04x14 - Lancelot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x14 - Lancelot

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

MAN: All right, Kirby.

Follow my finger.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

Back again.



Well, that does it.

We'd like to take your
blood pressure now.

Mrs. Carrington,
did you see this

in the morning paper?

No, I didn't.

Oh, must be terribly exciting
owning such a fabulous horse.

Yes, it is. But I
only own half of him.

Would you check with
Dr. Winfield's nurse?

Mrs. Colby's been in
with him for a long time.

A simple swollen finger.

If Krystle hadn't
dragged me in here,

I wouldn't be wasting your time.

Ten swollen fingers.

And let's not worry
about my time, Kirby,

let's worry about you.

I'm tempted to diagnose
mild preeclampsia.

You have an electrolyte
imbalance in your bloodstream

that could cause problems
with your nervous system.

Your blood pressure's high,

and at this stage
of your pregnancy,

that's not good.

But we'll get it down,

and the swelling along with it.

Thank you.

Well, what do you want me to do?



I want you to get home,

get in bed, and stay there.


This is serious business.

I'll be checking
you every hours.

And if this condition
gets worse,

I'm gonna have to
put you in the hospital.

All right, doctor.

Thank you.

( slow dramatic theme playing)

Mrs. Wunderlich, the
doctor will see you now.

I'm sorry it took so long.

What did he say? What's wrong?

Wrong? Nothing's wrong.

It's just tension.

A lot of tension.

( dramatic theme playing)

A divorce?


Well, I guess it's a
classic reason, Blake.

Kirby and I just
don't get along.


That's as good a word as any.

But throwing away a marriage.

Jeff, this doesn't
sound like you.

Well, we've made a
decision, and that's it.

We didn't wanna tell
you before the wedding.

We just felt we didn't
want to upset you.

Well, I am upset.

Not because of myself.

Not even because
of you and Kirby.

There is a child
involved in this,

an unborn child,

to whom you and Kirby have
a tremendous responsibility.

Well we've thought
about that, Blake,

but we still intend to go
ahead with the divorce.

Jeff, I know there must be
differences between you two,

but I know you both.

I would like to sit down
with the two of you and talk.

Just talk.

Maybe help you

to resolve some of
those differences.

Sort them out.

Well, I'm sorry, Blake.

There's nothing that
can be sorted out.

I mean that.

KRYSTLE: Kirby's gonna be fine.

She said the doctor told
her it was just tension.

BLAKE: It's this
thing with Jeff.

You know, I've loved both
those kids as if they were my own.

They're both caring and
responsible and decent.

And now there's this
sudden irresponsibility.

A divorce.

I just don't understand it.

KRYSTLE: They're both
everything you just said.

They're adults now.

When you talked
to Jeff about it,

all he said was incompatibility?

Yeah, that's all he said. Why?

Just wondering.

Do you know something
that I don't know?


There's always more
going on between people

than anybody understands.

(horse whinnies)

Well, I know Jeff,

and I know that he's
hiding something.

I want to know just
what that something is.

Hello, Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Carrington.

Hello, Tony.

(horse whinnies)

How's that new foal?
Everything all right?

Just fine, sir.

Did the vet come out to see him?

Left just a little while ago.

Let me give you a leg up.

( dramatic theme playing)


What are you thinking about?

Or should I ask whom?

"Whom," as in you.

Something complimentary, I hope.

Oh, yes, very.

When I see you,
something happens.

You brought excitement
back into my life.

( slow mysterious theme playing)

What are you doing?

I think we should have a...

A real party.


I'd rather not.


You didn't know

that I indulge
from time to time?

No, I didn't.



I find it very stimulating.

I've seen too many people
go down the drain on that stuff.

So I'll stick with this.

Well, maybe you
won't try one this time,

but you'll change
your mind eventually.

( dramatic theme playing)

(phone ringing)

This is Alexis Colby,

I'd like to speak to
the sommelier, please.

(greeting in French)

This is Mrs. Colby.

I'd like you to send a bottle...


Make that a... A
magnum of Dom Pérignon

to the table where my son

is celebrating his
birthday tonight.

Present it to his
wife with this note:

"Lots of success
on your party tonight.

Love, Alexis."

(speaking in French)

What was that all about?

Call it balance.

