06x07 - The Titans (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x07 - The Titans (2)

Post by bunniefuu »


Let's go in here,
away from the others.

I don't know why
you don't believe me.

Son, you have got to get a hold
of yourself.

We flew to Phoenix today, thinking
that girl could be Fallon and it wasn't.

- Now, you'll have to stop, right now.
- Blake, listen to me.

- Fallon was outside with a man.
- What man?

It was too dark,
but they were arguing.

Could you hear
what they were saying?

No, but I know it was Fallon.

She was standing right outside
of her own home

and then she just suddenly
drove off?

- You've gotta be wrong about this.
- I'm not wrong about this, damn it.

- There isn't time.
- Now wait a minute. Now listen to me.

No matter who that girl was,
you're not going to find her

by driving off into the night.


I can't believe that she was here

and I lost her again.


Take it easy.

I'm sorry.
I know what you must be thinking.

But it was something
about that house. I...

It's all right.

It's behind us.

You never have to go back there.

Whatever it was, you never
have to go back to that place again.

But what's wrong with that house?

What's wrong with me?
Why can't I remember anything?


My memory's gone. Now--

I must be losing my mind.



What's my name?

Miles. Miles Colby.

And what day is it? Tonight is...?


And what city are we in?


Denver. Yes, good.

Why are you asking me all this,

Just to prove to you
you're not losing your mind.

Who's the best-looking guy
in this car?


You are.

See? You're perfectly sane.

That'll be $ , ma'am.

Don't blame yourself, Randall.

You've lost your memory

and now you're trying
to put things back together again.

That shows how healthy
you really are.

You gotta give yourself credit
for that much. Agreed?

Yes, agreed.

- Sort of.
- Agreed, period.

And even if it turns out
you can never remember your past,

we'll create our own past, together.

Dry your eyes, beautiful.
We're out of here.



Elena, thank God
you've finally come.

Do you have any news about Dex?

I'm sorry, I have no news.

But you must know something.

I wish I could tell you more,
Mrs. Dexter.

I have done everyhing in my power
to learn of your husband's fate.

But you have influence,
your father has influence.

We can only wait. I'm very sorry.


I want you to arrange a meeting
with me

with a man that they call Warnick.

He is dangerous. A dangerous man.

I'm used to dealing
with dangerous men.

No. You know too much now.
You would be k*lled.

Let me be the judge of that.
How do I know that I can trust you?

After all, your father was the author
of this bloodbath they call a revolution.

You know you can trust me,
Mrs. Dexter,

because I have risked death
coming here today to help you.

Even though I have only you to thank
for destroying my life and happiness.

That's not true, Elena.


Coming here to buy for your daughter
the prince who belonged to me.

Let's get a few things straight.
First of all, I did not buy Michael.

And secondly, I had nothing to do
with this revolution.

And if people like your father
would stop envying Americans

and start trying to emulate them,

Moldavia and its king
would not be in this sorry situation.



the guests have started to leave.

Would you join me
in seeing them out?

I'm sure they can find
their own way out.

Darling, I know how worried you are
about your mother.

And the danger she's in right now
in Moldavia.

And Dex, what about Dex?

I'm sorry I snapped at you for not
telling me you knew they were going.

Look, let's stop hurting each other,
not trusting each other.

I love you.

Believe me.

Michael, I do believe you.

I just don't think
it's ever gonna work between us.

Well, it never will unless we try.

I have tried.
You don't know how hard.

And I know you've tried.
We still end up fighting.

Don't you see?
We're just wrong for each other.

I think I am beginning to see.
What exactly is it you're getting at?

I've already told my father
that I want a divorce.

You told your father
before you told me?

Why not just go through with it?

I suppose...


You suppose what?

Because Daddy said
that he had an idea

that could make life better for us.

And how would he do that?

I don't know. I think it had to do with
finding something for you to focus on.

Focus on.

I see. It's the La Mirage job.

