04x07 - Tracy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x07 - Tracy

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Where the hell is Adam anyway?

Probably hiding under
some rock somewhere.

Daddy's trying
to find him, so...

(door opens)

Still no sign of him.

Why don't you both go on home?

Aren't you coming?

I have a dinner
at the university

I can't cancel.

I'm the speaker.
Oh, about Adam...

Yeah, about Adam. If I
ever get my hands on him...

Now, Jeff, no.

Now, if he happens to show up
at the house before I get back,

I want you to promise me

that you won't say
anything to him.


I will talk to him about this...

This matter, just as
soon as I can, all right?


It's not all right.

As far as I'm concerned,

he nearly k*lled
Jeff with that poison.

There's nothing you can
say that's gonna change that.

Now, listen to me, young lady.

I have made the same mistake

that you may be
making right now.

I don't wanna do it again.

I thought that Mark
Jennings set fire to that cabin.

Krystle begged me to give
him the benefit of the doubt,

and I didn't. Wrongly, I didn't.

You're talking about one thing

and I'm talking about
another, damn it.

Come on, Fallon. We're
both a little tired now.


I'm sorry, Daddy.

Oh, that's all right,
darling. I'm sorry too.

We'll see you later, Blake.


(door opens)

MAN: Mercuric oxide
compound, that right?

Yes, that's right.

The man who filled
these two orders retired.

Didn't know that, did you?

No, I didn't. Hm.

Went back to the old homestead.

Canada, Canada, Canada.
That's all he'd talk about.

I'd like to look at the
orders to verify them, please.

Oh, sure thing.

Oh, and there's a third
one about six months earlier.

Nope. I don't find anything.

Well, never mind.
These two will do.

And they are in
order. Thank you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Oh, that baby's so adorable.

I was almost tempted
to wake him up.

You won't forget to give
him this, will you, Claudia?

No, of course not.

So cute. I couldn't
resist buying it.

Oh, I feel so happy today.

Blake was defeated.
Steven got his son.

And I finally got a
chance to tell that court

what kind of a man
Blake Carrington really is.

Do I seem to be
gloating, Claudia?

I'm not very good
at reading your looks.

I'm sure you spoke
the truth as you saw it.

But there's always more
than one side to the truth.

I like specifics. Darling,
be more specific.

All right, I will.

In spite of today's verdict,

Blake is still
Danny's grandfather.

And I have to make Steven see

that nothing poisons
that relationship.

Well, of course.
As his caring wife.

As a woman who's been
through the same kind of thing

with Lindsay and
with Matthew's mother.

She was a hostile woman to me.

But I know that she
loved my daughter.

And I never interfered
with that love.

Well, Claudia... (door opens)

I think that's absolutely
splendid of you.

And what exactly is my
splendid wife up to now?

Oh, darling, hi.

Hi, darling.

Mother, what a nice surprise.

Well, I just dropped
in to see Danny

and to tell you
that we have to fly

to San Francisco
tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow? Why so sudden?

Darling, it's not sudden. I
told you about it days ago.

The... The trial must have
pushed it out of your mind.



I want to find out
what's really going on

with Colbyco's chief of
West Coast operations.

ALEXIS: Steven.

Don't frown, darling.

It'll just be a lunch meeting.

And you'll be back in plenty
of time to tuck Danny in

and have dinner
with your lovely wife.

I'll pick you up at .

On the dot.

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

You hate it.

Oil Quarterly magazine
is going to hate it.

You're wrong. I love it.

And so will the magazine.

It's a fine piece of work.

And it's a nice
going-away present.

Oh, Bill.

I wish this weren't
your last day.

You'll be so busy running
things around here,

you won't even know I'm gone.


(telephone rings)

Bill Rockwell here.

KRYSTLE (over phone):
Hello, Bill. It's Krystle.

I'm glad I caught you.

Krystle, it's been a long
time. What can I do for you?

Well, I'd like to take you
to lunch tomorrow. My treat.

Oh, that's a hard one to
turn down on two counts:

the lady and the treat.

Well, I've got a motive, Bill.

I, uh, understand
that you're leaving

as head of public relations
for Denver-Carrington,

and Blake has
offered me the job.

I'd... I'd like to
talk to you about it.

Of course, Krystle. Name
the place and the time.

La Mirage, : .

Fine. I'll see you there.




You know I recommended
you to take over my job.

Know it? I practically
forced you at gunpoint.

