05x28 - The Heiress

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x28 - The Heiress

Post by bunniefuu »

l'm not a patient man.

Someone has tried
to kidnap my daughter,

and your department
has turned up nothing, lieutenant.

l want to know who was responsible,
and l want to know why.


Yes, l know she's on her way
to Moldavia.

But if we don't know
what was behind all this in Denver,

how the hell am l going to know
if she's safe in Europe?

- Mrs. Carrington.
- Yes, Gerard?

You have a visitor. Mr. De_er.

He specifically asked for you.
He's in the conservatoy.

Oh, thank you.


Hello, Kystle.

l thought
you'd left for Europe with Alexis.

Well, l've arranged
to take a later plane.

l had to talk to you first.

Darling, have you see--?

Hello, Dex,
l didn't know you were here.

Well, l've come to talk
to Kystle, Blake.

Please stay.

l, uh, postponed my trip to, uh...

To tell you...

What is it, Dex?

l received a cablegram
a few hours ago.

About Daniel.

l can't believe it.

He's dead.

Oh, no.


How did it happen?

We're not sure.

He was in Libya.

Daniel's dead.

Charles was with him.

He'll be back tomorrow.
He'll fill us in on eveything.

l'm sory that l had to tell you this.

Blake, it's so sad.

He was so full of life.

Such a wonde_ul friend.

l know, darling, l know.

Oh, and Sammy Jo...

Oh, she iust found her father.

Now she's lost him.

pLAvINc oN Tn

What'd you do that for?

There's something
in this paper you have to see.

Rita, this is my apartment
and my TV.

And l'd rather be watching it than
reading about who did what to who.

You have got to see this.



- How?
- Doesn't say.

l don't know.

l'm sory, honey. Real sory.

lt's tough to lose a daddy.

l-- l was iust getting to know him.

He seemed like a really terrific guy.

l thought
that maybe we could get to be--

l can't believe it.

l was just a kid when my daddy d*ed.

They told me it was a heart att*ck,
but it was really a broken heart.

He was in business
with people who robbed him blind.

lt could have been so different.

l could have been somebody.

He was so good-looking, wasn't he?

And unlucky too.

Maybe that's what l inherited
from him.

No luck.

That sure sticks to me like tar.

Then again...


Maybe not eveything is lost, Rita.

What do you mean?

l don't know yet.

But he was so rich.

A_AM: The royal chamberlain is
commanded by His Majesty, the king,

to invite Mrs. Claudia Carrington

to the marriage of
His Royal Highness, Prince Michael.

- Have you R.S.V.P# d yet?

l see you've received
your royal command.

Well, you don't seem surprised by it.


But you are bothered by it. Why?

l don't appreciate your putting words
in my mouth. It doesn't bother me.

You're afraid of Blake, aren't you?

He warned you
to stay away from me.

And if l go he'll see us together.

You've got it all figured out.

What l don't have figured out
is why you're afraid of him.

You'd do iust fine on your own,

Even if Blake does disown you.

l'll never allow that to happen.

What do you want from him?

The same thing you do.

Power. Blake's power.

l've spent enough of my life waiting
for other people to decide my fate.

Well, no longer.

l wanna be the one in control, the one
calling the sh*ts, and so do you.

- You're not talking about me.
- No?

What about La Mirage?

You want it.
How do you plan to get it?

l'm happy the way things are,
just running it for Blake.

What if Blake changes his mind

and refuses to let you run it
for him anymore? What then?

l know you, Claudia.

l've seen you, the real you.

You can deny it all you like,
even to yourself.

But you're as ambitious as l am.

Alexis, Amanda,
welcome to our summer palace.

Oh, it's absolutely lovely,
isn't it, Amanda?

Hello, Father.

Alexis, it is vey good
to see you again.

Your Maiesty, my pleasure.


This is Amanda.

An honour, Your Maiesty.

My son told me you were beautiful.

What he didn't tell me
was how beautiful.

Well, don't be.

l want you to feel
vey much at home here.

lf Michael was half as right about
your intelligence and charm

as he was about your beauty,

l'm gonna be a vey proud


Welcome back, Michael.

