03x20 - The Downstairs Bride

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x20 - The Downstairs Bride

Post by bunniefuu »

It's all set for us over
at the stable, darling.

You all ready?

Yes. Would you like
some coffee first?

Yes, good idea.

I, uh... I just
talked to Joseph.

Oh, about the marriage?


Is he happy about it?

More like worried.

Like he thinks it was a mistake.


How do you feel
about that, Blake?

Well, they're young.
They're obviously in love.

And it was their decision
to make and they made it.

I only hope that
Jeff's mind was clear,

that he knew what he was doing.

As to Joseph,
well, he's a father.

And since when
haven't most fathers

been at loggerheads
with their children?

I've just been so happy.

These past few days
have been like a dream.

Flying away to be
married to the man

who I've been in love with
since I was years old.

Being separated from reality.

That part's over, I guess.

Why? You're still my wife.

Like the man said, "In
sickness and in health,

in Reno and in Denver."

Boy, I'm really
striking out today.

Still no smile.

I'm just wondering what...

What's waiting for us there.


Now, what about Fallon?

I wish we'd told her
what we were going to do.

Kirby, this marriage
of ours is ours,

between you and me only.

We owe Fallon nothing.

Then why do we have
to go back right away?

Because I do owe
Alexis something:

A showdown.

And because I have a son

that I don't want to be
separated from right now.

You and Fallon have a son

you don't want to be
separated from right...

Let's finish packing.

And no more talk about
Mrs. Colby. Just us.


I'm Mrs. Colby now.

Mrs. Jeffrey Colby?

Need any help?

No, thanks.

According to Jeannette,
I'm doing just great.

Yeah, you are.

Off to the hounds,
Mrs. Carrington?

No, I, uh, just got back.

Steven, your father was
very disturbed this morning.

About Jeff and Kirby?

That happens to be
none of his business.

No. About you.

The two of you. Last night.

Call it business as usual.

Nothing's changed
between us, Krystle.

That much should
be pretty obvious.

Neither of you is willing to
see the other's point of view.

Oh, no, I saw his point.

The trouble is he
doesn't... He won't see mine.

I told him I was going to
New York to see my wife.

He said, "My God,
Steven, you just got home.

Your life is here."

Well, he's wrong.

More wrong than he's ever been
about anything concerning me.


that's his way of saying
he wants you here

because he loves you.

Krystle, I appreciate his
having searched for me.

I know that that was
out of some kind of love,

a father's instinctive
love for a child.

But the truth is, I
didn't want to be found.

Okay, I was. And I came back.

But not for him, Krystle.

I came back because
of this little guy right here.

And you're going to...

To see Sammy Jo to see
if you can make things work

between the two of you.

I lay awake last
night praying for that.

Steven, this is
hard for me to say,

because Sammy Jo is your wife

and my niece, and
Danny's mother.

She doesn't want Danny.

She's tough and ambitious.


Well, maybe that's
for me to find out.

I'm sorry, Krystle.

I just can't even
accept your opinion

for something this important.

"Steven, your life is here".

I don't think it is.

I know damned well it isn't.

Well, well.

Eleven-thirty and
you're finally awake.

After you finally let
me get some sleep.

Uh, Fred, you just
said it was : .

And you don't want
to be late, do you?

To that lunch with a
certain important client...


About, uh, getting the
prettiest country girl in town

to be their exclusive
cosmetic model, right?

You promised.

I know.

But these things take time.

So meanwhile, you, uh...

You keep comfortable
here, all right?

It shouldn't be too tough.

You've got yourself a
very comfortable little pad

for a struggling newcomer.

I think it's okay.

And I get a break on the rent.

Goodbye, Fred.

No, Mr. Hess, that
will not do at all.

I hired you to unearth some real
scandal on Congressman McVane,

not some innocuous
gossip column item

that Suzy would just chuck
in her wastepaper basket.

Yes, David, what is it?