No, you didn't,

because you didn't have to.

I'm sorry, but it's
academic now.


Meaning Blake Carrington
has decided otherwise.

He's giving the job
to his former wife.


the elevator just went
up without me, huh?

Hey, hey, hey, don't
you force a smile with me.


You're damn good at this
job and we both know it.

In the two months
since I've hired you,

you've lived up to
your background

in every possible way.

And I'm bright and experienced

and I turned out
some fantastic work.

Deserve the job, huh?

But I didn't get it.

So I will still be a
terrific assistant.

Oh, I'll be in touch.

And about the job,
I, uh... I'm sorry, kid.

Don't be.

It is not the end of the world.

Just feels like it.


(door closes)

( tense theme playing)


( dramatic theme playing)

(knock at door)

Who is it? It's Mark.


(sighs): I was, uh...

I was down at
the bar for an hour

hoping you'd pass by.

You didn't.

So I've come up to ask you to
join me for dinner and drinks.

How about it?


I appreciate the invitation,

but, uh, I got a lot
of things on my mind.

Funny, I've got a lot of
things on my mind too,

and I thought I'd
share them with you

over a steak or
salad or something.

Thanks, but I'm not very hungry.

You just don't wanna
spend the time with me, right?

Look, Krystle, I
was your husband.

What we had together was good.

We can make it together now.

Not as friends,
but as... As lovers.

Krystle, I'm asking
you to marry me again

and get out of Denver,

the two of us, for good.

Mark, we're friends.

That's where it begins
and that's where it ends.

I don't believe that.


Sex was always good between us.

Let go of me.

Damn good. And you know it.

(grunting and panting)


Stop it.

Stop it.

You don't want me to stop.

You never wanted me to stop.


Ow! (breathing heavily)

Get out of here.

I want you out of this room now.

( dramatic theme playing)


( dramatic theme playing)

Mr. Hutchinson, that's right.

I want you to be on the first
morning flight to Anchorage.

Yes, as in Anchorage, Alaska.

Whatever you've
got on your schedule

in San Francisco tomorrow,

I want you to cancel.

Do I make myself clear?


( romantic theme playing)


Adam. Hey, stop it. Stop.

Cut it out! You're
hurting me, Adam.

Time's up, is that it?


Well, it's my money.

You're not being funny.
You're just too damn rough.

I've hurt you.

I'm sorry, Shelley.

You're never exactly gentle
with me anymore, Adam.

When we first
started, it was good.

We had great times.
We had a few laughs.

As a matter of fact,

I used to look forward
to your phone calls.


But lately it seems
like you just call me

when you need to work out
whatever's been bugging you

with rough sex.

You can tell me
about it if you like.


Why don't we just talk?

You know, rumors
to the contrary,

uh, I like to talk too.

And I'm a good listener.

( tense theme playing)


I've been under a lot
of pressure recently.

And I didn't realize
what it was doing to me.


Mixing booze and pills
isn't gonna help anything.

It will help me with this.

With what?

A lie I have to tell.


So, what else is new

in this real truthful
world of ours?

I'm gonna have to lie to a
man who lives by the truth.

But if I tell him the truth,

then I lose what I've been
starved for my whole life.


But you're right.

It won't help.

( dramatic theme playing)

I wonder if anything can.

(chimes) (gear wheels grinding)

( suspenseful theme playing)


Yes, Father.

I've been waiting up for you.

I want to talk to you right now.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

My God, why didn't you
come to me sooner with this?


I am your father, you know.

And she is my mother.

Are you saying that
Alexis was responsible

for Jeff's poisoning?

Do you have proof?

No. No, I don't.

Then what are you saying?

I had a suspicion.

I told her about my
first case, poisoning.

And when Fallon got into it,

I decided to lie about it
rather than involve Mother.

I didn't even know for sure
that she'd done it, or how.

The how is simple.

But you were involved in it.

You were in charge of repainting

Cecil Colby's office

when Jeff took it
over, weren't you?

Yes, I was following her orders.

She personally chose the
color along with the paint.

Well, that explains the panels.

What about the panels?

When Jeff collapsed

and Mother moved
into his office,

she told me that she was
going to change the color again

and that the painter

was to strip the wood
paneling from the walls.

Not just paint over it,
but strip it and burn it.

Burn it?

Yes, of course. What
better way to hide your crime

than to order the
evidence destroyed?

Damn it, Adam.

If you'd only spoken
to me about this sooner.

