03x03 - The Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x03 - The Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

Step back, please.

Give us room here.

Come on. Stand back.

That's all, photographers.

Stand back. Who was it?

It wasn't Ahmed.
Where are they taking...

Mrs. Blaisdel? Oh, no. I...

Is the baby all right?
Mr. Carrington. Mr. Carrington.

Can we get a statement?

I thought it was, but no.

Jeff, now think. Think.

Was there anybody else,

a stranger, anybody,

who showed unusual
interest in the baby?

Only Grimes.


Alfred Grimes, the
caretaker at the cemetery.

I saw him again there

and he mentioned something
about Nick Toscanni.


Darling, you take Fallon home.

Jeff is going to come with me.

Where are you going?

There's something
I've got to take care of.

Mr. Colby, do you
have any statements?

Is the baby all right?


He went out the back.
He's got the baby.

Come on, Jeff.

There he is. Hold it!

Hold it there, buddy.

Hey, watch where you're going.

Hold it.

Stay back.

Don't come any closer.

I want my son.


Don't move, mister.

Give me my son.


I want my son.

Let's grab him.

Mr. Carrington, no.

It wasn't my idea.
He set it all up.



He paid me to do it.

He made me do it.

It was the name, Alfred Grimes.

Now, when you said it,

I remembered that he
was Roger Grimes' father.

Roger Grimes was
the man that, uh,

I found in bed with Alexis

a long time ago and I guess...

I guess I b*at him up

and then the story got
around town that, uh,

I had paid him off to
keep the thing quiet.

Yes, I remember it all
came out during the trial

when she testified against him.

That's right.

And Nick Toscanni must have read

every word there was

about it at the trial.

And then he, uh... He found
the perfect man to work with.

Mm. The father.

The father, yes.

Who wanted to get even with me

and was ripe to do it.

Oh, Toscanni.

I swear to you, Jeff,

I won't rest until I find him

and I'll make him pay for this.

Who is it? JEFF: Mr. Colby.

Where are you taking her?

Hackley-Morris Sanitarium.

Then maybe she
goes to court one day.


For disturbing the peace.

She did at least
that, as I understand.

Or maybe she stays at
Hackley-Morris for good.

I'd like a few minutes
with her alone.

I'll be in the hall
if you need me.



I'm almost finished packing.

I'm going away.

I don't really know why.

They say I'm a sick woman.

And you're a good
and beautiful woman.

The roof.

It was Lindsay's doll
that I had on the roof.

I was taking care of it
till she comes back to me.

Do you understand?

I do.

I hurt the doll...

I didn't mean to.

When it fell.

I didn't mean to
hurt you, Claudia.

That once in our lives,

did you love me,
Jeff, that once?

I never really knew.

Yes, I did.

We came together at a time
when we needed one another.

And it was a very
special time for me.

And I did love you.

This is Lindsay's doll.

I'm going to keep it for her.

Where is it?

Where's what?


My mother's fur piece.

It's so lovely, it's...


Here it is.

It's chilly today.

I want to wear this today.

Thank you. Goodbye.

Goodbye, Mrs. Blaisdel.

You've been so very kind to me.

I have tried.

Beth Ellen, you too.


I want you to take this ring

and wear it,

so that you'll remember
to write to me. Hm?

Goodbye to you, sweet house.

Take care.

Be sweet to all of
my kind friends...

who, sadly, won't
be able to join me.


Matthew's friend.

And my friend.

It's going to be
all right, Claudia.

You know that.

Beautiful Krystle,

who was always kind to me,

even when I wasn't kind to her.

And his vital signs
are stable, huh?

Yes, doctor.

Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Colby is asleep,

so please don't disturb him.


How do you know that
he's not unconscious?

He's asleep.

Would you step
outside with me, please?

Mrs. Carrington,
he needs his sleep.

Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Colby is getting

the best possible care here.

Every time I see you, doctor,

whenever I'm
privileged to see you,

you always tell
me the same thing:

"His condition is unchanged

and he's getting the
best possible care."

It isn't that long a time
for a massive coronary.

In fact, it's rather brief.

"In fact, it's rather brief."

Well, let me tell you
some facts, doctor.

Fact: Mr. Colby
wants to marry me.

And he wants... I know.
A bedside wedding.

Which I still won't allow.
Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have a few less
romantic cases to attend to.

WOMAN: Dr. Davey, call...

Mrs. Carrington, I just heard
the wonderful news on the radio.


What news? What...
What are you talking about?

The news bulletin about
your daughter's son.

Your grandson.

They found him
about an hour ago,

safe and sound.

WOMAN Security to
the front lobby, please.

