03x07 - Kirby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x07 - Kirby

Post by bunniefuu »

"If true, Denver-Carrington
will have to shut down

"operations on the project.

"A highly-placed source, who
prefers to remain anonymous,

"states that this move could
precipitate a dangerous,

"maybe even fatal,
cr*ck in the walls

of the Colorado-based empire."

Blake, it's just a rumor.

The government.

They beg us to come up with
alternative-energy answers,

we go into hock
to accomplish it,

and suddenly, um,
an oil glut comes along

and we're yesterday's option.

And a shaky one at that.

Oh, come on, Daddy,

you're not taking this all
that seriously, are you?

Oh, no, no, no. I'm just making
some impromptu breakfast talk.

Why don't you remind
them in Washington

that today's glut could
be tomorrow's shortage?

Sweetheart, we are talking
about the government.

Now, Jeff,

I want you to keep that
payment from being postponed.

Now, when you go
down to the office,

pull the contract on that loan

and then phone Neal McVane.

Tell our good
congressman's secretary

to set up an appointment for
me by tomorrow at the latest.

Never mind. I'm sorry.

For the moment, I forgot that
you were leaving the company

and going over to Colbyco.

You must have
plenty of things to do,

winding up your own affairs.

Blake, I'm still working
for Denver-Carrington.

I'll take care of McVane.

Thank you very much.

I'm gonna miss him.

Well, that makes one of us.

I'm going to miss
him in the office,

but he's still going to
be here in the house.

Our deal, yes. He'll
be here for a while.

Not so fast.

I wanna talk to you
about your brother.

Which one?

Now, don't be cute
with me, young lady.

That must mean Adam.

It all seems to be official now.

That's right, it is.

Now, Fallon,

we may be having some
very rough times ahead

with this shale-oil situation.

I would like to
avoid any further

bitterness or hostility.

And you could do me a big favor

if you would throw in your
towel and accept Adam.

I'd rather talk about why you're
so busy knocking yourself out

trying to convince me that
Adam is really my brother,

when apparently
you have forgotten

you still have a
son named Steven.

You've done nothing,
next to nothing,

to bring him back to us.

Steven left on his own choice.

Yes. He's no runaway teenager.

He can come back
of his own choice.

I've heard all that before.

Oh, have you?

Well, in the meantime,

your other brother has
come back into our lives,

and I would like you to stop

undermining his
place in our family.

Is that understood?


is there something
that you haven't told me

about you and Adam?

I mean, is there something
that's eating away at you?

Or forever remain silent?

Now, I've asked you,
is there something?


Well, that ends
that, doesn't it?

Good morning, darling. Good
morning. How was your ride?

It was wonderful.

Wish you could
have gone with me.

I've gotta make
a call. Excuse me.


Hello, Adam?


How are you?

I'm all right. How
are you this morning?

Fine, just fine.

Say, I was wondering whether
you could be at my office

at, say, : .

There's something I
wanna talk to you about.

Of course. I'll be there.


Good morning, darling.


Who was that on
the phone, darling?


Yes, we have a
meeting today at .


You sound concerned.

Does it bother you that
my father wants to see me?

Oh, no, of course not.

I think it's splendid that
he wants to establish

a rapport with his own son,

if anyone can establish a
rapport with Blake Carrington.

I'm not so sure about that.

I got four phone calls this week
from friends of mine back East.

It appears that somebody's
checking them out

about their
relationships with me.

When you were at Yale?

And living in New York
afterwards, after Yale.

I'm being investigated
by Blake. Still.

He's very big in the
trust department, isn't he?

If you feel that way about him,

why are you wasting
your time going to see him?

If I feel that way about him.

Mother, is your trust
in me just like his?

What does it take to
convince you, Adam?

An oath on a stack of Bibles?

Darling, you know how
much you mean to me.

Of course I do.

Why else would I be
living here with you?

Interesting article
on Denver-Carrington.

Big trouble.

Thank you.

This is the contract

on Denver-Carrington's
shale-oil loan.

I pulled it from
the locked files.

Like me to return it
when you're done?

No, don't worry about it.