Blake Carrington is here
to see you, Mrs. Colby.

Tell him to come... Oh.

Well, he is in. Um,
all right, Mr. Callahan,

if you'll just be
a little patient,

I'll get back to you as soon
as possible. Yes, goodbye.

Well, Blake. And
what can I do for you?

Oh, no, don't tell
me. Let me guess.

Those board members of yours

who mysteriously disappeared
are suddenly surfacing

and you want to set a date for
my meeting about the merger.

I'm here on personal
business. Steven.

Something happened?

What's happened is you.

When I went off to Singapore
to bring him back home,

you made me swear
that I wouldn't do anything

to poison his mind against you.

That was the word you
used, poison, wasn't it?


Damn it, that's exactly
what you've done to me now.

What are you talking about?

That miserable lie
that you threw at him.

That I tried to buy
his son for Krystle.

Now he's... He's gone off to
New York to see Sammy Jo.

To do what?

Guess, just guess.

He's not going to try

and reconcile with
that tramp, is he?

Well, whether comes back
here with or without her,

I've got something
to ask you right now.

Not on the basis of
decency, God knows,

but because I'm sure that
you really love your son.

Can we come to a joint decision?

What kind of a joint decision?

Not to turn our son
into a battleground

to settle our own
personal interests.

Now, I'm determined to
make peace with Steven.

I'm prepared to do
anything to bury the past,

but I'm going to need help.


Well, do we have a deal?

Well, Steven is our son.

He's yours, and he's mine.

Yes, we have a deal.


Morning, Mother.

Good morning, darling.

What did Father want at
this hour of the morning?

What he wants,
Adam, isn't important.

What I want is.

Now, you promised me
once that you'd be a brother,

a true brother o Steven.

Big brother. Yes, I remember.

Now's your chance
to keep that promise.

You usually smile when you
have a grand plan going, Mother.

You're not smiling now.

Listen to me, Adam.

Now, I know that you're not,
uh, particularly fond of Steven,

but I want you to
become friends with him.

It's funny, isn't it?

You don't think I like Steven.

But I do.

I never had a kid
brother before.

I never had a friend.
Not a real friend.

I just hope to God
Steven likes me.

Well, here we are.

I see my father didn't
arrange for a brass band.

Not even a string quartet.

Well, whatever his
problem is, I'll bet...

Jeff. Kirby.

Welcome back.


Thank you. Thank you.

I was just on my way to
the hotel to check things out.

How's it going?

Oh, fine. The same.

Well, you two look wonderful.

Can I see your ring?

It's very pretty.

We bought it in a hurry

at the Reno airport, if
you can believe that.

Oh, I can.

Slot machines, wedding bands,

all part of the big...

The big what? Gamble?


It's just that this
is so unexpected,

I'm not as witty as I might be.

Well, Jeff, I know you
want to see Little Blake.

I'll go back upstairs with you.

I want to give him
an extra kiss goodbye.

Kirby, I know you'll
want to see your father.

I'm sure he's waiting for me.



Look, I didn't mean to behave
the way I did downstairs.

I just, uh... Oh,
what was so wrong?

I mean, you were just
trying to make a little joke.

I mean, that is
you, Fallon, isn't it?

The, uh, smart-talking

What are you thinking right now?

Here today, gone tomorrow?

Come on, let's hear it.

Well, today's just not
my day for quips, okay?

Look, Jeff,

you and I couldn't make it work.

But I'm glad you and Kirby will.

It's wonderful for
you, and I'm glad.

Do you really mean that?



And what?

And I was just thinking

I should probably arrange
a party for you both.

Or somebody should.

That's a nice thought. Um...


well, let's talk about
it some other time.

Fallon, I want you
to know that it's...

It's going to work
between Kirby and me.

Because it, uh...

Well, because it is.

I always want you
to know though,

well, there's something
inside me that's...

That's never gonna
stop loving you.