Thank you, Elena.

Alexis, Amanda,
l would like you to meet Elena.

The Duchess of Branagh.

The Duchess of Branagh, who iust
happens to be your former fiancée.

That's right, Amanda.

A woman who's not only here
in the palace,

but who's also been invited to our
wedding, is that right also, Michael?

- Right and necessay.
- Necessay?

How dare you embarrass me

and allow something like this
to happen?

One of the first things
you'll have to realise, my darling,

is that here, state affairs take
precedence over personal feelings.

There are some things
l'll never get used to, Michael.

You'll have to.

Elena's father is vey powe_ul.

The only reason he accepted
the breaking off of the engagement

was because he understood
how much my marriage to you

would benefit Moldavia.

And so he put his county
before his daughter.

How honourable of him.

Well, l want her out of here, because
she's not coming to my wedding.

Amanda, Elena's presence here
doesn't matter.

The only woman in this county,
on this continent, l see is you.

Now, she must stay here
these ne_ few days,

and she must come to the wedding.

Tell me you understand.

Amanda, please.

Ah. Yuri.

The meeting is tonight,
usual time, usual place.

But l am on duty tonight.

lt's orders from the minister.
You be there.

No, no, no, there is no way
we can have Elena leave.

My hands are tied and you know it,

But, Father, you don't seem
to be helping my cause.

- The cause of true love?
- Yes.

Michael, you know
the political situation as well as l do.

Now, l spoke to Elena
a little while ago,

and she gave me her word
not to cause any trouble.

And since when
has Elena ever kept her word?


Come in.

Would you bring us some mint tea,
please, Katana?

Thank you.

l wouldn't eat those, darling,
they're fattening.

l don't care.

- She's not that pretty, Amanda.
- What?

That Duchess of Breena or Breina
or whatever her name is.

She's on your mind
and she's troubling you.

lf you want to know the truth,

l'm troubling myself more
than she is right now.


l don't like politics,

l don't like court intrigue,

and l don't know how l'm gonna live up
to the expectations of being a princess.

Having to put up
with all of these trappings,

not to mention
the pomp and circumstance.


Being waited on hand and foot.

Having your own private royal iet
at your disposal.

Weekends in St. Moritz, Sardinia,
even Denver.

Darling, it's true
that no marriage is pe_ect,

but l know that you're going to learn
to compromise just enough

to make yourself happy.

Oh, Amanda, my baby,
know how lucky you are, darling.

You're marying
a wonde_ul man who loves you.

You're gonna become a princess.

And one day, a queen.

All right, Dex, thank you.

That's fine, thank you, Jeannette.

He wants me to meet Charles
at Daniel's farm.

Do you want me
to drive out there with you, darling?

No, l know how much work you have
to finish before we leave for Europe.

l think l'll ty
to reach Sammy Jo again.


You've already left word
on her answering service.

Now, believe me,
when she wants to talk to you,

you'll hear from her.


Hello, Auntie Kystle.
Welcome to my home.

lt's not your being here
that bothers me, it's your attitude.

l seem too anxious to take advantage
of my nemound opportunity?

- Or something like that?
- Exactly like that.

Now, l can understand
how your feelings for your father

might not be as deep as they--

Don't speak to me about
how deep my feelings are or aren't.

l don't wear them out in public.

You're gonna have to stop assuming
a lot about me, Aunt Kystle.

Sammy Jo, your father
was a wonde_ul and caring man,

and you owe him some respect.

lf you're concerned about
the champagne,

l'm not celebrating anything.

The bottle was in the refrigerator,
l was thirsty,

and l happen to like
a little champagne.

And while we're on that other subiect,

Nobody respects money
as much as l do.

l'll always be grateful
to my father for that.

For having made so much of it?

That's right.

Mrs. Carrington.

Hello, Charles, Dex.

This is my niece, Sammy Jo.

Samantha Josephine.

Mr. Dalton and Mr. De_er
were vey good friends of--

- My father?

