03x09 - Acapulco

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x09 - Acapulco

Post by bunniefuu »

I tell you, when I get through
with those people in Washington,

they're going to know that
Blake Carrington had been there.

I'm fed up with
McVane and his stalling.

I'm going to push him
and push him hard.

You're not married
to Blake Carrington.

You're still married to me.

It's too important
to both of us.

You've got to believe me.

We're still married.

That's a lie.

If you think I'm lying, check.


I'll take all those ties.

I'll take all three of 'em.

Thank you.

Is something the
matter, darling?

No, I... I was just thinking.

I, uh, hope Joseph won't
be upset with us for packing.

Well, last time I
flew to Washington,

I opened up my suitcase

and everything in it was gray.

Gray suit. Gray
shirt. Gray ties.

Even the pajamas were gray.

And I said to him,
"What about it?"

And he said, "Well,
gray goes very well

with politicians,
Mr. Carrington."

I didn't wanna take
the chance this time.

You're not upset because
I'm not taking you with me.

Oh, no.

I wanted to. You know that.

But this is not a fun trip.

This is strictly business.

The fun will be on
my homecoming.

Because I am not coming
back without a prize.

And then we'll celebrate.

Just you and I.

We'll celebrate together, okay?

It was last night,
wasn't it? Fallon's party.

We all went out and
drank a little bit too much.

Yes, and I'm not
used to it, yeah.

I'll know better next
time she opens a hotel.

Come in.

Good morning.

I see you have finished
packing, Mr. Carrington.

Yes, I have, Joseph.

You see, I knew that
you'd been up half the night

with my grandson so I
thought I'd save you the bother.

I see. Well, thank you.

Oh, I've had Alfred
bring the car around.

And it's no bother.

Well, darling,

take care of yourself
and wish me luck, huh?

I do.

What a nice phrase. I do.

I seem to remember you saying

something like
that at our wedding.

Two years.

Time has passed all
too quickly, hasn't it?

But we have a lot
more ahead of us.

A whole lot more.

Don't bother to
come down with me.



I sometimes wonder

if you know how much I love you.


now that's the kind of a sendoff

that a husband really needs.

To tell you, I-I think I'd
better get out of here.

Besides, I've got a
cranky congressman

waiting for me at the airport.


Finally, Spencer, what kept you?

I don't care what kind of a
meeting it was or with whom.

Now listen to me, just as
you would listen to Cecil

if he were still alive.

Now you are, and
God only knows why,

one of the most influential
men in Washington.

Well, right now,

Blake is on his
way to Washington

with Congressman McVane

to try and pull

out of the red.


Yes, that shale-oil loan.

And I want it stopped, Spencer.

And I want you personally
to see that it is stopped.

If you can't,

oh, well, then I'll
think of something.

I always do.

So let's put it this
way. You will stop it.

Is that understood?

We're getting a good
tail wind, Mr. Carrington.

That should put us in
Washington a half an hour early.

Thank you, Tom.
The sooner the better.

Tom, I'll have a refill on this.

Another Bloody Mary.
Yes, Mr. McVane.

A half an hour early.

We practically
left at dawn as it is.

I'm sorry to have
inconvenienced you.

Now listen, Neal.

I meant what I said last
night about Denver-Carrington,

about my company surviving.

About yours surviving as well.

Now, you know that money

is mother's milk
to a politician.

Particularly, when he's
running for reelection.

Now, if you wanna continue
to be a voice in congress,

you're going to need help.

You mean, a voice for
you, for your company.

For the country, damn it.

For the best interests
of this country.

Haven't you been
listening to me?

Don't you realize
how important it is

for you to do everything you can

to get that extension
on my loan?

So you can squeeze
some oil out of some shale.

So I can squeeze
a hell of a lot of oil

out of a hell of a lot of shale.

I would suggest that
you have some coffee

rather than that drink.

We've got a very
busy day ahead of us.

Mark Jennings, please.

Then could you page
him and find him?

Yes, Lisa.

A Miss Anders is here
to see you, Mr. Colby.

She doesn't have an appointment.

Send her right in.

Yes, sir.

Good morning, Jeff.

Good morning, Kirby.

Happy first day on the job as...

Oh, what's that grand title?

Co-president of Colbyco?

Uh, something like that, yes.

I brought you these to
make it totally official.

Fresh flowers recently swiped
from the Carrington garden.

Well, you didn't happen to
leave any behind, did you?

Oh, just one or two. I
should put them in water. Heh.