I'll put it back after my
luncheon date with McVane.

Our roving congressman
is in town, isn't he?

He flew in this morning. Good.

No, I'm afraid I can't disturb
Mr. Carrington right now.

Yes, Mr. Harris, I'll
have him call you back.

Marcia, I'll be at
the house for a while

if Mr. Carrington needs me.

Good morning, Jeff.

Is it?

Marcia, is it all right
if I disturb my father?

He did phone me.

Go on in, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you.

Hello, Adam.

Come in, won't you?

I'm obviously here to discuss
what's been bothering you.

Our falling out at
lunch the other day

when I refused the car.

Sit down, won't you?

In all fairness,

I must say that I made a rather
unfortunate remark about Alexis.

It wasn't always that way
between your mother and me.

We used to have a very
strong bond between us.

After we lost you, a
terrible barrier built up.

Even after Fallon was
born, and then Steven,

we couldn't tear
that barrier down.

We finally divorced.

And became enemies.

Let's say we were not friends.

I hope that that
relationship, hers and mine,

won't affect what
should be between us.

I wanna be a father
to you. You're my son.

I want that very much.

Yes, Marcia?

Mr. Carrington, Mrs.
Gray from Personnel

is here to say
goodbye to us all.

She'd like to see you.

All right, I'll be right out.

I'll be back in a moment.

All right, now.

About our being
friends and family.

Is it a deal?

You make that sound
very business-like.

Well, just a habit of speech.

I really mean it, Adam.

Of course it's a deal.

And I wanna thank you.

It's been a very
special morning for me.

I won't forget it.

That's pretty good.
Here. Let me show you.

Gotta keep that
arm just nice and...

It's good.

Good. Like that.

Something like that.
Know what I mean?

All right, try it.

Patty, try a couple more

and I'll be back
in just a minute.

I'm told you wanna talk.

That's right.

You certainly took your
time about it, didn't you?

I wasn't all that thirsty.

Are you now?

You should be.

Waiter, a draft beer, please.

So, Mrs. Colby,

what do we talk
about this afternoon?

You and my dear,
unhappy friend Krystle.

You know, I never expected
that you'd show up here,

not after the way that you
ticked me off in New York,

but here you are in
Denver and at La Mirage,

so I have to assume that
you still have some interest,

as it were, in Krystle.

Thank you.

You puzzle me, Mark.

I've been making some
inquiries around the hotel

and apparently you've been
keeping a very low profile

since you arrived.


Mrs. Colby, I don't
have to answer that.

In fact, I don't have to
answer anything to you.

Except maybe a couple of
questions about your wife.

Especially not about her.

Now, if you'll just
stop bugging me...

You're never gonna get what
you want if you don't see Krystle.

If you don't see her,
talk to her, be with her,

how can you possibly
hope to get her back again?

Look, get this straight.

Maybe I don't hope
to get Krystle back.

Maybe my coming out
here was a big mistake.

Except you are here.

That's right and I can fly out
of here as quick as I flew in.

Thanks for the beer.

That's nice.

Hello, Katherine?

Katherine, did you make that
call to Mrs. Carrington at home

as I instructed you?


And she's meeting
Mr. Carrington at the stadium court?

You didn't tell her your name?

Jay, let's work a few volleys.

Beautiful job. Let's try again.


I didn't think you'd
still be awake.

I couldn't sleep.

You're sore.

Yup, you're sore.


Because I'm a little late?

It's nearly : , Mark.

Is it?

Yeah, I guess it is.

Where were you?


What was I doing out?

I was wrapping up a little
business while I was out.

Night business.

Hey. Hey, where I
was isn't important,

it's where I am
now with my wife.

My beautiful, my gorgeous wife.

Don't, Mark.



You're smiling.

That's better, right?

I love you, Mark.

Why do I love you so much?

Good question.

Maybe we should try to
really pin down the answer

once and for all.

How about it?

How about it?

Jay, I'm sorry.
Something's come up.

How about booking an hour later?

Hello, Krystle.


You're looking beautiful.

What are you doing here?

I'm the pro.

I see.

Where's Blake?

Your husband?

Yes, my husband.

