05x11 - Swept Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x11 - Swept Away

Post by bunniefuu »

Darling, please stay in bed.

Blake, l can't iust stay in bed
and do nothing.

There isn't anything
that either one of us can do

that will help Kystina now.

Now, you know she's a fighter.

She'll win this battle.

lt's so unfair.

She's so tiny and so fragile.

Oh, Blake,
what have we done to her?

lf we hadn't argued,
if l hadn't fallen--

Now, wishing that something
had never happened that--

That's not going to help Kystina
Or US.

Now, what is important now
is her future.

She's going to live.

l'm sure of it.

Don't leave on my account,

- Where's Mommy?
- Asleep.

Don't wory. You stay on your side
and l guarantee you l'll stay on mine.

l can pour my own, thank you.

French toast.

County sausage, scrambled eggs
with fresh herbs.

l'm pe_ectly capable
of serving myself.

l don't have to be spoon-fed
like a child.


l won't treat you like a child,
if you don't act like one.

How's that?


Amanda, adults meet halfway.

As you said,
l think we'll be better off

if you stay on your side
and l stay on mine.

When you grow up, let me know.

Maybe we can have a conversation.


- Surprised l'm still here?
- No.

l know you're not going anmhere
until you find what you're looking for.

- Did you check out my stoy?
- Yeah, you were married to De Vilbis.

But that obviously wasn't enough
to stop him from tying to mary Fallon.

- He was only too willing.
- Willing? He was eager.

Peter always needed money.

See, he had a vey expensive
drug habit.

He came up with one
get-rich scheme after another.

And this time,
it was bigamy for a lousy statue.

lt's not iust a statue.
It's an Inca deity.

Solid gold,
hiding a cache of precious stones

buried somewhere in Bolivia.

Peter was obsessed with finding it

and all he needed was iust enough
money to finance the expedition,

and the second half of the map
to lead him to it.

The half that you stole from him.

The half l took with me when l left.

l told him as soon as he raised
enough money to fund the expedition,

my map and l would be ready
to go with him.

Now you're stuck
with a worthless piece of paper.

Yes. Until l find the half
that he gave to Fallon.

That's why he went with her
to Seattle.

He'd given her his half
to put in a safe place.

He didn't know where it was hidden.

He used Fallon
the way you were gonna use me.

Jeff, no.

Jeff, l care for you.

Help me track down the map.

We'll find the treasure together.

l don't care about a statue.

What about me?
Don't you care about me?

What if we find that statue?

Will you disappear
the way De Vilbis did?

l'm not like Peter.

See, Peter always had to have
somebody, anybody.

lf it wasn't me, it was Fallon.

lf not Fallon, it was Birgit.


Birgit Helstrom.

A Swedish model
he picked up in Los Angeles.

You mean he was in Los Angeles
before he flew to Seattle?

Could she have been with him?

l don't know. She could have.

l know she was with him
when he got the phone call

at the monastey about Fallon.

Then maybe it was her in that plane,
and not Fallon.

Look, Jeff, of course it was Fallon.

lf it wasn't, then where is she?

That's iust what l plan to find out.

You tell Clint
to get out to that oil field now.

l want that fire knocked down.

And l wanna be told the minute it is.

- Thank you vey much, nurse.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- How's Kystle?

- Oh, much better, thank you.
- And the baby?

Well, the baby is so small that
the transfusions are difficult at best.

So we don't know.

Well, difficult doesn't mean impossible,
does it?

No. No, it doesn't.

l brought this for Kystina.

Oh... Well, thank you.
He's vey handsome.


Come on, walk with me a way.

How about you?
How's the homecoming turning out?

Oh, like a tug-of-w*r.

One moment it's, ''Welcome home ''
from Mommy, the ne_--

The last thing you need to hear
are my problems.

Well, any time you have a problem,
you can come to me, you know that.

l understand that you've hired
detectives to track down my father.

How did you know that?

When Dex and Mommy argue,
they don't exactly whisper.

Do you think they'll find him?

lt means a great deal to you,
doesn't it?


