02x06 - Viva Las Vegas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x06 - Viva Las Vegas

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Well, this will take care
of everything you require.

Would you like me to
pack your tennis clothes?

No, thank you,
Joseph, that's fine.

All right. I'll take
this downstairs

and ask Alfred to
bring the car around.

Blake, are you really gonna fly

to Vegas on a night like this?

Got to, darling.
It's an emergency.

You know, some
wives might not buy that.

Oh, really?

Oh, yes, some wives...

might think that their husbands

are off for a rendezvous

with one of those
luscious chorus girls.

I'm trapped. You guessed it.

Her name is Marlena,

and she is very, very luscious.


Blake, I wanna
come with you. May I?

It's only an overnight trip.

KRYSTLE: Well, I wanna
be with you. Overnight.

BLAKE: But it's a
business trip, darling.

And very frankly, I'm gonna be
dealing with Logan Rhinewood

and his people
when I'm in Vegas.

It's, uh... Much rather
I not have you along.

Well, then, won't you just wait

until the weather clears?

Why, Paul has flown
through much worse than this.

I've gotta go, darling.

I've gotta go alone.

( intense theme playing)

(thunder rumbles)

NICK: Would you like a drink?

No, thank you.

Niko, I've been really worried.

Oh, what are you
worried about? Come on.

Flight from New York was safe.

The flight to Honolulu...

You know what I'm saying.

The night when I called.

The way you sounded.
The obsession in your voice.

Little sister.
Please, please, huh?

Don't start again.

Don't start?

Fine. Okay. I'll stop.

You come back home
and give all this up.


Johnny's dead.

You know?

He's dead.


you moved out here
three months ago.

But you're no closer to proving

that Blake Carrington

had anything to do with it.

Johnny was my kid brother too.


Can't you forget the past?

No, I can't and I won't.


All right, I know. I understand.

It was you who took that trip.

Not me.

It was you who saw
the... He hanged himself.

That's right, it was me, Terry.

I saw him.

And maybe if you were there,

maybe then you'd
really understand

and shut up about this.

I can't shut up about this!


How many times do I have
to tell you, for God's sake?

This man could
have kept him alive!

From , miles away,
with one lousy phone call.

One lousy phone call!

He could have told
'em to let Johnny live.

He has the connections.

He-he knew the right people.

He could have got
Johnny out of that hellhole.

Niko, you're a psychiatrist.

What can you do?!

You don't even work in the place

where this Carrington works.



( dramatic theme playing)

How... How can
you find the proof?

I don't know.

But I'll find it.

And if you do, then what?

Vietnam wasn't
enough w*r for you?

Are you a m*rder*r?

Do you want to k*ll the man?


k*ll him? Oh, Terry.

No. I don't wanna k*ll him.

That's too good for him.

I want him alive.

I wanna see Blake
Carrington suffer.

(thunder crashes)

( dramatic theme playing)

Good evening, sir.

Oh, it's after midnight. I
should say, good morning.

Can I bring you
some coffee, tea,

or... maybe just a
little friendly company?

Fallon, what the devil
are you doing here?


I might be a lousy stewardess,

but I'm a good stowaway.

Or maybe I'm just a
concerned daughter.

You're flying to Vegas to
meet with Logan Rhinewood.


But I'm gonna be
there when you do.

Are you?


You still read the
papers, don't you?

He's a gangster. A shark.

I have dealt with
a few in my time,

without you interfering.

Now, young lady,
you sit right down.

I wanna talk to you.

Now, what is going on?

Tonight, you foolishly
sneak aboard this airplane.

This afternoon, you tell me...

Foolishly, very foolishly

that you could get Cecil Colby

to postpone payment on his loan,

if you would promise
not to divorce Jeff.

What are you doing? What's
foolish about a daughter

trying to help her
father when he needs it?

I don't need your help.

Not on this.

Don't you? No.

Cecil Colby's trying to hijack

your football team.

You need how much?

Eight million? Nine-ish?

To keep the team?

There must be some other
way you can get the money.

