04x21 - The Voice - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x21 - The Voice - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

(knock on door)

Come in.

Good afternoon, Carrington.

And an important
afternoon for us both.

Though one would hardly
know from the frown on your face.

Smile, my friend, smile.

At least for the
television cameras.

That shouldn't be too
difficult, I shouldn't think,

with a woman as beautiful
as Miss Kendall at your side.

If you don't mind, Ahmed,

I'm just going over my
notes for this press statement.

If you are trying to avoid
a conversation with me,

that is a very poor excuse.

There is not a word there

that you have not
studied to the core by now.

Besides, the subject
of beautiful women

is not exactly anathema to you.

The last time we made a deal,

you had the ravishing
Alexis at your side.

In Italy, remember?

And recently I saw a photo,

of your most recent wedding?

Fabulous-looking blond.

You have exceedingly good
taste in wives, Carrington.

Look, you are in this hotel room

for one reason and
one reason only,

to make a statement
to the press.

Now, let's keep it
that way, damn it.

(knock on door)

Mr. Carrington, the
television crew's outside.

Are you ready?

I'm just about as
ready as I'll ever be.

At least to get this
part over with, anyway.

Gentlemen, this is Mr. Chu.

( majestic theme playing)

(phone ringing)


BLAKE: Hello, darling.

Did I wake you?
That's all right.

I'm sorry. I know you need
all the rest you can get.

The baby and I
slept beautifully.

We're healthy and happy.

That makes three of us
then, because I'm elated.

I had to share the good news

with the lady I happen to
be desperately in love with.

The deals all set, all signed.

I announced it at a
press conference on TV.

Which, incidentally, should be
on the morning news in Denver.

Well, then I'll watch the ,
and : programmes.

What time is it
there in Hong Kong?

It's time to grab a late
dinner after all the commotion.

No, no. I'm taking Tracy as a
reward for all her good work.

She did a wonderful job
handling that press conference.

Well, the photo
coverage she arranged

when you were made
party chairman is terrific.

It was a great idea
introducing you to Eric Grayson.

(knock on door)

Oh, hold on a minute,
darling. Come in.

These just arrived, sir.

I don't believe it.

Remember my telling you
about some lost luggage?

Mine and Tracy's?

Well, it just arrived.

Heh! Yes.

Just in time to fly back
with us tomorrow morning.

Uh, hold on. Put it
over there, please.

And, uh...

Here you are.

Did Miss Kendall's bag come too?

Yes, sir, I left it with her.
Thank you, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you.

Mm-hm. (door closes)

Yes, yes, we're booked on
the : flight tomorrow morning.

I'll be seeing you soon.

(chuckles lightly)

And I love you very, very much.

I love you too, darling.

Bye, darling.


( mellow theme playing)

(exhales and clears throat)

Eric Grayson. I'll be damned.

Mr. Carrington?

Uh, just a minute, please.

Yes, Tracy?

I-I guess you could
call it musical bags.

Yours was left in my
room by mistake. Oh.

Well, fair exchange.

Uh, more than fair. Crucial.

Now I have my hair
dryer, my favorite lipstick.

You won't be ashamed
of me at dinner.

I hope you didn't
open this by mistake.

I am a terrible packer.

Uh, it's a mess.

Um, w-what time are
our dinner reservations?

Thirty minutes.

Fine. I will be ready in .

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

(g*nf*re and shouting over TV)

Morning, Alexis. Oh!

Not so loud, please, Mark,
I have a terrible headache.

I stayed far too long at the
Harrison's party last night.

Drank too much champagne,
much too much brandy.

Pour me some coffee,
will you? Very black.


Mind if I turn on
that sports channel?

Should be coming on soon.

Yes, I do mind.

Would you please
turn that thing off?

MAN (on TV): Important
news from Hong Kong,

where Denver oil
giant Blake Carrington

has just ex*cuted
what some observers

are calling the
deal of the century.

Turn it off, Alexis? No.

BLAKE: I am very
pleased to announce

that Denver-Carrington
has secured vast oil leases

in a very promising
area of the world,

the South China Sea.

I would like to make
it clear, however,

that although this
deal has been made

with a foreign government,

it is in no sense
a political deal.

It is, rather than that,

for the good of
the entire world.

A world that is
constantly demanding

new sources of energy.

And energy, like peace, should
be for the benefit of mankind,

regardless of
national boundaries.

I would now like to introduce,

representing the
cooperating government,

Mr. Rashid Ahmed.

Thank you, Mr. Carrington.