I don't know.

I got a call to meet him here.

Do you know anything about it?

No, nothing.


can we talk for a few minutes?

I'd rather not.

You're upset.

Yes, I'm upset.

Because of me?

Why else, Mark?

I know those eyes.

They're not happy.

I don't read them happy.

You never could read me, Mark.

If you could have,

you never would have
done what you did to me.

That's ancient history.

Dusty and put on a shelf.

All right, just let
it go that way.


I, honest to God, never thought

I'd have this chance
to see you again.

Let go of me, Mark.

Wait, just look at me while I...

Leave me alone, Mark.

Thank you.




How you've grown.

How solemn you look.

Don't you remember me?
Have I changed all that much?

Do you always talk to turtles?

Only special ones.

Jeffrey? That happens
to be my name.

I know.

But what you don't know is
that I always called him that,

secretly, when I was a kid.

"Joseph's cute kid,"
you used to call me.

Kirby? You're little Kirby?

All grown up now.

I'll be damned.

Well, that's an original
welcome-home phrase for you.

Does a welcome-home
hug come along with that?

Because I'm a little
nervous and I could use one.

Welcome home, Kirby.

Thank you.

Does your father
know you're home?

Well, I didn't call
him from New York

or from the airport here,

but yes, he's expecting me.

You ought to get up
to the house, then.

Well, just a second.
I'd like to look at you.

As I expected, you've become
a very distinguished man

in these five years.

Distinguished and
even more handsome.

Oh, there, I said it.

The other secret
is out, finally.

What secret?

I had this gigantic
crush on you,

but there was one gigantic snag.

You only had eyes
for Fallon, remember?

Oh, yes.

You're married to her now.

Papa wrote me all
about the wedding.

How is she?

You're gonna find
out sooner or later.

You might as well
hear it from me.

We're living here with our son,

but we're not living together.


Oh, I'm sorry. I really am.

Well, what's his name? Your son?


Good name.


I bet you played hooky from
work to come home and see him.

As a matter of fact, I did.

Well, it was great
seeing you again.

You too, Jeff.

See you later.



Kirby, you're as beautiful
as I knew you would be.

Mr. Carrington phoned
me a few minutes ago.

That was considerate.

And Mrs. Carrington
brought flowers to my room.

The most beautiful roses.

Equally considerate.

I know you're gonna find
this difficult to believe, Papa,

but Kirby Anders
isn't a child anymore.

I traveled all the
way back from France

without a tag around my neck.

Back to you.

Tell me about the young
man at the Sorbonne,

about whom you
wrote to me endlessly.

Couldn't we talk
about something else?

I wanna ask... Now, Kirby,

do you realize that you're
throwing away your future

by breaking the engagements.

Papa, my future is to find
a man that I really love.

I realize that I didn't
love Jean-Paul.

You should be happy
that I didn't marry him

and end up like
Fallon and poor Jeff.

Kirby, I still wanna know...

I mean, they're such a
fantastic-looking couple

with that fantastic
baby of theirs.

I think it's a
shame that they...

You keep talking about them,

and I insist that
we talk about you.

Now, I can see
what you're thinking.

That maybe you can set
things straight between them.


Well, don't.

Their troubles are their own

and you're a
guest in this house,

not Miss Fix-It.

Or is it Mademoiselle Fix-It?

It's "miss."

No more French.
No more Jean-Paul.

And I'm sorry if it makes
you unhappy, Papa.

I'm back here to stay.

And you're right.

It's Fallon and Jeff's life.
Who am I to interfere?

Have you seen Katherine?

She must have stepped
away from her desk

for a few minutes.
Anything I can do?

No, no. I'll get to her myself.

I just wanted to tell her

I'll be moving my
research library here.


Of course I know about
Denver-Carrington's loan

and the delay in payment.

Now, the way I figure it,

that kind of delay could
put my father's company

in one hell of a bind.

Even force a shutdown.


I have a proposal to put to him.

Colbyco can and
will bail him out,

loan Denver-Carrington the
necessary operating funds

in exchange for the use of...

shale-oil extraction process

on Colbyco's lands.

We're in synch.