I tried. I can't get it.

Now, Fallon...



I love the fact that you're
concerned about me.

But when we get to Vegas,

you are to keep out of my way.

Now, is that understood?

I am not afraid of Rhinewood.

I'm not afraid of any man.

( gentle theme playing)

You are impossible.


I know.

(thunder crashing)

( mysterious theme playing)

( melodramatic theme playing)

(whispers): Steven?


Steven, can we talk?


I'm afraid.

(thunder crashing)


(rain falling)



(clears throat)

What am I doing here?

Uh, you wanna tell me?

I... It was that
dream last night.


about Frank.

My pop.

He was in a race...

an accident.

A bad one.

You wanted to be with someone?


I wanted to talk with
someone, Steven.

I mean... I really
wanted to talk with Frank

and see that he was all right.

Except he's so far away.

It makes me sad sometimes.

Like you are sometimes.

What are you sad about, Steven?

Sammy Jo, that...

That's a very long story.

Well, I've got the time.

There, I did it.

I mean, that sounds
like a come-on, right?

Me, sitting here, next to you

in your bed and telling
you I've got the time.

( playful theme playing)

SAMMY JO: Thanks
for being my friend.

STEVEN: Well, "A person
can't have too many friends."

SAMMY JO: You remember
me saying that the other night.

That's nice.

( melodramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

Oh. Krystle. Good morning.

I think it would be a good idea

to straighten this out with you,

before I discuss it with Steven.

Straighten what out, Alexis?

Oh, what's-her-name?

Your... peculiar little niece?

Sammy Jo.

Oh, yes, of course.

The girl with the bizarre name

who's prone to the
most bizarre behavior.


Sliding down
banisters, at her age.

What my niece does

is none of your concern, Alexis.

Well, maybe not
sliding down banisters,

but seducing my son?

What are you talking about?

She spent the night with Steven.

You know that for a fact?

I saw her in Steven's
room this morning,

and they weren't
playing Parcheesi.

You saw them.

And so you jumped
to the conclusion

that they were
sleeping together?

Now, that is bizarre, Alexis.

That is twisted.

Oh. Is it, Krystle? Is it?

I am talking about my son.

And about my niece.

What are you saying? That
she's too common for him?

Is that it?

You know, you sound
as though you approve.

I asked you something.

Well, you can hardly claim

that they come from
the same sort of stock.

No, I guess you couldn't.

So maybe you'd
better brace yourself.

For what?

There's going to be
another connection

between Steven and my family.

Meaning what?

Well, in case you
haven't heard yet, Alexis,

I'm pregnant.

( dramatic theme playing)


( suspenseful theme playing)

(buzzer rings)

Mr. Carrington? Yes.

I'm Ray Bonning.

Executive vice president

of Rhinewood Enterprises.

You're late. Nearly a half hour.

I'm sorry about the delay.

I had to make a sudden
business call from the lobby.


Where's Rhinewood?

Mr. Rhi...


Daddy, I was getting
so bored in there.

I'm Fallon Colby,

Mr. Carrington's daughter.

You weren't invited to
this meeting, Mrs. Colby.

Well, looks like I'm here, so...

Fallon, please.

There's something wrong
with my air conditioning.

So... I really don't
wanna swelter.

So, if none of you minds...

Thank you.


what about Rhinewood?

Mr. Rhinewood?

He won't be coming.

Why not?

He wasn't feeling all
that well this morning.

But please, feel free to
discuss the deal with me.

Now, as you know...

we'd be interested in
a complete purchase

of your football team.

Now, hold on. Wait a minute.

I made a specific
deal with Rhinewood.

No lieutenant of his
is gonna come in here

and change that deal.

I think I said it,
Mr. Carrington.

I'm a vice president
with Rhinewood...

I heard you. Now you hear this.

That deal was for
percent of my team.

Under normal circumstances,

I wouldn't sell
percent of that team.


you're in a corner.

You know it.

And we know it.

Now, why don't we
get down to business?

For openers...