Wait, wait, let
me thank you first.

Is this all new furniture?

Yes, it is.

It's beautiful.

I didn't know your uncle,
Cecil, but I'm sure he'd approve.

Well, I'm not so
sure about that.

I saw Fallon on her way
down to breakfast this morning.

Oh, did you?

What did she say?

I bet she wished
me good luck, right?

She didn't know I
was coming here.

I didn't even
know it at the time.

It just hit me when I was
giving the baby his bottle

that I wanted to.


She's very busy.

Especially today, after
last night and the party.

Kirby, you don't have to
apologize for Fallon, all right?

All right.

Speaking of the party,
you were very, very gallant.

You remember.

Well, I remember we
danced a little bit, gallantly?

I was talking about your
brother-in-law, Adam.

And how he dipped into
that bathtub of gin a little...

Oh, a lot too often

and how you rescued
me from him. Heh.

Big hero.

So I wore a little armor.

It suits you.

Just as it doesn't
suit me that...

That what?

That I kissed you good night.

I-I didn't know I was
gonna do it until I did.

I hope you're not angry with me.

With you?


Good. I'm glad. Heh.


Mr. Colby, there's
a Mr. Ralph Axted

on the line for you.

Ralph? Ralph Axted?

He's phoning from Hong Kong.

He tried to reach
Blake Carrington,

who's on his way to Washington,

and Mr. Carrington's office
referred the call to you.

It has something to do
with Steven Carrington.

I'll take the call.
I'd better get back.

Yeah, thanks for dropping by.



You're always leaving me.

Maybe it's because I don't
have anything to say to you.

Kirby, about last
night at the party.

I didn't mean to offend you.

But if I have,

and I have,

I apologize.



Good. And what about
dinner this evening?

I'm sorry. I'm working.

Oh, that's right.

Taking care of the
little Colby prince.

Well, you'll realize
it one of these days.

That you're much too
pretty to spend your time

playing nanny to my nephew.

You should be thinking about
having babies of your own.

You have the babies. I'm busy.

I'm back.

Oh, did you get it done?

Yeah, all done.

It's none of my business, Kirby,

but how come the rush downtown
to get your passport renewed?

I hope you're gonna
be around for a while.

Oh, yeah, I am.

It's just that the passport

was about to expire,

and it's such a pain

to have to fill out

all of those forms all
over again, when and if.

But this is your business.

Your son.

Your very precocious son.

Do you know what he
said to me this morning?


Said. Very loud and very clear.

"Fourscore and seven years ago."

No, much more important
and beautiful than that.

He said, "Mama."

I'll bet.

I'd win the bet.

And he tried to pull
himself up out of the crib.

That is my
precocious son for you.

Are you leaving for the hotel?

Yes, to give a sendoff
to our French count

whom you didn't remember
last night at the party.

Fallon, I lied to you last
night about Pierre and me.

I did recognize him.

I did meet him, a
few times in Europe.

At parties.

With your fiancé?
Jean-Paul Cadot.

Is that the name?

Yeah, that's the
name, but, um...

he wasn't...

Your fiancé

or a graduate student
at the Sorbonne.

Pierre got drunk and
spilled a little more

than was gentlemanly.

I knew... I knew I should
have told my father.

But how could I?

Good question. Fair question.

I should know, being a daughter.

Fathers wanna believe
their little girls stay virgins

from cradle to the grave.

What am I gonna do?

It would be cruel to
burst my father's bubble.

Joseph's your father.

And it's his bubble. I'm
afraid it's your problem.

Thanks a lot. Heh-heh-heh.

Krystle, listen to me.

And believe me this time.

What I told you is the truth.

Our divorce isn't legal.

It isn't.

Well, I believe that
about as much as I believe

you came to Denver because
you heard I needed you.

Look, I don't blame you.

God knows I lied to you
enough when we were married.



Lied some more.

Stole some more.

My grandmother's
locket. A treasure to me.

Gone. Hocked and gone.

That thousand dollars we
had in our bank account.

My savings.

The baby we talked about having,

but never did.

Thankfully never did.

That's pretty rough.

That's how I feel, Mark.

I mean, can't you just imagine

him or her now without a father?

Wondering where he
is? Where he went? Why?

I'm here now.

Not in my life, you aren't.


How about the truth, Mark?

You lost your job
in New York, right?

So you came to Denver
because Krystle might be good

for a few dollars.

I don't want money.

Money isn't important
to me anymore.

Isn't it? No.

Well, what is?

That you believe me

about what I told
you last night.