Don't say that, Jeff.

You're on to a new life now.

The new wipes out the old?

Let's hope so.

Mrs. Gunnerson told me

you were downstairs
checking a wine delivery.

I said I'd wait for you here.

I'm home, Papa.

What am I supposed
to say to that?

What I wanted you
to say on the phone:


For ruining your life?

How am I ruining my life?

I'm married to a man
I love very, very much.

At the moment.

I always have.

Even when you were having
an affair in Paris with Jean-Paul?


Oh, Papa, say it, please?


What I'm going to
say is this, daughter.

You're not of the same world as
the Colbys and the Carringtons.

I find that funny. Very funny.

Because I remember a
time when you were all for

me marrying into
the upper classes,

when I was with Jean-Paul,

before I knew he had a wife.

That's not the same thing.

Then what is it you're thinking?

That the people in this house,

who've known me
practically since I was born,

are not gonna let me forget

that I'm a
major-domo's daughter?

Or that they've always thought
they're better than we are,

is that it?

Why on Earth
would they think that

about the downstairs girl

who finally had her wish and
became the upstairs bride?

Why would your loving
husband ever think about that?

You seem to think that he will.

That... That someday Jeff and
I are gonna have an argument,

and he's gonna bring it
up. He's gonna hit me with it.

Remind me of my
humble beginnings.

Yes, maybe. In fact, probably.

Is that a prediction?

You seem to have
all the answers.

Why don't you answer
that question for yourself?

I have a question for you.

From this moment on, what
am I supposed to call you?

Mrs. Colby? Madame?

Your royal highness?

Huh? Don't answer that.

As the major-domo
of this household,

I'll come up with the
proper form eventually.

I'm very happy for you, Jeff.

My best wishes to
both you and Kirby.

Thank you, Blake.

I'm glad to see
you looking so well.

You sound surprised.

No, no.

No, it's just that after
all you've been through,

and then this thing
happening so suddenly...

And you were
wondering if I got married

without knowing what
I was doing, right?

Look, Blake, I know you
always wanted it to work out

with Fallon and me.

Well, it didn't.

Jeff, you have always
been like a son to me.

You know that. I was hoping that

you would always
be my son-in-law, but

I guess life just
doesn't work out

the way we want
it to all the time.

The important thing
is for you to be happy.

Blake, I'm married
now. I'm gonna be happy.

But, look, I don't want to
talk about that right now.

What I do want to
talk about is this:

I want to sue Alexis.

On what grounds?

On the grounds that I
signed over my son's stock

when I wasn't fit.

I was sick, I didn't
know what I was doing.

I can't let you do that, Jeff.

Blake, I can do anything I want.

I won't let you do it.

Now, look, I don't
have to remind you

that she's planning on merging
Denver-Carrington with Colbyco.

She's waiting there to bury you.

I know that. And
I'm gonna fight that.

But I can't let
you go into court.

First of all, it
would take years

for that litigation
to go through.

Meanwhile, it's
gonna be mother's milk

for every newspaper
editor in the state,

in the country,

to print that when you
signed those papers,

that you were
temporarily insane.

And that's the way
they'll put it, believe me.

Well, Blake, if it
doesn't bother me,

why should it bother you?

Your reputation could be
clouded for a long time to come.

Maybe even the
rest of your life.

And it could conceivably
affect your son.

Blake, it's my fault.
I signed that paper.

I'm the one who put
you where you are.

It doesn't matter.

I'm going to be in
there fighting Alexis,

but I'm going to
fight her my way.

Now, that board meeting
has not been convened yet.

Neal McVane is in Washington

trying to convince
the right people

not to consider that merger,
even if it is presented.

So I'm not out of weapons yet.

And I will not allow you to
put your head on the block

when you don't have
to. End of discussion.

All right.

Well, Jeff, I'd be very happy

if you and Kirby

would consider staying
on at the house for a while.

