04x11 - Carousel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x11 - Carousel

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

( knock on door)

Who is it?

MAN: Your new partner.

I have some important
business to settle.

I never discuss business

in the middle of the
night, Mr. Dexter.

Come on, make an exception.

Look, I did take
you to the cleaners

on our deal yesterday.

And I did arrange to have
supper in my suite last night.

To get you into bed.

But I'm backing off now.


You have a strange
way of showing it.

I mean, I'm scratching
the - deal

I forced you to take.

I want ours to be a
true partnership, Alexis.



Fair enough?


Yes, that's fair enough.


Because I don't take
advantage of women.

Oh, you could have fooled me.

Men, yes.

But not les femmes.

Call me a romantic.

( tender theme playing)

And the Lord Byron.


And Dexter traditional.

(chuckles) You're so modest.

Do you want,

and do you need
proof of that, Alexis?

Look, you pass on the
finest racehorse in the world.

You're a fool my friend.

Excuse me, I woke you, darling.

Who were you talking to?

A friend and a fool.

I offer him a fantastic chance

to buy a half
interest in Allegre.

For a million dollars.

He refuses.

Well, I'll put out word
immediately today.

By tonight it will
be consummated.

But that's by tonight.

Peter, don't put
out the word yet.

I know someone who's a gambler

and loves to take
fires on things.

And if you think I
appreciate horses.


As I appreciate the
most exciting woman.

The man I'm talking about

taught me everything
I know about horses.

So why don't we fly
back to Denver today

and I'll introduce you to him.

Can I guess?

Your incredible father.

Good guess.

Okay. You said, "You wait."

I waited.


Where are you going?

I should get back to La Mirage.

Been gone all night.

You should not go
back to La Mirage.

You belong right here.

Are you sorry that you're here?

No, no, no.

Then you stay right in this
bed, do you understand?

I need you standing
beside me anyway

in the next couple of hours.

When I make that very
special announcement

to the family at breakfast.

Oh, it's so good
to hold you again.

I've been very lonely.

Been such a... An
empty house without you.

( upbeat theme playing)

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.


Just coffee. Thank
you, Elizabeth.

Morning, everybody.

Good morning.



It's good to see you.

It's wonderful to be here, Jeff.

Oh, uh, Gerard, Elizabeth,

would you excuse us
for a few minutes, please?

Of course, sir. Thank you.

Now for the happy
business of the morning.

Krystle has agreed
to re-marry me.

And soon.

Unless you changed your
mind coming down the stairs.

No, it's still on.

I'd appreciate it very much

if you wouldn't say anything
about this to anyone.

Except, of course, Fallon.

Because next week, uh,
perhaps at the Carousel Ball,

I'll spread the news.

( slow dramatic theme playing)

The good news.

Seems to have taken
everybody by surprise.

Is it that unexpected?

No, it's marvelous news, father.

Krystle, I'm very happy for you.

Well, I think it's
wonderful, Blake, Krystle.

So do I, both of you. I do.

If you'll excuse me.

I've gotta be going too.


And I have an early
meeting at the office.

And I doubt that you two

would object to
being left alone.

Well, apparently,

nothing succeeds in emptying
the room faster than good news.


No, of course we couldn't
say anything then and there,

but to keep up this pretense
until after the wedding, it's...

Well, it won't
be that difficult.

We've hardly been a
picture of the loving couple

for quite a while now.

Well, I'll move
back into our room

until we tell them
about the divorce.

Is that all right with you?
For appearance's sake?

Why not?

Jeff, I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to make you angry.

What I said last night
about you and Fallon.

Forget it, Kirby. I have.

( slow dramatic theme playing)

( mysterious theme playing)

You're not talking to me.

Jeff's not talking to me.

What is going to
happen with my child?

I'm carrying it. It's
no concern of yours.

No concern?

Kirby, do you hear yourself?

You're talking about my baby.

That is something I want you
to forget you ever found out.

