01x08 - Blythe's Crush

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x08 - Blythe's Crush

Post by bunniefuu »

( upbeat theme playing )

( birds chirp )

( dogs bark )

I can't believe I've never tried this before.

It's awesome!

You think roller blading with two feet is awesome?

Watch this.

Sue, that's amazing.

Is there any trick you can't do?

Aw, you can do it, too. Just lift your foot.

Uh, I don't think so. You're the jock,

I'm the designer, remember?

Foot, now.


Look, Sue! I'm doing it!

( both grunt )

Oh, my gosh, are you okay?

Yeah, I think so. Are you?


You are so okay.

Huh? Uh, I said, uh...

I'm so sorry for knocking you down.

Don't worry about it, but can I have my skateboard?

Hmm? Oh, here you go.

Thanks, um...

Blythe. Thanks, Blythe.

Well, see ya.

Wait! You dropped your...


♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me

SUNIL: Five. No.

Seven. Wrong.


Ugh. Not even close.

A hundred and three.

Oh, hey, a three! I'm getting better.

ZOE ( shrieks ): Oh, no!

This is terrible!

Sunil, I'm experiencing a wardrobe malfunction!

I don't know what you're talking about, Zoe.

My beret is missing.

That's what I'm talking about.

It has simply disappeared. Vanished.

It's gone, baby, gone!

Are you serious?

As a deer tick.


Look, Zoe, I'm really busy right now

practicing my psychic power...

That's it!

Sunil, you can use your psychic powers

to help me find my beret.

I am not being pinked or punked

or whatever it is, am I?

Now, I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, Zoe, your beret is--

Lost! But if we both close our eyes and concentrate,

maybe you'll get a vision of where it is.

All right, I'll play along.

( hums )

Zoe, you can open your eyes now.

( gasps ): My beret!

Sunil, you really do have psychic powers.

Well, actually, I could see it--

You could see it in your mind's eye.

You have an amazing gift.

Everyone, come here!

Sunil used his psychic ability to find my beret.

Isn't that fantastic?

Ooh! That's amazing!

( all exclaiming )

Zoe, the truth is--

The truth is, you have mad skills.

You're the real thing, Sunil.

( door opens ) BLYTHE: Hi, everyone.

Unh! What's wrong with you?


Whenever you say "nothing," it's always something.

Okay, it's something. I accidentally

bumped into a boy in the park,

and when he left I noticed his keys were cute.

I mean, I noticed he dropped his keys

but I cuten't find him. I mean, I couldn't find him.

So now I have his cutes. His keys.

Hey, why don't you get Sunil to help you?

He can find anything and probably anyone.

He's a psychic, you know.

You're psychic, Sunil? That's so cool.

Uh, Zoe is exaggerating my gift.

Don't be so humble.

He just found my beret in like, two seconds flat.

I'm sure he can easily find you your boyfriend.

He's not my boyfriend. I don't even know his name.

I just want to return his keys.

That's not enough to go on.

Oh, well. Wish I could've helped.

Who wants to raid the food dish with me, hmm?

Sunil, just try your swami thing.

It couldn't hurt. Do it for love.

I'm not in love! Um, well, I'll try,

but please don't expect too much.

It doesn't always work.

He's just being modest. Go on, Sunil.

( mysterious theme playing )

( hums )

( snores )

Sunil! Huh! Oh, uh... Ooh.

Oh, I see something. ZOE: What is it?

Uh, the corner of Maple and Main.

That's not too far from here.

Maybe I can still catch him.

Wait, Blythe, I'm not totally sure

that's where your boyfriend is.

First, he is not my boyfriend.

And second, I have complete faith in you, Sunil.

If you got a vision of Maple and Main,

then it's worth checking out.

I mean, I've just gotta get that poor boy his keys.

I hope you're not thinking of going without me.

I have to see how this turns out.

Well, come on, then.

My psychic abilities are telling me

that this might not turn out so well.

( upbeat theme playing )

Exciting news, my sweeties.

We've got someone new visiting with us today.

Caw! Hola, hola. Caw!

Oh, I have no idea what he just said.

Ha, ha, ha. No habla the espanol.

( laughs ): Oh, dear.

Hi, I'm Russell, and this is Penny Ling

and Pepper, and Minka, and...

I'm Vinnie.

( humming )

I'm a dancer.

Is that what you call that?

I thought you stubbed your toe.

Dancing must be different here than where I come from.

Where do you come from?

You don't know? That is strange.

I am recognized all over the world

for my bravery and good looks.

I am none other than Esteban Banderas,

the legendary Colombian parrot.

Um, should that ring a bell, 'cause it doesn't.

( sighs ): Unbelievable.

Maybe you are too busy watching dancing geckos

to know how I became a legend.

Well, then, maybe you should enlighten us, Stebbie.

It is not easy telling this story

over and over and over

and over and over and over and over and over...

( gasps )

...and over and over and over and over again,

but since you insist, here goes.