That you're still,

at least technically, my wife.

It's a divorce decree.

Our divorce decree.

It's a phony, Krystle.

It's signed. It's
stamped. Look at it.

Just look at it.

It's a phony. A fake.

It looks official.

But it's not.

I got to drinking a lot
when I was in Mexico.

Moving. Here. There.
All over the place.

Then I was down in Guadalajara

with my last bucks.

I bought this from a
lawyer I met in a bar.

A bar?

You bought our divorce in a bar?

And I wouldn't
have sent it to you

if I didn't think
it was genuine.

And now, after all this
time, you decide it isn't.


Mrs. Colby found out.
She told me the truth.

Mrs. Colby? How?

She hired a detective
and he checked it out.

Then she told me what
your life was really like here.

She phoned you about this?

No. No. She came to New York.

Mark, Fallon Colby
hasn't been to New York.

Alexis Colby.



God, you've sunk to a new level.

A man who walks out on me,

no goodbyes, just
walks out on me,

scheming with a
woman that rotten.

They're gonna have
to rewrite the books

when it comes to
unholy alliances.

Oh, nice of you to join us.

Where were you?

That's my business.

Oh, you're wrong about that.

This hotel and every
employee in it is my business.

I mean, I can't have a pro

who cancels all his
lessons every day.

There are two things that I
am not in the mood for, Fallon.

That's arguing and working.


or ever.

Who is it?

Room service.


The party last night.

And this gala for the
count this afternoon.

Would you like to
share in a hangover?

Heh. This isn't one of
my champagne days.


Look, I'm sorry about
the way I treated you.

I realize you're one
of the star attractions

around here.

That is not what
I was sore about.

Well, you wanna tell
your mean old boss

why you're feeling so low?

You're not mean, you're
not old and I'm not low.

And you're not
leveling with me either.

Somebody let the air
out of your tires. Who?

Okay, let's blame the IRS.

They're auditing my
tax return for .

It's obviously personal.

I wouldn't stick
my nose in it but...

Then don't. My
life's my own, Fallon.

On or off the court.

And it's very messy too.

I do provide maid
service, you know.

I like to take care
of my own things

in my own way.


It's Krystle, isn't it?

I saw you talking on
the terrace last night.

Do you wanna tell me about it?

That's none of your business.

And please take your
champagne and leave.

And please do leave.

Oh, temper, temper.

It's not my fault if
you didn't turn her on.

Maybe you've lost your touch.

Who says?

Still think I've lost it?

So I was wrong.

And so were you.

I just came by to
protect my investment.



Are you redecorating
his room too?

What are you talking about?

Your tennis pro.

The guy you went
swimming with last night.

Jeff, I really don't...

Never mind.

I'm here about Steven.

Blake's contact found
out where he signed on.

They found Steven?

Where can we reach him?

An oil rig in the Java Sea.


You know I was
just thinking, Steven,

that letter I mailed
for you in Hong Kong,

there was no return address.

So how can they answer?

They can't.

You're dumb. You know that?

You've got a family.

The rich Carringtons.

People who care about you.

You don't know what you've got.

Ben, you're the one who
doesn't know what he's got.

Nobody to answer to.

Nobody telling you how to live.

Nobody telling you

what a disappointment you are.

Nobody's right.

I've never had a family.

You may not realize it

but that can have
its advantages.

Let's get some sleep, okay?


Real dumb.

And you're gonna
know it someday.

Do you hear me, Steven?

I've already taken
care of your luggage.

It's in the car.

Oh, thank you, Joseph.

What shall I tell Mr. Carrington
when he calls from Washington?

I mean, this sudden trip.

Say that I have important
personal business.

In Mexico? Yes.

Well, where exactly?
It's a very large country.

I'll be in touch.

Well, I have to tell
Mr. Carrington something.

Joseph, if you
don't know anything,

there's nothing to tell.

Well, then according to
my associate in Guadalajara,

you spent a few
days there, didn't you?

I mean, before coming
here to Acapulco.

That's right.

Mrs. Carrington, I'm
sorry. I'm very sorry.

But attorneys must face facts.

And the facts of
this case, frankly,

they're very bad for you.

You see, we researched the files

of every court in
the state of Jalisco.

There is no record of a divorce

between this Mark
Jennings and yourself.

But look at this
document. The signature.

It's the court-clerk's

I see it.

Now, this gentleman retired

and left Guadalajara
a couple of years ago.

Yes, but the word was he
moved here to Acapulco.