Hey, what's the matter?

It's just getting him back.

Oh, well, darling,
the important thing is

that we've got him back.

The doctor says
he's just fine too.

He says he's terrific.

Yes. Yes, he said that as well.

Oh, I just love him so much.

And I love you so much.

Thank you for
everything you did.

Hey, now wait a minute.

Now, Jeff had something to do

with this too, you know.

Excuse me. May I come in?

Oh, yes, of course.

This beautiful little guy of
ours needs all the fussing

and attention he can get.

Oh, well, that's
what I'm here for.

To fuss him back onto
his regular schedule.

And right now it's
time for his feeding

and then he gets his bath.

It certainly is nice to have
things back to normal, isn't it?


A total stranger.

An obese nurse,

a fat phantom in white,

tells me that my
own flesh and blood

is alive and well,

not my family, not
one of you. Why?

It was an oversight, Alexis.

We were all concerned
about the baby's condition

after what he'd been through.

No one was thinking about
anything or anyone else.

I am not just anyone else.

I know that.

No, you don't know that, Blake.

You choose not to know that.
You always have and you still do.

You did it the other day
on television, when I want...

When I wanted to talk
about our Adam and...

And you tried to shut me up.

Well, I didn't quite
succeed, did I?

Wasn't my heartbreak
of all those years

even worthy of your notice?

Adam was gone.

What was the point, damn it?

Blake, there's a
phone call for you.

The office.

I'll take it in the library.

I want you to leave, Alexis.

My husband's been
through enough today.

He doesn't need you here.

You're right.

He never did.

Leave him alone, Alexis.

Don't start throwing
the past up to him now.

Adam was Blake's son too.

How dare you talk
to me about my son?

His son too, Alexis.

Yes, of course. His son.

Like that baby upstairs
is his grandson, and...

And you're his wife, and...

And Fallon is his
darling daughter, and...

And Steven is his embarrassment.

Everyone is his, his, his.

The past is over

and nothing can change it.

But let me tell you
something, Krystle.

The future is going
to be very different.

Because in a very short time,

this faultless family is
going to be hearing from me,

including you.

And you especially are going

to cringe at what you hear,

Krystle Jennings Carrington,

the "Oh, so sterling," once

and maybe future secretary.

You asked for me?


I want to know just
when I can see my fiancé.

Mr. Colby's attorney is with him

and Mr. Colby is permitted
only one visitor at a time.

May I remind you,
Nurse Stratton,

that I'm not exactly a visitor?

You may but it doesn't
change anything,

so you'll just have to
wait... Well, hello, Alexis.

Gerald, how good to see you.

Well, thank you. And how
well you're looking, as ever.

Oh, well, thank you
but that's a sweet lie.

So did you have a good meeting

with Cecil about
whatever it was?


Yes, I'd say he was pleased

and he's anxious to see you.

Did he say what he
wanted to see me about?

No, he didn't say

but it's obviously important.

He seemed quite positive.

Oh, God, he's not...?

Oh, Alexis, please, don't
draw any frantic conclusions.

Why, if anything,
he seems better.

Oh, good.

Then I should go and see him.

Shouldn't I?

Thank you.

Hello, darling.

You look wonderful.

I just ran into Gerry Wilson.

And what is all this nonsense

about you wanting
to talk business.

You know you should be resting.

Yeah. Because it
just won't wait, darling.

You see, it's about what will be

the most important
business of my life,

however much longer I have left.

Oh, I'd say at least years.

What a centennial that will be.

I hope you'll be there

to help me blow out the candles.

I'll need your help.

Darling, I'll always
be there with you.

You know that.

I know that.

And I want you to
know that you and I

are finally going to be married.

Tomorrow at : ,


All the arrangements
are being made.

All you have to do is
show up in a lovely dress

and be my lovely bride.

And not leave me
waiting at this altar.

Now, does the groom get a kiss

to seal the pact?

Destroy Blake and all that?

Oh, yes.

Time to sleep, yes.

Oh, he drank his
bottle beautifully,

so no worries.

No worries.

Is something wrong, Mrs. Colby?

You're really a terrific
actress, aren't you?

As if what happened to my
son would never have happened

if you'd been doing your job.

He's just falling
asleep, please don't...

Oh, suddenly, you're so
concerned, Miss Farragut.

As concerned as you were
when you left him alone.

Cut it out, Fallon.

Oh, enter the caring father

who hired Miss
Farragut in the first place.

What do you want me to
do, Jeff, apologize to her?

Well, if you ever could
apologize to somebody, yes.

Now, look, we've all
had a draining day.

Let's go to bed.

Good night, Susan.