Well, at least one Carrington
believed in me.

Too bad it couldn't be my wife.

- What is it?
- I'm very worried about Jeff.

He's determined to go out
and find Fallon again.

I think he may be heading straight
for a nervous breakdown.


I've gotta find some way to get through

but except he won't listen to me

Maybe he'll listen to you.

- Me?
- Mm-hm.

Oh, how could I possibly do any more
than you've already done?

I mean, he's known you
most of his life.

Well, it doesn't seem to matter
right now.

I don't know.

I just thought that you two have had
such a special relationship--

You've always been able to talk
to each other.

--that you might be able to reach him.

Don't you think it would be better
if we left him alone for awhile?

No. No, I think he's been alone
too much.

Of course, if for one reason or another
you don't wanna try, I'll understand.

I didn't say that. I'll talk to him, now.

Good. Thank you, darling.

While you're doing that,
I'll try to keep the party going.

All right, Joel,
where's the script for this one?



Sorry, I had to tie you up again.

But you don't leave me much choice
when you lose control

and you have
one of your little tantrums.

Hey, I'm not such a bad guy.

In fact, I'm pretty terrific
when you get to know me.

And you would get to know me
if you'd just calm down a little bit.

Please, just tell me where I am
and what's going on.

You're safe, you're all right,
and there's nothing to worry about.

I remember I was at Delta Rho.

Well, you're long way
from Delta Rho now.

There was a woman.
She looked like me.

I tried to call Blake
but someone hit me on the head.

No, you're just imagining things.

You fell and you hit your head
and that's why you're confused.

I've explained all this to you before.

You're just forgetting.

No, I'm not forgetting.

And no matter how many times
you say that to me, I won't believe you.

Mrs. Carrington.

Am I being held for ransom?
Is that it?

That's right.

You'll never get away with it.

You can't do something like this
and not pay for it.

How wrong you are.

I'll tell you who'll pay.

Blake Carrington.

I'm sorry I was such a mess.

Poor Miles, seeking a lot more
than you bargained for.

Come on.
We had a long drive today.

You've been under a lot of stress.

All you need to do is relax
and get something to eat.

You forgive too easily. I mean,
I took you away from that party

and all those gorgeous ladies
you could have met.


I got a gorgeous lady.

Who's a wandering amnesiac,

trying to find out
where she came from.


You deserve better.

I should never have left Los Angeles.

I don't know what it is here
in Colorado.

I just don't feel safe.

Let's go back, Miles.

I'm tired of searching.

You mean no more mountains?

It was a mistake.

I wanna go back
where we started from.

- Will you take me?
- Of course I will.

California, now. Right now.

No. For the last time,

Blake hasn't convinced me
and neither have you.

Krystle, I know what I saw.

Now, I'm going to stay here in Denver
until I find Fallon,

even if I have to search
every street myself.


Thank you.

You're welcome, Mr. Boydston.

- I'm staying at La Mirage too.
- Yes, I know you are.

Why don't I give you a lift back there.

No, I'm going to stay
until all of the guests have left.

Okay. Then I'll wait for you
in the hotel bar for a nightcap.

There is no point in that, Garrett.

We have a great deal
to catch up on, Dominique.

I am afraid it is too late for that.

Only just past midnight.

I mean, it's too late in our lives.

There is no point in trying
to revive something

that d*ed a natural death.

So good night, Garrett.

And goodbye.


Come in.

I just dropped by to say goodnight.


Is there anything an aunt might do
to help?

- No, nothing. Thank you, Dominique.
- Are you sure?

- Nothing a divorce won't cure.
- Uh...


We both know every marriage
has its problems.

It's up to the two of you
to try to work out those problems.

But don't you see, Dominique,
it isn't just any marriage?

It was almost unreal
from the beginning.

A fairy-tale romance,
the newspapers called it.

After a while I began to believe
that I was that fairy-tale princess

who lived happily ever after.

But I was a fool.

Because now there's a little trouble
between you and Michael.