I heartily concur with
all your views, my friend.

In addition, I merely
should like to add...

(TV turns off)

What was that all about? (sighs)

Nothing that would interest you.

Mark, I need to be alone.

I've got some
private calls to make.

All right.

I'll just, uh, watch the
sports news in my room.

Yes, this is Mrs. Colby.

I want to make a
call to Hong Kong.

The person I want to speak
to is called Rashid Ahmed.

Yes, that's
R-A-S-H-I-D, A-H-M-E-D.

Now, try him at
the Hotel Peninsula.

If he's not there, try the
Mandarin or the Regent.

(line clicking)

All right, Mark,
if you're finished

listening in on the extension,

I want to see you right away.

I want an explanation, Mark,

and it better be a
damned good one.

Since when are you so interested

in my business affairs?

First you question Dex,

and now you're listening
on my phone conversations.

Isn't it obvious, Alexis?

No, it is not obvious.

I can't be a bodyguard
the rest of my life.

And I want to improve my future.

Learn from an expert.

One of the smartest
people I know:


Look, I-I've managed to put
away a little over grand,

and I was hoping that if you
could give me a few leads,

I might parlay that
into something bigger.

Is that so terrible?


Uh, thinking about making
money is never terrible.

All right.

As soon as we get
back from Hong Kong,

I'll try and give
you a few tips.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong
is going to be all business,

so I want you
concentrating on me,

not on your potential
business deals.

And I'm coming with you?

Yes, you are.

This trip is going to involve
a staggering amount of cash.

I'm going to need protection.

Staggering amount?
Just how staggering?

More than grand, Mark.

Much more, and much grander.

( mysterious theme playing)

TRACY: I'm sorry.
What was that question?

One bite of this shrimp
and my senses went "whoo."


I asked what you
thought of Eric Grayson.

Mr. Grayson.

Well, I only saw him
at your photo session

when you introduced
us. I hardly know the man.

That's strange that your
paths have never crossed.

I mean, politics
and public relations

are not that far apart.

Strange maybe, but true.

Now, you never ask a
question without a reason.

So I assume you have one here.

I do.

I want to assure
myself that you two...

That you get along.

After all, you're going to be
working very closely with him

when we get back home.

When we get back home,

the man I'm looking forward
to working closely with

is not Eric Grayson.

It's someone that I find
much more fascinating.

And I'm sitting
with him right now.

A very special night.

Ready for my next course
to this incredible dinner.


Is something the matter?

It just occurred to me
that I forgot to call our office

and tell them to make sure
that they send one of our planes

to San Francisco to pick
us up tomorrow morning.

I'll be right back.

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Mrs. Colby. What is it, Jason?

Jason left last
Friday. I'm Lloyd.

Oh, yes, of course.
What is it, Lloyd?

Uh, your suite at
The Peninsula Hotel

has been confirmed, and,
uh, here are your plane tickets

for this afternoon's
flight to Hong Kong.

Oh, thank you, Lloyd.

That will be all.

You mind if I come in?

Oh, no, of course not.

Since you've obviously
brought me flowers.

At least, I presume
they're for me.

They are.

Call them a bribe.

I'm flying to Los Angeles
to line up a refinery deal

for our Oscar Stone number.

I'm here to persuade
you to go with me.

And this is a
corsage for our trip.



Oh, Dex, that's... That's
terribly sweet of you.

But I can't possibly
leave Denver right now.

I've... I've got a
million things to do.

Besides, you really wouldn't
want me with you in Hollywood

with all those pretty, bikinied
morsels dying to seduce you.

Alexis, I stopped sleeping
around with morsels,

bikinied or otherwise, the
day I fell in love with you.

You might not believe this,

but I am very
old-fashioned that way.

You mean you really
believe in fidelity?

That's right.

It's one of the most
important words,

probably the most
important, in a relationship.

And yes, I believe in it.

( romantic theme playing)

A corsage of violets.

You know, you really are

old-fashioned, darling.

Then you'll come?

I'm sorry, Dex.

This is one time that I can't
possibly change my mind.

Hm. Well, I am going to have
to finish up business in L.A.

as fast as I can and
come flying back to you

with some very
old-fashioned thoughts.

Like a man and a woman
belonging only to each other.

( romantic theme paying)

Oh, Krystle. Claudia.

I'm glad we could have
lunch today so we can talk.

Oh, so am I.

I think it's a really great i...


( suspenseful theme playing)

I'm sorry.

I knew a girl once,
just as pretty as you.

Hair the same color.