You're Daniel Reece's daughter?

Well, l guess you could call it
a long stoy.

Bur first,
l'd like to hear how my father d*ed.

JEFF: Damn it, Taylor,
l know these coordinates are wrong.

lf we drill the wrong site,
it will be your hide.

Check it out. Check it out now.

- Louisiana again?
- Yeah.

Do you know what l think?

l think you're really talking
to a beautiful woman in New Orleans.

And all this palaver about coordinates
is some sort of code cover-up.

Well, l happen to be palavering
with an engineer

at one of our drilling sites.

Who should be sh*t at dawn
for inte_ering with our pleasure.

We've been locked away here
for two days now.

Much as l hate to break the spell.

l'm getting my work done,
so nobody's breaking the spell.

Not yet anmay.

We didn't realise the Libyans knew

we'd infiltrated the prison.

Daniel was the first
to get to the American reporter.

And he was leading him out,

when, uh,
suddenly they opened fire.

Daniel was hit.

And, uh, he went down
and l ran over to him and...

l-- l saw that, uh...

That he was dead.

So l did what, uh...

What he'd have done.

What he'd want me to do, l...

l got the reporter
out of there to safety.

And, uh, l left Daniel behind.

l had no choice.

You said it, Charles.

lt's what he would have wanted.

l think Daniel
had a feeling it might happen.

l really don't like this stuff.

l'm sory
we never got to know each other.

This looks fine. Nice iob, Adam.

l'll have them processed right away.

Oh, Father, if there's anything you'd
like me to take care of with Jeff away,

l'd be glad to.

By the way, where is Jeff?

l don't know, but wherever he is,
the work is being done.

l iust heard from Bob Caine
down in Louisiana.

lt seems Jeff asked them
to double-check on some coordinates

on one of our drilling sites.

lt's a darn good thing he did too,

because we'd have had big trouble
on our hands.

Jeff, the consummate hero.

l don't say that facetiously, Father.
He really is a blessing to this company.

lf a somewhat absentee one.

What about you, Adam?

What about me?

Well, your attendance record
at home

has not exactly
been in the A categoy recently.

l didn't realise we were checked in
and out of the house.

No one is and you know it.

No one except me, right?

Well, l must tell you, Father,
l resent it.

l believe that l'm entitled
to the same privacy

the heroic Jeff apparently is.

Just a minute, Adam.

Let's clear the air on this,

and then we can consider
the subject closed.

Your personal life
is indeed your own business.

Just as long as no one else
in this family is hurt by it.

- Is that clear?
- Pe_ectly clear.

l'd say brilliant was the word,
wouldn't you?

You mean the way you look tonight?
Yes, brilliant, Alexis.

No, no, no,
l'm talking about Amanda.

How she handled meeting
with your ministers.

She did. And why not?

She has your intelligence, your beauty,
not to mention your throwaway charm.

- Is that supposed to be a compliment?
- Ha-ha-ha! It is.

- It means you have charm to spare.
- Oh.

Even if...

Even if what?

You apparently
don't have time to spare.

Time for me.

Oh, Galen, l've been with you
constantly ever since we arrived.

But never alone.

Ah. We're alone now.

GALEN: And you keep
moving from me like a cat.

First to the fireplace
to warm herself.

Then to the window
for a quick look out.

ls it because you're expecting
your husband to arrive?



l was under the impression
there was trouble in paradise.

lf you're asking whether things
have been better between Dex and me,

yes, they have.

But name me a marriage
in which there hasn't been a problem.

- A problem. How serious?
- Ha.

l'm afraid that's my business
and my husband's.

The last time you were here,
you made it my business as well.

Oh, Alexis...

There has been so much lost time
between us.

Too much time.

l wanna make up for it.

Can you honestly tell me
that you don't? Can you?

l'll be back in half an hour
and not a moment longer.

Did His Highness forget
his royal toothbrush?

lt so happens
that he has some work to do,

but l'll be back.

You actually think he's in love with you,
don't you?

- If you don't mind--
- Oh, but of course l do.