Mr. Carrington, what you're
offering Mr. Rhinewood

isn't exactly the
bargain of the year.

In general terms,

your team's record stinks.

Things are changing.

Are they?

Did you see that last game,

Mrs. Colby?

Yes, I did.

We lost by one touchdown.

And... we have a
hot new quarterback.

Hobart? Hot?

A kid, who busted up
his knee twice in college,

and now can't
climb off the bench

without pulling a muscle.

That's hot?

Tell me something, Mr. Bonning.

Your clothes are
terribly Neiman Marcus.

But who makes your
shoulder holsters?



(threateningly): Do you wanna
talk about percent purchase,

Mr. Carrington?

I've told you that already.

The answer is no.

I consider this a very
grave waste of time.

You tell Rhinewood to forget it.

It's no deal.

All right.

But you can't blame
a man for trying.

And a deal is a deal.

I respect that.

Mr. Rhinewood respects that.

Besides, we've scouted
the team carefully.

Very carefully.

And most of what we've
seen shows a lot of promise,

despite Hobart.

Cashier's check for million.

Now, after you look at it,

why don't we start
swapping papers?

We now own percent
of your football team...

Mr. Carrington.

( dramatic theme playing)

Carrington just took
off, and the deal is set.

Logan, percent
of the team today,

the other tomorrow.

You have to take
this one step at a time.

Good. I'm glad you agree.

Hey. Something wrong?

No, I was just tired.

You know, I paid our hotel bill

a little while ago.

When I checked
the bill, I noticed

that all the telephone charges

to Denver were mine.


Well, you haven't talked to Jeff

at all since you left, have you?

No, I haven't.

Did he know you were going away?

What did he say?

He didn't. I left him a note.

You know what I think?

I think you came with me

to get away from your husband.

Now, did you?


Can we drop this?


No, that... That
partly stuff, now,

what exactly do
you mean by that?

Daddy, with Jeff...

there's no excitement.

There's no surprises,

no sense of danger.

Why couldn't I have
married someone like you?

Challenging and unpredictable?


Honey... you don't
know how lucky you are.

You've never lived
with me as a husband.

If you did...

you'd change your
pretty mind very quickly.

Very quickly indeed.

( dramatic theme playing)

NICK; Oh. Look at that animal.

Is that a beauty, huh? Mm. Mm.

Uh, excuse me.

Is there a chance one of us

could ride him this morning?

(horse neighs)

Flip a coin. I'll cheat, huh?

I wouldn't mind riding
him myself, doctor.

But I'm afraid Mrs. Carrington

has him booked
in a little while.

Oh, I see. No argument there.

What's his name?

His name's Champ.

I'll bet he is.

Well, Claudia...

are you ready for the big time?

Toscanni and Blaisdel
off to the hounds?

Or the hedges?

Or, uh... whatever?

I guess so.

What? Nervous?

A little. I haven't
done it in a while.

You're not alone. Let's go.

( gentle theme playing)

( playful, jazzy theme playing)


(horses neighs)

(car door closes)

Oh. How I do love this car.

It sure isn't like
one of Frank's jobs.

Or like Steven's pickup.

He really ought
to use his Porsche.

You've gone driving with Steven?

Once. To the
village for a pizza.

In his truck. Not the Porsche.


You like him, don't
you, Sammy Jo?

Who wouldn't?

He's awful nice.

(horses neighing)

Look, Sammy Jo, um...

I don't know quite
how to say this.

And it's none of my business.

But I care about you a lot,

and I don't wanna
see you get hurt.

You're talking about
me and Steven.


Me, going into his room and...

You heard about that somehow.


It's not what you
think, Aunt Krystle.

Nothing happened.

Honest, I swear it.

You believe me, don't you?

I want you to.


Of course I do. I believe you.


Aunt Krystle...

can I drive your car
back to the house?

And then I can come back here

and pick you up when you say?

Okay. Be back in one hour

and don't go off the grounds.

Okay. Okay.



Oh. Steven.

I'm glad to see you.