You've got enough
pressures hanging over you

right now anyway, and we could
both use one another's support.

I'll think about it.

Hello, Elizabeth.

Who is it?

Steven, it's Adam,
can I come in?


Hi. Hi.

Oh, I'm glad I caught you.

We didn't have much
time to spend together

the other night
when you got back.

Yeah, I know, I'm really
sorry about that too.

uh... Yes, I know.

You're ready to leave town.

Well, before you go

I just want to tell you how
much I admire your courage

for what you went through.

May I?

Thank you.

And I regret having
grown up without a brother,

and hope that we get to
know one another better.

Thanks. I hope so too.

And I appreciate your
coming. It's just that right now,

I really have no time.

Of course, you're off to
New York to see that girl.

My wife.

Steven, I know it's
none of my business,

but I've heard a lot about her.

I've known girls like her.

So I'd say leave
well enough alone.

Who sent you here with that
bit of fraternal advice, Adam?

My father? My mother?

No, you're wrong.
I came on my own.

And look, when you
get to know me better,

you'll know that I don't make
judgments about people.

Is that what you rushed
over to talk about?

My lifestyle?

No, believe me.

But it does have
something to do with it.

Steven, look,

I've been around
a lot more than you.

I mean, sleeping with girls.

How can you know
the baby's even yours?

Because I know he is, Adam.

And if you're asking me if I
ever went to bed with my wife,

and if I ever made
love to my wife, I did.

Now get lost, brother!

Adam, I'd like to
see you in the library.


To talk about Steven.

Krystle, I have things to do.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

What I have to say to you can't.

What kind of a brother are you?

How could you say
something like that to him?

About his sexual preference?

Well, that's national
news, isn't it?

Ever since my father's trial.

Tell me something, Krystle.

Did something happen
when my back was turned?

What does that mean?

You suddenly seem to have
become Steven's mother.

No, Adam, I'm not
Steven's mother.

But I am his friend.

And I want you to know he
was my first friend in this house,

back in the days when
everyone else was hostile to me.

And where I come from,
one friend defends another.

Ohio, wasn't it?

Where embraces
flourish, along with

sometimes hot-tempered ladies?

Adam, Steven needs
support from all of us.

You know that.

Yes, I do.

And so does Mother.

But if she sees fit...

Sees fit to what?

Steven was right.

She did send you.


She may have
suggested it, but then I...

But then what?

Never mind. Forget it.

Adam, tell your mother

that no matter what
she had on her mind,

Steven's on his way to New York.

We're going to stay? Is
that what you're telling me?

That's right. For a while.

We're not going to
find a house of our own?

Jeff, Fallon lives
in this house.

She's your... She's my ex-wife

and she has
nothing to do with it.

How many times
do I have to say that?

How many times do we
have to talk about Fallon?

Then it's your son.
You want to be near him.

We can find a house close
by. You can see him every day.

You know that.

No, no, there are other things.

And finding the right
house will take time.

Now, I've gotta go
downtown again.

It's all complicated.
Blake's in trouble,

and I got him there and
I gotta get him out of it.

Now, everything's
going to be fine.

You know that.

I heard the news.

You and Jeff.

And felicitations?

You are so dumb.

You are so dumb, Mrs. Colby.

"Mrs. Colby." Is that a first?

No, Mr. Carrington, a
bellboy in Reno b*at you to it.

Don't walk away from me, Kirby.

And don't try and walk
away from the truth.

You married Jeff Colby for
his money, and his name.

And you aren't fooling anybody.

Especially not me.

You see, we are cut
from the same calico cloth.

Now, I know we each have
to climb these gilt-edged walls

in our separate fashions.
But why did you choose him?

When I could have had you?

Oh, we had a night, that night.

That night was a mistake.

I still get sick when I
remember that night.

Do you really? Now
get your hands off me.

And I forbid you ever
to touch me again.


Spoken like a true mistress
of the manse, Kirby, well done.