I was born in the lush Amazon rain forest

and lived on the outskirts of a happy village.

It was a good, quiet life.

I had no idea of the danger that was coming.

( villagers screaming )

A wild group of banditos invaded our village.

( screeches ) ( all screaming )

( muffled screaming )

( door opens )

( western theme playing )

( lively theme playing )

( groans )

ESTEBAN: Even our sheriff was helpless

against these crazy outlaws.

( screeching )

But there was a brave and handsome young parrot

who had the courage to stand up to them.

( all cheer )

Yo soy that parrot!

Ha! You can't catch me.

You are too slow and lazy,

and I am fast and beautiful!

You are nothing but a clumsy group of lazy locos!

( all screech )

( all scream, grunt )

( villagers cheer )

Hooray for Esteban!

Three cheers for Esteban!

Ooh! Let's dance in celebration.

ESTEBAN: If you do not mind, sheriff,

I think you should leave the dancing to me.

Everybody Zumba!

♪ Zumba, zumba Ya, ya, ya ♪

♪ Zumba, zumba Ya, ya, ya ♪

♪ Zumba, zumba Ya, ya, ya ♪

♪ Zumba, zumba Ya, ya, ya ♪

I am a hero. I cannot deny it.

After I saved the village, the story of my bravery

spread across all of Colombia.

And then, my legend went viral.

That is why I was so surprised

when you said you did not know me.

Well, we sure know you now.

Yeah. I won't be forgetting you anytime soon.

ESTEBAN: Of course you won't.

It is not every day that you meet a legend.

Legend, huh?

Pff. We'll just see about that.

( upbeat theme playing )

Zoe, look! I think that's him.

Uh, excuse me,

but I think I found your keys.

Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.

Huh, who? I don't know his name,

but he wears a jacket just like yours.

You gotta be a part of my skateboard crew,

"The Red Rippers," to have a jacket like this.

Well, I also noticed,

not that I was staring or anything,

because I definitely wasn't,

that he has a tiny scar on his...

Cheek. Yeah, that's Josh Sharp.

He got that scar doing one of his dumber stunts.

Wow. So do you know where scar-boy...

I mean, Josh, might be?

The kid only does two things.

If he's not skateboarding, he's probably reading.

Wow. Check out the library.

Thanks, boy who looks like Josh Sharp from the back.

Blythe, he loves to read, you love to read.

See where this is going?

If you mean to the library to return some keys,

you're right.

Okay, let's see what turns up

when I search for this legend, Esteban.

"No entry found."

Huh. Ah, just as I thought.

Who wants to hear about the time I wrestled a crocodile?

Ooh, it sounds dangerous.

Ha, ha! "Danger" is my middle nombre.

"Danger" is also my last name and my nickname.

So, your friends call you,

Esteban Danger "Danger" Danger?

Sí. Well...

Esteban Danger "Danger" Danger,

before you impale us with another adventure,

do you think I could have a word...alone?

What can I do for you, my clumsy little friend?

I looked you up on that electric box thingy,

and there isn't a single story about a parrot

saving any Colombian village.

You made the whole thing up.

Well, I may have exaggerated a little.

You know, for dramatic effect.

What's the harm?

The harm is that you've been lying to my friends.

But not anymore.

Hey, everyone, gather round.

I have something I need to tell you.

What is it, Vinnie? Everyone, Blythe is in trouble!

( all gasp )

What makes you think she's in trouble?

Sí, tell us everything, starting with,

who is this Blythe? SUNIL: Blythe is our friend.

She had to go return a lost item she found,

but I'm getting a very strong feeling

that I may have sent her to the wrong place

and that now she's horribly lost.

Lost? Oh, no! We have to go look for her.

But where should we look?

Sunil, use your powers to see where she is.

Yeah, do your swami thing.

RUSSELL: Well, what do you see?

SUNIL: I'm getting something a little fuzzy.

A big lion.

That's it! A big lion!

A lion? Oh, no. Blythe is in trouble!

Where in the city is there a lion?

The zoo. Quickly, we must save Blythe

from a dangerous zoo lion.

I'll deal with you later.

Look, Zoe. There he goes.

No animals allowed.

How insulting!

Zoe, duck down.

All right, I'm going, I'm going.

( barks ) ALL: Shh!

( coughs loudly )

Zoe, you need to be quiet.

I saw him. He's right over there.

( barks )

Shh! Huh?

( coughs )

There he goes.

Well, now all I have to do is wait for him to come out.

Do you think you could get me something to drink?

All that yelping's left me parched.

( sighs ): It can't wait?


My singing voice is at stake here.

Oh, no! There goes Josh!

Oh, gee! Stay in one place for more than a minute, will ya?

Wait, come back!

Well, here we are.

I shall go in first.

No animals allowed? How insulting!

And I suppose there are no fleas allowed at the flea market.

Come on! SUNIL: Wait!

I'm getting another vision.