Good night, Mr. Colby.

He's right, Mrs. Colby.

We're all very tired.

Are we?

Well, I'm not.

Not too tired to tell you
what I'm going to tell you.


Are you all right?

Oh, sure, sure.

It's just the
reaction setting in.

It's relief, not fatigue.

Well, I would be more relieved

if you would come upstairs

and go to bed and
let me tuck you in

and watch those non-fatigued
eyes of yours close.

Why are you so good
to me, pretty lady?

I don't know.

Maybe because you're so cute.

Don't make a frown. You are.

You're handsome and intelligent

and loving and resourceful

and cute.

Susan, what's going on?

That should be fairly obvious.

It's not. It's the middle of the
night. Where are you going?

I don't know.
Someplace exciting.

Are you saying
you're leaving us?

That's right.

Because of what
my wife threw at you?

Susan, you have to realize

she's been under
enormous stress.

As have we all.

Well, I would appreciate it

if you would change your mind.

I would, Mr. Colby,

but she wouldn't.

Your wife just dismissed me.

And not with two simple
words: "You're fired."

It was much longer and nastier.

I'm sorry.


Come here, Fallon.

If it's about that
nurse, yes, I fired her.

Unlike you, I was not moved

by her see-through innocence.

Come on. You resented
her because she had an affair

with Nick Toscanni.

That is a rotten thing to say.

The only feelings I have
left for that man are disgust.

I never even want
to see him again.

And I'm sick and
tired of you judging me,

telling me how I'm
supposed to be feeling

and what I'm
supposed to be doing.

Telling me who I
am and what I am.

Okay, let's have
it. What are you?

Who are you underneath, huh?

Wonderful. You woke him up.


Quiet. Go back to sleep.

Sleepy time.

Joseph, would you
please have a bed set up

in the nursery?

I'll be sleeping in my
son's room tonight.

Oh, that's great. Terrific.

Pleasant dreams.

Mrs. Colby, don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine

with me and the young master.

I'll call you later, Jeanette.

Just coffee, please.

Is that all you're going
to have this morning?

I have things to do.

I want to talk to
you about it first.

I've been up half
the night thinking...

If it's about security for
the baby, I've already...

No, I know you've handled
that, Daddy, and I appreciate it.

It's about me.

Oh. Something tells me

I'm in for it again.

What do you want?
New car? A new filly?

It's me and Jeff.

I know. That again.

But it's like Everest, Daddy.

It's there between us.

Bad vibes.

It's just never worked
out between us

and it's never
going to work out.

On your part.

Yes, on my part.

I'm just not Mrs. Jeffrey Colby.

I want to move out
and take the baby.

Move out? To do what?

To take a look at myself.

To see who I am and what I am.

To get a sense of purpose.

To get my sense of humor back.

Well, let's get back to purpose.

You're a mother,
you have a child.

Isn't that purpose enough?

Daddy, if you're asking me,

do I love my baby,

you know the answer to that.

I should have gotten
out a long time ago,

to prove myself.

To prove that I'm a
worthwhile human being.

You are worthwhile.

For a girl, in this house,

for how many years?

Steven was the boy
and Fallon was the toy.

A decoration.

Blake Carrington's
adored little doll.

Now, for Steven, it was always

an open door into business.

And for Fallon, it was just...

Well, you said it a minute ago.

A new car, a filly.

I want more.

And you can't buy
for me what I want.

You don't have to move out.

Daddy, let go of me, please.

Fallon, I admire you,

every bit as much as I love you.

I admire you because you never

hold back your feelings
or your thoughts,

what you don't want,
what you do want.

All right.

You want to do something
with your life, as you put it.

I agree. You should.

Now, if it's an outside
interest you need...

It's more than an
outside interest.

I need a whole new way of life.

New and different relationships.

I can't help you with that.

But I might be able
to find you something.

At Denver-Carrington?

Well, let's see.

You're not interested in oil.

Who says I'm not?

I say you're not.

Why, you'd... You'd try to claw
your way out of my boardroom

at the end of your first week.

But Denver-Carrington
does have other holdings.

You pick out something
that interests you

and we'll talk about it.

Fair enough?

Fair enough. I'll let you know.

Bye, Daddy. Wait a minute.

We're not finished yet,

about Jeff?

I know but I have
to go. So we'll...

We'll talk later, okay?

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Good morning, Joseph.

What is it? Is
something the matter?

"Is Adam
Carrington still alive?"

That reporter, Maynard.

It bothers me when
piranhas like her feed

on other people's troubles.

That's right, Frank Eastman.

I think Mr. Carrington
will remember him.