Now, if you can find him,
maybe he'll remember something

to indicate why there's no
record of the divorce on file.

You have to find him, Mr. Ramon.


I'm not leaving until I've
tracked down every lead.

Find him.

I'll try.

May I have a copy
of the document?

Thank you.

Now, you do understand that,
uh, Acapulco is a tourist city.

People come and people go.

Anyway, I'll do my best.


No, no, no. We'll just
keep trying Marcia.

Now, I want you to call
a Mr. Charles Haden

at the American
Embassy in Mexico City

and see if he's found out
anything at all about my wife.

Yes, Mr. Carrington.
I'll get right on it.

Adam Carrington's
here to see you.

He is?

Oh, yes, yes, I asked
him to come over.

Send him in, please.

Hello, Adam. Good
morning, Father.

How are you?
Very well, thank you.

I hear Krystle is in Mexico.

Yes. Yes, she is.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

Now, you've got a very busy
schedule today, I understand,

so I'll get right to it.

Now, I know that you're
close to your mother.

And I appreciate your feelings.

What I don't know

is whether you're aware of
the stunt that she tried to pull

with Neal McVane
at Fallon's party.


What kind of stunt?

Well, you don't know then.

That's oil under the bridge.

Well, at least that
part of it anyway.

Now, you sound as if
your trip to Washington

with our estimable
congressman was a success.

It was. My loan from the
government has been secured.

And the oil, the shale oil is
really going to begin flowing

under that bridge now.

I'm happy for you, Father.

Thank you. I knew you would be.


you and I have

grown to care about each other.

We've, uh, grown to have
some kind of a relationship.



The same doesn't hold true

for your mother and me.

You once asked me:

"Were you and Alexis enemies?"

And I evaded the question.

Well, we are enemies.

Heh. And that places me in
an awkward position with you,

because I work
very closely with her.

Well, let's put it this way.

Alexis is a woman
of high temper.

She operates on her passions.

Now, if I know anything at
all about you, you're cool.

You're cool and logical.

So I would like you to
ride herd on your mother.

As in Montana cowboy?

As in a son she
apparently listens to.

Now, I want her kept
out of my business.

I want her to keep her
hands off anything at all

that concerns Denver-Carrington.

I'm not a watchdog, Father.

And mother is a strong lady.

A very, very strong lady.

Well, if she keeps on this
way, she's gonna get hurt.

And if she thinks she's going
to be able to play in my league,

she's gonna lose.

So if you care anything at all

about your mother,

I'd make a note of that.


if she's your problem, so be it.

But that's between
the two of you.

Then I can't count on you,

is that what you're
trying to tell me?

I didn't say that.

But I will ask you
something else

while we're at it.

What, a hypothetical what,

but what would you do

if you were forced
into the position

of having to fight me as well?

I'd fight.


With everything that's in me.

I'd fight you both.

My ex-wife and my son.

And you'd better believe that.

Somehow, I do.

Well, you're right.

I do have a heavy
day at Colbyco.

Good morning, Father.

Yes, Marcia?

I talked to Mr. Haden.

He said that Mrs. Carrington

was in Guadalajara
till yesterday.

Was that all he said?


Well, damn it, that's no good.

I wanna know
where my wife is now.


Well, I'll be at
the office soon,

just tell him to wait.



What's the matter?

Nothing, I, um...

I always do that
when I'm thinking.

Well, what or whom
were you thinking about?

No, it's what.

There's a contract on my desk,

and I'm deciding on

whether I should sign it or not.

You work too much.

And I don't think
you sleep enough.

And then when you
sleep, you don't relax.

Snoring away, all tensed up.

I don't snore.

I passed your room
one night. You snore.

Now there. How's that feel?

Feels good.

Real good? Mm-hm.

I'm sure it would
feel a lot better too,

if I stayed here all day.

But I have to get to the office.

See, work. That's
all you think about.

Don't you ever think
about taking a day off?

Or an afternoon off?

What ever happened to
you? Where's all the fun?

It's gone. It's all gone.

Oh, don't make me laugh.

Don't try and be funny.
This makes me sad.

Me trying to be
funny makes you sad?

No, the fact that
you've changed.

Well, growing older
does have its drawbacks.


Is this a gray hair?


No, I guess it just must
have been the light.

I'd better get outta here.

All right, let me
cheer you up first

with a happy
thought for the day.

What, did you, uh,

phone one of those
happy anonymous voices?

Mrs. Gunnerson does
and then she ends up

scowling the entire day.

