01x06 - Mean Isn't Your Color

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x06 - Mean Isn't Your Color

Post by bunniefuu »

( upbeat theme playing )

Guess what I have?

Um...a bag full of doorknobs?

As a matter of fact, yes! How did you know?

Heh. Lucky guess?

Guess what else I have?

I'm gonna say, more doorknobs.

A fancy dress!

Oh, my eyes!

A boffo hat!

Oh, my eyes.

And... Oh no, there's more?

Tickets for the Annual People Pampering Pets Charity Ball

for me and all my friends, four-legged and otherwise.

How cool!

The pets will be psyched when I tell them about the ball.

They'll be excited if you give them a ball.

( giggles )

Well, time for my power nap. Back in .

Did you guys hear that?

PETS: We're going to the ball! Whoo! We're going to the ball!

Guess you did.

PETS: We're going to the ball! Whoo!

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me

PETS: We're going to the ball! Whoo!

Whoo-hoo! We're all going to the Pet Charity Ball.

Blythe, tell me there's going to be a red carpet.

MINKA: Stain resistant!

Oh, tell me we're going to walk it.

You're going to walk it, I'll swing above it.

And you'll all be wearing some amazing new outfits

designed by yours truly.

( all pets cheering )

( upbeat theme playing )

Penny Ling look this way! Over here Penny Ling!

Really? You want to take pictures of me?



You know what they say, "The dress makes the panda."

And tonight I am the panda!

WOMAN: Penny Ling, who are you wearing? Oh, you look fabulous!

( crowd shouting indistinctly )

CROWD ( chanting ): Penny Ling! Penny Ling!

Penny Ling! Penny Ling!

( giggles )

I could get used to this.

If you need me, I'll be in my bedroom

designing spectacular outfits

for you guys to wear to the ball.

Oh. Wait 'til they see the panda.

And when they stop staring at Mrs. Twombly,

they're going to go ga-ga over Zoe's little platforms.

Now, Penny Ling. Hmm. She is so sweet.

I'm going to design something extra special for her.

The cutest little outfit a panda has ever worn.

( knock on door ) Come in.

Hi, Youngmee. Hello, Mr. Baxter.

Uh, Roger. Not my style, Mr. Baxter.

All righty then, Ms. Song.

Give it up, Dad.

Reverse psychology doesn't work on her.

Actually, neither does regular psychology.

She's different.

I prefer special.

I wanted to show you what I just got.

Mrs. Twombly invited me, and I just wanted to find out

if you could help me update my not-so-up-to-date good suit?

Of course I can, Dad. You da best.

I'll just go and fish it out of the closet.

Back in a jif.

Here's the old relic. Yee!

Yikes! That's your good suit?

Are you sure that's not

Great-Great Grandpa's good suit?

I think you might want to add a couple more greats.

That thing is ancient.

Just try to work your magic, honey.

I wanna look extra good since I'm taking a special date.

Did he just say what I think he said?

He said he wants to look extra good for his special date.

He has a date for the Charity Ball

with a female person, a woman, a lady I've never met

or heard anything about?

He wants me to update his suit so he'll look extra good?

"So your dad's going out on a date.

"Knowing the seven stages of coping with parental dating

"can aid you with dealing with feelings

during this difficult time."

I went through this exact same thing

with my cousin's neighbor's dog walker, twice removed,

just last year,

and this list really helped her get through it.


"Stage , distress and denial.

"Stage , I didn't mean to.

"Stage , fury and promises.

"Stage , so lonely I could cry.

"Stage , making adjustments. Stage , coming to grips.

And finally, stage , totally okay with it."

That sounds like a lot of stages

that I don't have to get through,

because I'm not having a problem with this.

Obviously. Stage is distress, right?

Distress? Why would I be distressed?

I mean, Dad probably didn't even mean he had a date.

He probably just said something way different

like he doesn't want to be late.

I'm so sure I misheard him.

Huh. Sounds like distress and denial.

No, it doesn't!

( sighs )

♪ Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta La, la, la, la ♪

Am I pink?

Or am I rose?

Oh, I am so fuchsia. What do you think?

Ooh, the litter box, definitely the litter box.

Are you sure? The dog bed really speaks to me.

Litter box. Dog bed.

Litter box! Litter box! Littler box! Dog bed! Dog bed!

You do realize, don't you,

you're arguing about whether a panda is going to look better

in a dog bed or a litter box?

Of course, we know that. It's the litter box.

Let someone with a fabulous sense of style

make the decision. You mean Blythe?

I meant me, but Blythe works too.

YOUNGMEE ( on phone ): Hate your hair much?

Hate my bed much.

'Cause I was awake in it all night.

I couldn't sleep thinking about Dad.

You know, he wouldn't even need to go on a date

if I'd shown even a little bit of interest

in the stuff he likes.

