But right now, here,

this is where we belong
and this is where we have to live.

Moldavia must be my top priority.

And producing an heir for it
must be yours.

An heir to a throne that's gone?

How do you expect to get it back?

Look, I'm sorry, I just can't discuss this
with you right now.

You can't discuss your plans
with your wife?

Please, just trust me.

Is that another order?

"Trust me, Amanda, have my child,"

A son who can grow up
and give his wife orders?


- I didn't mean--
- Tonight was just a fantasy, Michael.

The real you still gives the orders.


I love you so much.

And I'll come home, I promise.

I'll come home.


Good morning.

I thought you'd still be sleeping.

I hope you slept well.

You're concerned
with my well-being?

I find that hard to believe.

Mrs. Carrington,
I have to keep you here.

But how you stay is up to you.

As long as I do
exactly what you say.

Others have followed
my directions before

and they've been better off for it.

I don't want to be better off.

I want to be back home
with my family.

And I'll be damned
if I'll ease your conscience

by pretending to be comfortable.

What a shame.

Here I thought you'd love
getting out of this room for a while.

You'd let me get out of here?

Mrs. Carrington,

how would you like to have
a nice long bath?

Lie back, feel the soft caress

of the hot water

soothe your body.

Would you like that?

- You'd let me do that?
- No conditions.

No demands.

Do you want that?

Come with me.

You'll enjoy this much more
if you forget about escaping.

The door is locked
and I'll be in here all the time.


You don't expect me
to leave you in here alone, do you?

And you expect me
to get undressed in front of you?

A lot of beautiful women

have gotten undressed
in front of me, Mrs. Carrington.

I don't care about your other women.

All right, if it'd make you feel better,
I'll just, uh,

turn around and face the corner.

I can't.

Then I'll just have to take you
back to your room.

- I don't wanna have to do that, but--
- No, don't. Please.

- But if you come near me, l--
- You'll what?

A steam is rising, it'd be a shame
to let it go to waste.

Isn't that better?

Thank you.

My pleasure.

Now I'm going to turn around slowly,
all right?

- You'll stay where you are.
- Promise.

My God.

You are a vision.

With just your eyes,
you could light up an entire screen.

You promised.

You're almost asking the impossible.

But don't worry, I gave you my word.

You know the problem
with movies today

is they've forgotten
how to seduce an audience.

To rely on shock and exploitation
is the lowest common denominator.

But with somebody like you,

your subtlety, refinement,

all the camera has to do

is just linger on you.

And you'd be a star.

I could make you a star.

You'd what?
You would make me a star?

It's just a figure of speech.

You're talking about movies
and cameras--

Forget what I said, huh?
You've only got a few minutes here.

What are you doing?

I'll be right outside.

I've got the key.

If you try anything,
you'll be very sorry.

Is that clear?


Claudia, have you seen Danny?

Yeah, he just left with Sammy Jo.
She took him to the ranch.

What? She's not allowed
to take him anywhere.

- How could you let her take him?
- Steven.

You have made it perfectly clear to me
that you and I are no longer friends.

I'm gonna drive out
to Delta Rho right now.

For God's sakes, Sammy Jo.

Danny, why don't you play outside
for a while?

Okay, bye.


Are you out of your mind,
bringing that kid in here?

These are Krystle's clothes.
Where is she?

- What have you done?
- Keep your voice down.

Is she all right?
You haven't done anything, have you?

All I've done is let her take a bath.
She's in there right now.

Joel, promise me
you won't do anything to hurt her.

- I told you that.
- Well, tell me again.

It's a little late to worry
about hurting her, isn't it?

Look, Krystle and I may have fought,
but I don't want her hurt.


What kind of mother are you,

bringing a little kid
into something like this?

I want to see my aunt.

Oh, that's a great idea, little girl.

Why don't you go right in there
and say, "Hello,"

Let her know you're in
on what's happening.

She has no idea you're part of this.

You wanna change her mind?

Okay, but does she have to stay
locked up in that room all the time,

not knowing what's gonna happen
to her?

- It would drive me crazy.
- Well, I'm sure it would.

But you're not Krystle Carrington,
are you?

DANNY: Daddy.
- Danny.

Well, look at this.
One big, happy family.

Danny, would you wait
on the porch?

Just be a minute
then we'll go see the horses, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.


Don't forget your truck, Danny.

- Just be a minute.
DANNY: Okay.

Look, Steven,
why don't you just turn--?

You have no right to bring him here.

What do you think I'm gonna do?
Kidnap him?

Like before, why not?
You're a creature of habit.

Look, Steven, I know we have
an agreement, but I just thought--

Don't think, Sammy Jo.
The custody agreement settled it.

You can see Danny any time you want
at the house.

But don't ever take him
with you again.

I'm sorry, all right?
I didn't realise you'd be so upset.