No, I didn't phone.

Um, I spoke to your son

and he spoke to me.

Yes, I said, "Hello,
there, you gorgeous fella.

How's it going this morning?"

And then I said, uh,

"So tell me, Little Blake,

"who do you love
best in the world?

Me? Kirby?"

You know what he said?


Then "Da-da."

You're kidding.

Are you absolutely,
positively sure he said that?

Would I fib to you? Yeah.

I've gotta go.

And I don't snore.

All of you leave, please.

Thank you.


Like those people,
I'm an employee here.

So you're right. A governess.

Who happened to be
with her ward's father

for a few minutes.

And he was upset about something

and asked me to rub his neck.

And I did.

But does that make
me a fallen woman?

No, child, of course not.

But look, Kirby, I have eyes.

I have seen how you look at him

every time he and you are
in the same room together,

when he passes you,
when you pass him.

I like Jeff. I always have.

So do I.

Let me spell it out
for you. Listen to me.

Jeff Colby, albeit by marriage,

is a Carrington.

And like the rest of us,
breathes the same air.

Carringtons and
Colbys and Anders.

Are you listening?

These people use people.

Jeff isn't one of these people.

He's a married man.

Jeff's married to Fallon,
who doesn't want him.

But Jeff does want Fallon.

Well, I'm not so
sure about that,

and how long he'll
keep wanting her.

Aren't you now?

Well, then I have a
suggestion to make to you.


Kirby, I want you
to get out of here.

I want you to get on a plane.

I want you to go to Paris.

I want you to patch things up

with Jean-Paul. Why?

I think it's the
right thing for you.

Right now, at this
moment in your life.

What was it you
did? A lovers' quarrel.

Well, that happens.

Talk things over with him.

Get things straight between you.

And then marry him
just as you had planned.

I can't.

Why? Why can't you?

Please leave me alone.

Kirby, you're my daughter.

You'll do as I ask.

I want you to get on the plane.

I want... He is married.

He's what?

Oh, come on. I asked
for that listing a week ago.

Katherine said you've
been looking for me.

Yes, I was.

Are you all right, Jeff?

I'm fine.

I sent you a memo

a couple of days ago.

A query on the production
estimates at the Garvey site.

I'm still waiting for
an answer, Adam.

Memo? I never got any memo.

I wrote and signed it myself.

Well, maybe it's
in here somewhere.

May I?

Jeff, it's not signed.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

Are you really
feeling okay, Jeff?

You haven't been
looking too well lately.

I guess it's just a
matter of too much work

and not enough sleep.

I've got a lot of
paperwork to catch up on.

And I guess it must
be kind of hard to work

in your uncle's old office.

A lot of memories.

Well, you know what they
say about memories that haunt?

Give them a good, swift kick.

This is all you could
get? A signature?

What more proof do you need?

Mr. Garcia confirmed that
he indeed was the court clerk

at the time.

Now, I gave him a piece
of paper to sign, this one.

And as you can see,

whoever forged
your divorce paper,

look, they didn't even
attempt an imitation.



I'm so sorry.

Mr. Ramon.

Who's Mr. Ramon?

Oh, Blake.

Oh, you've been a hard
lady to catch up with.

Do you have any idea
what you've cost me

in long-distance calls?

And, uh,

that's about all of it.

Darling, you didn't have
to go through this alone.

You could have phoned
me in Washington,

and I'd have come right back.

Blake, you had
enough on your mind.

You were fighting to keep
your company from going under.

Since when does
anything come before you?


I didn't know for
sure if it was true...


The fake divorce?

Go on. Say it.

Because that's what it was.

Mark Jennings knows it.

Alexis certainly knows it.

And they're saying
it and gloating over it.

So you say it along with them.

"It was a fake divorce."

And then you add this:

"But tomorrow I'm going to
fly home with my husband,

"my real husband,

"we're going to
talk to his lawyers,

"and we're going to find
out what the Colorado law is

"about all of this.

And then we're going to
make things right again for us."


I love you.

I love you

so very much.

I'm sorry, I-I just...

I understand.

Well, now.

We just happen to be

in one of the most
romantic cities in the world.

The food in this hotel
happens to be excellent.

So I'm gonna order
us some supper.

That you believe me about
what I told you last night.

That you're still,

at least technically, my wife.

What is it, darling?
What's the matter?

Oh, Blake, I do love you.

I do.

I don't know what's
the matter with me.

Well, you've been through a
lot and you're tired, that's all.

No good morning, Adam?