Balance, meaning?

Keeping people off it.

(doorbell buzzes)


MAN: Mr. Dexter's on his way up.

Thank you, Paul.

Your, uh...

Mr. Dexter's on his way up.

Is he?

That's what the man said.

So you're on your way
to that charity whatever,

and I'm on my way
downstairs to the gym,

unless you want
me to stick around

and take a couple more
orders from that creep.

Mark, I told Mr. Dexter

that I would not tolerate
any repetition of that fight.

And I won't tolerate
any repetition

of that fight from you either.

I hired you to protect me.

Yes, I know, against people
who are out to see you dead.

And Dexter isn't one of them.

Okay, Alexis.

( tense, dramatic theme playing)

Well, he's tall.

He's dark.

He's not that hard on the eyes.

Why don't you send the bum
back where he belongs, huh?

On the tennis court.

That's my business.

I thought I'd told you I
was taking my own car,

and that I'd meet
you at the party.

Well, I decided otherwise.

How about that?

You know, I don't appreciate

people who don't listen to me.

Except that I'm not just people.

In fact, I consider myself
somebody very special

as far as you're concerned.

The fact that I gave you
that necklace you're wearing,

and the fact that
you accepted it,

should prove that.


Oh, Dex.

I am extremely fond of you.

And I'm more than fond of you.


what would you say if I told
you I was falling in love with you?

That I'm really falling
in love with you.

I'd say, um,


It might spoil
things between us.



And I'd also say,

"Why don't you, uh,

call downstairs
and cancel my car?"

And mine?

Oh, no. Why don't you tell them

to leave yours in the
garage for a while?

It'll be safe, though.

You may not be that safe here.

(sighs quietly)

Hope not.

( dramatic theme playing)

"All success.
Much love, Alexis."

There, you see?
We were both wrong.

She really does like you.

Well, again, happy
birthday, Steven.

Thank you, Dad. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday. Thanks.

Wish Fallon could
have been here.

I think she's a little tied up
with some personal business.

Besides, she offered me
another birthday dinner

sometime next week.

Who am I to argue?

Excuse me a moment, please.

(chatting softly) (laughs)

Oh, Fallon.

Oh, hi, Daddy.

I got a message saying
that you wanted to talk to me.

Something about Adam.

Adam. Oh, him.

That can wait. Don't worry.


You do know that you
own this hotel, don't you?


How do you think
it looks for you

to be carrying a bottle of
champagne through the lobby?

A bottle you don't even need.

Oh, come on.

No, no, no. It's not funny.

Daddy, now, relax.

Be a little more European.


Where are you going?

To visit a friend who's
throwing a little party.

( intense dramatic
theme playing

( majestic theme playing)

I know, you're worried
about my getting involved

in this divorce situation with
Jeff and Kirby, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Well, don't worry, darling.

I had a night to think it over,

and I realized that this divorce
is between Jeff and Kirby

and no one else.

And you were right.

But that's no surprise.

You usually are.

Is there something else
that's bothering you, darling?


Nothing, really.

I have a few phone calls
to make, so don't wait.

I'll meet you downstairs.

All right.

Hello. This is Mrs. Carrington.

I'd like to confirm my
appointment for today.

Morning, Daddy.

Morning, Fallon.

Just coffee, Sarah.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

Sausages are excellent.
Homemade by Mrs. Gunnerson.

She must be in an
exceptionally good mood.

I'm not hungry, Daddy.

Those croissants are crying

for you to take one of them.

I'd like to discuss business,
if you don't mind, not food.

It's about Adam.

Now, if you wanna trust him

with supervising your
real-estate investments,

that is up to you.

But I don't want him
to push me around

when I'm trying to do something

that's special
and... And beautiful.

We are talking about the
new annex for La Mirage

and its cost, aren't we?

W... Which are
high, I admit that.

But I'm gonna make a lot
back with very happy customers.

And I don't buy Adam's line

about Peter's architect
being too extravagant.

Fallon, let me say this to you:

Adam is smart.

We all know that.

He's particularly smart
about the real-estate field.

Now, I must confess to
you that I've been warned

that Peter De Vilbis
was a high roller.

And that's fine, as long as
he's dealing with his own money.

But when he begins
to try to influence you,

now, that's another thing.