More than just a little.

Isn't it strange
that barely two months ago

you vowed to live with him
for the rest of your life?

You must have felt something very
strong for you to make those vows.

How could all of that
have just changed so quickly?

I don't know, Dominique.

Right now, all I can think about is that
I might have made a terrible mistake.

Amanda, love does not come along
so often

that we can afford to cast it aside.

It's something to be guarded dearly.

Nurtured, cherished.

Because, my darling,
once you have lost it,

you may never find it again.

Believe me, Amanda,
I really know what I am talking about.

Let me know
when he's ready to talk.

You think
you are a brave American, huh?



Do you have something to say?
I will call the colonel.



The simple pleasures now.


It's too late.

I have to call the colonel.

No. Please.



Now listen, you stay here.

Don't let anyone in or out.
Is that understood?

- Galen. Shh! Shh! Shh!
- No, no.

It's me, Dexter.

Mr. Dexter.

I've come to get you out of here.

I'm sorry, I can't walk.

My legs are paralysed.

- I'll carry you.
- No.


You must move fast.

You save yourself.

You let me worry about them,
Your Majesty.

Oh, wait.

Thank you.

Hi. Where were you?


Came in this way because
I was hoping not to bump into anybody.

Least of all, you.

It's too bad you were out wherever
because you missed a great party.

I wasn't in a partying mood.

There's a lot of good leftovers.
Want me to make you a sandwich?

Make me a sandwich?

What's the joke?

Joke? What are you talking about?

For three years, you could barely walk
by me without hissing like a cobra.

Now, all of a sudden,
you're a sweet little cupcake?

I don't get it, I just don't.

If I frown at you, you hate me.
If I smile at you, you hate me.

Tigers don't change their stripes,
Sammy Jo.

Steven, you know that deep down
I am just a pussycat.

Why are you even here?

I know it's not for Danny because
you don't give a damn about him.

Don't you dare talk to me like that
about my son.

Oh, I'll talk however I like.

You've been here a week and
I haven't seen you in his room twice.

All I see is you buzzing around Krystle,
whispering in her ear.

I don't know what you've done to her
or why she can't see through you

but I know that guilty look
on your face.

I know you're up to something.

One thing you can be damn sure of is
I'm gonna find out what it is.

Don't do that. You're not a servant.

Well, so far so good.

Yeah, so far.

Steven is making me
very uncomfortable.

Tomorrow, we're gonna see
the lawyers.

I wanna get my papers signed,
get our money, and get out of this.

Oh, it can't be too soon for me,
Sammy Jo.

I got blisters on my blisters.

Your Aunt Krystle and l
maybe the same dress size

but she's got the narrowest feet.

Besides, how much longer
can I keep putting Blake off?

I mean, the headache routine
only goes so far.

Do you have to keep
putting him off?

Well, I think he would know
I was not his beloved Krystle and--

[AS KRYSTLE] L.B., what are
you doing out of bed, sweetheart?

I know, all that music and chattering
kept you awake.

Why don't I just tuck you in.

That kid gives me the creeps.

I told you to stop doing that.

Darling? I knew you'd do it.

You'd charmed the Colby's tonight,
all of them.

And that is no mean feat.

Oh, well, I just wanted
to make you proud of me.

Well, you did.

And you know
what would make me feel happiest?

The fact
that you're obviously feeling better.

Well, that's the way it is
with headaches.

BLAKE: It's good to see you feeling
yourself again.

It's late. It's time for bed.

Excuse me, Blake.

Aunt Krystle and I had a few things
we wanted to talk about.

Well, I'm sure that they'll keep
until tomorrow.

Oh. I'm sure they will.

BLAKE: Goodnight, Sammy Jo.
- Goodnight.

The party was wonderful, the food...


Claudia. What on earth
are you doing here at this hour?

I'm just finishing up
some correspondence.

I realise that this is your office now

but I'd appreciate
these few last minutes.