Are you trying to tell me

that I've got to go
through the rest of my life

with Jeff pretending to
be the father, is that it?

Is it?

My God, haven't
you cost her enough?

Come on, let's get out of here.

( majestic theme playing)

Blake, I'll, uh, meet you
at the car in a few minutes.

I have to talk to Kirby.

About who's gonna
wear what color gown

to the Carousel
Ball, is that it?

Well, it's women's talk.

Well, darling, try to
cheer her up, will you?

Obviously, pregnancy is
not going too easy for her.

All right.


Thank you, Martin.

They both know about
the baby, don't they?


Well, then, let me help you.

Now, I don't know what I
can do, but I'll talk to Blake.

Krystle, Blake mustn't
know, he mustn't.

Why not? He loves you.

Ever since your
father d*ed, you...

You've become
another daughter to him.

I made you promise once
that you'd say nothing.

I'm going to hold
you to that promise.

I want you to put this
completely out of your mind.

How can I?

I don't know. I...

I don't wanna spoil one of
the happiest days of your life.

Yours and Blake's.

This is my problem,

and I'm not going to
have it ruin anything

for two people I love.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

And I'm to be your date.

I believe that's the word, yes.

To the party of
parties next week,

Denver's night of nights,

and at your father's table.




Oh, well, I may be the
new kid on the block,

but I read all about
the Carousel Ball.

And the first one was in ' .

Benefit for the Children's
Diabetes Foundation at Denver.

And the woman who is in
charge of just about everything

is Barbara Davis.

Mrs. Marvin Davis.

Then you'll accept?

I think I better, and fast.

Because the mood
you're apparently in,

you might just change your mind.


Adam, what's the matter?

Is it the other day, when
you tried to come on to me

and I didn't topple
over in high passion?

Am I being punished?

An invitation to a
ball is punishment?

I don't know.

Maybe you intend to throw
me into a champagne fountain

when we get there.

Adam, please realize this.

I think you are
very, very attractive.

I didn't mean to insult
you the other day.

You didn't insult me, Tracy.

Well, then, what happened

to the charmer I've
been flirting with?

The charmer's lost
his charm, that's it.

Let's even say he's
not the same man.

No, there's more to it. What?


My life...



My goals,

my values,

my purpose.

Go on.


Go on? I can't.

Because I don't really
understand it fully myself.

But nothing in my
life to this moment

has been this important.


( dramatic theme playing)

Can I get you anything else?

No, that'll be all. Thank you.

Tar Sand Leases,

owned by the
Lex-Dex Corporation?

That's your name and mine.

Alexis and Dexter.

And you'll note that
you get top billing.

Of course, as they
say in Hollywood.

No, as I say to you.

At , feet in the air,

top billing Alexis.

And not just in our company,

but in my life.

Dex, listen to me.

Last night will always
be a wonderful memory,

but we're going
home now to reality.


If you're trying to pretend

that you don't want me
as much as I want you,

we both know that you're
the biggest liar in town.

Not to mention in the air.

Oh, Dex, no.

Look, I've seen this sort
of thing too many times.

A romantic interlude

in a strange place
with a... A new man.

I want our little fling to end

while it's still
nice between us.


What kind of a word is that?


It's perfect between us.

How many times in a man's life

does he meet a woman like you,

who's beautiful

and bright

and exciting?

But I... But nothing.

I give a damn about one thing.



You don't take rejection
very easily, do you?

I don't take rejection, period.

I don't give up fortunes,

or precious jewels,

or spectacular women.

( tender theme playing)

You've gotta be
there. I don't give...

Hello, Steven.

Steven, I want you to
meet Farnsworth Dexter.

Hello, Steven. How do you do?

Dex is my new partner,

and Steven is my younger
son and my good right arm.

Well, Alexis also told me

about your research
on that tar sands project.

That was sound
evaluation, Steven.


Well, my undying
gratitude for the lift back.