I hate to sh**t without anyone

to compete against.


Very good.

I'm off target today,
but you're not.

And why shouldn't you be?

After all, if you're reared

with certain advantages,

then it's only natural
for you to do things well.

To play tennis
well, to ride well,

to skeet sh**t well.

Mother, I don't
think that you wanted

to see me to talk sports.

What is it?

I've been talking to Blake.

About your future.

About your inheritance. (sighs)

Well, after all,
you are our son.

It's very important that
we discuss these things.

Don't you agree?

It's his money. Guess I have to.

We've also...

been talking about... a girl.

The right girl...

for you to eventually marry

and settle down with.




you were at boarding school

and you were at
college back East,

and... then you had
that year in New York.

So you didn't
really have a chance

to meet the right
girls around here.

But there are girls
around here, Steven.

There are some beautiful,
eligible girls around here.

Maybe they're not all as pure

as the driven snow, God knows.

But they're none of them tramps.

Mother, I don't need
anyone to fix me up with girls.

Pure or otherwise.

I can take care of my own needs.


I'm not so sure
about that, Steven.




little niece of Krystle's.

I'd say she was a tramp,

wouldn't you?

No, I wouldn't.


I saw her coming
out of your bedroom

this morning.

Yeah, you saw her.

But nothing had happened.

Look, she wasn't there
to peddle sex, Mother.

She was there because
she was frightened.

Oh, Steven.




Look, what I do in
my bed is my business

and nobody else's.

Nobody's. (sighs)

Darling, please don't get angry.

I'm only trying to help you.

I want you to meet a girl.

A girl from a
similar background.

The right girl.

That's the only way that
we can erase the past.

My questionable past.


Now, we're not ashamed of it.

But... it shouldn't
have happened.

And the tragedy
that ended it, well,

that needn't have
happened either

if you'd had somebody
there to look after you.

And I take a lot of the
responsibility on myself,

because I wasn't there
when you needed me.

But I am here now.
Now that you need me.

And you do need me.

To help shape me up.


( dramatic theme playing)



( tense theme playing)


(dials phone)

Yes, hello, Joseph.
This is Mr. Colby.


has there been any
word yet from Mrs. Colby?

I see.

(door opens)

I heard you were packing.

Now you see I am.

Proof positive, Uncle Cecil.

I assume this has to do...

I mean, knowing you, Jeff

with the offshore deal?

The fact that I couldn't
convince the others

to cut Blake in on it?

Well, it was that...

and more. More?

How much more?

Calling the loan you
made to him without notice.

I didn't lend Blake
that million.

This company did.

My job is to protect this
company's stockholders.


Oh, really?

Well, I was under the impression

there was only one stockholder

who mattered around here.

What about your father, Jeff?

And the father I've
tried to be to you

after he was k*lled?

That was a long time ago.

Oh, don't pretend
you don't miss him.

I do. Very much.

But he's gone and I'm here.
And I'm doing what I have to do.

Are you?

The last of the Colbys.

The one who ought to be
taking over this empire...

And it is an empire, Jeff

after I retire?

Is that the right thing?

For me, yes.

Look, it was a mistake for
me to come to work here

in the first place.

I was warned, uh:

"He won't ever give you a
chance to let you be your own man."

Well, that was my first mistake.

My second mistake was
leaping into a marriage

you were cheering me on toward.

You picked my career
and you picked my wife.

Correction, Jeff.

You asked Fallon to marry you

on that plane that night.

No! You listen to me.

About that first mistake,
uncle, as you can see,

I'm correcting it as we speak.

And about the second one,

I'll tackle that as
soon as my wife

shows up from wherever
it is she went off to.

Your ex-puppet is busy.

So leave him alone, please.

You might get caught
in a few of the strings.

It could be dangerous.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)



ALEXIS: Don't worry
about me. I'll walk back.

Okay. Thank you,
Mrs. Carrington.

(horse whinnying)

( ominous theme playing)




( dramatic theme playing)

( lively theme playing)






Understands my
kind of horse talk.