- I wasn't asking you to leave.
- You didn't have to.

This is my resignation.
Please see that Blake gets a copy.


I can't accept this.
I don't want you to resign.

What would you like me to do
as chairman of La Mirage?

Stay on as housekeeper?

I'd like you to stay on
as the executive vice president.

Claudia, I feel I can bring
a lot to this enterprise.

I certainly don't have your experience

and I never imagined
trying to run La Mirage without you.

Look, can't we be partners in this?

I'm sorry, Michael.

I realise this is just between
Blake and me.

You don't know him very well,

what he does to people
who are out of his favour.

But one day you will
and you'll know exactly how I feel.


How did you get into my suite?

These things can be done.

Gaining access to your room
isn't nearly so hard

as gaining access to your heart.

Oh, Garrett.

The way to my heart
is not through my front door.

Besides, I loath coming home
to surprises.


I'm not going to apologise.

- I would like you to please leave.
- No.

Not with all the feelings and thoughts
of the last years

still bottled up inside me.

I lost you once but not again.

You lost me?

You were the one
who controlled the situation.

You were making all the choices.

I was?

What about the young, ambitious
singer on that cruise ship

with no interest in settling down?

You created that myth.

I just went along with that
to ease your conscience.

You had my heart and you knew it.

All I needed from you was one word.

All right, I had commitments.
My wife, Jessica.

But now that part of my life is over.

Garrett, I am terribly sorry
about your divorce.

No, there's no reason to be sorry.

It's what I should have done years ago
when I first met you.

It's not too late, Dominique.
We can still have so much together.

Garrett, please don't do this to me.
Please, Garrett.

Oh, Garrett. Oh.

You couldn't kiss me like that
and really want me to go.

- Oh, yes, I could.
- Admit it.

Admit that you want me
as much as I want you.

Garrett, please, if you care for me
as much as you say you do,

don't make this
any more difficult for me.

I'm not gonna let you throw away
our second chance.

Garrett, please.

This is Dominique Deveraux. I would
like to speak to the manager, please.

I'm sorry I bothered you.

It was wrong of me to think there might
still be something between us.

It's been a long time. You probably
haven't thought of me in years.


Oh, if you only knew.

Operator, I would like
the overseas operator, please.


To La Chatelaine Finishing School
in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The headmistress, yes.

Yes, when you have her on the line,
I would like to speak to her, please.

Thank you.

Oh, Dex.

Thank God.

Oh, Dex, thank God, you're safe.

Oh, darling.

There were a few moments

when I didn't know if I'd ever look
into your beautiful eyes again.

Oh, Dex.


How is he?



Galen, it's Alexis.


What have they done to him?

He never received
any medical attention.

His legs are paralysed.

- We've got to get him to a doctor.
- Alexis, there's no time.

We have to get him out
of this God-forsaken country

as fast as we can.


- How is he?
- I can't tell.

Here we go.

Let me see your papers.

Father Bruelle?


What are you carrying
across the border?

Nothing, my son.

We are going to get
medical supplies

for the brave soldiers
of the new Moldavia.

Look at these papers.

What do you think?

This is the man.

Stop. Guards, stop them.

Fire. Fire.



God, if I could just...

California plates.


She was with Miles Colby.



Didn't they have two rooms?

You heard the manager, Randall.
They had only one room left.

And it's pouring outside.

Then I guess we'll have to share
this room somehow.

I guess.



I told you over and over
I wasn't gonna crowd you.

I wasn't gonna push anything.

But you're just so beautiful to me.

I want to be with you tonight.

You know something, Miles?

These past few nights
in those other motels,

I'd lie there in my bed, alone,
unable to sleep, feeling very lonely.

Couple of times, I was tempted
to knock on your door.

Well, why didn't you?

Maybe I didn't wanna get involved.

Maybe I was afraid.

You afraid now?

- Daddy.
- Wake up. Wake up, cowboy.

- Daddy.
- Yeah.