I don't appreciate your
use of the word "influence."

All right, give me time,

I'll think of a more
appropriate word.

In the meantime,

I'll go over those
cost sheets by myself.

I will talk to Peter as a...

As an uninvolved party.

Now, is that all right with you?

That's fine. Thanks.

By the way,

you're walking a lot
straighter this morning

than you did last night.


( lively theme playing)

He's sure frisky
this morning, huh?

He sure is, heh.

Tony, I've asked you three
times to get the stable phone fixed.

Working on it right
now, Mrs. Colby.

Okay. Well, I'd like to
ride Samson this afternoon.

So have him ready for
me at about : , okay?

He hasn't been ridden all week.

He'll probably
be hard to handle.

Why don't you
take another horse?

There are plenty to go around.

I know, Jeff.

I was here when most
of them were born.

Look, I'm a hell of a lot
stronger rider than you are.

I don't think you should
take Samson out today.

Well, thanks for that
overwhelming vote

of no confidence.

Seems to be an
epidemic this morning.

Don't worry, I can
take care of myself.

Heavy date?

I'm taking a flying
lesson with Peter.

At least there's one person

who thinks I can
do something right.

Damn it, Fallon.

I don't want you
flying with that guy.

Oh, no? No.

Too dangerous?

Yes, very dangerous.

Why don't you say
what you really mean?

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, Jeff.

What you're really thinking

is you don't want
me sleeping with him.


( dramatic theme playing)

Yes, I am upset.

Very upset.

Because I agree with Dr. Miller?

Mrs. Carrington, you came
to me for a second opinion.

I came here for
some sign of hope.

That another doctor might say

there was a chance
I could have a baby.

I know, and I wish
I could disagree

with Dr. Miller's findings.


But you can't.

No, I can't.

We've discussed your uterine
problem, Mrs. Carrington.

And while it might be
possible for you to get pregnant,

your chances of carrying to
term are practically impossible

and, quite frankly,
very dangerous.

I was afraid you'd say that.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Carrington.

I hope Kirby's following
my instructions to the letter.

Every last one of them.

What instructions?

I... I thought there was
nothing wrong with Kirby.

Well, I'm afraid if she doesn't
rest and do as I told her,

it could be very serious.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Oh, Tracy, do you
know where Krystle is?

Oh, she had an
appointment outside the office,

but she didn't say where.

Is something the matter?

Oh, I just got a call

from the Energy
Studies Commission.

They moved that meeting
up to this afternoon.

Oil policy. Mm-hm.

They're trying to put the
squeeze on me about leases,

in areas that are
absolutely vital to this state.

I know some of those people.

Now they're gonna try
to put me on the spot.

Ask me some questions
that might need updating.

From your lovely
public-relations director.

Mm-hm. No problem.

Tell me where she's
to meet you and when.

It's the Capitol building,

Room , at : .

Okay. I'll leave it right
here, just in case I miss her.

Thank you very much.

( mysterious theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(piano being played)

Did you find the papers you
were looking for, Mr. Carrington?

Yes, Gerard. They were on
the desk, where I left them.

(piano music suddenly stops)

( slow, dramatic theme playing)



Gerard? Somebody? Call a doctor.

Krystle. What's happened?

I don't know what's
wrong with her.

I'll call a doctor.

Mr. Carrington. Oh, Tracy.

Krystle hasn't come
back to the office.

She hasn't? Oh, I wonder
where she could be.

Well, I still don't know.

Anyway, I'm here.

Oh, what I mean is,

I would be happy
to pinch-hit for her

if you think I could
be of some help.

Well, fine. Thank you very much.

Excuse me.

You are the best,
Mr. Carrington.

You wanna look your best.

Well, thank you.

( solemn theme playing)

(faint gasp)


How's Kirby, Mr. Carrington?

She's asleep, Jeannette.

Those two little boys,
aren't they beautiful?

(chuckles softly)

The Carrington heirs.
How your father loves them.

He'd give their
parents the world

for what they've given him.


The world.

(murmuring uneasily)

(softly shushing)

Rest. Just rest.

Dr. Winfield...

No. He was here,
and he's gone now.

Krystle as well. And
I've been with you too.


why did you ignore
what the doctor said,

to stay in bed?