You're going to know
who your father is, trust me.

Sometimes l think
you're the only one l can trust.

l should go now.
Will you give Kystle a kiss from me?

- Yes, of course.
- Bye.

''A vey special present
for a vey special little girl.

He'll hug you back.''

Amanda's vey special too,
isn't she, Blake?

Yes. Yes, she is.

Oh, this waiting.
This endless waiting.

l'm not vey good at this.

Doctor Miller, how is she?

How did the transfusions go?

Kystina's body has accepted
the new blood.

She is a strong young lady.

So unless there are complications,
which l don't foresee,

you have nothing more
to wory about.

There aren't going to be
any complications.

Kystina is gonna be iust fine.

The Gulf has not been mined.

Those were unconfirmed reports
and they're false.

Come in, darling.

l want you to notify me
the minute our tanker gets through.

- Am l interrupting?
- No. Don't be silly.

l'm glad you're here.
Dex is on his way over.

The three of us
can all have dinner together.

l think Dex prefers children at home,
in bed and out of sight by .

Dex is the one who prefers
to be in bed by .

So how was your day?

Have you met any young men
who need my approval?

- Actually, l went iob hunting.
- Any luck?

Luck and lunch with Ma_ell Allen
about getting a job on rhe Chronicle.

Ma_ell Allen?

Darling, one does not break bread
with vultures.

lf you need a iob, come to me.
That's what mothers are for.

At least,
that's what this mother is for.

Anmay, l'd much prefer that you went
to college here in Colorado.

Well, l've thinking about that.

l think that's what you should do.

you can't just flit through life.

- Don't you get bored doing nothing?
- Nothing?

l've been busy meeting brothers
l never knew l had,

and not to mention
the other men in your life.

You mean Blake Carrington?

Among others.

Did you go to the hospital today?

As a matter of fact, l did.

And you'll be disappointed to hear
that in spite of all his problems,

Blake was understanding,
compassionate and sincere.

All the things l'm not.

- Don't put words in my mouth.
DEX: Someone's got to.

What you say
usually gets you in trouble, Amanda.

Hi, darling.

Dex, do you think
that for just one moment

you could pretend
that l have feelings too?

Mommy, forget dinner.
l've lost my appetite.

ALEXIS: Amanda. Amanda.
- Let her go.

- What difference does it make?
- Makes a lot of difference, Dex.

l know she's difficult
but she's my daughter and l iove her.

You're iust going to have
to accept that fact.


ls my father home, Gerard?

Yes, Mr. Adam, he is.

Well, welcome home, you two.

- We came back as soon as we could.
DOMINIQUE: Blake, good to see you.

How are Kystle and the baby?

Kystle is fine,
and now so is the baby.

She's still in an incubator,
but she's getting stronger evey day.

l am sory.
It must have been hard for you, Blake.

l'm sure it wasn't easy
for you two either.

Now, tell me.
What the devil happened?

Ahmed ran for his helicopter.

Saban had given his men
your orders.

- Not to fire.
ADAM: But one of them did.

Ahmed took one b*llet and he d*ed.

Later, we found out that the soldier
who fired the sh*t

had a family vendetta
against Ahmed.

He sh*t him purposely.

- You're absolutely certain about that?
- Yes.

lt was not your fault, Blake.

lt wasn't Saban's fault.
It wasn't Adam's fault.

Here is what you sent me to get,

lronic, isn't it?

That Ahmed would have signed
a death-bed confession

without even knowing about it.

''l, Rashid Ahmed, have falsely
accused Blake Carrington

of using his purchases
of the South China Sea oil leases

aS a COVer-Up
for a munitions and arms deal.

For this service, l was paid
$ million by Alexis Colby.''

Well, l thank you both
for what you've done.

l always deliver what l promise,

Adam, l want you to set up
a press conference for this week.

l'll get right on it, father.

l think this should finally clear me.

Convince people
there was no arms deal.

Blake, Rashid is dead.

He can neither confirm nor refute
that confession.