You're welcome.

( light dramatic theme playing)

I'll see you in town, darling.





ALEXIS: So, what
do you think of him?

Your new partner
who calls you "darling?"


Well, Mother, there are
all sorts of partnerships.

I sincerely hope
this one works out.

I do too. I really do.

( dramatic theme playing)

So you're that
mysterious stranger

who advised my daughter to
bet on that horse in Los Angeles.

No wonder you're such an
expert tipster, Mr. De Vilbis.

Peter, please. Peter.

I mean, you should
certainly know

just what that horse
is capable of doing,

considering the winning
streak that he's been on.

Okay, if I may speak from
one high roller to another,

Daddy, Peter intends to
sell half interest in Allegre.

But I wouldn't let him

until he gave you
first cr*ck at it.

Well, it's certainly a
very interesting idea.

But why would you want
to sell even a half interest

in such an outstanding colt?

It's a simple reason.

I intend to spend much more
time in Denver from now on.

But I travel a lot. It's
the nature of my life.

It's my business.

I feel that Allegre is the
only horse in my stable

that needs another owner.

At least, a part owner.

Someone who really
takes care of him.

I must tell you, Peter,
that I never buy anything

without seeing it first.

Oh, that's not a problem.

I can arrange for
Allegre to be flown in

from Los Angeles
early next week.

Fine. You can stable
him out at my farm.

Your daughter has introduced
me to her fabulous father.

Now I will introduce you
to my fabulous animal.

And then you can decide.

Very good.

Meanwhile, would you excuse me

if I borrowed my
daughter for a moment?

I have some personal
news I really must tell her.

See you in a minute.

Bye. Bye.

This personal news,

it's good, I hope.

I think, I, uh...

I just think you may be pleased.

( mellow theme playing)

Everything's in
order, Miss Grant.

And I wanna wish you well
with your press conference.

Oh, thank you, Julia.

It's my first, so keep
your fingers crossed.

Hello, Mrs. Colby. Hi.

Krystle, I just heard
the good news.

I'm so happy for you.

Something tells me

you've been talking
to your father.

How'd you guess?

It's what I'd hoped for ever
since you left the house.

Well, your support from
the sidelines didn't hurt.

You never needed me.

You two never stopped loving
each other. That's what did it.

You look really happy.

Well, you don't
look so sad yourself.

You've had a certain
sparkle in your eyes lately.

Oh, really?

I noticed it first the
other day in Los Angeles.

California smog, maybe.

Come on, who is he?

Do I have to fly to
the coast to meet him?

No, you're gonna meet
him tonight at dinner.

La Mirage.

This one was too
good to leave behind,

so I brought him back with me.

Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.

It's quite all right.

Oh, you've met Peter.

Well, not formally, no.

Oh, Peter De Vilbis,
this is Jeff Colby.


Uh, we were related to
each other by marriage.


Peter gave me a lift back
from L.A. today in his jet.

Well, the least I
can do to repay you

is offer you my best
suite in my hotel,

so shall we go and
get you settled in?

Nice to meet you, Mr. Colby.

Same here.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

All right, Tom, hold it.


Hello, dear.

Hi. Hi.


Oh, it's absolutely incredible.

And he's a winner too.

If I were really my
father's daughter,

I would have bet on
him in Los Angeles,

instead of that
milk horse I picked.



(whinnies) Hi. Yeah.



Are you ready?

Let's go.

We'll see you at the
Carousel Ball tonight.

BLAKE: Okay, Tom, thank you.


Oh, Blake, he's beautiful.

Oh, really? And I suppose
you're gonna tell me

how you'd love to own
a horse like that, huh?

Yeah, well, who wouldn't?

Well, I've just bought
a half interest in him,

and he's in your name, and
he's your wedding present.

What? That's right.

And are you're gonna give
me a little something in return?




( dramatic theme playing)

(crowd applauding)

Hello, sweetheart. Hi, Barbara.