They worked together as
riggers a long time back.

Well, my uncle is back in
Oklahoma now, and, uh,

he knew I was coming to Denver,

and he suggested that I drop in

to say hello to Mr. Carrington,

if Mr. Carrington has the time.

Three o'clock? Well,
th-that's fine with me.

Yes, thank you very much.

Excuse me, what
time do you have?

Uh, ten after , Mr. Torrance.

Thank you.

This is something, huh?

The story about
the old kidnapping.

Well, the rich can always
buy another mansion, or yacht,

or a hotel like this,

but they sure can't buy
themselves a lost kid.

No, they sure can't.

You said, "A hotel like this."

Blake Carrington, he owns it.

I see.

No, you're right.

Money is not everything.

Definitely not.

The La Mirada?
That white elephant?

It was part of a deal I
made some years ago.

I've been trying to
dump it ever since.

Well, dump it with me.

You offered me a business.

That's the one I want.

Well, mind if I ask you

what you know about hotels?

Don't get personal.

Come on, now.
Don't be funny, Fallon.

And what could you do
with a white elephant?

Paint it a whole
different color.

Give it a whole different look.

Daddy, look, I've been
doing some investigating.

I went over their balance
sheets and income statements

for the past two years,

and their cash
situation is too fat.

They should be reinvesting
their money in the hotel

instead of putting
it all in the bank.

Give it to me and I'll
turn it around for you.

And if you give it to me,

I won't move out with the baby.

And I'll put off
filing for divorce

for a while, provided...

Provided what?

Provided I don't have
to live like a hypocrite.

I'll stay married
but in name only.

I want separate
bedrooms and all of that.

I'm going to start my own life.

And all of that, as
you put it, is, uh...

Is going to make you happy?

I hope so.

So, what do you say?
Do we have a deal?


You apparently like elevators.

Actually, I forgot
something upstairs.

La Mirada Hotel.

That's where I saw
you this morning.

It was you, right?

That's right.

Coincidence, coincidence.

We're both obviously
going up to the same floor,

staying at the same hotel.

La Mirada.

You know what that
means in Spanish?

As a matter of fact, no.

A glance. A look. A...

loving gaze.

How about that?

Yeah, I studied Spanish at Yale.

But it's not very in
there these days.

But then again, nor was I.

I mean, fresh from Montana.

Well, what's wrong with Montana?

Well, it's west of the Hudson.

Just a whole lot of cows.

Sounds like good
old Colorado to me.

Then we're both cut from
the same cloth, aren't we?

And in the same stuck elevator.

You know, you
look very familiar.

Well, maybe that's
because you saw me

at the hotel this morning.

I'm very unforgettable.


I'm also very claustrophobic.

Do you think you could
get this thing started?

Oh, I'll try, yeah.

Uh, let's try this.

Well, that did it.

Except we're going down.


They sure don't make
them like they used to.

Kindred spirits, we.


You're very attractive.

So are you.

Do you have an
answer for everything?


Okay, what's your name?

Oh. Not always, always.

Well, my name is
Michael. Michael Torrance.

And maybe I'll see
you again at the hotel.

Be sure that Joseph sees
this list as soon as possible.

We'll need fresh strawberries
and cream this evening.


He's not here.

Oh, I need him.

If I happen to see
him, I'll tell him.

Never mind, I'm in a hurry.

Just tell him to
lock up my studio

after the movers are finished

and then leave the
keys with Fallon.

And tell her that I am
deeding the studio to her son.

Are you moving?

Yes, I'm moving.

Oh, aren't you sad?

Today's my wedding day.

Cecil and I are going
to be married in an hour

and then I'm going to
be living in his palazzo.


That's Italian for mansion,
in case you didn't know.

I've heard the word used.

Yes, in an Italian
film, no doubt.

You know, it's too bad,
Krystle, that you never went there

because the social
scene in Milan and Rome

is quite brilliant.

Just as it's going to be
in Denver in the future

when the Colbys entertain.

As it used to be
when I entertained

in this very house.

Back in the old days.

Yes. The good old days.

You know, it's too bad, Krystle,

that despite your
obvious craving

for the Carrington money,

you never really developed
any... Any sense of style

about how to use it socially.

Well, you're going to
learn from an expert now.

I'm going to teach
this town how to party.

I'm going to lead the pack.

And who knows, I may
even invite you and Blake

if the whim strikes me.

Save your whims, Alexis.

We won't be coming.

Well, it's getting late.

My new limousine and
chauffeur are waiting for me.

It's off to my wedding.

And I just know, Krystle,

that despite our more
than occasional differences,

you wish me all the best.