And a dress very much
like the one you're wearing.

I'm sorry. No, that's
all right, ma'am.

Hi, honey. Hi, Mom.

I booked a tennis lesson
for us in ten minutes

on the main court, so you'd
better hurry and get changed.

Claudia, we've all seen people
we think are someone else.

It happens sometimes.

(door opens)

Hello, Mother.

Steven, darling.

Welcome back,
and my condolences.

Condolences? Yes.

This whole terrible campaign
against poor Claudia,

driving you to Peru.

Well, I'm back. The Cunningham
meeting went very well

and there are things
waiting for me at my desk.

Steven, darling, sit down.

That's not why I
wanted to see you.

I want to talk to you
about your father.

What about him?

While you were gone,
he grabbed the opportunity

to steal what was
rightfully ColbyCo's.

He sneaked off to Hong Kong

to tie up those leases
in the South China Sea.

Without ColbyCo even
being in on the bidding?


Mother, in case you
don't already know this,

Blake Carrington doesn't
sneak and he doesn't steal.

If there's anybody in the family

you should be suspicious
of, it's my big brother.

I can't prove this,

but those evaluation
reports I did on that area

disappeared when Adam
left for Denver-Carrington.

Who cares who did it? It's done.

And I'm going to have
to go to Hong Kong

to wrap up any leases
that might still be available.

I want you to look after
things while I'm gone.

Where did those come from?

Where did those
violets come from?

Dex gave them to me.


Steven, it's just a bouquet
of innocent little violets.

They're not all that rare.

Are you thinking that they
might have something to do

with what's going
on with Claudia?

Oh, Steven, she's
taking it badly enough.

But please don't
let it affect you too.

It's not, Mother.

Good. Have a nice trip.

Oh, I will.

You know, I always adore
shopping in Hong Kong.

One never knows what
opportunities might be on sale.

( majestic theme playing)

(Tracy speaks Chinese)

Now, that is Chinese for:

"Thank you for dinner,

the evening and
for you being you."

All that wrapped up
in one, tiny "xie xie ni"?

TRACY (laughing): Yes.

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That I have only had on
one earring all night long?

Is that so tragic?

Oh, it's worse. It's much worse.

Oh, I know.

I bet I took it off while
I was using your phone

before dinner. Do you
mind if I come in for a look?

No. No, not at all.

TRACY: It's a bad habit I have.

(Tracy giggles)

You have no idea how
many earrings I lose.

Let's see.

Yeah, telephone is here...

I was here...

Let's see.

(Tracy laughs)

Here it was, all the time.


Thank you, Blake.

Well, I didn't find it, you did.

No, for being a total gentleman

and not calling attention
to it during dinner.

You curious as to why I didn't?

I am curious about
a lot of things.

I didn't call your
attention to it,

because you were wearing

both your earrings
in the restaurant.

You see, I'm very aware
of women's earrings.

I'm also aware of women's games.

Meaning exactly what?

Well, let's call it the, uh...

The Eric Grayson charade.


Tracy, your flight bag and
mine are exactly the same.

I opened yours by mistake.

And you saw the photograph.

Two people who are
not exactly strangers.

All right.

Guilty as charged.

I knew Eric Grayson.

And, on occasion, intimately.

I'm a woman.

He's an attractive man.

And I happen to
believe in going after

what I find attractive.

And I think you're
very attractive.

Don't you feel the
same way about me?

Otherwise why would you bring me

all the way to Hong Kong?

You are here, young lady,

only because my
wife is pregnant.

And as for what you
call attraction to me,

you'd better
forget it, right now.

Because I'm flying
back to Denver

tomorrow morning alone.

You can't... Can't just walk...

I don't care what
flight you're on,

what plane or
where you're going.

I'm buying off your
contract right now.

Paid in full.

If that amount is not enough,

you can contact my
Business Affairs people.

You're fired, Miss
Kendall. Goodbye.

(chuckles lightly)

Y-y-you can't.

Y-you're going to miss me.
I am very good at what I do.

I'm sure you are.

Goodbye, Miss Kendall.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Morning, Krystle. Morning, Adam.

It's nothing I said, I hope.

Oh, no, I've got to get dressed
to meet Blake at the airport.

There will be a
lot of press there

and he'll wanna
see a familiar face.

Krystle, he pulled
off a real coup.

Please tell him we're
all very proud of him.

I will.

Heidi, I'm real
hungry this morning.

Can I have a lot of
everything, please?

Very well, sir. Thank you.

Good morning. Ha-ha!