Very much in synch, I see.

That idea is rotten, Adam.

That process happens to be worth

a lot more than the
actual loan itself.

Well, maybe it is a bit unfair.

But in time of w*r, what's fair?

The name of the game is winning.

Win a little bit here.
Win a little bit there.

Is that your
strategy in this w*r?

Force Blake to the wall

and take over
Denver-Carrington bit by bit?

Well, I fought that battle
when my uncle owned Colbyco,

and I'm sure as
hell gonna fight it

now that I own half
of Colbyco myself.



for those noble words from
my always-noble brother-in-law.

But if you're coming
into this company,

how can you keep your ties

with that potentially
weak company?


Well, there happens to
be room for both empires.

Healthy empires.

I mean, do we have
to be barracudas

to exist in this world?


Oh, my God. Do I have to say it?

The man is your father.

I know that.


If you don't mind, I'll
arrange your old office for you.

Save you the trouble.

In fact, I'll tell Katherine to
have those research books...

Put in here.

You see, Adam, this
is the owner's office.

My office.

Well, I can certainly understand
your not liking the possibility

of your company going under,

and your concern for putting a
few hundred men out of work.

Closer to a thousand.

Now, I've got a thousand
men, at least, and their families,

dependent on my
shale-oil operations.

Now, those men
and their families

are my constituents
economically and yours politically.

I know that.

Blake, before I came here,

I put out some feelers
on this whole situation.


And I've got to
tell you something.

attitude toward these

projects has hardened.

Yes, yes, I know about that.

Nobody, but nobody,

wants to listen to pro
arguments anymore.

You've gotta make them
listen. You've gotta shout.

But you don't understand,
Blake. They won't listen.

Now, you're the chairman
of the subcommittee

on Energy Policy and Technology,

you mean to say that
they won't listen to you?

No, sir.

At least not right now.

Why not?

Don't they realize that this
oil crisis is never going to end?


according to the
way I estimate it,

if Denver-Carrington
is allowed to continue,

we can increase our daily
output of jet fuel by percent

and diesel by percent.

Now, do you know
what that can mean?

Yes, I do,

and I'm highly impressed
by those figures,

but as I said before,
they just won't listen.

Yes, I heard that.

Now listen to me.

You happen to be one of the most
persuasive pitchmen in Congress.

All right,

now get back on the
phone again to Washington,

or cut this trip home
short, fly back there,

and let those people know

what this project can
mean to Colorado.

Well, I'll try.

But don't count on anything.

Neal, you've always had a
good and very helpful friend in me.

Yes, I have.

And you want me
to stay that way.

No question.

No question.

All right, about your
powerful friends on Capitol Hill:

now, you get out there

and you twist their
arms, do you understand?

For my company and your future.

Not to mention the
future of this country.

I'll tell you what I
mean, Mr. Mattison.

The party for the opening
is only two days away.

You're telling me
that the kitchen

can't handle the menu
for so many people.

If you hired the kind of
chef who can't swing it,

you better find
somebody who can.

Well, that's nice. Come here.

I want you to take that racket.

Now, look at this.

Punch on through.

You see? Good.

That about does
it, ladies, for today.

A lot of improvement.

Let's get a nice,
tall, cool drink, Randi.

Or is it Andi?


Excuse me.

Yes, sir.

You're good. Very good.

Well, that's what
they pay me for.

You must be the new
pro my daughter just hired.

I'm Blake Carrington.


I probably won't be
much competition,

but I would like to stop
by for a game sometime.

Anytime, Mr. Carrington.

All right.



This is a surprise.

Especially after that discussion
we had at breakfast yesterday.

Who remembers yesterday?

I really stopped by
to see your pretty face

and say I'm sorry.

And to look over my investment.

You know, I really think you've
done a wonderful job here.


And I think too, that
you've got a good eye

when it comes to
picking out tennis pros.

That fellow Mark is
gonna be a winner.


Now, why are you upset?

Because I know it seemed
like a terrific idea at first,

bringing Mark Jennings here...


I just don't want this
thing to boomerang

and I think it might.


And who do you think is gonna
get hurt by the return? Blake?