May l suggest that you handle
the press vey carefully?

We will be careful.

A couple of those reporters
have been gunning for me

for quite a long time now.

We'd better be damned
convincing too.

- You're vey good.
- Oh, you startled me.

Sory, l didn't mean to.

Adam, let me do one of you.
It's a hobby l picked up at school.

l see somebody--

Anybody, and l sketch them.

Dex will be disappointed to hear
that he's just anybody.

Well, you've got a much stronger face
than Dex, anyhow.

Yes, l think so too.

But catch me when l'm not suffering
from jet lag, all right?

How are you? And how's mother?

Oh, she's fine.
l'm the one that's in trouble.

Whenever l'm around her
or Dex or Steven,

it's as if a bell goes off
and l come out fighting.

l don't know what happens.

Don't let it upset you.
Who says it's your fault, anmay?

Well, it must be. l mean, eveyone else
seems to get along fine.

Well, nearly. It's chilly out here.

Amanda, you are new to the family, so
maybe l can draw you some pictures.


He's moody, unpredictable.

But his feelings run deep
and he's kind.


He's conceited, hot-tempered,

he acts before he thinks,
he's insensitive--

Well, it's clear that you know Dex.

And then there's mother.


l never know what she's thinking.

l'm frightened to reach out to her
because l don't know what to expect.

Well, like the rest of her children,

you're going to have to learn
to love Alexis on her terms.

She's there when you need her,
and that means a lot.

l suppose so.

But not eveybody sets terms.

Blake doesn't.

Blake is not a faiy tale father,

- l know that.
- Do you?

Don't you think perhaps
you've created a fantasy for yourself?

The way you sometimes do
when you sketch.

Don't forget that sketching
just deals with the su_ace,

not the depth.

And you've got to get inside Blake
to know him.

That's not easy.

Jeff. It's beautiful.

Thank you.

And Kystina thanks you.

Well, if ever there was a baby born
who deserved a silver spoon...

You know, l told Little Blake
and Danny about Kystina.

And they told me they could really use
a wide receiver.


l'm not sure about that.

l think she's more of an equestrian.

- Hey, Blake.
- Well, what is this?

Another man showering gifts
on my wife?

Do you have room for one more?

Of course.

Thank you, Blake.


Let me help you with that.

lt's beautiful.

Well, Blake,
there are two women in your life now.

Shall we go check in
on the other one?

All right.

BLAKE: The baby is beautiful.
Wait till you see her.

l'll bet she is.

- Blake, l have a favour to ask.
- Sure, what?

l'm going to be out of town
for a few days.

Would you spend some time
with Little Blake?

Of course. Where are you going to be
in case l need you?

- l'd rather not say.
- _e_q.

You know we all spend time
with Little Blake,

but you're his father.

He keeps asking about you.

Look, l'll phone evey day.

Now, l'm not going to pursue this
about where you're going or why.

But don't you think
you have responsibilities here?

To your son as well as to yourself.

Blake, l know my responsibilities.

l'm not asking for your approval.

l iust want you to look after my son.

But, Jeff, you hardly spent
any time with him

the past two or three weeks.
That boy needs you.

Just remember,
wherever you're going,

that you've got a son waiting for you.

- Claudia.
- Dean, l--

- l really have to--
- What?

You haven't returned
my phone calls.

l don't think
we should be seen with each other.

Please, sit down with me,
just for a minute, please.

You're avoiding me. Why?

- Dean, what happened between us--
- Was vey special.

- Never should've happened.
- l don't believe that.

- l don't believe you really mean that.
- Oh, believe it.

lt was a mistake.

l was hurt and confused.

My husband and my marriage.

They're the most important things
in my life.

l won't risk losing them.

l'm sory.


Mr. Carrington, this iust arrived
express mail from London.

lt's marked confidential.

Good. Thank you.
l've been waiting for that.

''Our conclusion is that Alexis Colby,
then Alexis Carrington,

lived the life of a virtual recluse
while in Gstaad, Switzerland,

from the time of her arrival
until the birth of her daughter.''