(snorts) Shh.

(horse whinnies)

(pats horse)

You feel like talking?

I usually don't
when I'm thinking.

That's a switch.

Most people I know usually
don't think when they talk.


Well, what are you
thinking, Claudia?

The future.

I'd like to get a job.
How's that, doctor?

I think that's great.

How do you feel about it?

Well, I'd like to talk to
Blake Carrington about it.

Well, why him?

I'd like to work for him.

He's been very kind to me.

He's paid my hospital bills,

he's let me live in his house.

He has his people looking for...


Go on.

"Go on."

Boy, am I getting
sick and tired of that.

I really hate it, you know?

"Go on." All of this probing.

What are you looking
for? What hidden motive?


Come on. (whinnies)

( dramatic theme playing)

(horse whinnying)


Easy, honey.



Where's Krystle, huh?

Come on.

Where's Krystle?

Let's go find her.

Let's go find her. Come on.

(horses whinnying)



( dramatic theme playing)

JOSEPH: I've asked
Jeanette to heat some milk.

Will that help,
Dr. Toscanni? Yes, it will.

Send Dr. Miller straight
up as soon as he gets here.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Carrington. I...

I should have made my warning
about that animal stronger.

Much stronger.

I'm fine, Joseph.

I'm really fine.

It's my fault.

I'm fine.


I feel so dumb.

Why am I trying to be
a part of the horsy set?

I don't even know
anything about horses.

Except Dayton.

Merry-go-round when I was a kid.

There was a horse.

Green with... With
yellow glass eyes.

I'm talking a lot. Why
am I talking so much?

You're in shock. It's okay.

I feel okay.

I really do.

Well, let's run it by
you one more time.

Do you feel any pain anywhere?


Only my pride.


(chuckles): I feel so dumb.

I'm sorry.

I can't stop this
stupid shaking.

It's okay, Krystle.

You're just concerned
about the baby.

You're basically

a shut-up-and...

keep-swimming kind of lady.

Shake all you want.

Let it go. Don't give a damn.


That's right.
Let it go, Krystle.

Let it all out.


( melancholy theme playing)

(door opens)

Oh, Joseph?

Where is Mrs. Carrington?

I'm afraid that she
can't... She's not at home?

Oh, what a pity. I
wanted to give her this.

It's something that I
went into town to get

for the baby.

It's an adorable
silver porridger. Hm.

Well... she is at home,

but I'm afraid
she can't see you.

Why not?

There was an accident.

She was thrown from her horse.

(gasps) She's with the doctor.


How terrible.

Well, I'll just wait
until the doctor leaves.

I want her to know
how sorry I am.

Excuse me.

I don't think it's a good idea

for her to have any
visitors for a while.


Well, it'll just
be for a minute.

Just to make sure
she's all ri... No.

I'm sure Dr. Miller will
agree with me on that.

I see.


be sure to let me know how
she is when you get word.

I really do care.

Of course.

( melodramatic theme playing)

BLAKE: Sure is good
to be back home again.

Oh, darling.

When we stop, do
me a favor, will you?

Take a taxi home

and give Krystle
a message for me.

What? Tell her
that I'll join her

just as soon as I can
locate Cecil Colby, and...

throw million
dollars in his face.

(laughs): Okay.

CECIL: Are you piqued

because we've had
a money argument?


Just a growing
suspicion I've had that, uh,

deep down, you've resented me

ever since I first
came here to Colorado.

Oh-ho, no, Blake...

You were comfortably entrenched

in your father's oil empire.

You resented a
brash, young wildcatter.

A so-called self-made man.

Well, there's a
modicum of truth in that.

Ah. It's no secret
that I'm a bit of a snob.

And I didn't have quite
your brand of polish,

did I?

Until you met Alexis.

She was the one who taught
you about the "right circles,"

as it were.

In fact, she was the one who
introduced us, do you remember?

Now, if all this is leading

to your wanting another week

to think over my
offer for your team...

that's fine with me.

No, there's need to wait.