I'm seeing...

A bowl?

A bowl? What kind of bowl?

A salad bowl? A cereal bowl?

An ice cream bowl? Ice cream bowl?

It must be ScoopTastic!

Of course, that's Blythe's favorite ice cream shop.

She must be there!

Well, I don't know. RUSSELL: Let's go!


( upbeat theme playing )

Josh! Uh...

What the what?

It looks like the fastest way

to get to Josh is to skateboard over.

It can't be that different from roller blading, can it?

It's just a different kind of crazy to me.

Uh, could I borrow your skateboard?

No problem.

( sighs ): Well, here goes.


( upbeat theme playing )

( screams )

Oh, there he...goes.

( screams )

Uh... Whoa!

Uh-oh! Oh! Sorry.


Blythe, stop this crazy thing!

Whoa! Ugh!

Sunil, Blythe isn't here.

And yet, there are bowls. Lots of bowls.

I'm so confused.

( all muttering )

Pass the sprinkles.

Not only did I send Blythe on a wild goose chase,

we're on one, too.

We're not gooses.

Come on, Sunil, don't be so hard on yourself.

No psychic is right all of the time.

You must try again, mi amigo.

What if I had given up on those Colombian villagers?

Oh, brother.

Hey, no animals allowed!

( all screaming )

How insulting!

Oh, no, not again!

Doesn't he ever stay put?

( upbeat theme playing )

Blythe, how about we call it a day?

I haven't come all this way just to give up now.

Love makes people do strange things.

I'm not in love. I'm just a key-returner.

( gasps ): I know where we need to go!

Turn around!

( crowd cheers )

Josh, finally!

( playing rock music )

This band is amazing!

I got the music in me.

Zoe, come back!

♪ The music's playing It's pumping up the crowd ♪

♪ The beat is in the air The party's getting loud ♪

♪ And I am Zoe And I'm gonna sing it ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got something to say ♪

( howls )

( barks )

Excuse me, Josh?

Hey, you're the girl from this morning.

That's me.

You dropped your keys and I wanted to return them.

Wow! How did you find me?

Uh, I'm psychic?

Unbelievable! Wow, thanks.

♪ I've got a new crush I've got a new crush ♪


♪ And the sound of it Is giving me a head rush ♪

♪ Crush I've got a new crush ♪

♪ Singing it out Pump it up ♪

♪ 'Cause its giving me A head rush ♪

( both laughing )

( Zoe barking )

( cheering )

I love you, Downtown City!

Thank you! Thank you!

( barks )

Are you sure this is where Blythe is, Sunil?

I'm absolutely sure.

But then again, I've been wrong so many times.

The people.

The people!

( animals scream )

You told Sunil to try,

and now we're about to be trampled!

What are you gonna do now, Danger "Danger" Danger?

Quick, everyone. Grab onto Vinnie.

Did you see me, Blythe? Wasn't I great?

You were fantastic, Zoe.

Mm-hmm. Oh, did you find Josh?

Yes, I gave him his keys and he...

gave me a hug.

Just like in the movies.

So, where is he now? I don't know.

It looks like we lost him for good this time.

Somehow I have a feeling you'll be seeing him again.

I can't believe I put everyone is such danger.

A real psychic would never have done that.

Sunil, my friend, you can be a real psychic

if you just believe in yourself.

Now, concentrate on trying to find where Blythe is.

Maybe if you all closed your eyes

and concentrated, it would help.

Sí. Everybody,

close your eyes and concentrate.

( mysterious theme playing )

( gasps ): I know where Blythe is!

ALL: Blythe!

What are you guys doing up in that tree?

RUSSELL: Looking for you.

In a tree? It's a long story,

but Sunil used his psychic abilities to help us find you.

Is that true, Sunil? It was nothing. Really.

Esteban, I have something to say.

Yes, okay, I never saved any village

and I am not a legend. Not only that,

but my middle name isn't "Danger",

it's actually Marion. I am a good storyteller.

It's all I have! I beg you not to expose me

to the other pets.

Oh, hey, I was just about to tell you

that I admire what you did.

Saving us from being trampled and all.

You really are a brave parrot.

Muchas gracias, mi amigo.

Forget about it. Amigo.

Did I ever tell you about the time

I saved an entire city from a roving band

of hungry badgers?

Don't push your luck there, Marion.

Blythe, I have a confession to make.

I really didn't find you using any psychic skills.

I just opened my eyes, and there you were.

I don't think that I have any psychic ability.

Oh, I don't know about that, Sunil.

You guided everyone here to the park, where I was.

That took some mad psychic skill.

Yes. I suppose you are right.

But, still...

What is it? I did start you

on this whole wild goose chase

by sending you to Maple and Main

to find that boy who wasn't there.

What kind of psychic would do that?

An amazing one. Look.

You had the right boy, and the right street corner.

You were just a little off on the time.

Eh, numbers aren't really my thing.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me
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