Now, you will hear
what l have to say.

Michael has always loved me.

Only me.

Why would you even begin to think
that marriage could change that?

His engagement certainly hasn't.

What are you tying to say?

Michael was with me last night.

While you were asleep,
Michael was making love to me.

That's a lie.

Last night was not the first time

since the beginning
of your faiy-tale romance

that Michael and l have made love.


And l assure you it won't be the last.


What do you want?

l'd settle for a friendly greeting.

But l guess you save those
for your pretty bo_riend, don't you?

l asked you something.

l wanna talk about Danny.

You're his mother, you can visit him.

But if you're thinking of more,
forget it.

l already had my custody battle
and l won.

Right, that was before
you lost your second wife.

Because you decided
to come out of the closet

and tell the whole world
you were gay.

There's not a court in this county that
wouldn't give my son back to me now.

And they won't be dealing
with poor little Sammy Jo anymore.

lt's Miss Reece now.

Reece, as in millions
and millions of dollars.

- l'll k*ll you before you have Danny.
- Let go.

- Understand? l'll k*ll you.
- You're hurting me. Let go of me.

Oh, excuse me.

ln case you don't know it,
that was a witness for me.

When we get to court.

lf we get to court.

Until then, you can see Danny,
but only in this house.

And only with a member of the staff
or family present.

You're never gonna get another
chance to kidnap my son, Sammy Jo.

- Never.
- l won't have to kidnap him.

l'll get him legally this time.
Just wait and see.

Meanwhile, l want to see my son.


l've, um-- l've come to talk to you
about my position at La Mirage.

This isn't easy for me.

Now, Claudia,
we've been friends for a long time.

Sure, we've had our disputes,
but l've always been vey fond of you.

Now, come on, tell me. What is it?

Well, um...

When Fallon d*ed and you made me
manager of La Mirage,

we had a vey informal arrangement,
at best.

Blake, l think that you know
my feelings for you.

My affection, and my trust,
and my admiration.

But now that Steven and l
are divorced,

l feel that l need
something more formal

in way of an arrangement.

You mean a written contract?

lf it's agreeable to you.


l'm afraid that l can't do that.

Not at the moment anmay.

l don't understand.

You see, La Mirage
is really my grandson's property.

l manage it for him right now
in trust.

l'd like not to get involved
with any binding agreements,

until l know for sure exactly
what l wanna do with the hotel.

What do you mean
what you wanna do with it?

Well, it may be best to sell it
sometime soon.

l meant to talk to you about that.

And l'll decide on it
when l get back from the wedding.

All right, Blake.

We'll discuss it
when we get back from the wedding.

You've decided to go then?

Yes, l've decided to go to the wedding,
even though you disapprove.

l didn't say that.

You don't have to say it,
it's written all over your face.

- Claudia--
- Oh, no, Blake, what is it this time?

''Claudia, you're wrong.''

Or, ''Claudia, we're crazy about you,
we always have been''?

Well, don't bother with either.

Because when the chips are down,
l'm not really a Carrington.

Your daughter
invited me to the wedding.

And l'm going.

l'm going to have
one hell of a good time.

''And then the little dog, whose name
is Peewee, said to the large cat--''

l don't like this stoy.

Danny, your nanny told me

this was one
of your all-time true-blue favourites.

But it isn't anymore.

l think, ma'am, that maybe Danny's
getting a little used to it.

Maybe you could read another stoy.

l want you to read, not her.

SAMMY JO: Daniel Steven Carrington,
l am your mother.

And l don't blame you
for not remembering me too well,

but we're gonna start
to get to know each other now.

Can we go outside and play?

- Danny, listen to me--
- Danny.

Hey, maybe tomorrow you
and your mom and l

could have lunch together?

And then we could ride
those Dodgems you like, okay?

But not with her.

My son,
he's just crazy about me, isn't he?

Well, you've been gone a long time,
Sammy Jo.

You're not gonna give a lecture now,
are you?

No, l know how hard things
have been for you.

l'll tell you one thing, though.

l'll always be thanMul to my father
for giving me this chance.