This report is nothing but gossip
and you know it.

lt also says that you rented a villa,
Iocked yourself in,

and saw and spoke to no one.

l don't care what your report says.

Naturally, l didn't talk to tourists
or itinerants, but l had parties.

Lots of parties.

There was no ski instructor
and you damn well know it.

Within days of your arrival
in Switzerland,

you went to a clinic
where your pregnancy was confirmed.

So what?

Even if l were pregnant
when l left Denver,

it certainly wasn't by you.

Then by whom?

After your affair with Roger Grimes,

you begged me
for another chance now, didn't you?

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.

l would have done anything
not to lose my children.

l'd even have slept with the devil.

You did sleep with me.

For three months of a travesty
of a reconciliation.

With me and no one else.

lt wouldn't have been such a travesty
if you'd given me half a chance.

And the one time l had to leave town,
what did you do?

- You sneaked off to visit Grimes.
- Yes. In the hospital.

What does that prove?

lt proves that l've got some
compassion for another human being.

That l care whether somebody
lives or dies.

lt proves you're not to be trusted.

You promised me
you'd never see him again.

So you banished me from Denver.

You banished me from my children.

Not because l went to see
Roger Grimes,

but because you couldn't forgive me.

Because you could never
forgive me.

Because that incredible
male ego of yours wouldn't let you.

Well, you're gonna pay for this, Blake.
You're gonna pay for it

because you're never going to know
who Amanda's father is.

- Never.
- Won't l?

l'm going to ask her
to take a blood test.

l won't permit it.

You ty to stop me.

lt may not tell us
whether l'm her father,

but it sure as hell will tell us
if l'm not.

That's a fifty-fifty chance.

What's the matter?

You're not used to playing
without stacking the deck, are you?

Oh! Oh.


Well, it's nice to know
that not just any man

can throw his arms
around my wife.

l didn't really expect you
back so soon.

Anmay, you're iust in time
to take me to dinner

and tell me about Santa Barbara.
How things went.

Claudia, is something wrong?

No, no, nothing's wrong.

What happened in Santa Barbara?
Did you slay any dragons?

As a matter of fact, they're calling
the two of us The Miracles.

Like a rhythm and blues group.

- Us?
- Luke Fuller.

We contained the oil spill.

Santa Barbara's coast is clean
and so is Colbyco.

Then Alexis got what she paid for.

Claudia, what is it?

Eveything's fine.

Now that you're back.

l hate it when you're gone.

l miss you so much.

AMANDA: Mommy, l'm tying to please
you, but l don't know what you want.

Yesterday you told me to find
something to do here in Denver.

And today l'm suggesting
that you return to the Sorbonne

and continue your education.

lf you don't want to go to Paris,
then go to London.

Amanda, you're vey talented.

You could study art,
you could go to the Royal Academy.

l could study gorillas in Sri Lanka,
if l wanted to, but l don't.

Darling, l'm iust tying--

To get me out of Denver. Why?

Ask me, Amanda.
l can give you at least ten reasons.

Dex, this is a family discussion.

You don't know how to discuss.
All you do is att*ck your mother.

Talk about att*ck.

You've been attacking me
from the moment l arrived.

That's enough. Both of you.

Look at the two of you.
Snarling at each other like beasts.

l think that the three of us
should all go away together.

Away from business,
away from telephones.

Somewhere we can rest and relax.

A holiday? Together?

Yes. Why not? Just the three of us.

l know a wonde_ul ski lodge
in Ruidoso.

Mommy, l'm in no mood to ski.

And we'll leave tomorrow.

l have a business appointment
in the morning and in the afternoon.


what's more important?

My feelings
or your business appointment

that can probably wait?

why don't the two of you go?

You'll have a much better time
without me.

Once, iust once,

can you please place my wishes
above your own?

All right, Alexis.


lt's settled then. We leave tomorrow.

Good. Cap the well
and send me a complete report.


My news is good, father.
How's yours?

Mother and daughter
are doing just fine, thank you.