Thank you. See you tonight.

Blake. Marvin, how are you?

Glad you're here tonight.

Good to see you, Marvin.

It's wonderful to
be here, Marvin.

WOMAN: Thank you, Blake,

for your most
generous contribution

to the Children's
Diabetes Foundation.

How can I ever thank you?

Well, a child is a
precious gift, Barbara.

And all those kids are
depending on us to find a cure.

We're glad to help out.

Thank you so much.

We're going to make very
good use of your charity.

Thank you.

(band playing
upbeat swing music)

Maybe later.

Hello. Hi, Nancy.

I thought I'd find you
here at the auction, Alexis.

Well, of course, the
jewelry is ravishing.

You know, Nancy, I have
an admission to make.

I would rather be
looking at antique cars.

Well, come on and buy one.

WOMAN (on speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

the silent auction will
close in minutes.

Please make your final bid.

Mr. President, how are
you? Very, very good, Blake.

It's wonderful to see
you. It's nice to see you.

Krystle. Mrs. Ford, how are you?

Blake, it's
wonderful to see you.

Isn't this a magnificent ball?

We love it, that's why
we come back every year.

Yes, they did it
again, the Davises.

It's just as wonderful as ever.

We're glad to have
you back. Right.

Thank you. Bye-bye.
Nice to see you.

Let's see, then. Claudia.

Hi, darling.

How are you? Hello, Steven.

Very well. Nice to see you.

Good. Hello, baby. Hi.

How are you?

Okay. Claudia, this is,
uh, Farnsworth Dexter,

my mother's new partner.

Mr. Dexter, my wife, Claudia.

It's a pleasure,
Mrs. Carrington.

How do you do, Mr. Dexter?

Oh, he likes to be called Dex.


That's a very pretty dress.

Thank you, Alexis.

Interesting color, it
matches your eyes.

It's, uh, off the
rack, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Well, considering
that it's store-bought,

I think it looks
terrific on you.

But I really wish

that you'd come to my
designer with me, Claudia.

Why, Mother?

Well, Steven, I've already seen
two or three dresses like that

just coming in,
and if Claudia...

Mother, there could be
a hundred women here

wearing the exact same
dress, and not one of them

would look as
beautiful in it as my wife.

Now, would you like
to dance with me?

Oh, all right.

Excuse me, darling.


Yes, thanks.

(up-tempo jazz music playing)

Blake, I think my dance
with Krystle is in order?

You're the doctor.

It's no secret you've got

sensational taste
in clothes, Mother,

but please stop trying to make
Claudia over in your image.

Oh, darling, I was
only trying to help.

To help, yes.

Well, as far as I'm concerned,

Claudia doesn't need any help.

I married her because I love
her for who and what she is.

I know you mean well,
Mother, but just stay out, okay?


(slow jazz music playing)

You look so radiant tonight,

in case anyone has
neglected to tell you.

Well, thank you.

I feel wonderful,
and I guess it shows.

I have a hunch that
something very special

is going to happen
in the near future.


A wedding.


You and Blake, right?

Well, he's going to make the
announcement shortly. Heh.

Dr. Hayes, when we get
back from our honeymoon,

could I come in to see you?

Well, of course. Is
something wrong?

Well, I hope it's
going to be very right.

Uh, after I lost my baby,

Dr. Miller warned me of the
danger of having another child.

Oh, Krystle, I thought
that was a closed subject.


How could I close a subject
as important to me as that?

Claudia, good evening.

Oh, hi, Blake.

Having a good time? Lovely.


Dex, I'd like to talk to you.

Yes, Blake.

Excuse me.



Oh, no, thank you, darling.

I think I'll, uh...
I'll circulate.

All right.

Henry, hello.

Hello, Alexis, good to see you.

It's good to see you.

I haven't seen
you since Portofino.

It was fun.

( mellow theme playing)

Excuse me, I beg...



Well, I'm glad to see
you're still among us.