I just thought he might like to spend
some time with the horses.

But I'll play it your way.
I'll do whatever you want.

Just take Danny and leave.
I don't wanna fight with you.



- The brown one.
- The brown?

How about the white ones?
You like them?

- Yeah.
- Okay, let's go see them.




Quiet, Mrs. Carrington.

I wouldn't wanna have to hurt
your baby.

Let's take a look at this brown horse.

Remember the time
Krystle took you riding?

- Yeah, I had fun.
- Yeah, you sure did.

You remember what she said
when you came back?

- That I was a cowboy.
- That's right, you're a cowboy.

Hey, Danny, do you wanna see
a really special horse?

DANNY: Where is she, Daddy?
STEVEN: Right over here.

And it's he. He's an Arabian.

- Could I ride him, Daddy?
- Sure.

One day, you and Krystle and l,
we'll all go riding together, okay?

- When?
- Soon.

I promise.

- Come on, let's go home.
- Okay, Daddy.

STEVEN: In a few years, you'll have
a horse of your own in the stable.



- They're pretty horses, aren't they?
- Yeah.

- Wanna come back here sometime?
- Yeah.

It's too late. Don't you know that?

Give it up.

Remember your baby.


Please, let go of me.
You're hurting me.

Hurt something as beautiful as you?

So soft.

So vulnerable.


Not like this.

Soon, you're gonna want me.

And I'm a very patient man.

Sid, do you have the results
of Krystle's tests yet?


Oh, good. All right, we'll be by then.
Thank you.

will you call Mrs. Carrington?

Tell her I'll be picking her up in about
a half hour to take her to Dr. Tyler.

Right away, Mr. Carrington.

And Mr. Dexter is here to see you.

Ask him to come in.

I thought I'd stop by
and save you a phone call, Blake.

- How are you, Dex?
- Fine.

What can I do for you?

Blake, I submitted a deal
on constructing your pipeline.

- I think you owe me a response.
- Oh, there's no hurry about that.

There's a temporary restraining order
against us, our hands are tied.

There's gonna be
no construction whatsoever

until we know the outcome
of that court hearing.

Well, that's got nothing to do
with my bid.

I was the first
to present a cost breakdown.

I know damn well
it's the best bid you've got.

I told you that Denver-Carrington
would consider your bid,

and we will at the proper time.

Now is as good a time as any.

No, now is not as good a time
as any.

I'm sorry, but I've got other things
on my mind. Is that clear?


I get the feeling you're trying
to keep me out of this deal, Blake.

I warn you, it won't be easy.

And I want you to transfer $ million

from that account here
to my account in Switzerland.


Call me as soon as it's done.


Well, how long have you been here?

Long enough.
What's with the $ million?

That, darling,
is an investment for our future.

- An investment?
- Mm-hm.

Alexis, you're throwing away
$ million

to buy arms
for the Moldavian underground.

- You can't do it.
- Oh, yes, I can.

That's Colbyco's money.
I'm Colbyco.

I can do with it
what I damn well please.

So you'll place your king back
on his throne,

you'll open the Colbyco Bank
in Moldavia,

he'll nationalise it
and you'll lose everyhing.

Nope, Galen wouldn't do that,
not to me.

Why not?

It's his country, he sets the rules.

Life to him is one big chess game
with human beings as his pawns.

I trust him.
I've known him for a very long time.

No, you don't know him.

You know his charms,
you know his smiles,

but you do not know the man.

Did you ever ask yourself
why there was a revolution?

Did he govern or did he merely rule?

I don't want you going ahead
with this deal, Alexis.

And I sure as hell don't want him
moving into our home.


And what are you going to do
if he does move in?

Move out?

Not this time, lady.

- This time I'm gonna stick around.
- Oh.

To protect you from yourself,
whether you like it or not.


Well, there's good news,
Mrs. Carrington.

You're perfectly healthy.

Well, that's wonderful news.
Thank you very much, Sid.


Well, that's quite a relief.

Best news I've had in a month.

Darling, I am gonna take you out

and I'm gonna buy you the best dinner
in the state of Colorado,

not to mention
the best bottle of wine.

We are going to celebrate tonight.

- Thank you again.
- Yes.

Here, let me get this for you.

Darling, it's been
a wonderful evening.

And in a sense, it's just beginning.

- Blake--
- No, no, no, not now.

Just let me look at you.

I love you and I've missed you.

I thought I'd never get a chance
to hold you again.

- Brandy?
- No, no, no, I don't need a drink.

I need you.

I'm sorry, I just--

I don't understand.

If it's something that I've said
or something that I've done, tell me.

- Please, what is it? Tell me.
- Just leave me alone.

Why do you keep pushing me away
that way?

I wanna hold you.
I wanna make love to you.

You can't.




Krystle, let me in, please.


Krystle, for God's sakes, what is it?
Talk to me.



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