Son, l...

I wanted to say goodbye.

I'm gonna be leaving
before you wake up in the morning.

- Do you have to go, Daddy?
- Mm-hm.

But I'm not gonna be gone long.

And while I'm away
I want you to be a good boy

and do everyhing
that Krystle tells you to do.

No, I don't wanna stay with her.

Come on, don't be silly.

You and Krystle
have always had fun together.

No, Daddy, please don't make me.


I heard sounds. Is something wrong?

No. I'm just saying goodbye to L.B.

Goodbye? Where are you going?

California. I reconsidered
what you said.


Aren't you gonna take L.B. with you?

No, he's gonna be staying here
with you for awhile.

No, I don't wanna stay here.

L.B. must be sleepy.
I shouldn't have awakened him.

He'll be fine.
I'll take extra-special care of him.

Won't l, L.B.?




I'm not asleep.
I've been waiting up for you.


I've always enjoyed your company,
Mrs. Carrington.

Don't be evasive, Adam.
I'm angry with you and you know why.

Claudia, there was no way that I could
have walked out of that party with you.

Jason Colby is Blake's partner,
the pipeline is a gigantic project.

Adam, that's not the point.

Your father insulted me.
He humiliated me.

You know as well as I do that
business is not just done in the office.

It's done in restaurants,
and country clubs,

and parties like the one tonight.

I had to stay to protect our interests,

yours and mine.

My interest is yours, dear.

And your interest is my interest.

You could say
we are very interested in each other?

Oh, Adam. Oh.

Oh, I love you so much.

Oh, I just don't know
what I'd do without you.

Well, you've got me.


I say so just a few days ago
for all the world to hear.

Say it again.


I love you.



I thought
you were never coming to bed.

You were in and out of here
half a dozen times

after we came upstairs.

Oh, well, I guess I'm a little hyper
tonight from all the activity.

But this time it was worth it.

Jeff has decided
to make the move to California.

He has?

Why, that's wonderful.

Thank you, darling.
You're a miracle worker.

My beautiful, brilliant wife.

I'm sorry, Blake. My head hurts.

It still hurts?

Well, it's not that unusual.

I mean, there's been a lot of pressure
this week.

You know, it seems to me
this all began

when Sammy Jo moved into
the house.

Now, you're sure
she's not making you nervous?

No, of course not.

You certainly wouldn't be
the first person

that got a headache from her.

Blake, why do you have to blame
everyhing on Sammy Jo?

You don't think there's enough
of your family to give me a headache?

I'm not blaming Sammy Jo
for anything--

Why can't you show
a little compassion for her?

After all,
she is my only living relative.

All right.

But if this keeps up,
I think you should see a doctor.

I mean, it's gone on far too long.

I'll see a doctor if I have to.

But I wish you would stop harping
on this.




God, help me. Please, help me.


Oh, Jeff.

I heard a noise in here.

I couldn't sleep.

Like you, apparently.

Well, you look like
you're off somewhere.

Yeah, I am. California.

California? At this hour?

Why, it's : in the morning.

I wanna catch the first flight out.
I'm in a hurry.

I'm going to find Fallon, Blake.

Jeff, are you out of your mind?

I figured it out tonight.

The man with Fallon
had to be Miles Colby.

Even if it was Fallon, what would
she be doing with Miles Colby?

I don't know why
but she was with him tonight.

And Jason was expecting his son
to come to the party.

Now look, even if Miles did come here,
even if Fallon was with him,

outside of her own home, steps away
from her family, why would she leave?

- Why would they drive away?
- I don't know why.

But they were arguing, angry.
I'll find out when I catch up them.

Catch up? Where, how?

The car had California plates.
They were heading to California.

For God's sake, you are going
to California to start a new life,

not to relive a past.

It's not the past.

You can believe me or not, Blake,
but I found Fallon tonight.

At last I know where I can find her.

And when I do,
I'm gonna keep her forever.


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