And so quickly too.

But you'll be back with me.

Married or not. You
and I aren't finished.


Jeff married Kirby Anders?

I thought you might
have heard by now.


No, I hadn't heard.

Mother, I know the
news is surprising.

I didn't think it would
hit you this hard.

Why is it so important?

Why does it matter
so much to you?

Because of what you
did to Jeff, that's why.

Kirby had nothing
to do with that.

She is married to the man
that you tried to poison.

Maybe she'll try and
find out what happened.

That girl is as
insolent as her father,

but she is intelligent.

She'll start digging.

Maybe she'll discover something.

There's nothing to discover.

The panels with the
paint have been destroyed.

I gave that order myself.

I don't think that's it.

No? Then what
do you think it is?

I think there's something else

in this thing with
Jeff and Kirby.


I think you know
something I don't.

Oh, Adam, I know many
things that you don't.

I know about wine. I
know about art and music.

And life, of course.

Yes, you can throw that one in.

You also know something I don't.

The question is, do
I get filled in or not?

Adam, you're
beginning to bore me.


Fallon? FALLON: Come in.

Business is bad

and you can't afford
to pay the electric bill.

I'm tied up with my thoughts.

I can't seem to get anywhere.

Your ex-husband came
home with his new bride,

and, uh, there's a hollow
feeling inside of you.

I'm happy for them.


I am.

But you're confused and
even kind of miserable.

Hey, I went through that

when I heard that Krystle
married your father.

You know, what were
my inadequacies?

What happened to the great
moments we had together,



Fallon, come on,
you're talking to me.

The guy in Haiti, remember?

When all we did was talk?

Serious talk.

What are you, a
tennis pro or a shrink?

If you're a shrink maybe
I should lie on the couch.

Maybe you can get me an
office with a big leather couch.

And then I'll moonlight.

Not until I pay
my electric bill.

I would make a good shrink.

God knows I've known
all kinds of women

with all kinds of problems.

There he goes, bragging again.

Yeah, that seems
to be my kind of style.

But at least I have
something going for me.

You have a lot
going for you, Mark.

You're one of the few people
I know who's really himself.

Like my brother Steven.

And that's rare.


So you'd make a good shrink.

And you wanna continue
analyzing my plight?

No, I've got the cure.

Well, just what every
tired businessman needs.

A lovely lady on the
floor next to a fire,

a pitcher full of martinis.

The only thing that doesn't
go with the picture is,

why are you so pensive, darling?

I was just thinking.
About Jeff and Kirby.

And about you.

Oh, how did I get into this?

I know deep in
your heart, you...

You've always hoped
that Fallon and Jeff

would get together again.

Yes, I did.

But obviously that is
never going to take place.

Now, what exactly
is on your mind?

What else are
you thinking about?

Well, how everybody
in this house

is shocked by Jeff
and Kirby's marriage.

Their so-called impulsiveness.

And I know what
they're thinking.

"Marry in haste,
repent in leisure."

Well, darling that wouldn't
have become a truism

if it weren't often true.

I know that.

But we have to
give them a chance.

I mean, they are
already married.

And one of the things
that might be a problem is...

Is the uncomfortable
position Kirby's in.

Reversing her
place in this house.

And... And what?

Well, someone
should talk to Joseph.

I mean, her own
father is making her

feel more uncomfortable
than anyone else.

Now, I could do it, I know...

But coming from me, it
would have double authority.


My beautiful wife,

always thinking
about someone else.

I love you for
that. I always have.

More than you'll ever know.

All right, of course,
I'll talk to Joseph.

Anything you want.

But, uh,

since you're not quite
dressed for dinner yet,

what would happen if we
decided to skip dinner tonight?


probably be a
scandal downstairs.

Let's risk it.

Who is it?


Hello, Steven.

It is you.

Sammy Jo.

Aren't you gonna come in?

Taxi from the airport must
have been hard to find.