Good morning, Mother.

Why weren't you at Barbara
and Marvin Davis' great party

last night?

We were all expecting you.

I stayed at home to watch
the news on television.

Your failure.

My what?

Heh. What are you talking about?

All those reports about

and Blake's terrific
trip to Washington.

How he's going to save
the country, single-handed.

Mmm. Well, we'll see about that.

I thought you were
going to see about that.

With McVane.

In your own very special way.

Don't be insolent, Adam,

because I'm not going
to take it from you.

Who do you think you are?

Your son,

who wants Colbyco to
devour my father's company,

not turn it into a
national shrine.

And it's my fault.

I think so, yes.

Well, what you think most
of the time, my dear Adam,

doesn't interest me.

It's what I think that does.

And where does that
put Colbyco these days?

Exactly where I
want it to be put.

You see, your name
is Adam Carrington

and mine is Alexis Colby,

which means that I am Colbyco.

Is that clear?

The next time that I get
you invited to a great party,

just be sure that you turn up.

There were a lot of very
influential people there

who could have been of
great use to us in the future.

Yes, Mother.

I hear that you saw
Blake yesterday.

That's right.

What did he have to say,

other than gloating
about his triumph?

That he was ready
to do battle with you.

That he was tired of
your manipulations.

I invented that word.

Well, whenever he wants
a good fight, I'm ready.

Just remember one thing, Adam.

I know more about
Colbyco and about life

and about everything
than you do.

And I can still teach
you a few things.

Such as?

Such as manners, for one.

As I taught your brother.

The wayward h*m*.


always polite

and sometimes
misunderstood young man,

who is far too well-bred to
ever be rude to his mother.

I suggest that you use
Steven as your example

whenever he finally
decides to come home.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to frighten you.

You're off to the office.

Yes, and with good news too.

The law, and I quote,

"is going to grant you
a Colorado divorce

"on the grounds of irretrievable
breakdown of the marriage

and desertion by the
husband as the basis."

How long will it take?

A whisper of time.
About days.

During which time,
I guess, we'll, uh...

We'll just have to live in sin.

Now, how about
you going upstairs

and repacking your bags?

I've got Marcia working
on our travel arrangements.


Yeah. We never completed
our first honeymoon.

We'll do it now. We'll call
it our second honeymoon.

How does Hawaii strike you?

What about the divorce?

What about it? It's
just a legal technicality.

My people will handle it.

Meanwhile, we will sip mai tais

and count the seven
pools on Maui and...

And count our blessings
that this thing's almost over.

It isn't, Blake, not yet.

Not all of it.

Well, which part
of it specifically?

The fact that this,
uh, Jennings character

is still your husband?

Is that what's bothering you?

He's not a character, Blake.

He's a very mixed-up
complex man under that veneer.

And I... I feel I should
talk to him about this

before your lawyers do.


Well, I just feel it's
the decent thing to do.

Well, that's not
gonna take days.

Blake, I said some
terrible things to him.

And now you want
to apologize to him?

No, just...

I just want to explain to him
what I was going through.


I'm sorry, I don't understand.

You still have some
feeling for him?

Of course not.

But you want to see him.
You wanna be with him.

See him and talk to him.

About some unfinished
business between you two?

That's an awful thing to say.

Well, it's the truth, isn't it?

No, it isn't.

After last night in
Acapulco and your...

Your fatigue, I
wonder about the truth.

Well, forget
Hawaii, just forget it.


Yes, that's all I know.

Well, you call me.

Yes, you've got the facts.

You call me the minute
you get any information.

Right. Bye.

It's gotta be about Steven. I
wanna hear the whole thing.

No, it isn't. It's
about Krystle.

I was talking to
one of our attorneys.

Oh, that divorce mess.

Well, it happens to be

very important to me.

Where are your
priorities, Daddy?

I would think that
since you came back

from Washington and Acapulco,

you'd be knocking yourself
out to try and find your son.

Well, we know where he
is. We know that he's safe.

You don't know exactly
where he is, which rig.

Aren't you even gonna
try and pinpoint which one?

Why? He doesn't
wanna hear from us.

Yes, he does. I know he does.

Look, Daddy, Steven left

because you drove
him out of here.

It's your obligation
to get him back.

Please. He's my
brother. I want him back.

All right.

I'll locate him. But you're
gonna have to talk to him,

and see whether he
wants to come back.

Get up, Steven.

Okay, okay, I'm up.

Let's go.

We're due up on deck now.

Come on.
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