Yes. You're wrong.

You're absolutely wrong.

And now that that little
matter is all settled with,

would you like a
chocolate-dipped strawberry?

A strawberry?

What I want is to make sure
that my father won't get hurt.

I know.

Now, you know as well as I do

that neither of us brought
Mark Jennings out here.

He came out of his own accord.

And the only person who can
hurt your father in this situation

is his dear pseudo-wife,

Krystle, who is
not worthy of him,

and so the sooner we
get rid of her, the better.

So where's the hurt?

Why are you looking
at me like that?

Because I know that
what you're hoping

is that both she and my
father suffer this thing out.

Oh, really?

And what do you
propose to do about it?

Warn Daddy
about it so it doesn't

hit him unprepared.

Look, if Krystle is
really loyal to Blake,

this is only going to
test their marriage.

I don't think she's
going to pass the test.

So if you want to help
Blake and not hurt him,

I strongly suggest
that you just sit back

and watch things work out

between your father
and that woman.

This makes me wanna be a mother.

You know?


Except what, Kirby?


look at Fallon and Jeff.

I wouldn't want that to
happen to me and my husband.

Yes, that. Well...

Jeanette, is this
just a passing thing,

or is it serious,
really serious?

I'd say it's quite
serious, Kirby.

They just can't seem
to agree on anything.

Not even on a
nursemaid for the baby.

Do you mean
you're not the nurse?


I work mainly for
Mrs. Carrington.

Or "worked for," I should say.

Well, I will again.

As soon as they find someone

to take care of
the young master.

If they ever do.

I've been looking over this
whole shale-oil thing, Jeff.

Now, I realize that
I'm relatively new

at the business,

but you know what they say:
fresh eyes, fresh approach.



Well, that's why I
asked you over here.

In a few days you'll be
moving over to Colbyco,

you'll be in Cecil's
office, we can confer.

Jeff, he'd be so pleased.

No, he'd be very displeased

if he knew about the dissension

going on in this
company right now.

You mean this
business about Adam.

This business about Adam
that has to be resolved.

Now, he owns no part of
Colbyco. You and I own it equally.

And I've had more
experience in this business

than both of you put together.

I know that.

Jeff, please don't be angry.

Do you think that Adam's
motives are so wrong

in trying to bail Blake out?

Is that your motive too?

Do you agree with him?

Yes. In a way.

Just because Blake
and I are divorced,

doesn't make us mortal enemies.

And if he needs some money

to get himself
out of a tight spot

and some of that money
happens to be mine, so what?

Well, he doesn't need the money.

He's all but straightened
the delay out.


Neal McVane.

Neal McVane.


Our dear congressman,
who's probably in touch

with the Washington
bigwigs as we speak.

As we spoke.

Knowing McVane, he's
probably clinched it by now.

Well, I have to go.

Sorry I didn't get around
to the champagne.

Not to worry.

I'll just pour it over my
kumquats for dessert.

I hear that you're still living
at the Carrington mansion.

That's right.

Well, if the emotional traumas
ever get too much for you,

there's always a spare bed here.

Congressman McVane, please.

It's Alexis Carrington
Colby. He'll remember.

"For the lady executive
who has everything:

style, imagination and class."

Well, do you like them?

I assume they're from you.

Yes, they are.

Thank you.

Fallon, the reason I sent those

and the reason I'm
here is pretty obvious.

I want to be friends
with you. Especially you.


Because I admire you.

Your intelligence. Your drive.

Is that it?

No, there's your son.

And his potential inheritance.

All of Colbyco is
going to be his one day.



He's making it impossible
for me to get his cooperation

in certain projects that
would make Colbyco

an even greater
empire than it is already.

So you'd like me
to step into this.

Influence him any way I can.

I know you can.

Look, I may not get along
with Jeff as a husband,

but I don't for a minute
underestimate his intelligence.

So if he's fighting
you, especially you,

he must have a
damned good reason.

Fallon, you can't go on
trying to fight me this way.

It's wrong.

Who are you?

Who are you really?

I'm your brother.

And you're my sister.

And we can't be
on opposite sides.

You're not my brother.