I guess I was a fool

to say nothing

and do nothing.

God knows what you're thinking.

I'm thinking that you're my son

and that you've
been through hell

trying to protect that woman.

Now that the truth is out,

together, we're
going to make it right.

We're going to make her pay.

( dramatic theme playing)

All right, all of this answers
at least one question

that stumped me:

If Adam had done it,

what did he stand
to gain from it?

Nothing. I mean, it
wasn't even his company.

But Alexis, everything.


Well, I'm gonna get her. No, no.

You're not gonna
do anything right now.

Oh, for God's sakes, it
was my life she was after.

Jeff, listen to him.

All right, I'm listening.

But it's my right
to settle the score.

So why should I stay
away and do nothing?

Because there is no
proof that Alexis is guilty.

It's only a theory.

But at least Adam is
cooperating with me,

and I won't quit
until I find that proof.

But until I do,

I want you both to promise me

that this is between
Alexis and me, no one else.

I don't want a word

to get out to anyone.

Not anyone.


All right.


I'll give it some time, Blake.

Not much.


( upbeat theme playing)

Jeff, good morning.


I've been waiting to
have breakfast with you.

Well, I'm really not
in any mood to eat.

I just wanna get
my jacket and go.

Then I wanna know
what's the matter first.

Well, I... I can't say.

Maybe someday,
but not right now.

(door closes)

Jeff. Yeah?

Can I make a suggestion?
Take the day off.

Don't go anywhere
near Colbyco today,

because if you see
Alexis, which you will,

you're liable to be
on the front page

of every newspaper in
the country tomorrow.

Don't worry, I wasn't
planning on going anywhere

near that building
or that woman.

Just off to the field.


FALLON: Don't blow up any wells.

The sparks you're
giving off, you could.

Funny lady.

Can I give you a ride
out to the stables?

I needed a laugh.

I think it would be better
for both of us if I walked.

Oh, come on, I'm just
offering you a friendly ride.

(door closes)

( upbeat theme playing)

I'll wait for him
to finish his oats.

Thanks, ma'am. We
both appreciate that.

Hello, Fallon. Where's Jeff?

(horse whinnying)
Jeff? He's not riding.

He just dropped me
off. What's the matter?


Not that you really care.

Maybe I resent being left
out of so much of his life lately.

His going up north with
you instead of being with me.

His being closeted
in the solarium

this morning with you.

And my father. It was
a meeting he called.

Yes, but it was secretive.

Just like your trip to Montana,
everything is so secretive.

Why all the hostility
all of a sudden?

Go on, say it.

Whatever happened to that
sweet servile girl of yesteryear?

The major-domo's daughter.

You were never considered
anything but a friend, Kirby.

You know that.

What I'm beginning to know
is that you want him back.

No, Kirby. No.

Look, maybe sometimes I thought
I made a mistake divorcing him.

But that's all behind me now.

He's married to you now.

You're gonna have his baby.

He loves you.

If there's something happening
between the two of you,

something that's
hurting your relationship,

then it has to do with
you and Jeff alone.

Frankly, I don't think
he knows what it is.

So that leaves only me.

Yes, maybe you should
try talking to him about it.

Correction, Kirby, you
should talk it out, whatever it is.

(crying): Krystle,

I would give my
life if it were Jeff's.

It's Jeff that I love.

Kirby, you have to be
strong enough to tell him.

I can't.

What if he finds out later?

Is this something
that you can live with?

I can live with it.

I have to.

( upbeat theme playing)

Why did I quit

Well, I've heard two versions.

One, that, uh, you're opening
your own public-relations firm.

And two, that your image
of Denver-Carrington

and Blake's conflict.

Oh, that's hogwash.

Blake's a tough man, but
he's honest and so am I.

And I told him a long time ago

that I'd wanna branch
out on my own someday.


I don't want you to feel

the least bit
uncomfortable taking over.

Well, I... I am uncomfortable
about one thing

that people are probably
talking about already.

Hiring his ex-wife,
a form of nepotism.


Krystle, it's a fact
of business life.

The main thing is
that you're good.

You've got more going
for you than you realize.

You understand
people. It's vital.

It's why they call
it public relations.

I never wrote a press
release in my life.

Well, you've got a very
bright assistant, Tracy Kendall.

Use her.

And use your own
very good judgment.

You know, in six
months, you may just find

that I might try and steal
you away from Blake.