Ever since that night
that we were together,

and this baby was conceived...

It wasn't meant to be

and whatever happens
now, we deserve.

That's not true.

What we deserve
is a wonderful child.

And you mustn't
endanger its life or yours.

I don't care about my life.

You have to, Kirby.

Because it's our life
now, and our child's.

Our baby is going
to be a Carrington.

And you know what that means.

But what we have to
worry about right now is you.

You're weak,

and you're drained.

But you don't have
to fight this alone.

I have enough
strength for both of us.

Let me help you,

and let's stop hiding the truth.

And let me tell everyone

that I'm the
father of this baby.

That you're going to
marry me, be my wife.

Marry me, Kirby.

It guarantees the
future for all three of us.

( intense, suspenseful
theme playing

( dramatic theme playing)

Hello, darling.

Oh, hello, Blake.

Everything all right? Yes.

I was worried about you.

Why were you worried about me?

Well, that commission meeting.

What commission meeting?

Well you'll be happy to know

that your bright and
attractive assistant,

Miss Kendall,

stood in for you
perfectly this afternoon.

What are you talking about?

The Energy Studies
Commission meeting.

The fact that I planned to
meet you there this afternoon.

It was all spelled out

in the note that
Tracy left for you.

She didn't leave me a note.

I saw her write it.

She left it right
there on your desk.

Well, I didn't see it.

(phone buzzing)


It's Marcia, Mrs. Carrington.

Is Mr. Carrington with you?

Yes, I'm here, Marcia.

The governor's
office is calling.

It sounds urgent.

Oh, well, thank you.
I'll take it in my office.

I'll see you later.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

Would you ask Tracy
to come in, please?

(door opens)

At your service, madam.

Blake said you left me a note.

About the meeting.

Didn't you see it?

No, I didn't.

Well, that's strange.

That is very strange.

Because when I left,

it was right on
top of your desk.


Well, that is strange,

because it's not here now.

Well, I don't understand.

I mean, it was there.

How did it get down there?

Oh, no, I...

I didn't think to
weight it down, I...

There must've been
a draft from the door.

Krystle, I am so sorry.

Tracy, I... I got
back in plenty of time

to have made that
meeting myself.

You're angry with me.

And you should be.

I... I don't know
what else I can say.

It's all right.


In fact, I... I should
probably thank you

for filling in for me.

I'm sorry.

Well, that makes us even.

Thanks for being so
understanding, Krystle.

I don't mean to be
rude, Mr. Maurier,

but when I phoned Peter,

I expected to meet with him,

not with his lawyer.

He does extend his
regrets, Mr. Carrington.

He had to fly out suddenly.
Chicago, overnight.

The least he could have
done would be to let me know.

Uh, may I fix you a drink?

No, thank you.

Mr. Carrington,
he went to Chicago

to check out a hotel
he's interested in buying.

But as his attorney,
I speak for him.

And he tells me you're concerned

about his architect's plans
for you daughter's hotel.

Concerned? It's a lot
more than that, Mr. Maurier.

You see, I've
gone over the plans

and the cost sheets personally.

When I discovered tens
of thousands of dollars

being wasted on frivolities,
I think that's a bit much.

I said that to Peter myself.

His answer:

"If you wanna do successful
business with successful people,

you give them what they expect,

and then you add a couple
of luxurious surprises."

Ridiculously expensive
luxurious surprises?

Mr. Carrington, let me
put it to you this way.

Peter De Vilbis thinks big.

It works.

You think big. It works.

So why should two men who
think the same way disagree?

Well, when a man who
you say thinks as big as I do

comes back from Chicago,

tell him if he wants to see me,
I can be reached in my office.

( dramatic theme playing)

(knock on door)

Come in.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I would've gotten here sooner,

but I just got the
news from Krystle.

It's all right.

No, none of this is all right.

If I had known you were sick,

I wouldn't have agreed
to start the divorce.

It's already started.

Well, it's not too
late to call it off.

I wanna phone Andrew Laird

and tell him to drop
it, at least for now.

I'm not gonna walk out on you

while you're in
trouble like this.

Always my knight
in shining armor.


But what?


It's too late for knights.

For gallantry.

I've made other
plans for my life.

As soon as the divorce is
final, I'm going to marry Adam.


Are you crazy?