That's wonde_ul.

The fire in Deep Gorge Field is out.

We'll get a full report in two days.

And l've called a press conference
for tomorrow

to deal with Rashid Ahmed.

And we're ready for them.

We have the answers
to all their questions

before they even ask.

Fine. l want you to know how
l appreciate what you've done, Adam.

Father, somehow l have the feeling

that you think
if you had gone to Istanbul,

Ahmed would still be alive.

lf l had gone to Istanbul?
l don't deal in ifs.

l don't think you should either, son.

Now, is there anything else?

A few questions.

- l thought you had all the answers.
- That's for the press. This is private.

All right, iust between you and me.
What is it?

lt's pretty obvious that Dominique
is now a part of this team.

- Does that bother you?
- Not if that's what you want.

But l've seen you look at each other.

And there's something going on
that goes far beyond business.

Father, if there's a problem
and you need my help, l'm here.

Well, if there is a problem,
l'll handle it.

- Good evening, Mrs. Carrington.
- Hello, Luke.

One of the houseboys said
l might find Steven in here.

No, Steven's upstairs dressing.
We're going out to dinner.

l see.
He wanted me to drop these off.

Some notes
on the Santa Barbara trip.

He was anxious
to look them over tonight.

- Why don't you have a seat.
- Thank you.

- l heard the trip was successful.
- Vey good.

The Colbyco name is back
on the ecological honour roll,

clean as
the Santa Barbara coastline.

And you had good weather?

The vey best California had to offer.
It was beautiful.

Well, knowing Steven,
l'm sure that it was all business.

Practically all business.

Meetings all day,
practically non-stop.

Oh, that's too bad.

Because then, you didn't get to enioy
California weather.

Oh, we got out.
Went jogging about a half an hour.

Took a dip in the hotel pool.


Did you ty any of the good
seafood restaurants?

Yes, as a matter of fact,
we had a lobster dinner last night.

Just the two of us.

Dog-tired, but famished.

lf you wanna leave that envelope
with me, it's all right.

Well, if you think
Steven's going to be awhile, l can--


- Hello, Luke.
- Steven, hi.

- l iust came by to drop these off.
- Oh, good, thanks.

- Uh... Can l fix you a drink?
- No, thanks.

We were iust on our way to dinner.

Oh. Well, it was nice to see you again,
Mrs. Carrington.


He's vey nice.

Yes, he is.

l'm gonna take these upstairs
and then we can go.

Where's Alexis?

Being the consummate
business mogul.

She'll be a little late.

That's all she said?

lf she'd said anything else, Dex,
don't you think l'd tell you?

l iust asked, Amanda.

l don't want to be here
any more than you do.

Mrs. Colby called.
She said she's been detained

- and wants us to go without her.
- l'm not going anmhere without her.

Tell the pilot
to shut down the engines.


DEX: Alexis.
- Yes, Dex, what is it?

What the hell is going on?

lf you think we're leaving
without you--

Yes, that's exactly what l think,

Look, l don't have time to argue.

l iust got word that a Colbyco tanker
went aground.

l've got work to do. Lots of it.

So please,
just get Amanda out of town.

What is this, Alexis?

Look, iust get her to Ruidoso.

l'll ioin you as soon as l can. Please.

We're leaving on schedule
without Alexis.




MAM: Blake Carrington on line one,
Mrs. Colby.

Put him on.

Yes, Blake?

l got a message from Amanda
this morning.

Said she was gonna be out of town.

- Now, where is she going, Alexis?
- How should l know?

Because she's on your iet, damn it.

Now, it's not gonna do any g_,
you know.

Because l'll find her and when l do,
she'll agree to take that blood test.

l wouldn't count on it.

Yes, Mrs. Colby?

l want the Colbyco , well-stocked,
and ready to take off for London.

MAN [ON RADlO]: _s of :OO this
evening, a record inches of snow

has fallen in less than seven hours.

The temperature is degrees

with a wind chill factor
of minus ten degrees.

The interstate highway is open,
but most--

What are you doing?
l want to hear the end of the forecast.