Mrs. Colby, would
you like your eggs now?

Oh, no, thank you.

I'd like to be left alone
with Mr. Carrington, please.

Yes, ma'am. Thanks.

I've been looking for you.

Whatever it's about, let
me get you breakfast first.

I've been looking for you
because I just got off the phone

to a newspaper in Bismarck.

And I found out there
is an institution there

for the criminally insane.

And I wanna go there
and find my mother.

Now, when I first
asked you to help me,

you said you couldn't
possibly leave Denver

while your father was away.

Well, he's coming
back this morning

and I'd like to fly to
North Dakota today.


Kirby, why don't you
just leave it alone?

It is in the past.

What do you want me
to do? Leave it buried?

Leave it buried because
this is a part of my past

you can't possibly accept?

Adam, who always has
an answer to everything,

is suddenly so silent. Is
suddenly so speechless.

Well, I'm going to find
her and I don't need you.

Listen to me. Listen to
me. Kirby, Kirby, Kirby.

Kirby, I love you.

I love you!

When are you gonna
get it through your head

that I love you for
who and what you are?

That who and what your mother
was has nothing to do with it.

Then show me that,
Adam. Show me.

JEFF: I think it's terrific.

FALLON: What is?

After skiing, you complained
about having a headache.

Now, we just finished
riding, no complaints.

That's because I
have no headache.

Whoever thought we'd
end up such lions of logic?

That's very good, Fallon.

Do you remember when
we were in Montana?

It was a lot different this
time when we went skiing.

I think we're
older, more mature.

And I think we both
realized we made a mistake

getting a divorce.

And you're not buying
any of this, are you?

Oh, yeah, it's true.

Well, it doesn't look like it.

What am I supposed to look like?

What's a true face look like?

Well, a smile would be nice.

That's very nice. Is
that better? Ha-ha!

I think it would be nice
though if you said yes.

To what? Marrying me.

That is when my
divorce from Kirby is final.


That's a very tempting offer.

And you're tempted to say yes.

Now, why don't you say yes,

so we can start
making some plans?

You helped me get over a lot.

The accident, Peter...

I just don't wanna say
yes for the wrong reasons.

I don't want to
shortchange you again.

You think you could
just give me a little time?

Sure, I'll give you
all the time you need.

( romantic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

REPORTER: Welcome back.
Thank you, nice to be back.

Your TV interview from Hong Kong

went through the roof.

Good, I'm glad to hear that.

There were a few areas...

I didn't get around
to discussing,

but I will, just give
me a few minutes.

MAN: Can I take your
briefcase, Mr. Carrington?

I desperately need
to discuss things

with my chief of
public relations.

Hello. Mr. Carrington,
we need to discuss...

Gentlemen, over here.

Mr. Carrington? Over here.

A statement, please?
Over here, thank you.

MAN : Ladies and
gentlemen, over here.

MAN : Stand back, all right?

Over here, please. Stand back.

Tracy? I-I can't believe it.

I couldn't either.

And when I saw
that photo of Grayson

and I confronted her with it...

Blake, do you
remember when I missed

that meeting with
you at the Capitol

because of the note
trading thing? Mm-mh.

Do you think she could
have been so devious

as to plan that? Yes.

Yes, I think she
could have been.

But, darling, that's
all yesterday's news.

Well, I've got
some news for you.

What's that?

Well, if this continues,

you're gonna need
tons of publicity.

And I'm gonna handle it
for you now, personally.

Yeah, but what about...?

I know, what about the baby?

Darling, I went to see
Dr. Holton yesterday.

And he said I was thriving.
His word and a lovely word:


And he said I could
go back to work

as long as I didn't overdo it.

All right.

But I'm going to see to
it that you don't overdo it.

Until we find a
replacement for Tracy.

You know, I may
be furious with her,

but I have to give her
credit for one thing.

What's that?

She has excellent
taste in oh, so sexy men.

Well, thank you. Now,
that's much better.

Last time you paid
me a compliment,

I believe you used
the word "cute."

You are cute and sexy.


And you...

You get prettier every day.

Prettier and prettier.

( romantic theme playing)

What's keeping him?
He's been in that file room

for almost half an hour.

He's an editor, Kirby.

A reporter could have stopped
him, asked him for something.

Oh, Mr. Gifford, you found
the article you were looking for?

I did. About your mother.

What does it say?

Essentially what they told
you at the state asylum.

That she had been
evaluated six months ago,

judged sane and released.
No forwarding address.

Well, this newspaper article

must have more
information in it than that.