Now, do I get a kiss

for all those lovely
encouraging words?

You certainly do.



Call me if you need me, Krystle.

And good luck.

Thank you.


What is it, Mark?

I, uh, I want to
apologize for last night.

I don't even
wanna talk about it.

I had too much to drink. I'm...

I'm sorry.

Just forget it.

( dramatic theme playing)

Have you talked to the painter?

Confirmed it. The
panels were b*rned.

Well, nothing we
can do about that.

Have you tracked
down all the companies

that make mercuric oxide, Adam?

There are four of them.

I'll take two and you
can take the other two.

No, no, I'll check
them all out for myself.

( tense theme playing)

The paint compound
with mercuric oxide?



Don't seem to be able to...


Ah, here we go.

Are these what
you're looking for?

( suspenseful theme playing)

BLAKE: Alexis.

( ominous theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

What are you doing here?

I think I'm doing a terrific job

on this banquet
for Saturday night.

Who sits with whom and why.

What I mean is,

why aren't you and
Steven off to Maui

or Bermuda or something?

Or have honeymoons
suddenly gone out of style?

Oh, he had to fly
to San Francisco

on a business trip with
your mother for the day.

You could've gone with him.

You two haven't even
been married hours

and she's already
swept him out of town.

Well, as far as I'm concerned,

she can have him every
day of the week for lunch

as long as I've got
him back for dinner.

Watch out for my
mother, Claudia.

Steven's very to
special to her and...

Just watch out for her.

( lighthearted theme playing)

Hi, Mrs. Gordon, I'm home.

(telephone rings)

Oh, I'll get it.

Hello? STEVEN: Hi, Claudia.

Hi, Steven. I just walked in.

Where are you calling from?

San Francisco.

You want me to pick
you up at the airport?

No, I'm afraid
Uh, could...?

CLAUDIA: Can you talk
up? It's a bad connection.

STEVEN: I won't
be home for dinner.

In fact, I've gotta stay here
overnight. I'm stuck, Claudia.

Why? What...? What happened?

The guy we were supposed
to see got his signals crossed

and won't be back
in San Francisco

till the morning.

Didn't your mother
know about this?

No, of course she didn't know.

How's Danny, sweetheart?

I told you, I just walked in.

He's with Mrs. Gordon.
I'm sure he's fine.

Do you mind checking?

Oh, no, of course I
don't mind checking.

You're not angry, are you?

(sighs): Why should I be angry?

I'll, um...

I'll see you tomorrow,
or whenever, Steven.


Bye, Claudia.

( phone line disconnects)

She was obviously a bit upset.

A bit.

I'm sorry, Steven.

I can put myself in her place.

The nursemaid's
gone for the night.

And she's alone

in the apartment with the baby.

I think that Claudia's

pulled herself together
beautifully, emotionally.

I mean, it can't have been
an easy adjustment for her.

And there's something

that I've been meaning
to talk to you about.

What's that?

I want us all to be closer.

I found this wonderful duplex
in my apartment building.

It would be perfect

for you and Claudia and Danny.


And you don't have to
worry about the money.

Steven, don't you see?

This way, whenever we
have to go away on trips,

the poor girl won't
feel abandoned.

I mean, she'll have
the entire hotel staff

at her beck and call.

Mother, Claudia
doesn't feel abandoned.

Are you sure? Yes.

She just resents
my being dragged off

on a wild-goose chase.

And to tell you
the truth, so do I.

Don't spring any more of these
surprise trips on me, Mother.

And as far as
moving, no, thank you.

Claudia and I have to
make a life on our own.

( dramatic theme playing)

That's right, Alexis
is in California tonight.

But when she gets
back to Denver tomorrow,

I want you to have met
with the district attorney.

Because you'd like to see Alexis
prosecuted for attempted m*rder.

BLAKE: Because I'm
going to see her prosecuted.

I want her to pay
for all the suffering

that she put Jeff through.

Okay, now, Blake, do you
have this, uh, out of your system?

What are you talking about?

We have just come
off a court case.

What I'm talking about is,

it's about time you stopped
running on your emotions

and began to look at this
from a legal point of view.

I don't care about that.

I'm looking at this from
a human point of view.

I went through all
that hell with Jeff.

I saw the boy suffer.

I saw his marriage
to Fallon destroyed.

And why?

Because Alexis saw that he
stood in the way of her greed

and her lust for power.

Blake, you hate the
woman so intensely,

you're letting it blind you
to any other possibility.