Don't you, dear?

Come in, Mr. Torrance.

Sorry about the delay.
Won't you sit down?

I appreciate your
taking the time out

to see me, Mr. Carrington.

I know what a busy man you are.

Never too busy to
visit with a nephew

of an old friend.

How is Frank anyway?

Forgive me, may
I offer you a drink?

No, thank you.
It's a little early

in the day for me.

Well, now, I never
heard your uncle say that.

Old Frank used to
start belting them down

usually before noon.

And he'd stop sometime
considerably later.

I have no uncle Frank Eastman.

I know that.

If you had, he'd be dead.

Frank d*ed two years ago.

All right, now what the hell

is this all about?

I lied because I wanted

to get in here to see you.

About what? This?

Are you the anonymous
phone caller from Montana?

The one who spurred
on this piece of garbage?

That's not garbage.

Then you know where my son is.

Yes. Where?


With you.

I'm going to have you
thrown out of this office.

Please give me a minute.

Just a minute, for God's sake.

I've come a long way.

And this is as hard on me

as it is on you.

All right. Make it a minute.

An old woman who said
she was my grandmother

d*ed a few days ago.

Before she did, she told
me I wasn't her grandson.

That that baby d*ed
years ago in Denver

in a car accident
with his parents.

That she buried
all three of them

and then kidnapped
me from a carriage.

Which makes you Adam Carrington.

She said to me,

"Michael, you are
Adam Carrington."

And you believed her?

No. Not at first.

But I'm confused now.

And I was hoping
you'd be able to help me.

In what way?

First of all, to check
on the footprints

in the hospital where

Adam Carrington was born.

I'd like your permission.

The hospital where
my son was born b*rned

to the ground a few years later.

All the maternity records
were destroyed in that fire.

I don't suppose you knew
anything about that, did you?

No, I didn't.

All right, Mr. Torrance,

you've had more
than your minute.

Now get out of here.

I'd like to show
you something first.

It's a silver...

A silver what?

Never mind.

It doesn't matter.

You'd use that
dark mind of yours

to twist it into a lie.

Well, what you'd call a lie.

Okay, I'm going.

But after I go, don't
pick up the phone

and put a private
investigator onto me.

I'll save you the cost.

I'm Michael Torrance, a
lawyer from Billings, Montana,

and right now I think...


I know, right now,

I'm your son Adam.

But let's both just forget that.

Because now that I've met you,

I'm happy to remain just the guy

I was before I ever
heard your name:


What a rotten family it must be.

Get the hell out of here.

Who was that guy who zipped
out of here like a storm cloud?


Absolutely nobody.

Alexis, how beautiful you are.

Thank you, darling.

Oh, you brought
me a boutonniere.

Of course.

Cecil, I have to
tell you this again.

I'd prefer it if you didn't
go through with this.

Physician, heal thy tongue.

I'm a man who's always
controlled his own destiny

and I have no intention
of stopping now.

Can we get it over
with, Reverend?

I'm an anxious bridegroom,

so only the essentials.

Oh, darling,

they're so lovely.

And how lovely
you look, my dear.

Oh. And how happy you look.

And that makes me happy.

Let's get on with it.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here
together in the sight of God,

to join together this man

and this woman
in holy matrimony.

Do you, Alexis
Morrell Carrington,

take Cecil Baldwin Colby

to be your lawful
wedded husband?

I do.

And do you, Cecil Baldwin Colby,

take Alexis Morrell Carrington

to be your lawful wedded wife?


I do.

Exchange rings, please.

For in as much as you
have consented together

in holy wedlock,

I pronounce you
husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Will you all leave now, please?

Were you for a moment frightened

that I wasn't going
to answer, Alexis?

I was only frightened
for you, darling.

That I might have expired

before the grand
and holy moment?

How could I when my
wedding gift, a gift without peer,

is such that, when I do go,

I can leap into
my grave laughing,

knowing that I've left you

with power and money,

and with you and Blake

at each other's throats.

What's the matter,
sweetheart? Is this honeymoon

talk upsetting you?

You're upsetting
yourself, Cecil.

What did you and Blake talk
about the night of your wedding?

I don't remember.

Did he brag about how
mighty he'd become?

How he'd try... Try to rival me?

Tell me, were... Were his
nails clean that night, Alexis?

Or were they
stained with the oil

of his Carrington
Rig Number One?

Did he? What...?


Cecil, what's wrong? Ce...

Doctor? Doctor.

Darling, what's wrong? Cecil.

It's code blue. IV.

Would you please
get out of the way?

Adrenalin. Let's
defibrillate, quickly.

Stand back when he does this.
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