Here's what you want.

Sales contract?


I'll have my attorneys
read it and approve it.

But first, old friend,

you and I are going
to have another drink.

"Old friend." That's
a mockery, Cecil.

Your friendship has been a sham.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can choke on it.

Just as you can choke
on that cashier's check

for million in this envelope.

(intercom buzzes)
WOMAN: Excuse me, sir.

Emergency call
for Mr. Carrington.

On line one.



What happened to her?

( dramatic theme playing)

I left you a note. Yeah,
and the note read:

"Back home by
tomorrow afternoon.

Not to worry."

What it didn't read
is where you went.

I flew to Vegas with Blake.

Well, then, why didn't
you put that in the note?

Because I wanted
it to be a surprise.

I didn't want him to find out.

Who'd you go there to see?

(scoffs) You mean "which lover?"


I told you.

I went there with my father,

to be with my father.

And who the hell are you
to question me anyway?

Your husband, babe.

Obviously the
last guy on the list.

All right.

Two can play at this charade.

(door opens, slams shut)

I'll be downstairs, doctor.

Hi, Dr. Toscanni.


Can I ask you something?

Well, if it's about Krystle...

No, I've already
heard about Krystle.

It's about you.

Uh, what kind of a
shrink are you exactly?

I mean, you seem
to be circulating

all over the second
floor of this house.

Well, I've missed a room or two.

Is that the new Paris line?

Oh, yes, as a matter of fact.

It's called le look presque nu.

That's French for...

Nearly nude.

Or naked.

Take your pick.

C'est vrai, n'est-ce pas?

Oh, oui, madame.

(with French accent):
It is "madame", hm?

But "madame", "mademoiselle"...

these days, who cares?

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

FALLON: I climbed in the window.

It was a little high,
but I'm very athletic.

From everything I hear,
that's your specialty.

Dealing with athletes.

Am I supposed to be surprised

by this unexpected pleasure?

I don't know. Are you?


Tell me something, Nick.

Didn't we meet once, years
ago, on a beach somewhere?

Years ago I didn't
go to the beach.

I swam off the dock
in the East River.

I thought you were supposed
to listen to people's fantasies,

not destroy them.


you're sort of like
a fantasy of mine.

The man who comes swimming
out of the Mediterranean,

dripping wet.

Then he looks over at me,

and... walks over...

suddenly grabs me
with his wet hands,

making me wet.

Not that I mind.

( playful theme playing)

What is it, Nick?

I thought you'd be
quick to take advantage

of an..."unexpected pleasure."

It's the altitude up here.

Well, maybe you
shouldn't keep on...


up there.

(light jazz music playing)

Hm-hm. Mm.

Pasquale Amadeo Pietro.


Who are they? A new rock group?


He... was a soccer player

I met in Milan. Oh.

Surname: Palazzi.

And he told me
that most Italians

have three first names.

Oh, that's right, it's true.

What's yours?

Amerigo Nicholas Francesco.

Ooh, I love it.
You like that, huh?


Sounds like music.

Mine's just Fallon.


Maybe I should add a few more.

Spoken like a true Carrington.

Well, that sounds
slightly critical.



You people never get
enough of anything.


now that you mention it...

I like you, Nick.

I especially like the way

you're solving all my
personal problems.

My only complaint is,

what took you so
long to get to Denver?

( slow, dramatic theme playing)


Doesn't matter.

I'm here now.

I'm here now.

And I shouldn't have
wasted all that time

with Cecil Colby.

I should have phoned the house

and... been with
you a lot sooner.

Blake, there's nothing
to be worried about.

I heard a backfire,

Champ got
nervous, and I fell off.

But I'm gonna be good as new.

Except for one bitter
pill the doctor gave me.

No more horses for the duration.

No more horses ever again.

Well, I...

What is it, darling?

(gasps) I don't know.


(siren wailing)

( dramatic theme playing)

What is it?



You're going to be all right.

You are.


Am I losing our baby, Blake?


Oh, God, Blake.

( majestic theme playing)
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