And l wanna make a phone call.

Operator, can you connect me
with the airport?

Yes, l know some of the lines
are down, but please ty anmay.

Hello? Can you hear me?

l'm expecting a flight in
from Denver.

l see.
Yes, l know it's that kind of night.

They've closed the airport.

No flights have landed,
and none will until this blizzard's over.


DEX: Where are you going?
- Back to the airport.

- It's closed, remember?
- So?

- Now, don't start going crazy on me.
- l can take care of myself.

Yes, but there's a blizzard
and you--

Would you mind
getting out of my way?

l'm not gonna stay here
with you and that is it.

lt's only for tonight, Amanda.

Tomorrow morning you can go
wherever the hell you want to go.

- Let go of me.
- Calm down now.

Just stay here tonight.
Stop acting like a little child.

- Don't tell me what to do.
- You're okay here.

l told-- Now stop it.

Now stop it
and calm down and sit there.

Amanda, l am not going to hurt you.

The snow's stopped.

DEX: Yeah, the snowploughs
are out cleaning the roads.

The sky is clearing.

l called the airport.

lt's open.


l wonder what time
Mommy will arrive.

Now, about last night...


What happened is--

l'm sory.

Oh. So you don't make it a habit
of forcing yourself on others?

l don't recall forcing you.

Let's iust say we were
in the wrong place at the wrong time.

With the wrong person?


So there's no need to talk about it
anymore, is there?

There's no need to talk about this
to anyone.

No one will know.

l don't want to hurt Alexis
any more than you do.


After all, what could we say?

That her lover and her daughter
got swept away and deceived her?

Amanda, l'm sory.

What happened shouldn't have.
It will never happen again.

MAN: But you did have a previous
Iong-standing relationship

with Rashid Ahmed.

- Didn't you, Miss Deveraux?
- A business relationship, yes.

That's why l volunteered to act
as an envoy between the two parties.

l would like to add that Miss Deveraux
was in Istanbul

to convince Mr. Ahmed
that his fabricated stoy

had disastrous effects not only
on two innocent governments--

But on Denver-Carrington as well?

Beyond Denver-Carrington.

The rest of the world
needed those oil reserves too.

And thanks to Miss Deveraux's efforts
we have access to those reserves.

You must be a vey
convincing woman, Miss Deveraux.

l think so. Don't you?


You're asking us to believe
that you charmed a man like Ahmed

into signing this confession?

BLAKE: That's an honest question,
Mr. Wales,

and l'll give you and the World finance
magazine an honest answer.

A permanent percent royalty
from the development of that oil field

will be paid by Denver-Carrington
to the National Education Fund

for the betterment of schools
in Mr. Ahmed's native county.

That's vey generous.

lt's a shame Mr. Ahmed
didn't live to see it.

Yes, it is a shame.

ln your hands, you're holding a copy

of the report prepared independently
by the Turkish authorities

after a thorough investigation
into Rashid Ahmed's death.

That report states
that Mr. Ahmed's death

was the result
of an act of personal vengeance.

lt had nothing to do
with our negotiations.

Well, you've certainly covered
all the bases.

l would like to emphasise
that the presence of my son

and Miss Deveraux in Istanbul
at the time of Mr. Ahmed's death

was strictly coincidental.

Anticipating your questions,

we chose to be as open
and as honest as we could.

ADAM: Are there
any further more questions?

Well, in that case, Miss Spencer
has some refreshments for you.

Thank you all vey much for coming.

Thank you vey much, Mr. Carrington,
Miss Deveraux.

You're quite welcome.

- l think it went vey well indeed.
- l think it did--

That's a nicely wrapped package,
Mr. Carrington.

But l think there's more inside it
than meets the eye.

l believe you have our statement.

Oh, yes. Sure.
The confession of a dead man.

Not much of a stoy, though, is it?

No, the real stoy is how you're going
to get that naval task force

off your drilling sites.

My bet, Mr. Carrington, is that you--

- You can't do it.
- No?