Does it say where she is?
Do you know where she is?

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

Unhappily, I do.

Oh, no, no. Please,
don't come with me.

I want to, Kirby.

I just want to be
alone with her.


( somber theme playing)


Who are you looking for?

Alicia Anders.

She was my mother.
I'm her daughter, Kirby.

Her daughter?

I believe what you're
looking for is over there.

Why did you have to do it?

Why did you have to leave me?

When they released her
from... From that place,

your mother came to live
here. We became friends.

She had made a lovely rag doll.

She called it Kirby.

I remember she
used to sit for hours

with it cradled in her arms.

Oh, she loved you so much.

And she wanted to go back
and find you and your father,

and ask him to forgive her.

So finally one night she said,

yes, she'd go to Denver.

But she never did.

I guess she just didn't
have the courage.

When your life has been ruined,


KIRBY: I don't wanna
hear any more of this.

Your father had
delivered the truth,

so why shouldn't you?

She ran away, Kirby,
when you were years old.

She ran off with her lover.

And when he didn't
satisfy her anymore,

she k*lled him.


Your father should
have had the courage

to tell you himself,

instead of blaming me for
that letter from the grave.

When your life has been ruined,


Thank you.

Are you all right?

Let's go home.

Home, yes.

I know exactly what
I have to do there.

( majestic theme playing)

Good morning,
Mr. Dexter. How was L.A.?

It was a good trip
with good news.

I'm gonna see Mrs. Colby, Lloyd.

I'll be happy to
take the message.

Give it to her when she
comes in from Hong Kong.

From where?

You didn't know?

She left yesterday.


Where is she
staying in Hong Kong?


Why do you ask? You
gonna send her some flowers?

Maybe more violets?

Or orchids this time.

I'd like to speak
with you inside.

All right. What do you
wanna see me about?

Let's start with the two of
us. From the very beginning,

I haven't exactly been on
your list of favorite people.

Well, that's very observant
of you. And very true.

And the reason should
be pretty damned obvious.

The first time we met
was after I'd come back

from Canada with your mother.

You saw a relationship
beginning to build between us.

You resented that
relationship, you still do.

So let's put it
this way, Steven.

I don't waste my time liking
people who don't like me.

I'm not finished.

Make it quick, I'm in a hurry.

Your father was on the board

of Denver-Carrington for years.

And you used to work closely
with him from time to time.

Did you ever meet a man
who once worked for my father

named Matthew Blaisdel?
Your wife's first husband.

I met him several times, why?

It just struck me that you
remind me of Matthew in a way.

Your voice, similar
accent, not unlike his.

Well, maybe that's because
we were both from Wyoming.


This has to do with
those violets, doesn't it?


Now, you look.

I resent your even
beginning to suspect me

in this lousy business that's
going on against your wife.

I don't give a damn what
you resent. I warn you, Dex,

don't you ever hurt
anybody in my family.

My mother or anybody else.

Was that a thr*at, Steven?

Because if it is, I
don't like threats.

You may find that out someday.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

Look, it's a wheel.


Look at that, it spins.

Morning. Good morning.

I'm on my way to the office,

I just wanted to say
goodbye to Little Blake.

Oh, he's with his nanny,
downstairs in the garden.

You're practicing on
impending motherhood?

On office hours, I see.

Well, Blake's idea.

He insists that I
go in an hour later

and come home an hour earlier.

So, what better place to
spend my time than here?

Your own baby, finally.

I'm so happy for you. Or
have I already said that?

A few times.

Well, I am.

And it's gonna bring you and
Daddy even closer together,

if that's possible.


You know, I have to
give my mother credit

for one thing.

She tried to warn me about Peter

and what she termed, "his
lack of love for children."

And I keep thinking,
what if I had married him?

And what if he tried to
pull me away from my son?

You would never
have done that, Fallon.

I don't know.

I may have weakened in
some way to try and please him.

I don't think so.

Well, what I'm trying to say is,

when two people have
a child between them,

even if they've gone
their separate ways,

it's a bond that just
doesn't go away.

Like with you and Jeff.

Yes, like with me and Jeff.

Well, you two seem closer
since you came back from skiing.

You're wondering
if there's a chance

we'll get back together again?

Who can say?

I mean, did you know
that you and Blake

were gonna work
it out until suddenly

it was the only thing
that seemed right?

No, I didn't.

But it worked out beautifully.

So it did.

( upbeat theme playing)

MARCIA: Mr. Carrington?

By the time you've
finished with Mr. Grayson,

I'll have those files pulled.