Are you?

I'm not really glad,
you understand.

But it is the civilized
thing to say, isn't it?

Tell me something.

Is it civilized to sneak
into a hospital room

and try and k*ll the patient?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Oh, haven't you?

They said it was a
nightmare, but I wonder.

Alexis, if anyone tried to
m*rder you in the hospital,

it wasn't me.

But who knows? Maybe next time.

Mark. Mark.

You remember ex-congressman
McVane, don't you?

Yes, I do.

From the newspapers.


in the muscular flesh,

is Mark Jennings, my
personal bodyguard.

So I'd be a bit careful about
"next time," if I were you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Jennings. Yes, I remember
you from newspapers too.

You were the suspect that
tried to m*rder that witch.

Oh, they dropped the charges,

but you had threatened
her life, hadn't you?

Well, if at first
you don't succeed,

try, try again.

It doesn't matter where
I got my information,

I've got it and it's accurate.

You've gone into a partnership
with Alexis on a tar-sands deal.

That's right. So what?

You're on my board.

You should be concerned about

best interest

and not Colbyco's.

Did you ever stop to think

how your company's
interests might be better served

if you weren't so set against

doing any kind of
business with Colbyco?

And in place of
Colbyco, read your...

My ex-wife. Correct.

Look, Blake, I know
what I'm talking about.

I have made half of my
fortune in joint ventures,

and they weren't
based on whether I loved

or hated my partners. Really?

Well, I made my money
as an independent,

and I can tell you that no deal
is a good deal with that woman.

( dramatic theme playing)

And if you go behind my
back once more, just once,

I don't care if you
are Sam Dexter's son.

I won't think twice

about kicking you
the hell off my board.

( tense theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Kind of hard not to
notice, huh, Mother?

It's Krystle's new
engagement ring.


Unusual design.

When's the wedding?

Blake and I haven't
set a date yet,

but I wouldn't save space
on your calendar, Alexis.

We're limiting it to
family and friends.

( tense theme playing)

(fanfare plays)

I think Marvin has an
announcement to make.

MAN: Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Carousel Ball.

Tonight, we have with us

Blake Carrington and Krystle.

Well, I would never think

of interrupting this
magnificent ball

if I didn't have something of
utmost importance to tell you.

Krystle Grant has
consented to become

Krystle Grant-Carrington
once again.

(crowd murmuring)

I thought about hiring a plane
to do some skywriting for me,

announcing that to the world...

'cause I've realized
that all I really wanted

was to have my friends

share this extraordinary
news with me.

So I'm here to tell you that

she's going to re-marry me,

and I've never been happier.

And I've never felt more blessed
than I do at this very moment.


( romantic theme playing)

(upbeat jazz music playing)

Well, I'm happy for Krystle,
if that's what she wants.

Well, of course it is.

Steven, don't you
think this is time

for you to make
up with your father?

Claudia, Steven is his own man,

and I think he can make up
his own mind about things.

I'm sorry, Alexis,

but I think this is
the perfect time

for them to make up.

I don't really think that
you should bother yourself

about Steven's
relationship with that man.

That man is his father.

Mm-hm. A fact of which
I am painfully aware.

Mother, I would like
to dance with my wife.


Come on, sweetheart.

I wonder if she
intends to go on working

now that she's going
to be married again.

Your own ambition never
takes a holiday, does it, Tracy?

Adam, I have said it
once and I will say it again.

"Ambition" is not a dirty word.

Besides, it's a
very valid question.

When a woman gets married,

isn't she thinking
about what she wants

out of the rest of her life?


(slow jazz music playing)

Congratulations, Krystle.

To the lady who's al... Always
been my favorite stepmother.

Thank you, Steven.
Thank you so much.



I'm so happy for you both.

I guess that makes
us all newlyweds, huh?


We're happy for you, Dad.

What do I say?

Welcome back to the family, son.

Sounds good to me.

Welcome back.