Well, watch me, Mr. Wales.

Just watch me.

That's an honest question, Mr. Wales.

A permanent percent royalty
from the development of that oil field

will be paid by Denver-Carrington
to the National Education fund

for the betterment of schools
in Mr. Ahmed's native county.

That's vey generous.

WALES: It's a shame Mr. Ahmed
didn't live to see it.

Yes, it is a shame. In your hands...

ls there anything else l can get for you,
Mrs. Carrington.

No, thank you.

--report states that Ahmed's death

- Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.
- was a result of personal vengeance.

Oh. Got us on the news, huh?

You certainly covered all the bases.

l would like to...

lt went pretty well, don't you think?

Yes, it did.

Well, aren't you going to watch
the end of it?

Well, l know how it turns out.

l spoke to Dr. Harris
a little while ago.

He said that you could go home

And he said that Kystina
was an absolute miracle.

She gained another ounce.

l know, l-- l saw Dr. Miller.

Blake, that press conference.

lt was rehearsed, wasn't it?

lt was prepared, yes.

You've been in public relations
Iong enough to know

that you don't go into these things

Well, there are no reporters
here now.

Just the two of us.

l wanna know what really happened.

l've already been questioned
by the press.

l didn't think now
l'd be questioned by my wife.

- l iust wanna know the truth.
- The truth?

l've told you the truth.

Now, if you'd trusted me...

All this wouldn't have happened?

We wouldn't have argued?
l wouldn't have fallen down the stairs?

Our baby's life
wouldn't have been threatened?

That's all over.
That is all behind us now.

ls it?

Blake, our baby almost d*ed.

l can't iust put that behind me.

Can you?



- How are you doing?
- Okay.


You sounded excited
when you called me.

What happened?
Did you speak with Brother Leo?

He wasn't much help.

- May l get you something, Mr. Colby?
- No, thank you, maybe later. Thanks.

But wasn't he the one
who tracked down Peter?

Yes. He thought that De Vilbis
was Fallon's husband.

- l'm sure Peter didn't deny that.
- No, no, of course not.

But when he got to the monastey
to get Fallon, he was alone.

l told you going to Seattle
would be a waste of time.

No, no, not really.

Because it dawned on me

that De Vilbis had to have
checked into a hotel.

And that maybe Fallon
called him there from the monastey.

Which she did because
there's a record of that number.

l don't understand.

Nicki, he wasn't alone
when he checked into the hotel.

Now, l showed the desk clerk
two pictures.

One of Fallon
and one of Birgit Helstrom.

And l asked him if either one of these
women had been with De Vilbis

when he got to the hotel.


He pointed to the picture of Birgit
and said, ''That one.

The blonde. l'll never forget her.''

But that doesn't prove anything.

Nikki, someone d*ed in that plane
with Peter De Vilbis.


Maybe it wasn't Fallon.

As of when? Great.

Thank you. Thank you vey much.

The roads are clear.

She should be here any minute.

Thank God.

- Where are you going?
- To pack.

You don't think l'm gonna stay,
do you?

- Yes. Until Alexis arrives.
- Wrong.

l'm leaving here, l'm leaving Denver,
l'm leaving America.

l'm gonna get as far away from you
as l possibly can.

l've had enough
of this jolly little holiday.

Mo-- Mommy.

l've never been more happy
to see one woman in my life.

Well, that's for being happy
to see me. You make it a habit.

Well, l imagine that your cupboard
is bare.


Dig deeper, darling.
There's caviar too.

Let that be a lesson to you,
Amanda. Always dig deeper,

and you will come up
with the big gold ring.

What is going on inside
that beautiful head of yours, Alexis?

Oh, plans, darling.

Wonde_ully exciting plans.
l've made the arrangements.

My plane is meeting us
in Albuquerque tomorrow,

and the three of us
are all flying to England together.

England together?


Oh, there's this exquisite county
church in Mersham, where l grew up.

l've never had
a church wedding before

and this time,
l want to do it properly.

- What?
- We're getting married.
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