Thank you, Marcia.

Mr. Grayson?

Blake. Congratulations
on your trip. Ha!

You got as much media
coverage as a head of state.

But now that you're back,

I hope we can concentrate
on party business.

Sit down.


And, yes, Blake, I will
have a drink with you.

I'm not offering you a drink.

I didn't ask you
over here for a drink.

I wanted to talk
to you face to face.

I wanted to tell you that I
don't do business with liars.

You do realize what
you just implied?

I implied nothing, I said it.

Who has been
giving me a hard time

at the party, Blake?

I saw your antagonism
with Sam Dexter's son.

Is it more of the same?

Dexter's got nothing
to do with this.

It's your ethics,
or lack of them.

What the hell are
you talking about?

You want it in two words?

Tracy Kendall.

(laughs): What?


That woman is nothing
more to me than...

That woman has told
me what she is to you.

She told me about your
tricky little scheme too.

And I want to tell you this.

I want nothing to do
with a political party

that puts up with
the likes of you.

You understand that?

Do you realize what
this is going to do to me

if you come out and
make an issue of it?

I'm not going to.

I know you've got a wife,
I know you've got a family.

I don't know them,

but I respect their right
not to have their name

dragged through
this kind of dirt.

So you make whatever excuse

you have to do
to save your hide,

but I'm resigning as party
chairman as we speak.

I expect you to make that
announcement within the hour.

Now get out of here.

( dramatic theme playing)

(phone buzzes)


Yes, Helen, she's right here.

Hold on. For you.


MAN: Claudia.


(whispers): Fallon.

We need you, Lindsay and I.

Oh, Fallon, call the police.

Keep him talking.

We need you,
Claudia. We're a family.

Oh, Matthew. Matthew, but...


(dial tone hums) He hung up.

( dramatic theme playing)


I'd like some
information, please.

When is the next
flight to Hong Kong?

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: Good.

That's wonderful.

Wonderful, Dan, thank you.

"Wonderful" meaning...?

I'm halfway to the hundred
million I need, Andrew.

I appears that just
about everyone I know

is anxious to get
in on this deal.


And you told me so.

Yes, I believe I did.

Hello, Andrew. Krystle. Heh-heh!

Oh, you look lovely.

Why, thank you. Darling, we're
supposed to meet everyone

in the restaurant
in half an hour.

Don't you think we
should get started?

All right.

Blake, you're riding
high at the moment.

And it's really nice to see.

But I wouldn't ride too
high just yet, because...

Sometimes people
fall from heights.

I know that, my friend.

But I'm not afraid of falling.

'Cause this deal is a natural,

that's a once in
a lifetime thing.

And nothing and no one
is gonna screw it up for me.

(upbeat theme playing)


Put Mr. Jennings' bags
in here, this is his room.

I thought you said we
were gonna have a suite?

We do have a suite.

This is your bedroom,
and my bedroom

and sitting room are there.

The connecting door will
remain locked from my side

unless I have a specific reason
for unlocking it. Understood?

No, not understood.
What about all the cash

I'm supposed to be
protecting for you?

You'll get it later.

Right now I'm gonna go
and complain to the airline

about that dreadful
overnight delay in Honolulu.

Beats flying with
engine trouble.

Get some sleep, Mark.
I'll talk to you later.

( mellow theme playing)




My remarkable
Alexis, look at you.

Look at you. Obviously fatigued

from a delayed
and unholy flight,

yet more beautiful than ever.

(laughs): Thank you.

You... You are in the
mood for champagne,

even though it is morning here.

Oh, I'm always in the mood
for champagne, Rashid,

particularly when I
see an old friend again.

A toast to the most provocative

and fascinating
woman in the world.

And the most cryptic.


You phoned your people here

to suggest that I wait
in Hong Kong for you

because it would be
worth my while? Mm-hm.

What is it all about?

Oh, first things first, Rashid.

I am absolutely exhausted.

In fact, I'm so tired
that all I want to do

is just find my
bed and lie down.

I have a better idea.

Why don't I show
you where the bed is

and lie there with you, yes?

No. But you can sit in a corner

and watch me sleep if you like.

Alexis, my love, I had much,
much more interesting ideas.

Ideas, Rashid,
are a dime a dozen.

It so happens I have a dime.

Or... Or the equivalent
of one. Hee-hee-hee!

Darling, I'm much too
exhausted for jokes.

I just want to have a little nap

and then later we'll talk.


About you and me

and Blake Carrington

and $ million.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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