Yes, sir?

You, uh, were living
with your mother

at this particular time, right?

Yes, I was.

Then you must remember
what she was like

at that time.

How she acted.

Well, she appeared to
be concerned about Jeff.

LAIRD: Huh-huh.

Did she ever once
give you a clue

that she might have
been responsible

for what was happening?

She's very good at covering
up. You know her, Mr. Laird.

And you know her
a lot better than I do.

You know, I find it very
hard to believe that...

You find what hard to believe?

That in all the hours
you spent with her,

she never once dropped her mask.

Well, she didn't.

LAIRD: You're sure of
that? ADAM: Yes, very sure.

Look, you have evidence.

I have two signed orders for
a mercuric oxide compound

signed by her.


Which isn't enough, young man.

Well, it should be.

Well, it is not.

And as a lawyer,
you should know that.

Now, look, those purchase
orders mean absolutely nothing

unless we can produce the paint

with which the poisonous
compound was allegedly mixed.

Or produce the
panels from Jeff's office.

You can't win a battle
without weapons.

It's very late.

And I have a busy day tomorrow,

so I'll say good night.

Good night, Andrew.

Thank you for coming over.

Good night, Mr. Laird.

Good night.

I don't like it, Father.

The way he talked
to me, it's as if...

(door closes) It's as if what?

He thinks I might be
somehow involved in all this too.

Well, I don't.

Don't worry about not having
any weapons, because I have one.

A good one.

I'll see you in the morning.

Good night.

(door closes)

( ominous theme playing)



I have to talk to you.

What is it, Kirby?

Aren't you gonna turn
around and look at me?

I know how horrible I've
been to live with lately.

Acting like a... A demon.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I love you.

I adore you.

And I love you too,
sweets. You know that.

Well, I don't... I don't
really know that anymore.

Not with what I've been
putting you through.

Show me.

Show me how much.


Make love to me.


What's wrong?

It's late.

So what?

(sighs): It's late and
the timing's wrong.

It feels like you're
demanding something.

( tender theme playing)

Something that you
don't wanna give to me.

I'm tired.

Your mind's on someone else.


No, of course not.

Then who?

I can't say.

Why not? Because I can't.

It's complicated.

I'll tell you as soon as I can.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Hello, I'm Krystle.

You must be Tracy.

That's me.

Who, along with these
Phalaenopsis, say welcome.

Oh, they're beautiful.


And the Ming.

Well, I know you have
a collection of Ming

at the mansion.

It's called buttering
up the new boss.

(both laugh)

I hope you're not
allergic to these.

No, not at all.

(laughing): I didn't think so.

I checked everything
out with Marcia.

You know, this may
sound a little corny and,

oh, a bit cliché,

but I can't tell you how
happy I was when I found out

that I'd be working for you.

With me, Tracy, all right?

Okay, with you.

You know, I've heard
such good things about you.

And, well, I'm gonna
need all the help I can get.

All right.

(door opens)

Well, I'm glad to see
you two have met.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

Welcome to Denver-Carrington.


Oh, Tracy, Bill
Rockwell phoned to say

what a fine piece
of work you did

on that
th-anniversary feature.

I'd like to look it over.

I ripped it up.

You did?


Well, I just wasn't
satisfied with it.

Even though my ex-mentor was.

So it is back to
the drawing board

until I can come
up with a layout

that you truly deserve,
Mr. Carrington.

I'll see you both later.


Now, is this status
enough for you?

Well, corner
office, two windows.

It seems status enough.

You forgot: one plant.
One very tall plant.

Oh, it is tall.

And nice.

Everything is very nice, Blake.


In that case,

I'll put you on the
payroll immediately.

You mean you haven't already?

Well, I guess it just must
have slipped my mind

about you coming here.

I see. Well, now that I am here,

I... I want you to know
that if I don't do a good job,

you won't have
to fire me, I'll quit.

I want that in writing.

You'll get it.

May I have something from you?

Anything. What?

An honest answer.

Now that I've accepted this job,

do you have any second
thoughts about giving it to me?

No, not for one minute.

In fact, I'm being very selfish.

You see, your working here
means that you'll be near me.

That's all I've ever wanted.

( romantic theme playing)

BLAKE: I know things aren't
good between us right now.

One thing I don't wanna do
is to make them any worse.

As far as I'm concerned,
the worst is over, Dad.

I have Danny. I
won and you lost.