It's been over an
hour since you phoned.

Yeah. But I made it.

Looks like you're doing
well here in the Big Apple.

Don't let this place fool you.

I haven't paid next
month's rent yet.

It's due in a couple
days, but I'll manage.


Well, your father
sends me a little money.

I guess you know that.

And right, modeling.

They putting out any
calls for a young guy

with a new face and a cane?

Real distinguished, huh?

How long will you
have to use that?

Not long.

Well, I guess this is
what you would call

awkward conversation

between two people who
haven't seen each other in a while.

Not since that
night in Hollywood.

Why are you here, Steven?

I thought we said
goodbye in Hollywood.

I wanna talk to you, Sammy Jo.

There's a great little
restaurant downtown

that I dream about
every once in a while.

The food's that good.

They stay open till .
So, what do you say?

You wanna go grab
a bite to eat with me

and we can talk there?

All right.

You want me to come back to you,

the three of us together.

Is that what you're saying?


Well, maybe it
wouldn't be so bad.

We could get an apartment.

You know, overlooking
the East River,

and then a summer
place in the Hamptons.

Or even better,
Connecticut. Westport.

Oh, that would be more fun.

And we could afford it.

At least your father could.

Sammy Jo, I'm not talking about
taking any money from my father.

I don't need it.

I'll get a job and
I'll support us.

And I'm not talking
about living here.

I'm talking about
Denver. Going back home.


Maybe your home,
Steven, but not mine.

I'm here. And I'm staying.

But you just said...

"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad,
the two of us together again."

It'd be rotten and you know it.

And you know why.

If you're thinking
what I know you are,

I haven't touched a man.

Not in a long time.
A very long time.

But you haven't stopped
thinking about them, have you?

This place,

your favorite
restaurant downtown.

Isn't that where you lived with
your boyfriend? Ted Dinard?

Isn't it?

Yes, but...

Isn't this where you used
to come to eat with him?

This great little restaurant

you told me you dreamed about?

Once. Maybe twice.

Oh, I'll bet.

Nothing's changed, Steven.

Not with me and not with you.

At least I know who I am
and what I want out of life.

And I don't want you.

Just like I don't want a
baby who was a mistake.

He's our son.

He's a beautiful
boy and he's our son.

He's the baby you gave birth to.

Yeah, you know why?

Because I was afraid
to have an abortion.

And you don't love him?

I don't know him.

How can you know
eight pounds of a kid?

Of any kid?

I can't believe
you're saying this.

I can't believe that
when you see him again,

and when you see
that I've changed...

But you haven't changed.

Because you can't change.

What's it gonna be, the
two of us together again?

You laying in bed with me?

Sometimes even
making love to me.

But not really to me.

To a ghost.

Sammy Jo, listen to me...

No, you listen to me.

I didn't do such a bad
job of thinking about

Danny's best interests.

At least I put him with people
who can give him what he needs,

including a normal upbringing.

You wanna do your thing
with other guys, go do it.

But if you really give a
damn about your son,

let him grow up
with a straight family.

Don't stick him
with you for a father.

I'm not hungry.
I'll take a taxi back.

Before you go, I want
to ask you one thing.

Did you really try to
sell him to my father,

like a piece of goods?

Let's just say I
thought about it.

I never got anything
else from you, did I?

I think that you like this
plain little old wedding band.

Well, I love it.

I love the man
who gave it to me.

Just like I love you.

Like I couldn't love you more if
you were my own handsome boy.

Which he isn't, Kirby.

I... I only meant that...

Oh, no apologies necessary.

I know what you meant.

Fallon, I'm happy.
And Jeff's happy.

We know you're
going to be happy.

Do you mind, Kirby?

I'd like to spend
some time with my son.



What the devil are
you doing here, Sam?

I know. I'm supposed to be
off fishing in the Bahamas,

where your ex-wife
couldn't track me down.

Except that she did, huh?