Are you out of your mind?

After what he did to you?

You r*ped that girl?

Kirby and I were two
very lonely people.

We had some champagne.
We had too much champagne.

Don't give me any
damned excuses.

r*pe has got
nothing to do with that,

it's got to do with v*olence.

It's an act of
abuse and v*olence.

Another time, they'd
have dragged you out

to the center of the square

and horsewhipped you.

Branded you an animal.

God, the child.

That child is yours, isn't it?

That's what Jeff
wouldn't tell me.

Couldn't tell you, Father.

Any more than I could,

until Kirby agreed to marry me.

I know how you
must feel right now,

living in this house
with all these lies.

Betrayed by your family,
by the people you love.

But please don't blame Kirby.

She's suffered too much already.

The blame is mine.

Only mine.

I'll go.

Go where?

Out of this house,
out of your life.

Move back to
Billings with Kirby.

We can live there.

I can practice law there again.

I can make a life there
with Kirby and the baby.

Oh, no.

You're not going anywhere,
do you understand that?

No, I don't.

You're my son.

And damn it, you're going to
stay right here in this house.

And you're gonna learn
what it is to behave like a man.

Like a Carrington.

You really want me to stay?

I insist that you stay.

All right.


I love you very much.

And I will change.

Please believe me.

( dramatic theme playing)

ALEXIS: I don't
understand it, Steven.

I just don't
understand any of it.

You're moving in with them?

Yes, today. Saturday
is a good day to start.

Strange. I thought I heard
you declare your independence

as far as your father
was concerned.

I did, and this isn't
compromising it.

But I'm also a father,

and I'm putting the
safety of my child first.

Steven, may I remind you
that it was I who suggested

that you and Claudia
move out of your apartment

and into a perfectly
beautiful duplex here?

Which, as it happens,
is still available.

I understand that your father's
on his way to Los Angeles.

Something to do with
a race or something.

His adoring wife's adored horse.

Why don't you go ahead...

Mother, I appreciate your
wanting us to be near you,

but this is just another
apartment building.

Darling, this is
an apartment hotel

with room service
whenever you need it.

No matter what you
call it, this is a building,

not a home with guarded
grounds and a security staff.

We'd still have to take the
baby out to the public park.

My mind is made up, okay?


As long as it's your
mind and not your wife's.


Steven, you're one of
the sweetest, kindest

and most patient young
men that I have ever known.

But do you really think
that you're helping Claudia

by indulging her in
her fears and her...?

Her what?

Her paranoia.

This is not a case of paranoia.

Isn't it?

Going along with the imaginings
of a panicking nursemaid?

I mean, have you actually seen
this imaginary man in the park?

No, I have not.

But that's beside the point.

Well, you may as well
face this fact, Steven.

Your wife has been in a
mental institution twice,

and both times for
the same reason:

because she has difficulty

in separating
reality from fantasy.

Wrong tense, Mother.
She had trouble.

Oh, and now I
suppose she's cured.

Yes, she's well, and she
has a very firm grip on reality.

So can we just drop it?

( dramatic theme playing)

All right, it's dropped.

I'm wrong, and you're right.

Steven, one thing.

Whenever you have a problem,

I'll always be here
to help you with it.


I'll see you.

Yes, darling.

GERARD: That's right,
Mrs. Carrington's out of town.

She'll be back sometime
later this evening.

Whom shall I say called?

MAN: My name isn't important.

What I have to say is.

I'm gonna take everything
she loves, starting tomorrow.

Who is this? Hello?

( suspenseful theme playing)

(crowd cheering)

the clubhouse turn,

it's Soused Again in front,

with Allegree
following in second.

Then Aren't You Smart is third,

and Mr. Chipper fourth by three.

Yellow Angel is fifth.

Master Fields moves
to the back stretch.

Soused Again in
front by a length.

Allegree second by a head.

That's it! Go with him. Come on.

Two lengths, followed
by Paranormal

in fourth by three.

Yellow Angel is in fifth.

They're on the final turn.

Oh, he's going!

It's Soused Again in front.

And there goes Allegree
up on the outside.

Now it's Allegree
putting ahead in front.

Soused Again is second,

with Mr. Chipper there
between them in third.

Middle of the racetrack,

Yellow Angel is
rallying strongly

at the top of the stretch.