The chance to have eveything
l've always wanted.

And l want you to know it,
just like Steven does.

Nobody's gonna keep me
from getting what l want anymore.


l'll be happy to show Darieela to you,
Mr. Franklin.

But l haven't decided whether
that particular Arabian

is for sale or not.

Mr. Reece had
a special fondness for the mare.

- And--
- Hang up.

Excuse me, Mr. Franklin.

- What?
- l said, hang up.

l wanna talk to you.

Mr. Franklin,
l'll have to get back to you.


Okay, young lady, talk.

After you get up and out of that chair.
l am in charge here now.

Did you hear me?

Get up.

As for Mr. Franklin, whoever he is,

l want a full report on him
and that Arabian he's interested in.

And then l will make the decision
on whether she's for sale or not.

- Look, Mrs. Carrington--
- l prefer to go by Reece now.

Miss Reece.

- Daniel's will--
- My father's will.

lt won't be read until Friday.

And you may iust find out

you haven't got as much power
as you think you do.


Well, it iust so happens
that l am Daniel Reece's only child.

And he told me
before he left New York

that he's changing his will
to make me his only heir.

So you and eveybody else
had better get used to the fact

that l'm iust loaded down
with power.

Now, l wanna go through the books.

Have someone bring me
a ham and cheddar cheese sandwich

on French bread
with ketchup and relish.

And a root-beer float.

GALEN: Ha-ha-ha! So then, of course,
the duke, whom l believe you know...

ALEXIS: Oh, yes, l do. He used to
be married to Arabella Winsmore.

Absolutely, that's correct.

Well, he couldn't ever,

during the entire evening,
get through the door.

l've never seen him quite so angy.

l think he's equally boring.

Yes, and a temper too, as we said.

ALEXIS: Frightful temper, l mean--
- Amanda.

We thought you'd never get here.

You look lovely.

That, dear Amanda,
is an understatement.

You look positively ravishing.

Thank you, Your Maiesty.

GALEN: It's not surprising,
she takes after her mother.

Thank you, Your Maiesty.

You do look lovely, darling.

lt's such a sweet gown.

l presume it's by one of your
Iesser-known American designers.

Actually, yes, it is.

l've been admiring
your necklace, Elena.

lt's exquisite.

Why, thank you, Mrs. De_er.

Actually, Michael brought it back to me
from Acapulco.

How vey thoughtful of you, Michael.

Such a sweet souvenir.

Elena, l don't think you've seen
the Manet l acquired recently.

lt's in the west galley.

l'll join you.

lf you'll excuse me...

Charming, isn't she? Delightful girl.

Darling, darling,
don't you realise that what she's pulling

is one of the oldest ploys
in the world?

And it's not going to work.

Not unless you push Michael away
by becoming jealous and angy.

Now, chin up, stop frowning,
start smiling and enjoy your caviar.

l assure you, Alexis, l spoke more
than a few strong words to Elena,

and there won't be a repetition
of that little scene.

Thank you.

Amanda has enough to deal with here
without adding jealousy to the list.

l'm afraid iealousy is not so easily
crossed off, not for any of us.

We haven't much time to decide
before your husband arrives

exactly how we should handle
that situation.

lf by that situation,
you mean my marriage,

l'm afraid there's nothing to decide.

l thought you understood me, Alexis.

l am a vey iealous man.

And l thought that you understood me,
Your Majesty.

Dex has hurt me a lot,
but l'm not ready to end it yet.

Not even for me?

Ha, ha. Not even for you.

You say that as if you had something
planned for us.

GALEN: Oh, since you've
come back into my life,

l have indeed been thinking
of many possibilities.

Galen, l told you,
l'm not ready to give him up.


Do you remember a long time ago,

when you and l were ready to spend
the rest of our lives with each other?

Loving one another, making love.
Why, the vows we made.

Never to let anything
or anyone separate us.

Do you remember, Alexis?

Oh, yes.

l think of those wonde_ul days often.


Hello, darling.

Hello, Alexis.


Galen, l'd like you to meet
my husband, Dex De_er.