I mean, would it have k*lled me to watch Lawnmower Wars

once in awhile?

It might've. I didn't mean to ignore him.


What do mean, uh-oh?

Well, I'm pretty sure you've entered Stage .

"I didn't mean to."

But, I didn't mean to!

Baby steps, Blythe. Baby steps.

We were just wondering

if we could see your designs for our outfits.

Sure. But really fast,

'cause I have to leave for school.

I'm all dog and then some. Love it.

Oh my gosh! Do I get to wear that fruit or eat it,

'cause I might eat it if I'm hungry.

Oh, I better have a snack before we go.

Love, love, love it!

( Penny Ling gasps )

Oh, fantastic. Now I'm late.

Let yourselves back down in the dumbwaiter.

Well, I am just over-the-moon about my outfit.

Our Blythe has done it again, right, Minka?

Whoo! I can't wait to eat-- I mean, wear my outfit.

What about you, Penny Ling?

Oh, I can wait.

Those designs are simply fabulous.

For some of you.

And they say, I'm the diva.

A date! Can you believe my Dad has a date?

Uh, yeah.

Okay, fine. I get it. My dad has a date. But why?

He's...a single adult?

And who is it? And why wouldn't he tell me?

Maybe he... thought you couldn't handle it?

If only I were a better daughter,

he wouldn't need to go on a date.

So that's what I'll do. I'll be a better daughter.

From this day forward, I, Blythe Baxter,

promise to be the best daughter anyone has ever had.

( phone ringing )

"Welcome to stage , fury and promises."

( phone rings )

"In case you were wondering."

( grunts )

I just remembered that I have to clean my locker.

And I promised to help.

And I agreed to supervise. So, bye!

By the way, this is stage , so lonely I could cry.

( cries )

( indistinct chatter )

Ah. And the mirror ball trophy will be mine.

We're all going to look divine.

Yeah, divine.

Is it bad to look too good?

Why are you asking me?

It's not like I have to worry about looking too good,

or kind of good-- or even okay!

( roars )

Ah! Try not to damage the lizard.

And "I'm sorry," might be nice.

She always says sorry. Wha--

( roars )

It's okay, Penny, it happens.

Just the other day I swung right into jars of baby bunny food,

and they went everywhere.

And when I saw what I did, I cleaned up the mashed peas

and pureed carrots and, well, actually,

I smushed it into a gooey little sculpture first.

But the point is, I did eventually clean it up.

Because it's the polite thing to do!

( roars )

Something is seriously wrong with that panda.

Yeah, we should find out what it is.

Except maybe not right now.

( roars )

( grunts )

( knock on door )

Hey, hon, I've heard you're not supposed to approach

a hard-working daughter without a treat.

Milk and cookie?

Sure, dad. Why don't you come in.

And tell me about your upcoming date.

Oh, my big date?

I'm really looking forward to hitting the town

with my favorite girl.

She's your favorite girl?

I just know the two of us are going to have a great time.

Yeah...a great time.

( Roger humming )


I have a dad who says toodles!

( computer beeps )

Hi, Youngmee. Do you know what's missing from my Dad's suit?

Your dad...I hope?

A boutonniere!

The kind that squirts water into your date's face.

Let's see how beautiful she looks soaking wet.

( chuckles ): I'm not laughing. I'm not--

( laughing )

( laughing )

What am I doing? So, dad has a date.

He totally deserves to find someone.

Blythe, welcome to stage , adjusting to the situation.

Okay, Penny Ling.

It's going to be different this time.

Not like in the past.

So a duck walks into a store and she goes,

"I'd like to buy this lipstick." And the clerk asks,

"How do you want to pay for that?"

And the duck says, "Oh, just put it on my bill."

( laughs )

Get it? Just put it on my bill.

Because it's a duck and they have, uh, bills.

Lipstick? ( rubber duck squeaks )

( laughing )

That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

( laughing )

( sighs )

( lively theme playing )

Uh, is there something wrong, Penny?

Uh...yes. You stopped. Keep going, dance machine.

♪ When I sing Yeah, I know it's amazing ♪

♪ Don't you just wanna sing Just like me? ♪

♪ And my clothes Yeah, I know they're amazing ♪

♪ My scarf Is a velveteen paisley ♪

Bravo! Bravo!

I can say what I'm thinking, I really can.

Um, Blythe, you know you're the best ever.

And I love you and all. But it's just that, well...

I hate the outfit you designed for me. Oh!

Hey, I'm still alive.

I told you, you could do this.

( humming )

This looks amazing, if I do say so myself.

( phone ringing )

Talk to me.

YOUNGMEE ( on phone ): Is it time to usher in Stage , Blythe?

( chuckles ): No.