Then why don't we just
pick up where we left off?


Get out of here.

Leave me alone.

Just go.

You'll change your mind.

I mean, about Jeff.

Hello, Adam.

Communing with
your muse, Mother?

Painting is an exercise in
analytical thinking, darling.

It helps clear the cobwebs.

Katherine gave me your
message. What's so important?

Honey and vinegar.

And what does that mean?

That means that I've known
Jeff Colby for a long time,

I like him a lot, and I'll
handle him from now on.

And I'd also like to remind you

that he is part-owner
of Colbyco,

he is coming over
to join the company,

and honey attracts
more flies than vinegar.


I don't like him.

In fact, I dislike
him intensely,

and I have no intention...

Adam, darling.

You seem to have inherited

one of your father's
more unattractive traits.

His violent streak.

It cost him dearly once.

You heard about the trial?

Yes, I have.

He k*lled his son's lover.

Oh, well, there was a scuffle
and the young man d*ed.

And you testified against Blake.

Well, yes.

I had to. I was subpoenaed.

I had to recount
all the terrible things

that had happened
in the past, Adam.

All the violent things
that he'd done to me.

So you see, it cost
him dearly once,

and I wouldn't like to see
that happen to you now.

You don't have to, Mother.


Will you be home
for dinner tonight?


Is : all right?

Eight-thirty is perfect.

I'll order prime rib. The
way you seem to like it.

Blood rare.

I'd like another drink.
You wanna get it for me?

Nope, I don't.

Mark, all this drinking to
drown what's been happening

just doesn't work.

Like me who doesn't work.

Big tennis star
who nobody wants.

Why should they? I'm
obviously not good enough.

That's not true.

It's just that you set
your sights so high.

You've gotta give it time.

Where are you
going to this time?



Because I gotta
get out of this town.

I gotta get out of this place.

I'll send you a postcard.

Better for both of us,
Krystle, I'll send you a divorce.

Mark, I know we've
had our problems...

Yeah, and this is the
way to solve them.

Are you gonna get me a drink
or do I have to get it myself?

I came to thank you, Fallon.

For arranging that little
surprise for me yesterday.

That message to
bring me out here.

What are you talking about?

You don't know?

No, I don't.

Ever since the
first day I met you,

that day in Blake's office,

when the secretary shook
hands with the Carrington princess,

I have turned myself
inside out to be your friend.

What a fool I was.

Because you'll do anything you
can to embarrass me, won't you?

Well, it didn't work.
Your little surprise fell flat.

I still don't know what
you're talking about.

I couldn't care less whether
or not my ex-husband

works for you.

However you've arranged this,

it's gonna backfire
on you, Fallon.

Because Mark Jennings is
not a part of my life anymore.

I am married to Blake now.

He's my husband,
do you hear that?

Do you understand that?

You can just set
the boxes over here.

Anywhere that's convenient.

Sure thing, Miss
Malley. Thank you both.


Oh, you're back, Mr. Carrington.

Let's not unpack any
of this stuff just yet.

But Mr. Jeffrey left
a message that...

No, what I mean is this.

Let's do him a favor.

I mean, this office
is dingy at best.

Needs some refurbishing.

Maybe we should give
it a new coat of paint.

I'm sure you wouldn't know this,

but Mr. Colby had
the whole place redone

just a few months
before he d*ed.

It still looks dingy at best.

Oh, and would you have
the classified phone book

sent to my office?

I'd be very happy to look
up whatever number you like.

That's very kind
of you, Katherine,

but I'll do it myself.

Thank you.

Is this it? The compound
you're looking for?

Yes, it is.

That's the best stuff I know
to protect the hull of a boat.

I hope you understand
it could be dangerous.

Inhaled or absorbed
into the body,

it can distort a
person mentally.

You know what I mean?

Yes, I do.

It hits the central
nervous system.

Mess up your head.

Enough of this
stuff can k*ll you.

I know.

Well, you be careful
mixing it in with the paint,

and don't breathe
those fumes, right?

Right. And thank
you for reminding me.

And listen, keep telling
all your other customers.

You never know whose
life you might be saving.
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