Dex, His Royal Highness,
King Galen.

An old and vey dear friend.

Your Maiesty.

Mr. De_er.

BLAKE: What time do you have to
be out at Daniel's farm?

Ten o'clock.

The lamer asked eveyone
to be vey prompt.

He said Sammy Jo wants
the will read at on the dot.

You have been more
and more upset

ever since Sammy Jo
came here to Denver.

lf you're going to have
any peace of mind at all

you must keep as far away
from her as possible after today.

How can l, Blake?

l promised Daniel l'd look after her.

Yeah, but Daniel cared for you.

He cared for you vey much.

l'm sure if he knew
what kind of a daughter he had,

he never would have asked you
to take care of her.

''As for Charles Dalton,

my close friend and associate
of the last years,

l ask that he continue
as manager of all my holdings,

and for as long as he cares
to continue in that position.

Finally, to my daughter,
Samantha Josephine,

l bequeath the bulk of my estate.

With one proviso:

that all monies involved
be held in trust,

with Mrs. Kystle Grant Carrington
as executrix.

- This portion of my will--''

No way.

l would like to continue reading this,
if you don't mind.

You have read more than enough
as far as l'm concerned.

l have had enough.

l'm sick and tired
of people telling me what to do.

l'm not gonna put up
with that kind of crud anymore.

l will get my money.

And l will get it free and clear.

Even if l have to drag you
through a hundred courts to get it.

Sammy Jo,
this is not the time or the place.

You're right, it isn't.

Because l iust said it.
l'll see you in court.

Just like l'll see Steven there
if l have to.

l'm ready to take on
all of you high and mighties.

- What a beautiful ride.
- Yeah, it was, wasn't it?

l woke up this morning
thinking that pretty soon

we're gonna have to get back
to the real world.

What a terrible thought.


l think that we should go
to that wedding in Moldavia.



You have a family obligation.

And l could take pictures.
Lots of them.

Well, l'll buy the wedding,
but not in Moldavia.

And l think somebody else
should take the pictures.

lt'd look silly for the bride to be
walking around, carying a camera,

clicking away.

What do you mean?

l wanna mary you, Ashley.

l've thought about being with you, Jeff,
a lot.

But marriage?

That idea
hadn't even crossed my mind.

l'll have to think about it.

You've got five minutes.

An eternity.

l'll give you that.

But then l want a yes.

- l need time.
- Why?

l iust do.

Eveything has happened
so quickly between us.

Ohh. l need time,
and so do you, Jeff.


We have to talk.

Not now, Elena, and not here.

Michael, it won't take me vey long
to make my point.

- It's such an obvious point.
- It's late.

And l'm tired.

And l'd rather not hear
any more of this.

Amanda cannot make you happy.

Now, it's not her fault that she can't,

but she wasn't raised
to understand you,

or the kind of life
that you have to live.

l mean, look at the way
she's been behaving since she arrived.


You need me, Michael.

You always have,
and you know it. Hm?

Please leave, Elena.




l came to apologise,
but l see that that isn't necessay.

And neither is this.




What am l gonna do?

My whole world is falling apart.
l feel so miserable.

l should be the luckiest girl in the world
and l feel so lost.

Help me, please, Dex.

Get me away from here.


l write with a pen.

l write with a pen.

l write with a pen.

l get stuck with a pin.

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

l get stuck with a pin.

l get stuck with a pin.

In case you're wondering,

l'm practicing my vowel sounds.

Down where l come from we call that
bum who punched me around a ''dog ''

instead of the dog that he really is.

l'm up for a commercial

and they want
somebody who says it right.

l find your fondness

for fondue phenomenal.

l find your fondness
for fondue phenomenal.

l find your fondness for--

You know, Rita,
you really sound like someone else.

Well, that's the point, l'm an actress.

l find your fondness
for fondue phenomenal.

That dumb lamer
said there was nothing l could do.

But you talking like that
makes me think.

- What, honey?
- Uh, nothing.

l was iust playing with an idea.

Dumb idea.
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