I'm just imagining what it'll be like

when my Dad's out dating all the time.

Sounds like stage , for sure. You're "coming to grips."

Let's celebrate. Over the phone?

Over ice cream would be better. Do you have any?

I'm at your front door. ( doorbell rings )

I'll get it!


Are you here?


Wow, Blythe's measurements were way off.

"Measure twice, cut once." That's what I always say.

Well, maybe it will look better on.

On a grizzly bear!

This is so not me.

But maybe I just need to break it in a little.

I hope this thing isn't pre-shrunk.

Oops. I broke it.

Great, everyone's going to think I did this on purpose.

( gasps ): What the huh?

I'm thinking a bit of a back slide to stage .

Remember that whole fury thing?

Honest, I didn't do this.

What's going on here?

We need to talk to you.

Well, I'm not in the mood.

And that is exactly what we wanted to talk about.

Your mood.

As in, why is it so bad?

I've made a list of things that might be bothering you.

Do you have fleas?

Ooh, let me look, let me look!

Stop that! Get off of me!

No fleas.

Do the pillows in your bed need to be fluffed?

Believe me, darling, we've all been there.

That's not my problem.

Was it something we said?

Or more specifically, something she said?

Leave me alone!

( crying )

Yeah, I may be a little light in the smarts department,

but I don't think she wants us to leave her alone.

Of course I don't want you to leave me alone.

I want you to help me tell Blythe

that I don't like the outfit she's designed for me.


Is that all?

I tell people all the time that I don't like things.

But I'm not you.

I can't say things that aren't nice.

Oh, no, I guess I just did.

And it feels horrible.

If I told Blythe that I didn't like my outfit,

we would both feel horrible.

Don't worry, Penny Ling, we'll talk to her for you.

You will?

Oh, thank you, Russell. And ow.

( knock on door )

Hey, Blythe, need anything?

I'm good, Dad.

Okey dokey. I'll leave you to it then.


I hope his date is a really sweet person who loves kids,

has a good sense of style and says things like toodles.

( computer beep )

"Stage . Totally okay with it."

Yeah. I guess I am.

Ugh. Sometimes that girl just gives me the willies.

( computer beep )

"I so do not give you the willies."


Hi, guys. I hope you didn't think I wouldn't be ready,

because I am.

The question is, are you ready to strut your stuff?

PETS: Oh! Yeah!

No need to ask me twice. I was born to strut.

( upbeat theme playing )

ZOE: Hard to believe this outfit will actually get better looking

once I put it on.

PEPPER: Mine makes me so happy I could cry.

SUNIL: Ooh, I am overcome with the scent of roses.

PEPPER: I told you I was happy.

It's only a fitting guys, not a fashion show.

Come out and let me see you.

My outfit looks so delicious, I could just eat it up.


I guess this is an appropriate outfit for a ball.

This outfit says, "Yes, I'm a dog."

Is this a polyester blend? 'Cause it feels a little itchy.

And the audience goes wild!

And the audience goes wild?


Ooh...I'm feeling a bit peckish.

( chuckles )

( laughs ): Very funny, Pepper.

Hey, where's Penny Ling?

Um, about that...

She's kind of... Not coming.

She didn't like the outfit you made her and would rather

hide than tell you. There I said it.

Someone had to and I just did.

Really? But, I thought she'd love this.

( all praising )

Pretty, pretty Penny Ling!

I'd totally wear that.

Do you mean that you didn't want her

to wear an over-sized man's suit?

Why would I want Penny Ling to wear an oversized man's suit?

Oh, no. I better go find Penny Ling.

Penny Ling?

Penny-- Blythe, before you say anything,

I have something I need to get off my little panda chest.

I don't like the outfit you designed for me.

I can't wear a man's suit. I'm a pretty panda,

and I want to wear something pretty!

Do you mean pretty like this?

( gasps )

This is the outfit I made for you to wear.

It's beautiful.

Penny, I'm sorry

I was so wrapped up in my own problems

that I never even noticed my mistake.

But if you had told me how you felt in the first place

then these past few days could have been a whole lot easier.

Blythe, here you are.

You're a designer extraordinaire.

It may have been old, it may been out of style,

and it just may had a moth hole or two in it,

but when Blythe was done with it

it was nothing short of terrific.

For my beautiful date.

I'm your date? But I thought--

that if I had told you how I felt in the first place,

then these past few days could have been a lot easier.

I just assumed you'd want to go with me.

Dad, one thing I've learned

is that you should never make assumptions.

But I'm so glad you did.

I knew you'd be so busy making outfits for everyone else

that you'd probably forget about one for yourself, so...

I asked Mrs. Twombly to pick one out for you.

I haven't seen it yet, but she tells me it's boffo.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah

♪ At Littlest Pet Shop

♪ You and me
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