I've always lost
with you, Steven.

Even when you were a little boy,

you were closer to your
mother than you were to me.

And when she came back here
to Denver after all those years,

she did everything
possible to alienate us.

You didn't do so bad
on that score yourself.

So can we leave her
out of this, please?

No, I can't.

In a few minutes, I'm
gonna be meeting with her.

And what may come to pass

could make an even greater
rift between you and me.

I don't want that to
happen, but if it does,

I'd like you to
know that I'm sorry.

Genuinely sorry that...

Well, about that whole painful
episode with little Danny.

You just said it, Dad.

It's behind us. It's over.

No, not exactly.

Now, that night,

the night when it all started,

I came to your apartment
with a gift for Danny.

Some shares of
Denver-Carrington stock.

I'd still like him
to have that stock.

Thank you.

But my son doesn't need anything

except what I just
fought to get him.

The right to grow up happy with
and be loved by his own father.

( dramatic theme playing)

Excuse me, Dad, but I
really have a lot of work to do.

( dramatic theme playing)

(telephone buzzes)


Send her in.

Aren't you gonna tell me

what an unexpected
pleasure this is, Adam?

Or isn't it?

What do you want, Mother?

I just got back
from San Francisco.

I haven't been to my office yet.

And I want a copy of that paper

that I signed
yesterday before I left.

The letter of intent

to bid on the China
Sea oil leases.

What an outrageously good
memory you have, Adam,

considering all the chores

that you have here
at Denver-Carrington.

Yes, the letter.

I signed three of them,

and you forgot to
leave one for me.

It's too late.

I sent all three
copies to Hong Kong.

Ah, Hong Kong. Yes.

Um, Sino Ventures,
Mr. Lloyd Morrissey.



When I talked to my
man in San Francisco,

he wanted more information,
so he called Hong Kong.


There is no Mr. Lloyd
Morrissey, Adam.

He doesn't exist.

Of course he does.
All you have to do...

He does not exist.

Now, just what are
you trying to do?

A deal for Blake?

Edge me out so
that you and Blake

can take over yourselves?

Well, whatever it is,

you're not gonna
get away with it.

(door closes)

(telephone buzzes)


Sure, bring him right over.


I don't remember having
made an appointment with you.

You didn't.

Well, if it's about that
merger business...

In a way, it is.

Blake, I'm very
busy this afternoon.

Now, if you want to make
an appointment for tomorrow,

just speak to my secretary.

Take your hands off me.

I wanna talk to you right now.

I told you I was busy.

Now, will you take
your hands off me?

Mercuric oxide mixed with paint.

(door closes)

What are you talking about?

It's what we're going
to be talking about

in your office.

Unless you wanna
discuss it out here,

loud and clear.


I'll see you in my office.

Brian, Mr. Carrington and I

don't want to be disturbed.

(door closes)

Now, just what is this
bizarre behavior all about?

It's about a woman
who tried to m*rder Jeff.

The co-owner of
Cecil Colby's empire.

You're mad. That's a lie.

Is it?

I'll spare you the details.
You already know them.

But the w*apon
was mercuric oxide.

Here are the copies
of the purchase orders

for that poison.

Signed by you.


You were clever enough

to destroy the rest
of that evidence.

What evidence?

Adam told me about the
painter who b*rned those panels

on your orders,

so I can't see to it

that you're locked
up behind bars

where you belong.


But I will see to it that
you give back to Jeff

control of his Colbyco stock.

The merger.

The non-merger, you mean.

Because you're
gonna call it off officially

at the next board meeting.

Well, you've just told me

that you can't prove anything.

What makes you think I'm
gonna go through with this

preposterous suggestion?

Not think, Alexis. I know.

I warn you,

if you're even five minutes
late for that board meeting,

I will not only inform
the board members

about this whole
sickening story,

I'll go public with it.

I'll leak details to the press

about, uh, an unnamed rich widow

who was prepared to m*rder
to get what she wanted.

There will be enough
clues in the story

to destroy your reputation
for good here in Denver

and in the oil business as well.

Not even five minutes late.


( dramatic theme playing)

Get me Adam Carrington.

(telephone buzzes)


Yes, Mother.

I want to see you at my
apartment immediately.

I'm very busy. I can't
make it for half an hour.

Can't you at least tell
me what it's about now?

You known damned
well what this is all about,

my dear son.

And your days of getting
away with it have just ended.

(hangs up)

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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