Allegree, in a furious
drive, maintains the lead,

with Yellow Angel
coming on the outside.

Come on, Allegree! Come on!

Between them, in close-up.
It's Allegree in front.

Allegree is the
leader by a half-length.

You can do it! Yes!

Fourth. In the front
Allegree in front.

(cheering excitedly)

He's yours.

Come on.

Good race, George.
Good race. Congratulations.

Well done, Jack.
Won that nicely.

Yeah, that's the way
to win them, you know?

Good day, isn't it?

Here we go. Okay.

(camera snapping photos)

Mrs. Carrington,

How does it feel to be the owner

of one of the best
-year-olds in the country?

Well, I'm only part owner,
but it feels wonderful.

This is the other
owner. Mr. De Vilbis.

How do you do, sir?

Uh, do you think you'll run
Allegree in the, uh, Futurity?

You have to ask
our trainer about that.

Uh, Mr. Crager.

Do you think you'll run him?

I wanted to ask you something.

This is so exciting for Peter.

And for you too.


I was right, wasn't I?

About his winning?
We figured he might.

No. About Peter.

It's serious between
the two of you, isn't it?

Yes, it is serious.

As in marriage serious?


If he asks me.

We didn't breed this colt.

We bought a half-interest
from Mr. De Vilbis a while back.

Thank you, Mr. Carrington,
Mr. De Vilbis.

We'll see the
director's room, Blake.


Well, been some exciting day,

hasn't it, pretty lady?

Oh, Blake.

You know, I never understood
people's love of racing

and the thrill of winning
until now. Mm-hm.

Oh, thank you for
my wedding present.

Is that all you're
gonna say? Thank you?

You can do better than that.

I love you.

Well, that's somewhat better.

( dramatic theme playing)

And I was wondering,
Father, with all your contacts,

isn't there something
you could do

to hurry this divorce through?

I wanna marry Kirby
as quickly as possible.

I want my child to be born
with my name. Carrington.

You're a lawyer, Adam.

You must know that
things don't move quickly

in a case like this.

There must be a way.

(phone rings)

How's Kirby? Any better?

Well, she's feeling better,
but she's still very pale.

Excuse me, there's a phone call.

I'm gonna spend
some time with her.

It's for Mrs. Carrington.

Oh, who's calling, Gerard?

It's the same man
who called yesterday.

( dark, dramatic theme playing)

Who is that?

Mr. Carrington, I...

Let me take the call.

Who is this?

I wanna talk to Mrs. Carrington.

This is Mr. Carrington.

Anything you say,
you can say to me.

Allegree. You better
check on him now.

(phone clicks)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Any luck, Tony? No sign of him.

Nobody's seen him around.

A horse disappears.

What the hell is going on here?

Like I told you, I don't know.

He had a good flight back.

I saw the horse
put in the stall.

Tony and I, we had
something to eat,

watched a little TV,
and then turned in.

So somebody came in
the night and took Allegree.

I'm afraid the word
isn't "took," Fallon.

It's "kidnapped."

( suspenseful theme playing)

I'll tell you, sir,

wasn't that easy
to find these violets.

Not much demand
for them anymore.

It's too bad. They
certainly are pretty.

Romantic and pretty.

Now, are you sure
you want this plain box?

We have a box with
our name on it that...

Twenty dollars, you
have change coming.

(front door opens)



(growls playfully)

Wrestling with my
wife, good exercise.

We got a lot of packing to do.

"Wrestling beats packing."
Old Azerbaijan saying.

And very true.

You're cra...

(doorbell rings)

Oh. See?


Interruptions. Interruptions.

(doorbell rings again)

Who is it?

( mysterious theme playing)

"Claudia Blaisdel."

Secret admirer who doesn't
know your new name?

Well, there are so many.

You don't like violets.

You hate violets.
You're allergic to violets.

It's been so long since
anyone sent them to me.

My God.

What is it? What does it say?

CLAUDIA (reading):

Is that some sort of
a private message?

Sort of.

He always used
to send me violets.



Lancelot was the
name that I gave him

when we were first married.


Matthew's gone.

He's dead.

These were sent by
some practical joker.

A very sick practical
joker, do you understand?

I know.

But who would do this to me?

And why?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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