Through all our
problems and our troubles,

I've wanted to say something.

I'd like to say it to you now.

I love you, Steven.

( uplifting theme playing)

You're obviously troubled
about something, Adam.

I am, yes.

Over work.

You knew about this
wedding, didn't you?


Are you wondering what's
going to happen to you now?

I don't understand
what you're trying to say.

Adam, I know Blake Carrington
a great deal better than you do.

And he was at his lowest point

when he finally decided
to accept you as his son,

to truly accept
you into his house,

into his company.

The man was totally alone.

Krystle had left him,

and he and Steven had
been fighting in court.

But that's all
changed now, Adam.

Krystle's come
back, God help her.

He and Steven have
buried the hatchet.



Have you ever thought
about what would happen

if he found out about
your drug taking?

Yes. I flew up to Montana,
I talked to Dr. Edwards.

He told me all about you.

About your dr*gs,
about the illness.

About the illness that
sometimes distorts your mind.

That's when I
decided to forgive you.

Oh, my God.

Mother, that's why you
just gave up on the merger.

(sighs) Yes.

Blake is a very

intolerant man, Adam.

I mean, if he stumbled
across the truth,

I-I dread to think
what he would do.

He would... He
would throw you out.

Now, I know what
I'm saying hurts,

but I have to say it
because it's the truth.

But you do realize
that I love you.

That I'll always love you.

And I pray that...

That if you ever feel alone too,

that you'll come back to me.

I'm your mother.

I would never turn
against my son.

( tender theme playing)


(upbeat jazz music playing)


I'm sorry, sir, it
was an accident.

It happened
because you're a fool.

I'm sorry. Sorry for what?

Go back and learn your work.

Come on now, it
was just an accident.

It's not the end of the world.

Mr. Colby, why don't you
mind your own business?

I'll take care of mine.

FALLON: Peter.

Hello, darling.

Why don't we sneak out of here
and catch a sunrise somewhere.

I have a much better idea.

Why don't we fly up
and meet it halfway?



I'll be back in a minute.


Hi, Kirby. Hi.


I just want you to
know that I'm truly happy

that you're back in the family.

Thanks, Adam. It feels good.

I also want to apologize
for not being in your corner

when father and you had that
unpleasantness over Danny.

Forget it, Adam.

ADAM: I can't.

There's no excuse,
Steven, except...

there were things I
didn't appreciate then

that I do now.

The feeling a father
has for his child.

The terrible feelings
he must go through

at the thought of being deprived

of his own flesh and blood.

( tranquil theme playing)

Where's the fellow with my car?

Please, wait,
I'll get it myself.

About this De Vilbis fellow...

What about him?

Well, how well do you know him?

Not as well as I intend to.

( melancholy theme playing)

The airport express,
beautiful lady.

Are you ready?

(engine revs)

(tires squealing)

(light jazz music playing)

What are you thinking
about right at this moment?

Oh, how I've sort of memorized
every minute of tonight.

It's been wonderful, Blake.

Where are you two going?

Well, it's getting a
little late for Kirby,

and I decided to take her home.

And again, uh, congratulations
to the both of you.

Good night. Good night.


I wish that our happiness
was contagious,

but obviously, it isn't, is it?

( suspenseful theme playing)

(airplane buzzing overhead)

FALLON: Peter, this is
great. Let's go around again.

FALLON: Oh, boy.



All right.

Do it again.


FALLON: Whoo! I want more.

PETER: We're gonna
have a three-point landing.

(Peter laughs)

( tense theme playing)

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

I can ask the same of
a very possessive man.

You're drunk, you
could've k*lled her.

Except I obviously did not.

FALLON: Jeff, stop it.

Jeff, stop it. What
are you doing?

She's not your wife anymore,
Colby. I don't answer to you.

JEFF: The hell you don't.

She's the mother of my child.
That's never going to change.

Anybody who puts her in
danger's going to answer to me

for the rest of my life.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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