Sure as that seaplane
landed next to my boat

and handed me this.

Now, listen.

"Attention: Samuel Dexter.

"I intend to hold merger
meeting with you there or not.

"If you are absent I,

"as a holder of majority
interest in Denver-Carrington,

"shall present my own list
of nominees for the board

"and have their election
confirmed by the courts.

Alexis Colby."

No love and kisses.

I'm hamstrung, Blake.

The meeting's
called for tomorrow.

But you will not be
there. Is that clear?

Because I'm gonna
have Andrew Laird

down at court in the morning

arguing that she
got this majority

by her typically dirty pool.

No, I'm sorry, Blake.
I can't take that risk.

You can't? Why not?

What if Laird's arguments
are tossed out by the court?

I've got no choice.

I own stock in
Denver-Carrington too.

And you're fighting a
personal battle it seems to me,

and this is a business battle.

Yes, my business.

A company that I
built up from nothing.

A company that made you
a rich man, a very rich man.

I'm sorry, Blake.

Blake, I'm your friend.

I always will be, I hope.

But gratitude isn't
the name of the game

in this part of our world.

I'm back and I'll
be at that meeting.

Anyway, the fishing was lousy.

Oh, Steven.

Oh, darling, I'm so
glad you're back. Mm.

I'm here because your chauffeur

was waiting for
me at the airport.

The guy practically
kidnapped me.

Ha-ha. Well, I was
so anxious to see you.

Come and sit down.

Now, I know that you called
from New York about the baby,

and, well, since you
were coming back alone...

Without Sammy Jo, that's right.

Which I'm sure pleases you.


Darling, what pleases me

is that you
obviously, and finally,

saw that girl for
what she really was.

But that's all in the past now.

The reason that I
practically kidnapped you

was to talk to you about
your future with me at Colbyco.

Mother, I can't give
you an answer yet.

There's another part of my
future that hasn't been settled.

The most important part.

What I intend to
do about my son.

I understand, darling.

But what I really
want you to know

is that I'm praying
that you'll say yes.

Well, thanks for wanting me.

But right now...

Right now you have
other things on your mind.

I understand.

I've always
understood you, darling.

Better than your father,
better than Fallon,

better than all of them.

Promise me that
you'll bear that in mind.

I promise.


Move into your own
apartment? Why?

Easy answer, Dad?

I'm going to make a life
for myself and my son,

and I intend to raise him
as a single parent. Alone.

I don't understand that.

Try, Dad. Try.


Yes, Steven?

I know how much you love Danny.

And I'm grateful for all the
love and care you've given him.

But he is my son.

He's my responsibility.

And I'm the one who
has to take care of him.

You understand that, don't you?

Of course I understand.

Well, I don't.

Here stands my son.
Obstinate as always.

My son, who's...

Steven, all we want
for this child here

is to be surrounded
a real family,

a whole family, and not some...


Say it.

You can speak
plainer than that, Dad.

You don't want Danny
to have a gay for a father.

Well, don't worry.

Because your grandson will
be able to choose for himself

who and what he wants
to be when he grows up.

Yes, with you as an example?


No, Krystle, don't.

Don't get him to
apologize to me.

Don't get him to say, "I'm
sorry, son, I didn't mean it".

Because he did.

You know, there are
mornings when I wake up in bed

and I'm perspiring
and trembling,

and I ask myself, is it me?

Or is it my life here,
being back in this house,

just being back in this house?

Well, I don't
think it's me, Dad.

And I'm getting out of
here as soon as I can.

Me and my son.

I'm gonna bring him up
to the nursery, all right?

Go ahead.

Now, Steven, we are not
finished talking about this.

I insist that we talk this out.

Steven! Blake!

Steven! Blake,
let him go, please.

Try to see it his way.

His way? Have you
suddenly lost your mind?

If you try to stop him, you
may never see Danny again.

And that would
break your heart...

and mine.
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